0005-237 (SFD) Title 24FROM.: Christen3en/T-24/CABEC Carole Christensen, Certified Energy Analyst Title-24 Energy Calculations February 9, 2000- ENERGY CALCULATIONS FOR:. Lendel Ventures, Inc. P.O. Box 450 La Qtunta, CA 92253-0450 PROJECT: Mesquite Adobe - 1409sq.ft- 'Nest 53.49n gll ,010A QRRANZA La Quinta, CA 92253 Standard Proposed Comuliance. 66.32 64.18 + 2.14 . C'TZ 15 -:13.8% fenestration Twat Aluminum fenestration, Std.. Drape Walls R-13+l' Falcon; Roof R-38; Duct.R-4:2 AFUE-80%, SUR 10.0 Water Heater to meet niiiihnum CEC Standards FAX -NO. : 909 763 0522 Feb. 09 2000 02:14PM P1 Table of Contents CF -IR MF -IR C -2R 3-R HVAC Fenestration Specifications )French Doors '= .6 x'6.8 40 sq.ft. /7.506 Like (snynn Drive, Aguangy. CA 0?536 1-800-735-8152 Member CA8HC - C21MMIs Awir-i8dun ufBuddaW Encrgr Cwn ul4uici FROM : Christensen/T-24/CABEC FAX NO. : 909 763 0522 Feb. 09 2000 03:42PM P1 CERTIFICATE. OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 1 CF -1R Project.Title:...:........ Mesquite Adobe West Date..02/09/00 09:46:06 Project. Address........ $t/.? AU��IIQA r•1K"tjZEj La Quinta,.CA *v5.00*, Documentation Author... Carole Christensen ****-*** Building Permit Carole Christensen 47-596 Lake Canyon Drive -Pian Check / Date Aguanga, CA _92536. 800-735-8152 Fie Check/ Date Climate Zone. 15 Compliance Method...... MICROPAS5 v5.00 for 1999 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS5 v5.00 File-MESQ2 9W Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP1017 User -Carole CEristensen Run-drp80.10R13Fal.38.4 40/60 GENERAL INFORMATION -Conditioned Floor Area..... 1409 sf .. Suilding Type........... Single Family Detached Construction Type ......... New Building Front =Orientatioci... Front Facing 270 deg (W) `Number of Dwelling Units.... 1' Number of Stories............ 1 Floor Construction Type...; Slab On Grade' Glazing Percentage.......... 13..8 % of °floor area Average Glazing U -value.... 0..65 Btu/hr-af-F Average Glazing SHGC....... BUILDING SHELL'INSULATION Component Frame Cavity Sheathing Total Assembly Type Type R -value R -value R -value U -value Location/Comments Wall Wood R-13 R-4.61 R-17.61 0.060 ; Wall Wood R-13 R-0 R-13 0.086 to :garage Roof Wood R-11 R-27 R-38 0.025 Attic Door nj a R-0 R-n/a R-0 0.330 solid wood SlabEdge n/a R-0 R-n/a F2=0.9.00 to outside SlabEdge n/a R-0 R-n/a F2-0.720 to,outside SlabEdge n/a R-0 R-n/a: F2=0.550 to garage SlabEdge n/a R-0 R-ri/a F2=0.500 to garage FENESTRATION Over - Area U- InteriorExterior hang/ .Orientation (sf) :Value SHGC Shading Shading Fins' Window Left (N) 16.0. 0.720 0.670 Standard Standard None Door Front (W) 40.0:0.550 0.650 Standard Standard None Window Left (N) 9.0t 0.720 0.670 Standard Standard None 'Window Left ,(N) 30.0. 0.720 0.670,Standard Standard None Door. Left (N) 40..0•;0.550 0.650 Standard Standard None Window Back (E) 12.0•:0.720 .0.670 Standard Standard None Window Right (S) 12.0. 0.720 .0.6'7O Standard Standard None Window Right (S) 16.0. 0.720 0.670 -Standard Standard None Window Right (S) 20.0 • 0.720 0.670 Standard Standard None FROM Christensen/T-24/CABEC FAX N0. 909 763 0522 Feb. 09 2000 03:43PM P2 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 ..CF -1P Project Title........... Mesquite -Adobe West Date. -02/09/00 09:46:06 MICROPAS.5 v5.00 File-MESQ2 9W Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R User#-MP1.017 User -Carole CEris.tensen .Run-drp80.10R13Fal.38.4 40/60 SLAB SURFACES Area Slab Type (sf) Standard Slab 1409 HVAC SYSTEMS Minimum. Duct Duct Tested Duct ACCA Thermostat Equipment Type Efficiency.. Location. R -value Leakage Manual D.. Type Furnace 0. 800.• AFUE Attic R-4;..2 No .-No :. Setback. ACSp.lit 10.,00-SEER;':Attic R74.2 No -No Setback WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Number Tank External in Energy Size Insulation Tank Type Heater Type Distribution Type System Factor (gal) R=value Water Heater to meet.mi.nimum CEC Standards REMARKS FROM Christensen/T-24/CABEC FAX NO. 909 763 0522 Feb. 09 2000 03:44PM P3 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: .RESIDENTIAL Page 3 CF -1R Project: Title........... Mesquite Adobe West Date. .02/09/00 09:46:_06 MICROPAS5 v5.00 File-MESQ2 9W Wth-CTZ1SS92 Program-FORM.CF-1R User#-MP1017 User. -Carole CHristensen Run-drp80.10R13Fa1.38.4 40/60 COMPLIANCE STATEMENT:. This_ certificate of compliance lists the building features .and performance specifications needed to comply with Title -24, Parts 1 and 6; of the California Code of Regulations, and the administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by the individual with overall design responsibility. when this certificate of compliance is submitted for a single.building plan to be built in multiple orientations,. any shading feature that is varied is indicated in.the Special Features Modeling. Assumptions section. DESIGNER or OWNER DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR Name..:::: A'.P.Lench, II;. President Name.:. Carole Christensen_ Company.. Lendel Ventures, Inc Company. Carole Christerisen: Address.: P.O. Box 450 Address. 41:'596 Lake Canyon Drive La Quinta,:CA 253 Aguanga, CA 92536 Phone.'.. -(760) 64-1 6 Phone... 8.00 7.35-8152 License. #6385 S signed:: signed... . TcT zrvate ate Name..//. 'title... Agency.. Phone.. Signed._ ate , Certified Energy Analyst Carole Christengarn CEPE r r R 98.99-259 rr CADEC caMomft Aisoan for; of t Enetgy Como wo FROM : Christensen/T-24/CABEC FAX NO. : 909 763 0522 Feb. 09 2000 02:15PM P2 'MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST: RESIDENTIAL (pace l om MF -1R - Note: Lott rise residential buildings subject to the Stundarth must contain these measures regardless of the compliance approach used. Items marked with an asterisk (') may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on Lite Certiftvate of Compliance: When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the featuics holed shall be considered by.all parties as minimum -component performance specifications for the mandatory meastues %vhethcr They arc shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. Instructions: Cheek or initial applicable boxes when completed onenter N/A if not applicable. DESCRIPTION - DESIGNER ENFORCEMENT - Building Envelope Measures: • §150(a): Minimum R-19 ceiling insulation. t §150(b). Loose ftll'insulation manufacturer's labeled R-Valuc. ,V a §150(c): Minimum R:13 will insulation in wood framed walls or equivalent U -value in metal trams walls does not apply to 0.*ior mass walls). • §I50(d): Minimum R-13 raised floor insulation io framed floors. C� § 150(l) : Slab edge insulation - water absorption rate no greater than 0.3%, water vapor transmission rate no.. / greaser than 2:0 rmlinch: V §119: Insulstion.specified or installed meets insulation quality.standards. Indicate type and form. § 116.13: Fenestration Products, Exterior Doors, Arid lnfiltatioo2•xfilttation Controls I Doors and windows between conditioned and unconditioned spaces designed to limit air leakage. 2. Fenestration phoducu (except field-fabricated)have label with certified t)•valuc, certified Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SI -ICC). and infiltration certification. 3: Exterior doors and windows weathersuipped: all joints and pcnctratiuus caulked ora sealbd. , § 150(g): vapor barriers mandatory in Climate 2:ones'14 and 16 only. t2-/ 150(t): Special infiltration barrier installed to comply with § 151 meets Commission quality standards. §130(c). Installation of Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances and Gaa Logs. 1. Masonry and facwry-built fireplaces have: 1 a. Closeable mc(3l Of.glasi door b. Outside air intake with damper and control c. Ftuc damper and control 4 N'0 continuous burning gas pilot lights allowed. Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures: §110-§113: HVAC equipment, water heaters, showerheads and faucets certified by the Commission. § l 50(11): Heating andlor cooling loads calculated in accordance with ASHRAE, SMACNA ur ACCA. §150(i): Setback thcrmosmt on all applicable beating andkir cooling systems. § 1300)! Pipe and tank insulation 1. Storage gas wttwr hcaWn; rated with an 6uergy Factor less than 0.58 must be externally w,i pped with insulation having an installed thermal resistonee of R. 12 nr greeter. 2. First S feet of pipes closest to water heater tank, non -recirculating systems, insulated (R-4 of greater) 1 3: Back-up.tanks, for solar system, unfired storage tanks, or other indirect hot water tanks haic R-12 external . msula[ion or R-16 combined internaVert[crnal.inwla�iup. i 4 All buried or exposed piping insulated in recirculating Sections offset water systems. i. Cooling system piping below 559 F insulated. 6. Piping insulated berween halting source and indirua hw wuher u ik. July 1. 1999 FROM Chi-istens niT-24/CABEC FAX NO. 909 763 0522 Feb. 09 2000 02:16PM P3 MANDATORY MEASURES CHECKLIST: RESIDENTIAL (page z otz) MF—IR Note:: Lowrise residential buildings subject to the Standards must contain these tneaalucs regardless of the compliance approach ysed. Items marked with an asterisk (a) may be superseded by more stringent compliance requirements listed on the Certificate of Compliance. When this checklist is incorporated into the permit documents, the features noted shall'be considered by all parties as minimum component performance specifications for the mandatory measure% whether they are shown elsewhere in the documents or on this checklist only. Instructions: Check or initial applicable boxes when completed or enter N/A if not applicable. DESCRIPTION DESIGNER ENFORCEMENT Space Conditioning, Water Heating and Plumbing System Measures: (continued) • $ 150(m): Ducts and Fans I. All ducts and plenums constructed, installed, insulated, futetted, and sealed to comply with the 1CB0 1997 UMC sections 601 and 603; duras imulated to a minimum installed R4.2 or ducts enclosed entirely within conditioned space. Openings shall be sealed with mastic, tape, aerosol sealant orothu duct closure system that meets the applicable mquiremetrts of UL191, UL18lA, or UL181H and other applicable specified tests fur longevity given 2. Exhaust fru+ systems have back draft or automatic dampers. / 3. Gisviry vealitalirtg systems serving con ii?SOl d space have either aatontuic or resdiiy accessible, trtanuoly i opertied dam rs. ll// ' §Ile:. Pool and Spa Heating Systems and Equipment, 1. Systemis certified with 78% thermal efficiency, o"Iffswitch. weatherproofoperating. . 'instructions. no electric resistance heating iad no pilot light. Z. System is installed with: a. At least 36" of pipe between Alar and heater for future solar heating. b. Cover for outdoor pools or outdoor spas. 3. Pool system has directional inlets and a circulationpump fine switch. AA $115: Gasfired central furnaces, pool burets. spa heaters or household cooking appliances have no continuously burning pilot light. xce tiumNoo-elet:trical cooking upRiiancvs with pilot < 150 $tulhr Lighting Measures: $ I50(k) i.:. Luminaires for general lighting in kitchens shall have lamps with an efftcacy'of 40 lumens/wan or greater for genual lighting in kimhcros. This general lighting shall be controlled by a switch on a readily accessible lighting control panel at an rnttance to the kitchen. I Wk)2.:'Rooms with a shower or bathtub must either havc at least one luminaire with lamps with an efficacy of 40 lumemVwan or greater switched at the entrance to the room or one of the alternatives to this requirement allowed in ' l50 k .;'and recessed miling fixtures are IC insulation cover approved. . July 1, 1999 FROM : Christensen/T-24/CASEC FAX NO. : 909 763 0522 Feb. 09 2000 02:16PM P4 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 1 C -2R Project Title..... Mesquite:._Adobe West Date. .02/09/00' 09-:46:06 Project Addres's ........ 54.301D AtieA11RA CARRAN7A La Quinta, CA *v5.00* Documentation Author... Carole Christensen ******* Bui ing Permit Carole Christensen 47-596'Lake Canyon.Drive Plan Check Date Aguanga, CA' 92536. 800-735-8152 FieM Check/ :Date Climate Zone. ...... 15 Compliance Method...... MICROPASS v5.00 for 1999 Standards by Eriercomp, Inc. MICROPASS v5..00 File-MESQ2 9W Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP1017 User -Carole CHristensen Run-drp80.10R13Fal.38.4 40/60 MICROPAS5 ENERGY USE SUMMARY Area Energy Use Standard ;Proposed: :Compliance (kBtu/sf-yr) Design,: Design' Margin Space Heating...... 3.55 3.05 0.50 Space Cooling...... 46.30 44.66 1...64 Water Heating... 16.47 16.47. 0.00. Total 66.32 64.18 2.14 ***.Building complies with Computer Performance *** GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area..._. 1409 sf Building Type .............. Single Family Detached Construction Type New Building Front Orientation. Front Facing 270 deg (W) Number of Dwelling Units... 1 Number of Building Stories. 1 Weather Data Type..:_...... ReducedYear Floor Construction Type.... Slab On Grade Number of Building Zones... 3. Conditioned Volume.... 13855 cf Slab -On -Grade Area......... 1409 sf Glazing Percentage........ 13..8; % of floor area Average Glazing.U-value.... 0.65 Btu/hr-sf-F Average Glazing SHGC...:.,.. 0.66 Average Ceiling Height..... 9.8 ft BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION Floor # of Area Volume Dwell. C_ond- Thermostat zone Type (sf) (cf) Units itioned Type HOUSE Residence 1409 13855 .1.00. Yes Setback Vent -Vent Height Area (f t) (sf) 2.0 Standard: Air Leakage Credit No FROM : Christensen/T-24/CABEC FAX NO. : 909 763 0522 Feb. 09 2000 02:17PM P5 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 2 C -2R Project Title.......... Mesquite Adobe West Date. .02/09/00 09:46:06.:.. MICROPAS5 v5.00 File-MESQ2 9W Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM C -2R User#-MP1017 User -Carole C'Hristensen. Run-drp80.l0R13Fal.38.4 40/60 Surface HOUSE 1 Wall 2 Wall 3 Wall 4 Wall 5 Wall 6 Wall 7. Wall 8 Roof 9 Door :10 Door OPAQUE. SURFACES Area U- Insul Act Solar Form 3 (sf) value R-val Azm Tilt Gains Reference Location/ Comments 50 0.060 17.61 270 :90 Yes W13.2X4.16FA Solar 20 0.060 17.61 225 90 No W13.2X4.16FA 0.900 20 0.060 17.61 315 90 Yes W13.2X4.16FA to outside 452 0.060 17.61 0 90 Yes W13.2X4.16FA R-0 323 0.060 17.61 90 90 Yes W13.2X4.16FA 0.550 361 .0.060 17.61 180 90 Yes W13.2X4.16FA 12.0 350 0.086 13 270 =: 90. No CARWALLR13 to garage. ' 1412 0;025 38 ..n/a 180. 0 Yes R.38.2X4.24F Attic 17 0.330. 0 270 90 No None'. solid wood 20 0.330 0 0 :90 Yes. None solid wood Surface HOUSE 11 S1abEdge 12 S1abEdge 13 S1abEdge 14 S1abEdge Orientation HOUSE 1 Window 2w Door 3" Window 4 Window 5 Door 6 Window - 7 Window B. Window 9 Window (sf).Value SHGC Azm Tilt Type/SHGC Type/SHGC Left PERIMETER LOSSES 0.720 Length F2 a Insul Solar Standard/0.68 (f t) Factor. R-val Gains Location/Comments 27 0.900 R-'0 No to Outside 115 0.720 R-'0 No to outside 14 0.550 R-0 No to garage 21 0.500 R-0 No to garage Standard/0.76 FENES`RKMON Left SURFACES Area U- 0.550 Act, Exterior Shade Interior Shade (sf).Value SHGC Azm Tilt Type/SHGC Type/SHGC Left (N) 16.0 0.720 0.670 0 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Front (W) .40.0 0.550 0.650 270 90 Standard/0.76. Standard/0.68 Lett (N) 9.0 0.720 0.670 0 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Left (N) 30.0 0.720 0.670 '0 90: Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68. Left (N) 40.0 0.550 6.650 0 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.6.8 Back (E) 12.0 0.720 0..670 90 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Right (S) 12.0 0.720 0.670 180. 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Right (S) 16.0 0.720 0.670 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 Right (S) 20.0 0.720 0.670 180 90 Standard/0.76 Standard/0.68 SLAB -SURFACES Area Slab Type (sf) HOUSE Standard Slab 1409 FROM Christensen/T-24/CABEC FAX NO. 909 763 0522 Feb. 09 2000 02:18PM P6 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY Page 3 C -2R Project Title..'........ Mesquite..Adobe West Date -.02%09/00 09:46:06 MICROPASS v5.00 File-MESQ2 9W Wth-CTZ15S92 .Program -FORM C -2R User##-MP1017 User -Carole CBristensen Run-drp80.10R13Fal.38.4 40/60. HVAC SYSTEMS Minimum Duct Duct Tested Duct ACCA Duct System Type Efficiency Location R -value Leakage Manual D Eff. HOUSE Furnace 0.800 AFUE Attic R-4.2 No No 0.743 ACSplit 10.00 SEER Attic R-4.2 No No 0.596 WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Number Tank External in Energy ' Size Insulation Tank Type: Heater-'Type::D 6tribution Type System .Factor' (gal): R -value Water Heater to meet mintnum:CEC Standards REMARKS FROM ChriStenSen/T-24/CABEC FAX NO. 909 763 0522 Feb. 09 2000 02:16PM P7 CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY Page 1 3R Project Title........:.. Mesquite Adobe West Date..02/09/00 09:46:06 MICROPAS5 v5:00 File-MESQ2 9W Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM 3R User#-MP1017 User -Carole CFiristensen Run-drp80.10R13Fa1.38.4 40/601- raraii.el. rar-n mecnoa Reference Name W13.2X4.16FA Desctiption .... WallR-13 2x4*16oclinFalc Type ............. Wall R -Value 17..61 Hr-sf=F/Btu Framing Material .. FIR'. 2X4 Type. . Wood Deactiption'2x4,Tir. 16 inches on center:. Framing -Frac.. 0.:15; Sketch of. Construction Assembly. - LIST OF CONSTRUCTION COMPONENTS. Material Cavity Frame Name Description ..R -Value R -Value 0. FILM.EX Exterior air film: winter value 0.17 0.17 1. STUCCO.0.8.8 0.875 in stucco 0.17 0.17 2. BLDG.PAPER Building paper (felt) 0.06 0.06 3. R 4.61 RIGID R'-4.61 Insulated Sheathing 4.61 4.61 4c. BATT. R13 R713 batt insul (cavity = 3.5 in) 13.00 4f. FIR'. 2X4 a 2x4 fir - - 3.46 5. GYP.0.50 0.50 in gypsum or plaster board 0.45 0.45 I. FILM.IN.WLL Inside air film::heat sideways 0.68 0.68 Total Unadjusted R -Values , 19.15 9.61 FRAMING ADJUSTMENT CALCULATION Cavity Framing Total U -Value: (1 / 19.15 z 0.85) + (.1 / 9.61 x 0.15) 0.060.2tu/hr-sf-F Total R=Value: 1 / 0.06.0 =. 16.66 hr-sf-F/Btu FROM Christensen/T-24/CABEC FAX NO. 909 763 0522 Feb. 09 2000 02:19PM Pe CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY Page 2 3R Project Title...:..:. . Mesquite Adobe West Date..02/09/00:09:;46:06 MICROPAS5 v5.00 File-MESQ2 9W Wth-CT7,15S92 Program -FORM .3R User#-MP1017 User -Carole CHristensen Run-drp80.10R13Fa1.38.4 40/60' FRAMING ADJUSTMENT CALCULATION Cavity Framing Total U -Value: (1 / 14.81:x 0.85) + (1*/ 5.27 x 0.15)= 0.086 Btu/hr-sf-F Total R -Value: 1 / 0.086 - 11.65 hr-sf-F/Btu Parallel Path Method Reference Name GARWALLRI3 Description .... Wall R-11 2x4 16oc Type ........... Wall R -Value ..:..... 13 Hr-sf-F/Btu Framing Material FIR.2X4 Type .......... Wood. Descriptio: _ 2x4:fir Spacing .... 16 inches on center Framing. Frac.. 0.15 Sketch of Construction Assembly LIST OF CONSTRUCTION COMPONENTS Material Cavity Frame Name Description R=Value R -Value 0. FILM.EX Exterior air film: winter value 0.17 0.17 1. GYP.0.50 0.50 in gypsum or plaster board 0.45 0.45 2. BLDG.PAPER Building paper (felt) 0.06 0.06 3c• BATT.R13 R-13 batt insul '(cavity = 3.5 in) 13.00 -- 3f. FIR.2X4 2x4 fir -- 3.46 4. GYP.0.50 0.50 in gypsum or plaster board 0'.45 0:4.5 T. FILM.IN.WLL Inside air fi7.m: heat sideways 0.68 0.68 Total Unadjusted R -Values 14.81. 5.27 FRAMING ADJUSTMENT CALCULATION Cavity Framing Total U -Value: (1 / 14.81:x 0.85) + (1*/ 5.27 x 0.15)= 0.086 Btu/hr-sf-F Total R -Value: 1 / 0.086 - 11.65 hr-sf-F/Btu FROM : Christensen/T-24/CABEC FAX NO. 909 763 0522 Feb. 09 2000 02:19PM P9 CONSTRUCTION ASSEMBLY Page 3 3R .Project Title.......... Mesquite Adobe west Date. .02/.09/00 09:46:06. MICROPAS5 v5.00 File-MESQ2 9w Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM 3R User#-MP1017 User -Carole CEristensen Run-drp80.10R13Fal.38.4 40/60 rarallel raun inetnoa .Reference Name R.38.2X4.24F Description..... Roof R -38.2x4 24oc Type ........... Roof R -Value ........ 38 Hr-sf-F/Btu Framing .Material ......FIR_2X4 Type ........ Wood Description 2k4 fir Spacing 24 inches on center Framing Frac.. 0.07 Sketch of Construction Assembly. LIST OF CONSTRUCTION COMPONENTS Material Cavity Frame Name Description R -Value. R -Value O. FILM.EX Exterior air film: winter value 0.17 0.17 :1. BUILTUP.0.38 0.375 in built-up.roofing 0.33 0.33. 2. BLDG.PAPER Building paper (felt) 0.06 0.06 �3. PLY.0.50 0.50 in plywood 0.62 0.62 4. AIR.RF.3.50 3.5 in & greater air space: heat flow up 0.80 0.80 5. BATT.R27.0 R-27 batt insulation 27.00 27.00 .6c. BATT.RII.0 R-11 batt insul (cavity > 3.5 in) 11.00. -- 6f. FIR.2X4 2x4 fir -- 3.46 7. GYP -0.63 0.625 in gypsum or plaster board 0.56 0.56 I. FILM.IN.RF Inside air film: heat flow straight up '0.61 0.61 Tota]. Unadjusted R -Values 41.15 33.62 FRAMING ADJUSTMENT CALCULATION Cavity Framing Total U -Value: (1 / 41.15 x 0.93) + (1 / 33.62 x 0.07) = 0.025 Btu/hr-sf-F Total R -Value. 1 / 0.02.5 = 40.51 hr-sf-F/Btu FROM : Christensen/T-24/CABEC FAX NO. : 909 763 0522 Feb. 09 2000 02:20PM P10 HVAC SIZING Page 1 HVAC Project Title...:.,..:... Mesquite.Adobe West Date'. .02/09/0'0 09.:46:06 Project Address... 5,1.390 AuEn//A9 ��A_ ******* La Quinta, CA *v5.00* Documentation Author.... Carole Christensen ******* But ing Permit Carole Christensen 47-59.6 Lake Canyon Drive :Plan ChecW .Date Aguanga, CA 92536 800-735-8152 ..Field ChecIT Date Climate Zone. .. 15 Compliance Method...... MICROPAS5,vS.00 for 1999 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. MICROPAS5 x5.00 File-MESQ2 9W Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -HVAC SIZING User#-MP1017 User -Carole CFiristensen Run-drp80.10R13Fa1.38.4 40/60 GENERAL INFORMATION Floor Area ...... .......... 1409 sf Volume .. ........ ..... ...:13855,cf Front Orientation.._....... Front Facing. 2:70 deg (W) Sizing Location............ PALM DESERT Latitude:.. 33.7 degrees Winter Outside Design...... 32 F .. :Winter Inside Design....... 70 F Summer Outside Design....::' 112 F. Summer Inside Design....... 78 P • Summer Range ............... 34 F Interior Shading -Used ....... No Exterior Shading Used...... No Overhang Shading Used...... No Latent Load Fraction....... 0.20 HEATING AND COOLING LOAD SUMMARY Description Heating (Btuh) Opaque Conduction and Solar....... 10487 Glazing Conduction ............... 4818 Glazing Solar .................. n/a Infiltration ..................... 7316 Internal Gain...... n/a Ducts.._. 2262 Cooiing (Btuh) 5306 4311 5315 4842 _2550 2232 Sensible Load........ .............. 24884 24556 Latent Load............. n/a 4911 Minimum Total Load 24884 29467 Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment... Other relevant .design factors such as air flow requirements, outdoor design temperatures, coil -.sizing, availability of equipment; oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all.factors when selecting the HVAC equipment.— FROM Christensen/T.24/CABEC FAX NO. 909 76,3 0522 Feb. 09 2000 02:20PM P11• _ �arkatlassapaort .. .. ... _ ®ooT t� 210 SgiJel Al W' nd Model 518 �� �� 8AGG 240 HS Horizontal Slider Clear/Air/Cleat ,72 .67 w/ Grids .61 . Cl ar/ArgoNClar .70 .67 W/ Grids ,6 1. Clear/LowEtckar .67 .38 w/ Grids.:35 Cir/Lowt/Ar:/Clr .53. .3b w/ Grids .35 240SH SiaPle Sung Gear/Air/Cleo .72 w/ Grids .61' Clear/Argon/Cleo .70 w/ Gcids .61 Cltar/LowE/Ciear .57 .38 ' wN Grids .35 C1r/LowE/Ar'g/Car .53 .38 W/ Grids -.34- .35240P 240PPicture Window Car/Alr/Clear s63 '!1 w; Grids .66 Clear/Argoa/Ow .60 ° ,72 w/ Grids .66 Clcer/LowE/C tar .49 :40 W/ Grids .37 ClrALvwE/Arg/C3r : .4.1 .40 W/ Grids X, Phifips Products uses Sporally Sdecthit Low -E Caai W'