MBA 2021-0009 to SDP 2017-0012 The Centre at La Quinta Architectural Revisions, Plan 1X (07.27.21) July 27, 2021 Mr. Torry Lozano SLF Adams Street, La Quinta LLC 2 Park Plaza, Suite 700 Irvine, CA 92614 SUBJECT: MODIFICATION BY APPLICANT 2021-0009 THE CENTRE AT LA QUINTA ARCHITECTURAL REVISIONS PLAN 1X Dear Mr. Lozano, The Design and Development Department has reviewed your request to revise architectural Plan 1 elevations and replace with alternative Plan 1X elevations within the Centre residential development. It has been determined that said plan modifications meet the qualifications of a Modification by Applicant, as the exterior changes shall not result in a significant change in the original project as approved by the decision-making authority as approved under Site Development Permit 2017-0012. The proposal includes adjustments, substitutions, and additions to architectural features that do not result in a significant effect on the overall aesthetic or architectural style of the buildings. Therefore, the modification is approved as shown on the attached exhibits, subject to the following conditions of approval: 1. The applicant shall conform to all other corresponding Conditions of Approval for Site Development Permit 2017-0012, Tentative Tract Map 37359, Modification By Applicant 2020-0011 and Environmental Assessment 2017-0009 and Specific Plan 2017-0003. 2. The applicant shall submit grading and construction plans as may be required to the City’s Design and Development Department. Thank you for your attention to these items, and if you have any questions, please contact me directly at (760) 777-7086 and/or at sfernandez@laquintaca.gov . Sincerely, Sijifredo Fernandez Associate Planner Attachments: 1) Revised Architectural Plan1X Set 1 3/B 3 2 4/C 5 3 1X/A 1 4 2/C 6 8 3/C 6 7 4/B 4 6 1X/C 5 5 2/A 2 9 4/C 5 10 3/A 1 11 1X/B 3 12 2/A 2 16 3/C 5 15 4/A 1 14 1X/C 6 13 2/B 4 18 3/B 3 17 2/A 2 19 4/A 1 20 1/C 6 23 4/A 1 24 1X/C 5 22 3/B 4 21 2/A 2 26 4/C 6 33 1X/C 6 34 3/B 4 31 3/A 2 32 1X/B 3 25 1X/A 2 28 2/B 3 27 3/A 1 30 4/B 4 29 2/C 5 36 2/A 1 35 4/C 5 37 1/A 2 38 4/C 6 51 3/B 3 52 2/C 5 53 1/A 1 54 4/B 4 67 3/A 2 68 2/C 6 40 2/B 3 39 3/A 1 50 4/A 2 49 1/B 4 56 2/C 6 55 3/A 2 66 4/B 4 65 1/A 1 41 1/C 5 42 4/B 4 44 2/A 2 43 3/C 6 47 3/B 3 48 2/C 6 46 4/C 5 45 1X/A 1 57 2/B 3 58 4/C 5 60 1X/A 1 59 3/B 4 63 3/C 5 64 2/B 3 62 4/A 2 61 1/C 6 69 1/C 6 70 1/B 3 71 2/A 2 72 4/B 4 73 3/C 5 74 3/A 1 75 1/A 2 76 1/C 6 77 2/B 3 78 4/C 5 79 3/A 1 80 3/B 4 81 1/C 6 82 1/B 3 83 2/A 2 84 4/B 4 85 3/C 5 86 3/A 1 87 3/B 3 88 3/C 6 108 2/B 4 89 4/A 2 90 2/C 5 95 4/B 3 92 1/A 1 91 1/B 4 98 1/C 5 97 1/B 4 93 3/A 2 94 3/C 6 96 2/A 1 101 4/B 3 107 4/C 6 109 1/C 5 110 1/A 1 105 3/B 3 106 3/A 2 99 3/A 2 100 3/C 6 103 1/A 1 104 1/B 4 102 2/C 5 111 4/B 3 113 3/C 6 112 3/A 2 117 4/B 3 119 3/A 2 118 3/C 6 123 4/C 6 125 3/B 3 124 3/A 2 129 4/A 2 131 3/C 6 130 3/B 3 114 1/C 5 115 1/B 4 116 2/A 1 120 1/C 5 121 1/B 4 122 2/A 1 126 1/A 1 127 1/C 5 128 2/B 4 ACACIA WAY STREET A IRIS WAYIRIS WAYIRIS WAYSTREET BCARNATION WAYSTREET CPOPPY LANESTREET DACACIA WAY STREET A ADAMS STREETLA QUINTA DRIVEPOPPY LANE(VACANT) NOT A PART WAY SOUTHAUTO CENTRE(CVWD WELL SITE) NOT A PART AVENTINE APARTMENTS WALMART PARKING LOTCR (REGIONAL COMMERCIAL)REC. BUILDING POOL BLDG. NOT A PART OF THIS SUBMITTAL SITE LEGEND Scale: 1" = 50'-0" 0-50'100'50'150' ALLEY C IRIS WAY ALLEY A ALLEY O ALLEY P ALLEY Q ALLEY P ALLEY Q ALLEY S ALLEY R POPPY LANE ALLEY H ALLEY G ALLEY A ALLEY B ALLEY G ALLEY H ALLEY J ALLEY L ALLEY N ALLEY M ALLEY K ALLEY FALLEY EALLEY DALLEY I PLAN WALL LOT LEGEND 60 4/A 1 LOT NUMBER ELEVATION COLOR SCHEME 1" = 50'-0" Project Number Conceptual Site Plan Product 1 August 11, 2020 A1-S.1 The Centre At La QuintaThe Shopoff Group A1-1X.1 Date Sheet No. Scale Revision Title Project Number The Centre at La Quinta, City of La Quinta, CaProduct 1 - Plan 1X 4446-1 1/4" = 1'-0" Sept. 15, 2020 Conceptual Floor Plan Product 1 Plan 1XFloor Plan Floor Plan 2-Car Garage 1,915 s.f. 426 s.f. LIVING AREA Covered Porch 35 s.f. Covered Patio 221 s.f. 66'-4"45'-9"Lndry. W D 2-Car Garage 20' x 20'-3" Bedroom 2 10'-0" Ceiling 12'-7" x 14'-0" R T Tankless W.H. Electric Meter A.C.Fence Bath 3 Bath 2 Fence Covered Patio 15'-0" x 13'-0" DW Linen With Micro 30" Range Hood Island 4' x 7' Space Bedroom 10'-0" Ceiling 14' x 14'-8" Master Bath Master Desk 39" Refrig. Pantry Window High Window High Window High Window High Window High Fence Bedroom 3 10'-0" Ceiling 12'-0" x 14'-4" Window High Kitchen Entry Great Room 10'-0" Ceiling 24'-8" x 17'-1" Gate 45'-9"Linen Porch Step The Centre on Adams, LLC - Date Sheet No. Scale Revision Title Project Number The Centre at La Quinta, City of La Quinta, CaSLF-Adams Street La Quinta, LLCThe Shopoff GroupProduct 1 - Plan 1X 4446 1/8" = 1'-0" June 25, 2021 Roof Plan Product 1 Plan 1X CONCRETE 'FLAT' TILE 3:12 Slope CONCRETE 'S' TILE 3:12 Slope CONCRETE 'S' TILE 3:12 Slope Roof Plan XA Roof Plan XB Roof Plan XC Parapet Wall Parapet Wall Parapet Wall Parapet Wall Flat Roof .25:12 Slope S-Tile Roof 8:12 Slope Flat Roof .25:12 Slope