0109-212 (CSCS) Supplemental RecommendationsCITY OF LA QUIN IA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE BY Supplemental Recommendations Proposed Circle "K" Convenience Store and UNOCAL 76 Service Station NWC ,of Highway 111 and Washington Street, La Quinta, California FOR: TOSC0.111arketing Company 3626 Highland Avenue Costa 11esa, C4 92626 DATE: jVovember 2, 2001 PROJECT AVO. 00-1821 PREPARED BY. - Anthony -Taylor Consultants 304 Enterprise Street Escondido, California 92029 (760) 738-8800 November 1, 2001 Tosco Marketing Company Project No. 00-1821 3525 Highland Avenue Costa Mesa, California, 92626 r Attention: Mr. David Harris Subject: Supplemental Recommendations Proposed Circle "K" Convenience Store and UNOCAL 76 Service Station NWC of Highway 111 and Washington Street, La Quinta, California. References: 1. Anthony -Taylor Consultants, 2000, Report of Geotechnical Investigation, Proposed Circle "K" Convenience Store and UNOCAL 76 Service Station. NWC of Highway 111 and Washington Street, La Quinta, California. Project • No. 00-1821, dated December 15, 2000. 2. Earth Systems Southwest, 2001, Report of Testing and Observations Performed During Grading. Point Happy, La Quinta, California. File No. 07074-02, 01-02-753, dated February 20, 2001. Dear Mr. Harris: In accordance with your request Anthony -Taylor Consultants has prepared these supplemental recommendations to the referenced Geotechnical Report (Reference 1), to address the present conditions at the subject site. It is our understanding that some grading has taken place .on the subject site since we performed our field investigation for. the referenced geotechnical report. It is also our understanding that the building pad has been graded to near finish pad grade and that the fill compaction has been certified by others (see reference No. 2). Also, in accordance with a representative of the grading contractor (California Infrastructure), an unspecified amount of uncertified fill has been placed outside the building pad area (canopy, drive and paving areas). Documents Review Review of the available references (Reference No. 2) indicates that the soils within the building pad area, were reworked by removing approximately 3 feet of the existing soils and replaced with compacted fill. This report also indicates that approximately 2 feet of fill soils have been added to reach the proposed finish pad grade. This report also indicates that all fill Tosco Marketing Company Project No. 001821 November 2, 2001 -Page 2 of 4 soils have been -moisture conditioned and compacted to a minimum 90 percent relative F compaction based on ASTM 1557-92. The report also states that grading of the building pad is in conformance with the geotechnical engineering report for the entire site prepared by Earth Systems Consultants Southwest, dated March 24, 1999 as well as the grading ordinances of the City of La Quinta. Supplemental Recommendations Based on our latest site visit and observations performed on October 30, 2001 and the review of the available references pertinent to the site (references 1 and 2 above), we present the following supplemental recommendations and amendments to our Report of Geotechnical Investigation, referenced above: Building Pad: It is our opinion that the grading performed for the building pad is suitable for the intended purposes, provided that the removals were extended a minimum of 3 feet beyond the building footprint. Due to site conditions and evaporation, we recommend that prior to fine pad grading, the uppersoils be scarified to a minimum depth of 10 inches below existing grade elevations, brought to at least 2 percent over optimum moisture conditions and be recompacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method D1557-91). All the other recommendations concerning the building pad presented in our Report of Geotechnical Investigation (Reference 1) remain applicable. Undocumented Fill Soils: As noted previously, an unspecified amount of uncertified fill has been placed outside the building pad area (canopy. drive and paving areas). We recommend that all the undocumented fill placed outside of the building pad be removed and replaced with properly compacted fill. It is anticipated that the undocumented fill removal depths will be on the order of 3 to 3 %2 feet below existing grade elevations. Following removal of the upper fill soils, the bottom of the excavation(s) should be observed and approved by a representative of this office to verify that dry potentially compressible materials have been properly removed. All areas to receive fill and/or other surface improvements, shall be scarified to a minimum depth of 8 inches below removal grade elevations, brought to at least 2 percent over optimum moisture conditions and recompacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method D1557-91). We recommend that in the concrete drive, canopy slab and pavement areas, the upper 6 to 8 inches of subgrade soils be conditioned as necessary to achieve a near optimum moisture content, and recompacted to at least 95 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method D1557-91), or in'accordance with the minimum compaction requirements of the County of Riverside and/or the City of La Quinta. The untreated Class 2 aggregate base Tosco Marketing Company Project No. 00-1821 November 2, 2001 -Page 3 of 4 - material material placed as part of the pavement structural section should meet the requirements of Caltrans `specifications and be compacted to a minimum 95 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method D1557-91). Tank Excavation: Based on our site observations and the results of our field investigation, it is our opinion that due to the dry sandy nature of the existing soils, shoring of the excavation may be necessary to prevent caving of the excavation walls: Canopy Foundations: We recommend that cylindrical caisson type foundations be used to support the canopy. Dimensions and reinforcement of these foundations shall be designed by the project structural engineer incorporating the minimum design criteria presented in the referenced Report of Geotechnical Investigation (Reference 1). We also recommend that prior to pouring the concrete for the foundation, the bottom of the excavation be flooded for:24 hours. This procedure can be achieved by lowering a "Sonotube" within the excavation to maintain the hole open and pouring water inside the "Sonotube Minimum depths of the caisson foundation is recommended to be at least 8 feet below finished subgrade elevations. The foundation can be designed as a friction pile or an end bearing caisson. If the foundation is designed as a .friction pile, the "Sonotube" should be "pulled" as the concrete for the foundation is being poured. If the foundation is designed as an end bearing caisson, the "Sonotube" can be left in place. Concrete Slabs: We recommend that the canopy slab, drive entrances and other areas subject to heavy vehicle loading receive a full -depth Portland Cement Concrete (P.C.C.) section of 5 inches over 4 inches of Caltrans Class 2 aggregate base. This rigid section is based upon a minimum concrete strength of 3000 psi. We also recommend for these areas a minimum reinforcement consisting of No. 3 rebar spaced at 18 inches on center in two directions. Concrete (P.C.C.) parking areas may utilize a minimum reinforcement of No. 3 rebar spaced at 24 inches on center in two directions. We recommend that the rebar be placed midheight in each slab. Care should be taken by the contractor to ensure that the reinforcement is placed and maintained at slab midheight. We recommend that crack control joints for concrete pavement be provided with a minimum spacing of 12 feet and a maximum of 15 feet, or in accordance with the structural engineer's recommendations. We also recommend that every third control joint be converted to an expansion joint. We suggest that slab sections be nearly square as possible. Placement of concrete should be performed in accordance with the guidelines of the American Concrete Iristitute (A.C.I.) and all local building codes. ,. rmco Mark0log f'ompaov Project No. 00-18:1 November S. 20111 41at e J of .I- ofthc technical information `.zathercd. our undcrstandin�g, of the proposed construction, and our general experience in the geotechnical field. Our engineering work and judgments rendered meet current professional standards. All other terms and conditions presented in Our referenced reports remain applicable to the project and are included by reference herein. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you. [f you have questions or need further information, please refer to, Project No. 00-1321 to expedite your requests. ResneCtfillly Submitted. ANTIMONY -TAYLOR CONSULTANTS .'.n Anthom-'ravlor Compam KI _ J _7()J hul Hector L.' " elia eniorct ;=n.gineer. Pro'eci toList O QAQFESSIpN �- GE �'i0. 15_� yQ� �L 9lEyc v 4� OF Cpl\FSP t. Distribution: ``3 addressee (2 originals and 1 copy) Hecrud en/vupplemenral recs.wprl i ANTHONY -TAYLOR CONSULTANTS 304 Enterprise Street • Escondido, CA 92029 • (760) 738-8800 • (760) 738-8232 fax 4 September 12, 2001 Tosco Marketing Company 3525 Highland Avenue Costa Mesa, Call fomia; 92626 Project No. 00-1821 Attention: Mr. Courtland Holman Subject: Report of Geotechnical Investigation _Proposed Circle "K" Convenience Store and UNOCAL 76 Service Station NWC of Highway 111 and Washington Street, La Quinta, California. Dear Mr. Holman: In accordance with your request, Anthony -Taylor Consultants has performed a Geotechnical In.:�estigation to address the geotechnical conditions existing at the subject site. It is our understanding that the proposed development will include the construction of a new single - story convenience store/food store structure, a new canopy and pump islands, new concrete drive slab extensions, new asphalt pavement, new underground storage tanks and December 151 2000 other related improvements. The purposes of the investigation were to determine the general engineering characteristics of the soils underlying the subject site to. the depths explored and to provide engineering recommendations for the construction of the proposed structures at the subject site. This report describes: the investigation performea; the results anu opinions ui uur inidings; and our geotechnical recommendations for construction. SCOPE I. OP The scope of our geotechnical investigation was based upon the planning information provided to us, and consisted of field, laboratory; and engineering evaluation of site conditions, to include: Review of readily available documents pertinent to the.subject site (Appendix A); 2. The excavation of 6 exploratory test borings within building pad, underground tanks, canopy and parking areas. The soils encountered in the excavations were logged by our Field Geologist and relatively undisturbed San Diego, CA • San Francisco, CA 0 Houston, TX { R Tosco Marketing Company Project No. 00-1821 September 12, 2001 Y -Page 2 of 21 - and loose bag samples were collected at selected intervals in the various soil types to the maximum depth of the ekploration; 3. Laboratory analysis of the collected samples; 4. Geotechnical analysis of the data and information obtained; and 5. Preparation of this report, presenting our conclusions and recommendations. 411110a" 11 Wisi !14 1 W 1. General: The property consists of an irregular shaped lot located west of Washington Street just north of Highway 111 in the City of La Quinta Riverside County California. At the time of our investigation, the site was undeveloped and the exposed surface consisted of dirt. This site is located in a generally commercial area and is, bounded to -the north and east by undeveloped properties, to the south by Highway 111, and to the west by a road. It is our understanding that the proposed structures and improvements are to be constructed upon surface grades which are approximately similar in elevation to those currently existing. 2. Site Geology: Regional geologic maps of the area (CDMG, 1966), indicate that the subject site is located in an area near a contact between Quaternary (recent) -aged dune sand deposits (alluvium), and Mesozoic granitic rocks. The site is located approximately 9.4 kilometers from the Coachella Valley and the Southern Portions of the San Andreas Fault Zone, 26.8 kilometers from the Burnt Mountain Fault Zone, 28.4 kilometers from the Eureka Peak Fault Zone and 28.8 kilometers from the San Bernardino portion of the San Andreas Fault Zone. These fault zones are reported to have shown indications of Late Quaternary -Holocene and historic seismic activity. Our review of the proper literature (Hart, E. W. 1997) indicates that the subject site lies outside the present Earthquake Fault Zones, which are described in the Alquist- Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act as being placed along active faults. 3. Subsurface Conditions: Subsurface materials encountered within our excavations consisted of dune sand. (alluvium) deposits. Detailed descriptions of this material can be found in the excavation logs (refer to Figure Nos. IIa through IIf). Based on our field investigation and laboratory testing, the general characteristics of this unit is described below. Tosco Marketing Company Project No. 00-1821 September 12, 2001 -Page 3 of 21 - Dune Sand (Alluvium) De osi s: The encountered native soils are mapped in the literature for this area (CDMG, 1966), as being'part of the Quaternary (recent) -aged Dune sand (alluvium) deposits. These alluvial soils were observed to generally consist of tan sandy silt, silty sand and sand. The sands generally ranged from very fine to medium and very fine to coarse grained. These soils were generally observed to be dry to damp and have a medium dense to dense consistency. This material was found to extend to depths in excess of our deepest exploratory boring (approximately 51'/2 feet in exploratory boring B-1). A detailed description of these soils is presented in our excavation logs, Figure Nos. IIa through IIf 4. Groundwater: Free groundwater was not encountered in any of our exploratory excavations to the maximum depths explored (approximately 51'/2 feet below existing site grades), A more detailed description of the subsurface materials encountered in our exploratory borings is presented on the Boring Logs (Figure Nos. IIa through IIf). 1J W14 W K41 � ► Six (6) exploratory borings were drilled, logged and sampled -for this study by our Field Geologist on November 30, 2000 at the approximate locations shown on the Site Plan (Figure No. Ib). The borings were advanced using a truck -mounted drill rig with a 6 -inch diameter, hollow -stem auger. Drive samples, recovered from all borings, were obtained using a Modified California Drive Sampler (2.5 -inches inside diameter and 3 -inches outside diameter) with thin brass liners, and a Standard Penetrometer-( 2 -inches outside diameter and 1 -3/8 -inches inside diameter). The samplers were driven 12 to 18 inches into the soil by a 140 -pound hammer free -falling for a distance of 30 -inches. The number of blows required to penetrate the last 12 inches is shown on the Boring Logs. The obtained samples were carefully removed, sealed to minimize moisture loss, and returned to our laboratory for further classification and testing. Representative bulk samples were collected from cuttings obtained from the. borings. The bulk samples were selected for classification and testing purposes and may represent a mixture of soils within the noted depths. Recovered samples were placed in transport containers and returned to our laboratory for further classification and testing. The classifications listed in the excavation logs are a result of visual classification of soil with existing moisture contents while in the field. The classifications were assigned in accordance with ASTM D-2488: "Description of Soils (Visual -Manual Method)", and all applicable field soil -identification procedures described therein. These may or may not Tosco Marketing Company Project No. 00-1821 September 12, 2001 -Page 4 of 21 - correspond precisely to those indicated by subsequent laboratory methods. Classifications, made in the field from auger cuttings and drive samples, were verified in the laboratory after further examination and testing of samples. Conditions between boring locations may vary considerably and it should be expected that site conditions may or may not be precisely represented by any one of the borings. Soil deposition processes and topographic forming processes are such that soil and rock types and conditions may change in small vertical intervals and short horizontal distances. Stratification lines, as indicated on the Boring Logs, represent approximate changes in soil and rock composition, moisture and color, as approximated by field personnel logging the drilling operation and by the engineer in the laboratory from sample recovery data and by observation of the samples. Actual depths to changes in the field may differ from those indicated on the logs, or transitions may occur in a gradual manner and may not be sharply defined by a readily obvious line of demarcation. The location of the borings as shown on Figure No. Ib were approximately determined and should be considered accurate only as a reference guide. Laboratory tests were performed on both disturbed and relatively undisturbed soil samples in order to evaluate their pertinent physical and engineering properties. The following tests were conducted on the sampled soils: 1) Moisture Content ASTM D2216-71 2) Density Evaluations ASTM D1557, Method A and others 3) Water Soluble Sulfate in Soil ASTM D1428, D516 4) Direct Shear Test ASTM D3080 5) Consolidation Test ASTM D2435 6) . Sieve Analysis ASTM D422 7) Expansion Index Test ASTM D4928, UBC 18-2 * The relationship between the moisture and density of undisturbed soil samples give qualitative information regarding the in-place soil strength characteristics and soil conditions. Results of our in-place moisture and density testing are presented on the Boring Logs (Figure Nos. Ha through IIf). The results of our maximum dry density and optimum moisture content determinations are presented on Figure No. IIIa. Tosco Marketing Company Project No. 00-1821 September 12, 2001 -Page 5 of 21- * The water soluble sulfate_ content of the near surface soils was determined in accordance with ASTM Test Methods D1428 and D516, in order to estimate the potential for sulfate attack on normal Type VII cement. The results of our testing are presented on Figure No. IIIa. *, N Direct shear testing was performed on a representative sample of the near surface soils remolded to a relative compaction of 90 percent (based on ASTM D1557-91) and on a representative sample of the native soils in their natural state. Results of this testing (Figure No. IIIe, IIIf and IIIg) indicate that in their properly compacted state, the near -surface soils possess an apparent cohesion of 176 psf and an internal friction angle of 30 degrees, and the native soils in their natural state have apparent cohesions of 165 and 202 psf and internal friction angles of 33 and 35 degrees respectively. * The consolidation test is used to estimate the consolidation/settlement that could potentially occur within a soil under specific loadings (such as may be imposed by buildings, walls, piers, etc.). The results of our testing are presented in Figure Nos. IIIb, IIIc and IIId. * Representative samples of the subsurface materials were subjected to mechanical grain -size analysis by wet -sieving with U.S. Standard brass screens. The grain size distribution curves are presented in Figure Nos. IIIh through IIIs. The expansion index of the upper foundation soils was evaluated in accordance with ASTM Test Method D4928 (UBC 18-2), where representative soil samples are tested at saturations near 50 percent. Expansive soils are classified as follows (by the Expansion Index Test): 0 to 20 Very Low 21 to 50 Low 51 to 90 Medium 91 to 130 High Above 131 Very High The tested soil sample yielded an Expansion Index of 0, which indicates a very low expansion potential for the sampled soils remolded to 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM D1557-91). r Tosco Marketing Company Project No. 00-1821 September 12, 2001 -Page 6 of 21- , V. 1. General: Based on the results of our study, it is our opinion that the proposed structures can be constructed as planned, provided that the recommendations presented herein are implemented. It is our opinion that the on-site soils (when properly processed and recompacted as recommended herein) should provide adequate foundation support for the proposed structures and improvements. 2. Groundwater: As discussed previously, free groundwater was not encountered in any of our exploratory borings at the site to the depths explored (51'h feet). Research with the Colorado River Basin Regional Water Quality Control Board, indicated that the groundwater in the vicinity of the subject site was measured at 135 to 140 feet below surface grades. It is our opinion that this is a reasonable representation of the minimum local groundwater depths at the site at the time of drilling. It should be noted, however, that fluctuations in the groundwater level may occur due to variations in ground surface topography, subsurface stratification, rainfall, irrigation, and other possible factors which may not have been evident at the time of our investigation. 3. Moisture Content: The in-place moisture contents of the samples obtained from the upper soils, (upper 5 feet) in the proposed building area at the subject site, were observed to range from 1.2 percent to 4.2 percent, with an average moisture content of 2.9 percent. The optimum moisture content for these upper soils was determined during our laboratory testing to be 9.3 percent, indicating that the near -surface soils underlying the proposed construction area, generally possessed moisture contents that were well below optimum at the time of drilling and will require moisture conditioning during grading operations See Figure Nos. IIa through IIf for moisture content data of near surface soils. 4. Expansive Soils: The near -surface soils (upper 1 to 5 feet) encountered in our exploratory borings were observed to consist mainly of sands. Based on our laboratory testing of representative samples obtained at the subject site, these materials appear to possess a very low potential for expansion. The likelihood for expansive soils to affect the overall performance of .the proposed structure foundations and associated improvements (e.g. paving) appears to be low. Anthony - Taylor Consultants may provide additional recommendations if indications of a significant change in the near -surface soils' expansion potential are encountered " during construction. Tosco Marketing Company Project No. 00-1821 September 12, 2001 -Page 7 or 21- 5. Water Soluble Sulfate in Soils: The principal cause of deterioration of concrete in foundations and other below ground structures is the corrosive attack by soluble sulfates present in the soil and groundwater. The results of water soluble sulfate testing performed on a representative sample of the soils underlying the proposed building structure near present finish grade elevations, indicate that proposed cement - concrete structures that are in contact with the underlying soils are anticipated to be affected with a negligible sulfate exposure. 6. Soil Corrosivity and Chemical Attack: Resistivity, pH and chloride tests were performed on a sample of the near surface soils. Results of this testing indicate that the near surface soils have a moderate degree of corrosivity to ferrous metals and that special measures should be taken in the design of buried conduits and other metal items. The sampled soils yielded a pH value of 8:74, indicating that the soils are moderately alkaline and does not correlate to a significant effect on soil corrosivity. Test B-1 @ 1-5 ft. Resistivity (Ohm -cm) 1164 pH Value 8.74 Chloride (mg/kg) 50 7. Land Slippage and Erosion: No significant indications of either land slippage or erosion were noted at the site. Therefore, it is our opinion that the potential for land slippage or erosion to affect the proposed 'improvements at the site is minimal, provided that the recommendations presented herein are implemented. 8. Potentially Compressible Soils: The existing upper native soils are considered to be potentially compressible and unsuitable for the support of structural loads in their current condition. As a result, these upper soils should be properly reprocessed in accordance with the recommendations presented herein. 9. Seismic Considerations: 9.4 Regional and Local Faulting: The principal seismic considerations for improvements at the subject site are surface rupture of fault traces, damage caused by ground shaking during a seismic event, and seismically -induced ground settlement. The potential for any or all of these hazards depends upon the recency of fault activity and the proximity of nearby faults to the subject Tosco Marketing Company September 12, 2001 -Page 8 of 21- ' Project No. 00-1821 site. The possibility of damage due to ground rupture is considered unlikely, 'since no active faults are known to cross the site and no evidence of active faulting was noted during our investigation. The nearest major active faults are the Coachella Valley and the Southern portions of the San Andreas Fault Zone, located approximately 9.4 kilometers from the area of study. Review • of the available literature (Blake 2000) indicates that these faults are capable of maximum earthquake magnitudes of 7.1 and 7.4 respectively.. Other regional faults include the Burnt Mountain Fault Zone, located at approximately 26.8 kilometers from the area of study. This Fault Zone is considered to be capable of a maximum earthquake magnitude of 6.4. The Eureka Peak Fault Zone, located at approximately 28.4 kilometers from the subject site and considered capable of a maximum earthquake magnitude of 6.4 earthquake and the.San Bernardino portion of the San Andreas Fault Zone,.located approximately 28.8 kilometers from the subject site. This Fault Zone is considered to be capable of a maximum earthquake magnitude of 7.3. A.list of active and potentially -active faults located within a 80 kilometer radius of the subject site is presented in Appendix C. 9.2 Seismicity and Seismic Hazards: The review of the available references, indicate that the subject site is located outside the present Seismic Hazard Zones (CDMG, 2000) which are described in the literature (Seismic Hazards Mapping Act) as "Zones of Required Investigation" where sites are required to determine the need for mitigation of potential liquefaction and/or earthquake -induced landslide ground displacement. The seismic hazard most likely to'impact the site is ground shaking due to a large earthquake on one of the major active regional faults. Because of the proximity to the subject site and the maximum credible event, it appears that the Coachella Valley and the Southern portions of the San Andreas Fault Zone, are most likely to affect the site with severe- ground shaking should a significant earthquake occur along any of these faults. A' summary of seismic design parameters associated with the major faults located within a radius of 80 kilometers of the site is presented in Appendix C. 9.3 Liquefaction: Liquefaction of soils can be caused by strong vibratory motion in response to earthquakes. Both research and historical data indicate that loose, mostly fine sands or predominantly granular soils are susceptible to 'liquefaction, while the stability of rock is not as adversely affected by vibratory motion. Liquefaction is generally known to occur primarily in saturated or near -saturated granular soils at depths shallower than about 100 feet and is also a function of relative density, soil type and probable intensity Tosco Marketing Company September 12, 2001 -Page 9 of 21 - Project No. 00-1821 and duration of ground shaking. Because of the relatively deep groundwater table and the presence of layers of dense soil and layers of cohesive materials in the underlying soils, it appears that the potential for liquefaction at the site during a major seismic event is relatively low. Lateral Spreading The results of this study indicates that there is a very low potential for lateral spreading at the subject site. Lateral spreading would occur where there is + a liquefaction potential, the ground is gently sloping and/or is located adjacent to a body of water. The subject site is located in an area that is generally flat and is not located near a body of water. Also, as noted previously, the potential for liquefaction appears to be low. Settlement Based upon the results of our test boring, the results of our Geotechnical investigation, and our liquefaction analysis, it is our opinion that the underlying soils are generally medium dense to dense (based upon blow count data from six (6) test borings) and there does not appear to be a potential for seismic settlement that would affect the proposed improvements. Surface Manifestations The low potential for liquefaction and the relatively deep groundwater indicate that it is unlikely that surface manifestations, such as sand boils or sink holes, would be present following a seismic event on one of the controlling faults for this site. 9.4 Design Earthquake Magnitude: The review of readily available references pertinent to the subject site indicates that structures should be designed to resist moderate earthquakes with a low probability of structural damage. Such design shall resist major or severe earthquakes with some structural damage, but with a low probability of collapse. The moderate and major earthquakes have been interpreted to represent the maximum probable and maximum credible earthquakes, respectively. The maximum credible earthquake is defined as the largest event that a specific fault is theoretically capable of producing within the presently known tectonic framework and is established based on mechanical relationships of the fault and fault mechanisms and does not consider rate of recurrence or probability of occurrence. The maximum probable earthquake is generally defined as that seismic event along a particular fault which has a 10 percent probability of being exceeded in 50 years. For the subject site the appropriate ground acceleration was calculated f_f Tosco Marketing Company September 12, 2001 -Page 10 of 21 - Project No. 00-1821 to be 0.68g. The graphics presented in Appendix C illustrate the probability of exceedance for the subject site, given in percent, for the ground motion magnitude (acceleration). These graphics also show the average return period in years of a given acceleration for the subject site. These graphics can be used to understand the relative significance of different combinations of magnitude and distance to the generation of a specific ground motion level. It may be expected that for the lower levels of ground motion (e.g., 0.1g) many faults and combinations of magnitude and distance are likely to have made substantial contributions to the probability of exceedance of that ground motion. For higher levels of ground motion, fewer combinations of magnitude and distance contribute to the probability of exceedance of that ground motion. The following table shows the return period and probability of exceedance of a given peak ground acceleration for the subject site: Peak Ground Acceleration (g) Return period (years) Probability of Exceedance 0.2 25 85 percent in 50 years 0.4 90 42 percent in 50 years 0.6 300 15 percent in 50 years The probability of exceedance for 25, 50, 75, and 100 years for the subject site, is presented in Appendix C. WANINFRX010,10 I D10 Based on our geotechnical study at the site, our review of readily available reports and literature pertinent to the site (Appendix A), and our understanding of the proposed final grades, it is our opinion that development and/or improvement of the site is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint, provided the conclusions and recommendations included in this report are properly incorporated into the design and construction of any proposed structures. There appear to be no significant geotechnical constraints on-site that cannot be mitigated by proper planning, design, and utilization of sound construction practices. The engineering properties of the underlying materials, surface drainage, and anticipated degree of seismic risk offer conditions comparable to the other sites surrounding the subject project. The Tosco Marketing Company Project No. 00-1821 September 12, 2001 -Page 11 of 21 - following sections provide geotechnical recommendations that should be incorporated into the design of the proposed improvements at the site. 1. Seismicity: The design acceleration that is considered appropriate for structural design of residential and commercial buildings, (CBC, 1998 and UBC, 1997), is estimated to be 0.68g based on a 10 percent probability of exceedance in 50 years. The effects of seismic shaking can be mitigated by adhering to the current edition of the California Building Code (1998 CBC, Title 24), the Uniform Building Code „ (1997 UBC) and/or state-of-the-art seismic design parameters of the Structural Engineers Association of California. The following earthquake design parameters are recommended for the subject site based on the 1998 California Building Code and the 1997 Uniform Building Code: Table 16 - I Table 16 - J Table 16 - Q Table 16 - R Table 16 - S Table 16 - T Table 16 - U Z = 0.40 Soil Type -SD Ca. = 0.44 Na C, = 0.64 N, Na = 1.0 N„ = 1.2 Source Type -A 2. Earthwork: Grading and earthwork should be performed in accordance with the following recommendations and the General Earthwork and Grading Guidelines included in Appendix E. In case of conflict, the foilowing recoinrnendations shall supersede those presented in Appendix E. 2.1. Site Preparation: Prior to earthwork or construction operations, the site should be cleared of surface and subsurface obstructions and stripped of any vegetation in the areas proposed for development. Removed vegetation and debris should then be properly disposed of off-site. Holes resulting from removal of buried obstructions which extend below finish site grades should be backfilled with suitable fill soils compacted to a minimum 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method D1557-91). 2.2. Removal of Unsuitable Soils: As noted above, the existing upper soils are considered to be potentially compressible in their current condition. As a result, we recommend the reprocessing of these existing soils in all areas to receive new buildings (where not anticipated to be removed during proposed site development). Based on the results of our subsurface investigation, it Tosco Marketing Company September 12, 2001 -Page 12 of 21 - Project No. 00-1821 is anticipated that the removal depths in the vicinity of the proposed building pad will be on the order of 5%2 to 6 feet below existing grade elevations. Following removal of the upper soils, the bottom of the excavation(s) should be observed and approved by a representative of this office to verify that these potentially compressible materials have been properly removed. All areas to receive fill and/or other surface improvements, shall be scarified to a minimum depth of 8 inches below removal grade elevations, brought to at least 2 percent over optimum moisture conditions and recompacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method D1557-91). These operations should be performed under the observation and testing of a representative of this office. It should be understood that based on the observations of our field representative, localized deeper or shallower removals may be recommended. Any removed soils shall be moisture conditioned as necessary to achieve a moisture content of at least 2 percent over optimum moisture content and recompacted to a minimum 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method D1557-91). This earthwork should extend a minimum of 3 feet beyond the proposed footing limits. 2.3. Fill Placement and Compaction: If necessary, the on-site soils are suitable for reuse as compacted fill, provided they.are free of organic materials and debris'and material larger than 6 inches in diameter. All areas to receive fill and/or other surface improvements should be scarified to a minimum depth of 8 inches, brought to a moisture content of at least 2 percent over optimum moisture content and recompacted to at least 90 percent relative cumpactiun (based on ASTM D 1557-91). Should import soils be utilized for near -surface fills, these soils should be predominately granular, possess a low or very low expansion potential, and be approved by the geotechnical engineer prior to their transportation to the site. Lift thicknesses will be dependent upon the size and type of equipment used. In general, fill should be placed in uniform lifts not exceeding 8 inches. Placement and compaction of fill should be performed in accordance with local grading ordinances under the observation and testing of the geotechnical consultant. We recommend that if encountered, oversize materials (materials greater than 6 inches in maximum dimension) be removed from the upper 3 feet of fill or placed in accordance with the General Earthwork and Grading Guidelines contained in Appendix E. Tosco Marketing Company September 12, 2001 -Page 13 of 21 - Project No. 00-1821 2.4. Trench Excavations and Backfill: Trenches are anticipated to be excavated with moderate effort using conventional construction equipment in good operating condition. To satisfy OSHA requirements and for workmen's safety, it .will be necessary to shore excavations deeper than 5 feet. The on-site soils may be used as trench backfill provided they are screened of rock sizes over 6 inches in maximum dimension and organic matter. Trench backfill should be compacted in uniform lifts (not exceeding 8 inches in compacted thickness) by mechanical means to at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM D1557-91). 3. Foundations and Slab Design: Foundations and slabs should be designed in accordance with structural considerations and the following recommendations. These recommendations assume that soils exposed at finish pad grade will have a low potential for expansion. These recommendations may be verified by performing additional expansion tests after grading is completed. Localized areas of higher expansion may be possible. 3.1 Foundation Design: All proposed building and non -building improvements that are anticipated to constitute a structural load may be supported by an appropriate foundation system designed by the project structural engineer in accordance with the guidelines of the Uniform Building Code and/or all applicable local building codes. Footings adequately founded in firm natural soils or properly compacted fill soils should be a minimum 18 inches deep by 12 inches wide for a one-story building structure and 24 inches deep by 15 inches wide for a two-story building. At these dimensions, footings adequately founded properly compacted fill soil may be designed for an allowable soil bearing value of 2000 pounds per square foot. These values may be increased by one-third for loads of short duration including wind or seismic forces. Foundations should be properly reinforced in accordance with the project structural engineer's recommendations. Minimum reinforcement shall consist of two No. 4 rebar at the top and two No.4 rebar at the bottom of the footing. We estimate that the total and differential settlement for the proposed improvements will be on the order of 1 -inch and approximately 1/0 -inch between structural elements. To reduce the potential for misalignment of garage door openings at the site (if they are proposed), we recommend that a grade beam be constructed, across each garage door entrance. These grade beams should be designed and reinforced in accordance with the structural engineer's requirements. Tosco Marketing Company September 12, 2001 -Page 14 of 21 - Project No. 00-1821 We redommend a minimum horizontal setback distance from the face of descending slopes and/or retaining walls for all structural footings and settlement -sensitive structures. This distance is measured from the outside bottom edge of the footing, horizontally to the slope face or wall face -and should be a minimum of H/2, where H is the slope height or wall height (in feet). The setback should not be less than 5 feet and need not be greater than 10 feet. Please note that the soils within the structural setback area may possess poor lateral stability, and improvements (such as retaining walls, pools, sidewalks, fences, pavement, etc.) constructed within this setback area may be subject to lateral movement and/or differential settlement. All foundation excavations should be observed and tested by a representative of Anthony -Taylor Consultants prior to placement of steel and concrete. 3.2 Concrete Slabs: Interior concrete slabs should have a minimum thickness of 5 inches and be underlain by a 10 -mil visqueen moisture barrier underlain with a 2 inch layer of clean sand (sand equivalent of at least 30). The visqueen moisture barrier should be overlain by a 2 inch layer of clean sand to aid in concrete curing. All slabs should be constructed with preferred minimum reinforcement consisting of No. 3 bars placed mid -height in the slab and spaced on 18 inch centers in both directions. Welded wire mesh is not an acceptable alternative.. Crack control joints should be provided in accordance with the recommendations of the project structural engineer. Exterior concrete flatwork (sidewallks, etc.) should have uiTilniTnuni thlckriCSS of 4 inches, be underlain by a 2 -inch layer of clean sand, and reinforced with a minimum 6x6 -10/10 welded wire mesh placed midheight in the slab. Care should be taken by the contractor to ensure that the reinforcement is placed and maintained at slab midheight. We recommend that crack control joints for exterior flatwork be provided with a minimum spacing of 12 feet and a maximum of 15 feet, or in accordance with the structural engineer's recommendations. We also recommend that every third control joint be converted to an expansion joint. Some slab cracking due to shrinkage should be anticipated. The potential for this slab cracking may be reduced by careful control of water/cement ratios. The contractor should take appropriate curing precautions during the pouring of concrete in hot weather to minimize cracking of slabs. We recommend that a slipsheet (or equivalent) be utilized if crack -sensitive flooring is Tosco Marketing Company September 12, 2001 -Page 15 of 21 - Project No. 00-1821 planned directly on concrete slabs. All slabs should be designed in accordance with structural considerations. 3.3 Cement Type:-, As noted.before, our laboratory testing of a representative sample of the near surface indicated a negligible concentration of soluble sulfates. Based on the guidelines presented in the current edition of the Uniform Building Code, a minimum Type II cement may be utilized in concrete that will be in direct contact with the near -surface soils. 3.4 Moistening of Foundation Soils: Footing excavations and slab subgrades should be thoroughly moistened prior to placement of concrete. The soil moisture should be at least 2 percent over optimum to a depth of at least 24 inches below finish grade.. 4. Preliminary Pavement Design: Based on the results of our laboratory testing and for design preliminary design purposes, an R -Value of 60 was used for the subgrade soils. Additional R -Value testing may be warranted if a change in the soils exposed at finish subgrade elevations is encountered during grading. For preliminary purposes, we have assumed traffic indices of 4.5 for parking areas and 6.0 for drive areas. These assumed traffic indices should be verified by the project civil engineer prior to construction. The recommended structural pavement sections were calculated in accordance with the Caltrans Highway Design Manual and are summarized below: Main Drive Areas Design R -Value = 60, Assumed T.I. = 6.0 1 3.0 inches of asphalt concrete over 4.0 inches of Caltrans Class 2 aggregate base. Parking Areas Design R -Value = 60, Assumed T.I. = 4.5 3.0 inches of asphalt concrete over 4.0 inches of Caltrans Class 2 aggregate base. We recommend that drive entrances and other areas subject to heavy vehicle loading receive a full -depth Portland Cement Concrete (P.C.C.) section of 5 inches over 4 inches of Caltrans Class 2 aggregate base. This rigid section is based upon a minimum concrete strength of 3000 psi. We also recommend for these areas a minimum reinforcement consisting of No. 3 rebar spaced at 18 inches on center in two directions. Concrete (P.C.C.) parking areas may utilize a minimum Tosco Marketing Company Project No. 00-1821 September 12. 2001 -Page 16 of 21- ' reinforcement of No. 3 rebar spaced at 24 inches on center in two directions. We recommend that the rebar be placed midheight in each slab. Care should be taken by the contractor to ensure that the reinforcement is placed and maintained at slab midheight. We recommend that crack control joints for concrete pavement be provided with a minimum spacing of 12 feet and a maximum of 15 feet, or in accordance with the structural engineer's recommendations. We also recommend that every third control joint be converted to an expansion joint. We suggest that slab sections be nearly square as possible. Placement of concrete should be performed in accordance with the guidelines of the American Concrete Institute (A.C.I.) and all local building codes. We recommend that curbs, gutters and sidewalks be designed by the project civil engineer or structural engineer. We suggest control joints at appropriate intervals as determined by the civil engineer or structural engineer be considered. Based on the'results of our subsurface investigation, and the presence of loose topsoil in the proposed parking and drive areas, it is anticipated that the removal depths in these areas will be on the order of 1 to 1'/2 feet below existing grade elevations. Following removal of the upper soils, the bottom of the excavation(s) should .be observed and approved by a representative of this office to verify that these potentially compressible materials have been properly removed. All areas to receive fill and/or other surface improvements be scarified to a minimum depth of 8 inches below existing grade elevations, brought to a moisture content at least 2 percent over the optimum moisture content for these soils and recompacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method D1557-91). The upper G to S inches of pavement subgrade soils should be conditioned as necessary to achieve a near optimum moisture content, and recompacted to at least 95 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method D1557-91), or in accordance with the minimum compaction requirements of the County of Riverside. The untreated Class 2 aggregate base material placed as part of the pavement structural section should meet the requirements of Caltrans specifications and be compacted to a minimum 95 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method D1557-91). If pavement areas are adjacent to heavily watered landscape areas, we recommend some measure of moisture control be taken to prevent the subgrade soils from becoming saturated. It is recommended that the concrete curbing separating the landscaping area from the pavement extend below the aggregate base to help seal the ends of the sections where heavy landscape watering may have access to the aggregate base. Concrete swales should be designed in roadway or parking areas subject to concentrated surface runoff. w• Tosco Marketing Company , September 12, 2001 -Page 17 of 21 - Project No. 00-1821 5. Metal Protection: As noted previously, the results of our laboratory testing indicated that the soils at the subject site are moderately corrosive to ferrous metals. We recommend that conventional corrosion mitigation measures be taken, including but not limited to the following: • All steel and wire concrete reinforcement should have at least 3 inches of concrete cover where cast against soil. • Where metallic pipelines penetrate concrete structures such building floors or walls, use plastic sleeves, rubber seals or other dielectric material to prevent pipe contact with the concrete and reinforcing steel. • Below -grade ferrous metals should be given a high-quality protective coating, such as 18 -mil plastic tape, extruded poly -ethylene, coal -tar enamel or Portland Type V cement mortar. • Above -grade steel appurtenances that will be in contact with the surface soils, such as bolts, harnesses couplings etc. should be given a protective coating such as coal tar enamel, rubber mastic, epoxy or wax tape. • Below -grade metals should be electrically insulated (isolated) from above - grade metals by means of dielectric fittings in ferrous utilities and/or exposed metal structures breaking grade. • We recommend the use of PVC schedule 40 in non -pressurized applications. 6. Lateral Earth Pressures and Resistance: For design purposes, the following lateral earth pressure values for level and free -draining backfill are recommended for retaining walls (if nosed) backfilled with on-site soils, and for those backfilled ` with select soils (possessing an internal friction angle of at least 30 degrees and extending at least 0.514 from the upslope face of the wall, where H is the wall height). a r � 4f/ Tosco Marketing Company Project No. 00-1821 September 12, 2001 -Page 18 of 21 - EQUIVALENT FLUID WEIGHT (PCF) Conditions On -Site Backfill Select Backfill PHI>30 Degrees) Active 36 35 At -Rest 55 55 Passive Fill Soils 350 350 Unrestrained (yielding) cantilever walls should be designed for an active equivalent pressure value provided above. In the design of walls restrained from movement at the top (nonyielding), such as basement walls or re-entrant corners, the at -rest pressures should be used. For areas of re-entrant corners, the restrained wall design should extend a minimum distance of twice the height of the wall laterally from the corner. The above values assume backfill soils will have a very low expansion potential and free -draining conditions. If conditions other than those covered herein are anticipated, the equivalent fluid pressures should be provided on an individual basis by the geotechnical engineer. Retaining wall structures should be provided with appropriate drainage. Typical drainage design is illustrated in Appendix E. Wall backfill should be compacted by mechanical methods to at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method D1557-91). Wall footings should be ,designed in accordance with the foundation design recommendations and 1 reinforced in accordance with structural considerations. For all retaining walls, we recommend a minimum horizontal distance from the outside base of the footing to daylight of 8 feet. Lateral soil resistance developed against lateral structural movement can be obtained from the passive pressure value provided above. Further, for sliding resistance, a friction coefficient of 0.30 may be used at the concrete and soil interface. These values may be increased by one-third when considering loads of short duration including wind or seismic loads. The total resistance may be taken as the sum of the frictional and passive resistance provided that the passive portion does not exceed two-thirds of the total resistance. 7. Surface and Subsurface Drainage: Our experience indicates that surface or near surface ground water conditions can develop in areas where ground water conditions did not exist prior to site development, especially in areas where a substantial increase in surface water infiltration results from landscape irrigation. This Tosco Marketing Company September 12, 2001 -Page 19 of 21 - Project No. 00-1821 sometimes occurs where relatively impermeable and/or cemented formational materials are overlain by fill soils. In addition, during retaining wall excavations (if they are proposed), seepage may be encountered. We recommend that Anthony - Taylor Consultants be present during grading operations to evaluate areas of seepage. Drainage devices for reduction of water accumulation can be recommended if these conditions occur. We recommend that measures be taken to properly finish grade the site, such that a ' surface drainage is directed away from structure foundations, floor slabs, and tops of slopes, at a 2 percent minimum grade for a minimum distance of 5 feet for subgrade, and 1 percent minimum grade for a minimum distance of 5 feet for hard finish surface (pavement, walkways etc.). Ponding of water should not be permitted, and installation of roof gutters which outlet into a drainage system is considered prudent. Planting areas at grade should be provided with positive drainage directed away from all buildings. Drainage design for these facilities should be provided by the design civil engineer. 8.. Construction Observation and Plan Review: The recommendations provided in this report are based on subsurface conditions disclosed by field reconnaissance and widely -spaced exploratory borings. The interpolated subsurface conditions should 'be checked in the field during construction by a representative of Anthony -Taylor Consultants. We recommend that on-site excavations be observed during grading for the presence of potentially adverse geologic conditions by a representative of this firm. Construction observation and field density testing of compacted fill should be performed by a representative of this firm to erasure tilai wuSLruLtiull IS i11 aLCuluall X with the recommendations of this report. The final grading plan and building plan should be reviewed by this office prior to construction. u MKINIII&I This report presents recommendations pertaining to the subject site based on the assumption that -the subsurface conditions do not deviate appreciably from those disclosed by our exploratory excavations. Our recommendations are based on the technical information gathered, our understanding of the proposed construction, and our experience in the geotechnical field. We do not provide a guarantee or warranty (either expressed or implied) of the performance of the project, only that our engineering work and judgements meet the standard of care of our profession at this time. Tosco Marketing Company Project No. 00-1821 September 12, 2001 -Page 20 of 21- , I , In view of the general conditions in the area, the possibility of different local soil conditions cannot be discounted. Any deviations or unexpected conditions observed during construction should be brought to the attention of the Geotechnical Engineer. In this way, any required supplemental recommendations can be made with a minimum of delay to the' project. If the proposed construction will differ from our present understanding of the project, the existing information and possibly new factors may have to be evaluated. Any design changes and the final grading and foundation plans should be reviewed by the Geotechnical Consultant. Of particular importance would be extending development to new areas, changes in structural loading conditions, postponed development for more than one year, or changes in ownership. This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner or owner's representative to ensure that the information and recommendations contained herein are called to the attention of the Atchitects and Engineers for the project and incorporated into the plans and that the necessary steps are taken to ensure that the Contractors and Subcontractors carry out such recommendations in the field. This report is also subject to review by the controlling authorities for this project. Tosco Marketing Company September 12, 2001 -Page 21 of 21 - Project No. 00-1821 We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to you. If you have questions or need further information, please refer to Project No. 00-1821 to expedite your requests. Respectfully Submitted, ANTHONY -TAYLOR CONSULTANTS An Anthony -Taylor Company Bruce -T for e L chal President enio oject Engineer pFESL SI CEG No. 1960 RCE No. C42590 �� hQ�� Mt�Fyy LU NO. 21S ^T' .D GFOC oQROFESSja,� coo \GPv\7* TECt+N a OF C AL\11 dr Hector strell ¢ BRUCE W. TAYLOR Project a Logi * NO. 1960 * ec No. c 42590 CERTIFIED E"� ENGINEERING �j►9 GEOLOGIST OF CALF Distribution: 3 addressee (2 originals and 1 copy) HectorIJlm/TOSCO La Quinta GEO.wpd VICINITY MAP N NOT TO SCALE ® ANTHONY -TAYLOR CONSULTANTS - S D .Do (C9.pera2., s— /t—i.. Guy C-1 A— 1...1 530 ".. 1-250 0 .— "o. 560 N E2<e.,,. C6 92029 Sen Eren,iree .,.9.05 w.•m ft 1100, 12601 2366600 JOB NAME: TOSCO LA QUINTA SITE ADDRESS: N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. JOB NUMBER: 00-1821 REVIEWED BY: HGE DATE: 112/05/00.-1la FIG. N0. BORING LOCATION MAP B-2 B-3 . NOT TO SCALE ANTHONY -TAYLOR CONSULTANTS ® S.. 04.9. (C.V-ft) s- ?--4. 0. .,.. 250 5XC,W Co A- 0 1... .,.. mo E.cone.eo. CA 92029 9.105 1. 1100, , Gai 36. soo JOB NAME: TOSCO LA QUINTA SITE ADDRESS: N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. NUMBER: I REVIEWED BY:JOB DATE: EXCAVATION LOG EQUIPMENT: DIMENSION & TYPE OF EXCAVATION: DATE LOGGED: HOLLOW STEM AUGER DRILL RIG • 12" DIAMETER AUGER BORING 11/30/00 SURFACE ELEVATION: GROUNDWATER DEPTH: LOGGED BY: BORING No: EXISTING ELEVATION NONE ENCOUNTERED KHM B-1 ) Uj J L FIELD DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION X o v o ® U- J o_ W S- r-.,..... 6, (/ C...I .n. cnm n.e. c 270 5300 u.mam. 760 .•ma ."g.lq T. 11001 W SPT SAMPLE o DRIVE SAMPLE TOSCO LA QUINTA aI j * * NO SAMPLE RECOVERY SITE ADDRESS: w N � < m p DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS C? N ~ cn a ~ H M ~ x Ui w # DISTURBED BLOWCOUNT No. m U (Grain size, Density, Moisture, Color) cn o o_ I z p o a z ° zo �ov VERY, FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, LOOSE, DRY, TAN. SP 57 BECOMES DENSE. 1.4 104.0 9.3 111.8 SANDY SILT/SILTY VERY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, HARD/ NL/SII 5 DENSE, DAMP, TAN. 60. 2.2 105.6 SILTY VERY FINE TO COARSE SAND, MEDIUM DENSE, SM DAMP, TAN. 46 2.5 101.1 10 27 1.8 90.2 SLIGHTLY SILTY, VERY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, DENSE, 15 DAMP,TAN. SP 59 0.9 106.6 SILTY FINE TO COARSE SAND, DENSE, DAMP, TAN. SM 20 11.1 60 BECOMES FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED, GRAYISH TAN. 2.2 111.5 {;:,:I:I 25 71 1.3 105.8 4:4.:! 30- 0 ) VALUE AS PER SIMILAR SOIL TYPE 1 WATER TABLE ANTHONY -TAYLOR CONSULTANTS $— pc=A. ® LOOSE BAG SAMPLE p.' -t.) u ", ca. 92o2 P7 E,....... 3. 92079 6v 11601 »8.8800 S- r-.,..... 6, (/ C...I .n. cnm n.e. c 270 5300 u.mam. 760 .•ma ."g.lq T. 11001 0 SPT SAMPLE JOB NAME: DRIVE SAMPLE TOSCO LA QUINTA * * NO SAMPLE RECOVERY SITE ADDRESS: * DISTURBED SAMPLE N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. JOB NUMBER: 00-1821 REVIEWED BY: HGE DATE: 12/05/00 I FIG. N0. fla # DISTURBED BLOWCOUNT No. EXCAVATION LOG EQUIPMENT: DIMENSION & TYPE OF EXCAVATION: DATE LOGGED: HOLLOW STEM AUGER DRILL RIG 12" DIAMETER AUGER BORING 11/30/00 SURFACE ELEVATION: GROUNDWATER DEPTH: LOGGED BY: BORING No: EXISTING ELEVATION• NONE ENCOUNTERED I KHM B-1 (CONT.) ( ) w FIELD DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION TABLE w 0 - ^ 4 w m 1 Q wwv 3. (n 7 imc n19. p, o n: Ta „G0, ,co. c 0 a �v �� U �.. O DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS = H TOSCO LA QUINTA N m M Q o~ w a'' F- F~ *DISTURBED SAMPLE, �0 z la o m a REVIEWED BY: HGE o v (Grain size, Density, Moisture, Color) U bl Z N —0 a N I z a N o o x N a z w. m° m za two v 30 . t!.{::! SILTY VERY FINE TO COARSE SAND, DENSE, DAMP, SM 40 GRAYISH TAN. 2.5 3 5 :t:!: a::! 57 # 1.0 40 31 1.5 45 40 3.0 . d:a C )0 31 DUNE SAND 1 3.6 TOTAL DEPTH = 51.5' NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED NO CAVING BACKFILLED: 11/30/00 55 60 ( ) VALUE AS PER SIMILAR SOIL TYPE IWATER TABLE ANTHONY -TAYLOR CONSULTANTS s -01.E« J0. Cn4•pA J„S-.� . OvC—t A•a � 250 5300 ..-1.1.X ,i 560 ® LOOSE BAG SAMPLE- �,.�„o• So 97019 Son 9202 17601 .JB-BB00 7 imc n19. p, o n: Ta „G0, ,co. c 0 SPT SAMPLE JOB NAME: DRIVE SAMPLE TOSCO LA QUINTA SITE ADDRESS: * * NO SAMPLE RECOVERY * *DISTURBED SAMPLE, N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. JOB NUMBER: 00-1821 REVIEWED BY: HGE DATE: 112/05/001 FIG. NO. �. Ila # DISTURBED BLOWCOUNT NO. ) EXCAVATION LOG EQUIPMENT: DIMENSION & TYPE OF EXCAVATION: DATE LOGGED: HOLLOW STEM AUGER DRILL RIG 12" DIAMETER AUGER BORING 11/30/00 SURFACE ELEVATION: GROUNDWATER DEPTH: LOGGED BY: BORING No: EXISTING, ELEVATION . NONE ENCOUNTERED KHM B-2 ) VALUE AS PER SIMILAR SOIL TYPE FIELD DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION o Z p M o o Saw.. ..e c, I C�., A- c•.w. 2,0 Y.nmi.1. 560 O M a W \ a 3 rn 3300 ,I i,mw a 9.a, waa„an. 2 1100, co. c U W Q v W .°x �� a �•� �-o CL � a N Jm D DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS * * NO SAMPLE RECOVERY a a N N a N x W HGEWED BY: m O) (Groin size, Density, Moisture, Color) vi Z1 0 — 0 o OX v O VERY FINE . T0. MEDIUM SAND, LOOSE, DRY, TAN. ' ' ° = SP 1 i:1::! SILTY VERY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, MEDIUM DENSE, DAMP, SM '1­i:{::i TAN. 43 6.3 86.3 i.{.•� is 22 6.8 90.6 10 1:!.a::! 26 1.4 93.1 53 9.9 100.6 15 53 2.3 102.4 FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, MEDIUM DENSE, DAMP, GRAYISH SP' 20 TAN. 40 DUNE SAND 1.6 107.7 TOTAL DEPTH = 21.5' NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED NO CAVING BACKFILLED: 11130100 25 , ) VALUE AS PER SIMILAR SOIL TYPE ANTHONY -TAYLOR CONSULTANTS 1 WATER TABLE ® S.. a.,. «�., 30. Cnu ,.. SI...I 3.5 Saw.. ..e c, I C�., A- c•.w. 2,0 Y.nmi.1. 560 LOOSE BAG SAMPLE E,c11601 Ca 92029 Sm 12601 1766600 3300 ,I i,mw a 9.a, waa„an. 2 1100, co. c 0 SPT SAMPLE JOB NAME: DRIVE SAMPLE TOSCO LA QUINTA SITE ADDRESS: * * NO SAMPLE RECOVERY * DISTURBED SAMPLE N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. JOB NI HZ I UMBER: 00 - HGEWED BY: DATE:112/05/001 FIG. NO- o. lIb # DISTURBED BLOWCOUNT NO. EXCAVATION LOG EQUIPMENT: DIMENSION & TYPE OF EXCAVATION: DATE LOGGED: HOLLOW STEM AUGER DRILL RIG 12" DIAMETER AUGER BORING 11/30/00 SURFACE ELEVATION: GROUNDWATER DEPTH: LOGGED BY: BORING No: EXISTING ELEVATION NONE ENCOUNTERED KHM B-3 ) VALUE AS PER SIMILAR SOIL TYPE W IWATER FIELD DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION ANTHONY—TAYLOR CONSULTANTS s°. o:.,° «°,,°.a., S_ f IN`7000"° w ^ H J m d W V. 3:tn SPT SAMPLE W v am Cl v O t] 0 DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS N ~ > Q N< aJ m D J W� U a- I� 1, Z W N (� m N L) (Grain size, Density, Moisture, Color) U I� ZN dVI IZ (ON XUi 8 ? 0 o o FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, MEDIUM DENSE, DRY, TAN. SP 62 4.2 102.2 i SILTY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND, MEDIUM DENSE, DAMP, SM TAN. 5 27 2.4 95.7 1.1.f 10 :�.i.l•! BECOMES GRAYISH TAN WITH -LENSES OF FINE TO MEDIUM 43 SAND. 1.4 106.4 3. j4l'-! ! ' Iil:i 58 DUNE SAND 0.9 108.81 TOTAL DEPTH = 16.5' NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED NO CAVING BACKFILLED: 11130100 20- 25— ) VALUE AS PER SIMILAR SOIL TYPE IWATER TABLE ANTHONY—TAYLOR CONSULTANTS s°. o:.,° «°,,°.a., S_ f IN`7000"° 50. ,° ]2 ]t] a, CIV C-1.111 250 ]]00 wlmool. 560 i,°mo„o. ® LOOSE BAG SAMPLE Od, C °° 92029 ,- 2 11601 1]b BB00 0 `' °� 9.105 �,1". " ;7007 0 SPT SAMPLE JOB NAME: DRIVE SAMPLE TOSCO LA QUINTA SITE ADDRESS: * * NO SAMPLE RECOVERY * DISTURBED SAMPLE N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. JOB NUMBER: 00-1821 REVIEWED BY: HGE DATE: 12/05/00 FIG. N0. iiC # DISTURBED BLOWCOUNT NO. EXCAVATION LOG EQUIPMENT: DIMENSION & TYPE OF EXCAVATION: DATE LOGGED: HOLLOW STEM AUGER DRILL RIG 12" DIAMETER AUGER BORING 11/30/00 SURFACE ELEVATION: GROUNDWATER DEPTH: LOGGED BY: BORING No: EXISTING ELEVATION NONE ENCOUNTERED KHM B-4 ) a FIELD DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION WATER TABLE wtF o ,0. Enin J ® w 3v\i �.,. ` , �.mc oC9.i0, Ma.,lan.., ;.00. w aw SPT SAMPLE o DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS a M a ii _j Zm ai~ w�>-ow>_ <F=~p * DISTURBED SAMPLE N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. JOB NUMBER: 00-1821 o v (Grain size, Density, Moisture, Color) ci ZN o rn xN o\ m j zz — o v 0 VERY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, MEDIUM DENSE, DRY, :TAN, SP WITH GRAVEL. 33 SILTY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND. MEDIUM DENSE, DAMP. SM 1.7 106.7 5 ..j.y.t.:! TAN. I_ j• a::l 75 BECOMES DENSE. ' 1.8 112.1 BECOMES VERY FINE TO MEDIUM GRAINED AND MEDIUM •:i t.:t:;! 40 DENSE. 3.0 98.4 15 51 1.8 101.3 j :t:.t::l 20 e!r:i 65 DUNE SAND 1.9 101.E TOTAL DEPTH 20.5' NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED NO CAVING BACKFILLED: 11/30/00 25— ) VALUE AS PER SIMILAR SOIL TYPE 1 WATER TABLE ANTHONY -TAYLOR CONSULTANTS S317* f6eev 1 sa .a..e,e In ,0. Enin a I:WJ Com., .wo c�.m 7,0 „Op N.maN. ® LOOSE BAG SAMPLE C. 9202 S. E,...aeo. �e 91079 San I7601 .,BB800 �.,. ` , �.mc oC9.i0, Ma.,lan.., ;.00. Q SPT SAMPLE JOB NAME: e DRIVE SAMPLE TOSCO LA QUINTA * NO SAMPLE RECOVERY SITE ADDRESS: * DISTURBED SAMPLE N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. JOB NUMBER: 00-1821 REVIEWED BY: HGE DATE: 112/05/00 FIG. NO. old ## DISTURBED BLOWCOUNT NO. EXCAVATION LOG EQUIPMENT: DIMENSION & TYPE OF EXCAVATION: DATE LOGGED: HOLLOW STEM AUGER DRILL RIG 12" DIAMETER AUGER BORING 11/30/00 SURFACE ELEVATION: GROUNDWATER DEPTH: LOGGED BY: BORING No: EXISTING ELEVATION NONE ENCOUNTERED KHM B-5 VALUE VALUE AS PER SIMILAR SOIL TYPE J a 1 FIELD DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION v o v o s.. „a �..o F'...OWJ C. -I An9 ® J m a W a \ 3� SPT SAMPLE W Q� a ow o �o DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS vi = a r N a m 0 a_ W" aI.- , D �� � Z W o N 0 m N O U (Grain size, Density, Moisture, Color) U I N J Ui z a. y O X w o\ ?- 0 oz — 0 o v 0 SILTY VERY FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, MEDIUM DENSE, SM DRY, TAN. 40 BECOMES DAMP. 3.9 104.0 5 21 2.6 99.0 FINE TO MEDIUM SAND, LOOSE, DAMP, TAN. SP 15 10 1.3 100.0 BECOMES MEDIUM DENSE. 40 1.1 107.9 BECOMES DENSE. 15 .::::: 60 DUNE SAND 0.9 108.9 TOTAL DEPTH = 15.5' NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED NO CAVING BACKFILLED: 11/30/00 20 5 25— VALUE AS PER SIMILAR SOIL TYPE 1 WATER TABLE ANTHONY -TAYLOR CONSULTANTS ®S"0u99 rEo nolo ]Oa Enrvori,. Slr,.i ]2] s.. „a �..o F'...OWJ C. -I An9 ® LOOSE BAG SAMPLE E„9760,. 30 92029 Son 12601 2]&6900 ,I., o„9 2ro0 S]„0 N,m to ii00160 irm 0,ie. c W„on Q SPT SAMPLE JOB NAME: DRIVE SAMPLE TOSCO LA QUINTA * * NO SAMPLE RECOVERY SITE ADDRESS: * . DISTURBED SAMPLE N•W, CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. JOB NUMBER: 00-1821 IREVIEWED BY: 1 HGE DATE: 12/05/00 FIG. NO. Ile ## DISTURBED BLOWCOUNT NO. m EXCAVATION LOG EQUIPMENT: DIMENSION & TYPE OF EXCAVATION: DATE LOGGED: HOLLOW STEM AUGER DRILL.RIG 12" DIAMETER AUGER BORING 11/30/00 SURFACE ELEVATION: GROUNDWATER DEPTH: LOGGED. BY: BORING No: EXISTING ELEVATION NONE ENCOUNTERED KHM B-6 w FIELD DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION WATER TABLE ANTHONY -TAYLOR CONSULTANTS S— 0- « �, 5� 0E,.1160) ^. L w m a a w ii �` 3. v)Lo ``'`' o a �`� o o DESCRIPTION AND REMARKS w TOSCO LA QUINTA 0 m j a N SITE ADDRESS: a X~ w N.W. CORNER OF HWY m JOB NUMBER: 00-1821 REVIEWED BY: HGE (Grain size, Density, Moisture, Color) vi Z I wm wZo o .. SILTY VERY FINE TO FINE SAND, LOOSE, DRY, GRAYISH SM ! ! TAN. 21 BECOMES MEDIUM DENSE. 1.2 5 :i.t•.I::! 30# BECOMES DAMP, TAN. 1.3 10 12 DUNE SAND 1 0.7 TOTAL DEPTH = .1.0.5' NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED NO CAVING BACKFILLED: 11/30/00 520 15- 2 0 25 VALUE AS PER SIMILAR SOIL TYPE 1 WATER TABLE ANTHONY -TAYLOR CONSULTANTS S— 0- « �, 5� 0E,.1160) JOa E.h•w�,,. J�•eer ),! C. 2029 =m ,., ,�, GW C-1 A— fr.mC1„o L 200 JJ„0 N.mo.�oL "0 E.an�n, a. 9.pJ „„1..... 71001 ® LOOSE BAG SAMPLE 1,601 130.0800 Q SPT SAMPLE JOB NAME: DRIVE SAMPLE TOSCO LA QUINTA * * NO SAMPLE RECOVERY SITE ADDRESS: * DISTURBED SAMPLE N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. JOB NUMBER: 00-1821 REVIEWED BY: HGE DATE: 12/05/00, FIG. N0. Ilf ## DISTURBED, BLOWCOUNT NO. LABORATORY SOIL DATA SUMMARY 150 -1 LABORATORY COMPACTION TEST 1NKM igr S C.� 120 W F— Z MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY 1 2 3 100 (pcf) 111.8 OPTIMUM MOISTURE 9 3 CONTENT (%) 90 MOISTURE CONTENT 0 5 10 15 EXPANSION TEST DATA SOIL TYPE 1 INITIAL DRY DENSITY pcf) 104.2 INITIAL WATER CONTENT (%) 1.4 LOAD psf) 144 PERCENT SWELL 0 2.70 \ ,,,-2.50 SPECIFIC GRAVITY 2.60 � ZERO AIR VOIDS CURVES 20 SOIL TYPE SOIL CLASSIFICATION BORING TRENCH DEPTH JOB NAME: NO. NO. { 1 .TAN, SILTY, FINE TO MEDIUM SAND. B-1 - 1.0 TO 5.0 FT. ANTHONY -TAYLOR CONSULTANTS Smw Dw 30.E 9o!m7vS-e ' , !75 ie"hau4ee 250 530W C—i Im MO E.rrnmto. CG 92029 San hon<nto. ra. 9m0! .-1tn. T% 17007 ® 17601 736.6800 JOB NAME: TOSCO LA QUINTA { SITE ADDRESS: N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. ' JOB NUMBER: 00-1821 I REVIEWED BY: DATE: FIG. N0. ilia HGE 12/05/00 CONSOLIDATION - PERCENT O cD 00 V' rn N A W N O K O m O m � N O Z � D � r C � O_ N C ;u ' m 100 Jo oeS Z 0 " =a g„„a x0 O • �z z > D < c 720 (- 1000 0 O z 1440 M > c O wig, `3 N 2880 c n 00 Om�Mom ZL �Q OZ 5760 cn �0,�c v O> O Nm �A pA ;oN M r•• D 0 > cn to M 0 O Z mM 0< of m M m z m= o D � M m 75 � m D Z I No ,,,Di Om Ln p O U) m 2 C0 O zp z o oZ N 100 0 O 360 z Li 0 720 (- 1000 0 1080 1440 M > O mz N N 2880 c I m � 5760 m r 10000 N cn 11520 0 m 0 M C m 100000 r'l ..40 O of ....................... ....................... Ijllllllllll ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ eeeeecece_:_:_eeec_ec.�c .• -min mom GiGri■iGiGiGiGiGiGi'GiG[��iC � SEEM ..7G7i�iC • • f � .■■■.■■■■■.■■■nom■■■.■■■ � ���NONE � mom== mom==����=m=m=mmmmmm��� .. ....................... • • • • • ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ NONE ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ . ....................... ..............e mmmm..... • ....................... ___ mom r'l 0 :151, a lzg - ,zo ] 'so3 0O • O z r 1000 0 a D 9� b > 1 r C 7;[) D eI3 0 m P _l m O Jr. n N O c I z 1 m 5760 m r m N 0�3 Z N C 11520 D n 0oy Om Z �o O �c �m V)m CIO O t n0 A O> O Nan �A OA Z m r D A Ln ml* M Q z 0:5 C m m Z rn v = D co ND D I --4 m Z 0 COn , o N 2 m � O z0 oZ z O N CONSOLIDATION - PERCENT O t0 co V a- Cl1 A W N O �o 100 0 .O 360 z O 720 r 1000 0 1080 1440 > O ri N z N 2880 c I 1 m 5760 m r m N 110000 N C 11520 D :E) m t 4 C m 100000 SYMBOL SAMPLE LOCATION FRICTION COHESION (psf) REMARKS ANTHONY—TAYLOR CONSULTANTS DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS � 3000 I I . .I • I I I I I I I I I TOSCO LA QUINTA - I I i I L— ' 2000 - I I I I I I N 0— I I I 1 ~ I I I I Z W N cr I I I I w 1 1 I I I I (= 1000 I I I I I i I I I I I I 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I 2308 0 ,577 1000 1154 1731 2000 3000 NORMAL PRESSURE (PSF) SYMBOL SAMPLE LOCATION FRICTION COHESION (psf) REMARKS ANTHONY—TAYLOR CONSULTANTS ANGLE ° � B-1 ® 1.0 TO 5.0 FT • 176 30' REMOLDED � 90% R.C. SATURATED TOSCO LA QUINTA SITE ADDRESS: N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. SYMBOL SAMPLE LOCATION FRICTION COHESION (psf) REMARKS ANTHONY—TAYLOR CONSULTANTS ��. Dvp9 Ic° y° aa1 s— ,. ';. awl c9.d ,- 30. En4r9rfc. SH..i 113 E'.nonr ® 230 S30D waab. 760 Efconei.o. C° 92029 Sw Er ancnco, o. 9.,07 Hanlon, fY )100c 17601 736.6000 JOB NAME: TOSCO LA QUINTA SITE ADDRESS: N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. JOB NUMBER: 00-1821 REVIEWED BY: HGE DATE: 1.2/os/oo FIG. N0. Ille ,DIRECT SHEAR TEST- RESULTS 3000 COHESION (psf) , I I I I I I I I I I I I ANGLE ° I� 2000 • I I I I I REVIEWED BY: HGE 112/05/00 DATE: N I I I I CL I I I Z w V) w I I I I (= 1000. • I I I I I I I I I I I I '• I I I I I I I I I I I • 0 I I i 577 1000 1154 1731 2000 0 2308 3000 NORMAL PRESSURE (PSF) SYMBOL SAMPLE LOCATION COHESION (psf) FRICTION REMARKS 5700 4�.a•�a. 1 560 E�nna�o'Ce 92029 is 0,19103 Hanlon, i[ >200� 17601 756.6000 ANGLE ° � B-1 � 5.0 FT 202 35' NATURAL- FIELD SHEARS JOB NUMBER: 00-1821 REVIEWED BY: HGE 112/05/00 DATE: FIG. N0. ���f SATURATED ANTHONY -TAYLOR CONSULTANTS 0 a.°e (Corps ehf Sen hmiet,ee Ce{/ Coal Ins 30.230 ® 5700 4�.a•�a. 1 560 E�nna�o'Ce 92029 is 0,19103 Hanlon, i[ >200� 17601 756.6000 JOB NAME: TOSCO LA QUINTA SITE ADDRESS: N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. JOB NUMBER: 00-1821 REVIEWED BY: HGE 112/05/00 DATE: FIG. N0. ���f 'LOCATION SYMBOL SAMPLE DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS 3000 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I � • 2000 I I I I I I � v I I I I C� • Z I I I I W N ' I I I I• I I Li I I I I I I N 1000 I I I I 0 I I I I I I I I 0 577 1000 1154 1731 2000 2308 3000 NORMAL PRESSURE (PSF) SYMBOL SAMPLE + CONSULTANTS ® S30� w i2aS 4f Saw hvacfAcO C��Caaal Ana E.co -. Ca 92029 San frmcp'co 1., le. 270 l3M0 .a, 760 12601 X30.0000 9..05 H ­ m mer 72002 JOB NAME: TOSCO LA QUINTA SITE ADDRESS: N.W. CORNER OF HWY .111 AND WASHINGTON ST. JOB NUMBER: REVIEWED BY: DATE: FIG. N0. 00-1821 HGE 12/05/00 ���g MECHANICAL ANALYSIS - SIEVE TEST DATA U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES 50 8D N GRAVEL SAND RET. W #16 0.0 100.0 mm SILT AND CLAY 99.7 #50 10.2 89.8 #100 O 53.2 U COARSE FINE COARSE ME01Uu FINE U.S. STD. SIEVE MINUS #4 SAMPLE RET. % PASS #16 0.0 100.0 #30 0.3 99.7 #50 10.2 89.8 #100 46.8 53.2 #200 77.5 22.5 0 0 z U) a IL r - z W U C W IL BORING: B-1 ANTHONY—TAYLOR CONSULTANTS DEPTH: 1.0 TO 5.0 FT. S— aE a 1.i 30w 7b .io 2•A 33a� w m..� 30i Eirnp�ii Slriil 3)3 crimen Ecco—, C0 97029 U F-- ­co. 9.100 wilan T. 11001 17601 136.6800 JOB NAME: TOSCO LA QUINTA SITE ADDRESS: N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST, JOB NUMBER: REVIEWED BY: DATE: FIG. N0. 00-1821 1 HGE 12/05/00 111h MECHANICAL ANALYSIS -. SIEVE TEST DATA mm O 541' AND CLAY 0.0 100.0 j/50 t.8 98.2 � COARSE FINE COARSE U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES FINE DATE: FIG. NO. 7 4 0 00-1821 3 2 11 t/ 4 610 14 20 30 40 560 800 200 325 illi 100 10- 90 20 80 61 30 70 Z Z ' F 40- -60 N W 0: Q + 0 F- 50 50 F Z Z U 6p 40 U K 0: a 70 30 a so 20 90-:=10 02- 100 0 100 50 10.0 5.0 1.0 0.5 0.1. .05 .01 .005 .001 - PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS f S m J GRAVEL ' 'SAND RET. mm O 541' AND CLAY 0.0 100.0 j/50 t.8 98.2 � COARSE FINE COARSE 4EOIU1,1 FINE DATE: U.S. STD. SIEVE MINUS #4 .SAMPLE RET. % PASS /%30 0.0 100.0 j/50 t.8 98.2 i/t00 i5.t Ba.9 (/ 200 48.3. REVIEWED BY: BORING: e-1 ANTHONY -TAYLOR CONSULTANTS DEPTH: 5.0 FT. sm 0(F90 lce.vA.Ae./ sm F".... ;° 230 l3wo�u T�;a ",1:. wo ]0. E+M1•pne 3rrr.i 3�, Freina+ Ecc 0. CA 92029 S. Fhuncbco. co. 9.,05 w.rvn, f1 ••002 12601 •38.8800 JOB NAME: TOSCO LA QUINTA SITE ADDRESS: N.W. CORNER OF HWY 1 1 1 AND WASHINGTON • ST. JOB NUMBER: REVIEWED BY: DATE: FIG. NO. 00-1821 HGE 12/05/00 illi MECHANICAL ANALYSIS - SIEVE TEST DATA SAMPLE % PASS ye o.0 -U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES 100.0 m SILT AND CLAY TOSCO LA QUINTA 99.8 74 so 6o 3 2 11 z 1 34 1/ 3/a 1 4 4 610 14 20 30 40 60 100 200 325 O u COARSE COARSE FFINE COARSE COARSE ° FINE FINE 22.5 HGE ��.s 100 58.0 10- 0 20 20 80 W 3O 70 (� Z Z a0 60 H W � so a o. z so F z W U 6O 40 U It La O 70 30 W 0. 80 20 9O 10 100 100 s° 10.0 5.0 1.0 0.5 0.1 .05 0 .01 .005 .001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS GRAvEL SAND N MINUS RET. #4 SAMPLE % PASS ye o.0 100.0 m SILT AND CLAY TOSCO LA QUINTA 99.8 y30 0.6 N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. O u COARSE COARSE FFINE COARSE COARSE MEDIUM MEOIum FINE FINE 22.5 U.S. STD. SIEVE MINUS RET. #4 SAMPLE % PASS ye o.0 100.0 y 16 0.2 TOSCO LA QUINTA 99.8 y30 0.6 N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. 99.4 y50 4.2 FIG. N0. 95.8 yloo 22.5 HGE ��.s y200 58.0 42.0 BORING: 6-1 ANTHONY—TAYLOR CONSULTANTS DEPTH: 8.0 FT. s30 °":'� A :"' 315 f � ana�. o p c...1 A. 5500 Mune -. 160 E.cm.fa.. C< 92029 6°• ir.nal. °. 9.10 T.• 11601 1586800 M0Vf1°° JOB NAME: TOSCO LA QUINTA SITE ADDRESS: N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. JOB NUMBER: REVIEWED BY: DATE: FIG. N0. 00-1821 HGE 12/05/00: MECHANICAL ANALYSIS - SIEVE TEST DATA N4 W J tao.o U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES 0.2 , m m O SILT AND CLAY 0.3 99.7 7 4 50 80 3 2 1/2 1 3/ 1/ 3/ 1,! 4 610 14 2030 40 60 100 200 325 O COARSE FINE COARSE 0 FINE N 200 61.2 38.8 100 10 90 20 - so W 30 70 V Z Z a0 BO � W C so Q 0 � 50 ►- 2 Z U 60 40 V aw 70 30 W d 60 HIIN 20 90 t0 100 0 100 50 10.0 5.0 1.0 0.5 0.1 .05 .01 .005 .001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS N canvEU SAND N4 W J tao.o NS 0.2 , m m O SILT AND CLAY 0.3 99.7 N30 0.4 99.6 O COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE N 200 U.S. STD. SIEVE MINUS #4 RET. SAMPLE % PASS N4 0.o tao.o NS 0.2 99.8 #16 0.3 99.7 N30 0.4 99.6 Nso 1.3 98.7 #100 9.6 90.4 N 200 61.2 38.8 BORING: 8-1 ANTHONY -TAYLOR CONSULTANTS DEPTH: 11.0 FT. SaE pn «cp 5 5""' M- m r""77o Ow C—t A— C4 92029 SES F� ,itFo ,..9�05 $S Mwyon n�lv. 7700160 17601 136.6600 JOB NAME: TOSCO LA QUINTA SITE ADDRESS: N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. JOB NUMBER: 00-1821 REVIEWED BY: DATE: FIG. NO. Illk HGE 12/05/00 MECHANICAL ANALYSIS - SIEVE TEST DATA t U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES so so li 100 so 10.0 5.0 1.0 0.5 0.1 .os .01 .005 ..001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS IA f SAND RET. L #16 IA GRAVEL SAND RET. % PASS #16 0.0 100.0 of 0) O SILT AND CLAY 96.6 #50 46.3 53.7 /100 O COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE 12/05/00 U.S. STD. SIEVE MINUS #4 SAMPLE RET. % PASS #16 0.0 100.0 #30 - 3.4 96.6 #50 46.3 53.7 /100 81.6 18.4 #200 92.4 7.6 O a Z In in Q a 1- 2 U D: W a BORING: B-1 ANTHONY -TAYLOR CONSULTANTS DEPTH: 15.0 FT. ®sA m,.o rcA.,A.A�I s. ...�e 6uv r�.l ..v l0a Enl,rmn, 9rr„r 5700 M,marm. , 760 E.... . CA 97029 1. c.rna,c9 ca.19.10 rru•,ryrr, 1y 11001 17601 >36.6600 JOB NAME: TOSCO LA QUINTA 'SITE ADDRESS: N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. JOB NUMBER: REVIEWED BY: DATE: FIG. N0. 00-1821 HGE 12/05/00 un • MECHANICAL ANALYSIS. SIEVE TEST DATA SAMPLE % PASS W J o.0 JOB NAME: 100.0 a) SILT AND CLAY SITE ADDRESS: 98.7 y6 3.6 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES m O y16 � COARSE SINE 7 6 50 80 3 2 1'/2 1 3/ 1/ 3/ 1/4 6 610 14 2030 40 60 100 200 325 80.0 y50 31.5 0 yloo a9.o s1.o 100 73.4 /0 90 20 80 W 30 )0 U z Z 40- 60 tn W 5o Q a r s0 zLLI I— z C 60 s0 cr La 7; 30 W a eo zo 90 10 1000 100 50 10.0 5.0 1.0 0.5 0.1 .05 .01 .005 .001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS r N GRAVEL SAND SAMPLE % PASS W J o.0 JOB NAME: 100.0 a) SILT AND CLAY SITE ADDRESS: 98.7 y6 3.6 REVIEWED BY: m O y16 � COARSE SINE COARSE MEDIUM TINE 80.0 U.S. STD. SIEVE MINUS RET. #4 SAMPLE % PASS y3/e � o.0 JOB NAME: 100.0 y4 1 .3 SITE ADDRESS: 98.7 y6 3.6 REVIEWED BY: 96.4 y16 6.4 93.6 y30 20.0 Illm 80.0 y50 31.5 68.5 yloo a9.o s1.o y200 73.4 26.6 BORING: B-1 ANTHONY—TAYLOR CONSULTANTS DEPTH: 20.0 FT. sm Amo rEe.pu v1.f :,�"If C-1 ...6 70. Enrerw�.1 S�•cH 315 f.cmpnr 250 1300 N.mor�w, r 560 EuarMae. Ca 9xOx9 Sw'"C'sco. car9aW5 wwlrm, .. 11001 11601 136.8800 JOB NAME: TOSCO LA QUINTA SITE ADDRESS: N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. JOB NUMBER: REVIEWED BY: DATE: FIG. N0. 00-1821 HGE 12/05/00 Illm MECHANICAL ANALYSIS - SIEVE TEST DATA m .p U SILT AND CLAY COARSE U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES COARSE MEDIUM FINE yt00__-St.B N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. 0 7 a go 3 2 112 1 3/ 1/ 3/ 1/ 4 610 1a 20 30 40 560 100 200 325 i6.t 00-1821 HGE 112/05/00.1 IIIA 100 0 :0- 80 O Sp 70 L3 z Z F !0 60 in rc n so � F z V 60 ♦p z U 0: ¢ IL 70 , 30 (- BO 20 9p 10 1D0 0 lop 50 10.0 5.0 1.0 0.5 0.1 .05 .01 .005 .001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS N W GRAVEL SAND % RET. m .p U SILT AND CLAY COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE U.S. STD. SIEVE ' MINUS #4 SAMPLE % RET. % PASS' #30 o.o - t oD.o y50 - 3.7 96.3 yt00__-St.B N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. a8.2 y200 83.9 i6.t BORING: B-1 ANTHONY—TAYLOR CONSULTANTS DEPTH: 25.0 FT. ® S30 allE Sn.°''11—tl) 315 -wl I,. ° c4v Cowl 'm 250 53M0 4.1. r(`, 560 E..9.ma,. En 92029 S. G—il— i.. 9.105 w.1e 11001 17601 1$8.6$00 JOB NAME: TOSCO LA QUINTA SITE ADDRESS: N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. JOB NUMBER: REVIEWED BY: DATE: FIG. N0. 00-1821 HGE 112/05/00.1 IIIA MECHANICAL ANALYSIS - SIEVE TEST DATA y4 O1 100.0 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES 0.2 99.8 //t6 •. 7 a y30 ao 3 2 11 2 1 3/ 1/ 3/ 1/` s 610 14 20 30 40 560 100 200 325 O COARSE TINE COARSE 0 FINE yzoo e1.a 19.2 t00 10 90 20 60 W 30 70 V Z Z r 40-:60 h W C 50 Q O H 50 H 2 2: uj U 60 40 U w • Wa 70 30 R Wa so zo 90 10 ' 100 0 100 50 10.0 5.0 1.0 0.5 0.1 .OS .01 .005 .001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS GRAVEL SAND SILT AND CLAY O N, W MINUS #4 RET. SAMPLE % PASS y4 O1 100.0 y8 0.2 99.8 //t6 0.7 99.3 y30 m 96. t O COARSE TINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE yzoo U.S. STD. SIEVE MINUS #4 RET. SAMPLE % PASS y4 o.0 100.0 y8 0.2 99.8 //t6 0.7 99.3 y30 3.9 96. t y50 22.1 77.9 yloo 6z.7 37.3 yzoo e1.a 19.2 BORING: B-1 ANTHONY—TAYLOR CONSULTANTS DEPTH: 30.0 FT. r �� , 919 1..men1'""�", a 1,4 C-1 A- 5]Oa1ne•.. Ser ! 2b 9]00 Wmaof. „ 560 Eu -ado. CG 92029 Son E.-utco, e.19ai09 out,-; T[ 11CD1 ® 11601 1]6.6600 JOB NAME: TOSCO LA QUINTA SITE ADDRESS: N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. JOB NUMBER: 00-1821 REVIEWED I DATE: FIG. N0. 1110 HGE 12/05/00 MECHANICAL ANALYSIS -SIEVE MINUS RET. TEST DATA W o.o JOB NAME: U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES m - 0.2 . 99.8 7 4 0 a.5 50 80 3 2 11 2 1 34 1/ 3/ 1/4 4 6 10 14 20 30 40 60 100 200 325 H50 � COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE }},7 //200 100 , }.7 10-:=90 20 60 70 Z Z Fa 40 60 In to s a 50---50 z z U 60 s0 U 0: d 70------30 O: d 20 90 10 1010 0 . 100 50 10.0 5.0 1.0 0.5 0.1 .05 .01 .005 .001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS GRAVEL SANG s1Lr AND cur 0 r en MINUS RET. #4 SAMPLE % PASS W o.o JOB NAME: ,00.o m - 0.2 . 99.8 #30 a.5 JOB NUMBER: m H50 � COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE }},7 U.S. STD. SIEVE MINUS RET. #4 SAMPLE % PASS N8 o.o JOB NAME: ,00.o //, 6 - 0.2 99.8 #30 a.5 JOB NUMBER: 95.5 H50 27.6 72.4 (%,00 66..3 (��p }},7 //200 86.} , }.7 BORING: 8-1 ANTHONY -TAYLOR CONSULTANTS DEPTH: 35.0 FT. ® :A„ 01r9. (carp. tr) S A.. r.m..t.r. 61 v C-1 A- 30- E.1 . 4. 5�r..i 325 — .1. 250 Wmm:m. . 560 lw 1111.1,.C..i.. 9.107 5]MO EIC -1. EA 92029 Ta 1100r an1m, 17601 '39.6800 JOB NAME: TOSCO LA QUINTA SITE ADDRESS: N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. JOB NUMBER: REVIEWED BY: DATE: FIG. N0. 00-1821 HGE 12/05/00 (��p MECHANICAL ANALYSIS - SIEVE TEST DATA e m o.0 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES SILT AND CLAS #16 0.3 SITE ADDRESS: 99.7 7 a 3 2 t12 t 3/ 1/ 3/ 80 1 < 4 610 14 20 30 40 50 60 00 200 325 u COARSE FINE COARSE 0 7FINE aa.7 uia 51.3 100 7a.o 10 90 20 60 W 70 U Z Z H 40 60 N W o Q a r soSo ZLi U 60 40 r Z V w a 70 No 30 4 60 20 90 /0 100 100 50 10.0 5.0 1.0 0.5 0.1 .05 .01 .005 .001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS m W GRAVEL sawo SAMPLE % PASS m o.0 JOB NAME: SILT AND CLAS #16 0.3 SITE ADDRESS: 99.7 y.30 m O JOB NUMBER: u COARSE FINE COARSE uEOWu 7FINE aa.7 U.S. STD. SIEVE MINUS RET. #4 SAMPLE % PASS ya o.0 JOB NAME: 100.0 #16 0.3 SITE ADDRESS: 99.7 y.30 0.5 JOB NUMBER: 99.5 Nso e.z sl.e y 100 aa.7 uia 51.3 yzoo 7a.o 2z.o BORING: B-1 ANTHONY—TAYLOR CONSULTANTS DEPTH: 40.0 FT. 5— 61 f e . C,, EO6,,,,,, ]0� En�n p;.�s1r1 313 `mT Nawe4,Be 20!30 1300 Mnnafi ii00560 Elcana�ao. CO 92029 Son ronmc we m 11601 1366600 JOB NAME: TOSCO LA QUINTA SITE ADDRESS: N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. JOB NUMBER: REVIEWED BY: DATE: FIG. N0. 00-1821 HGE 12/05/00 uia MECHANICAL ANALYSIS - SIEVE TEST DATA i/3/8 m 700.0 U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES SILT AND CLAY 99.5 • 0.9 ,99.7 7 4 so } 2 tt 2 lI }/ t/ }/ 1 4 610 14 20 30 40 560 00 200 325 FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE 0 94.7 a 100 39.7 60.9 100 6a.2 3s.e t0 90 20 80 W }0 70 V 2 2: C a so 50 z z U 60- 40 U C a: a 70 }0 a fio 20 90 10 100 0 • 100 50 10.0 5.0 1.0 0.5 0.1 .05 .01 .005 .001 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS r • • N W GRAVEL SANG i/3/8 m 700.0 Na SILT AND CLAY 99.5 • 0.9 ,99.7 i%76 � COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE 5.9 U.S. STD. SIEVE MINUS RET. #4 SAMPLE % PASS i/3/8 0.0 700.0 Na 0.5 99.5 {/8 1 0.9 ,99.7 i%76 7.2 98.8 H30 1.5 98.5 NSO 5.9 94.7 a 100 39.7 60.9 N2oo 6a.2 3s.e DEPTH: 45.0 FT. ®saivA reA y, el.1 sA� 10 na Elie, c..y C-1 AZI J0. Enincr:.c SIre.I J2! crcma• 250 lSNO 4nmer•a�, r !fi0 E.cenpee. CA 92029 San i•en<i.co, v� 9.i0! o .Im, to 2>•CO2 12601 238.8800 JOB NAME: TOSCO LA QUINTA SITE ADDRESS: N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. JOB NUMBER: 00-1821 REVIEWED BY: HGE DATE: 12/05/00 fIG. N0. ilir MECHANICAL ANALYSIS -SIEVE TEST DATA O W Z Q La W D: F - Z U 0: W IL 1 100 50 10.0 5.0 1.0 0.5 0.1 .05 PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS U.S. STANDARD SIEVE SIZES so eo N 1q GRAVEL SAND Jj3/8" J 0l m 100.0 N4 SILT AND CLAY 99.6 N8 0.8 99.2 #16 O U COARSE FINE COARSE MEDIUM FINE 6.8 U.S. STD. SIEVE MINUS #4 RET. SAMPLE % PASS Jj3/8" 0.0 100.0 N4 0.4 99.6 N8 0.8 99.2 #16 1.6 98.4 #30 2.9 97.1 #50 6.8 93.2 X1100 27.7 72.3 #200 53.7 46.3 BORING: 6-1 ANTHONY -TAYLOR CONSULTANTS DEPTH: 50.0 FT. SAO ou4.5`°'S1:.:N �.s -:`'"` ;1°. �>o »o�..�.t AT.6 E.c 64* EO 97029 San F.p.c F 9..05 w0—= ii iFao, In 17601 I36.6800 JOB NAME: TOSCO LA QUINTA SITE ADDRESS: N.W. CORNER OF HWY 111 AND WASHINGTON ST. JOB NUMBER: REVIEWED BY: DATE: FIG. 140. 00-1821 HGE 12/05/00 �118 z xlQ��aa� r- y 4 r r i xlQ��aa� APPENDIX A Blake, T.F., 2000, FRISKSP Software, Version 4.0 Blake, T.F., 2000, EQFAULT Software, Version 3.0 California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, 1999. Index to Seismic Hazard Zone Maps. Last Revised: June 15, 2000. California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, 1998, California Geomorphic Provinces. DMG Note 36. California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, 1997. Guidelines for Evaluating and Mitigating Seismic Hazards in California: Special Publication 117, 74p California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, 1996. Guidelines for Evaluating the Hazard of Surface Fault Rupture, DMG Note 49. - California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, 1996. Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for the State of California. Open -File Report 96-08 California Division of Mines and Geology, 1966, Geologic Map of California, Santa Ana Sheet. Olaf P. Jenkins Edition, compiled by C.W. Jennings, Scale 1:250,000, Fourth Printing, 1992. California Building Standards Commission, 1998, California Building Code, Volume 2, 497p. Campbell, K.W., 1993, Empirical Prediction of Near -Source Ground Motion from Large Earthquakes, in Proceedings of International Workshop on Earthquake Hazard and Large Dams in the Himalaya, Sponsored by the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH), New Delhi, India, January 15-16. Hart,. E. W., W. A. Bryant, 1997, Fault -Rupture Hazard Zones in California, `Department of Conservation Division of Mines and Geology, Special Publication 42, revised 1997. International Conference of Building Officials, 1997, Uniform Building Code, Volume 2, 492p. Jennings, C.W., 1992, Preliminary Fault Map of California, California Division of Mines and Geology Open -File Report 92-03. .. , «S» xi(IN:lddv r x 4 t' E ' • Y � x � N r e r «S» xi(IN:lddv r x 4 t' ' • Y � x � N Unified Soil Classification Chart Soil Description COARSE-GRAINED More than half of material is larger than No. 200 sieve. GRAVELS, CLEAN GRAVELS GW More than half of coarse fraction is larger than No. 4 sieve size, but smaller than 3". GP GM GRAVELS WITH FINES (appreciable amount) GC SW SAND WITH FINES (appreciable amount) SP SM FINE:GRAINED More than half of material is smaller than No.200 sieve Sc SILT AND CLAYS ML Liquid Limit Less Than 50 CL OL Liquid Limit Greater Than 50 MH CH OH HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS P`r Well -graded gravel and sand mixtures, little or no fines Poorly graded gravels, gravel and sand mixtures, little or no fines Silty gravels, poorly graded gravel -sand -silt mixtures Clay Gravels, poorly graded -sand silt mixtures Well -graded sand, gravelly sands, little or no fines Poorly graded sands, gravelly sands, littlle or no fines Silty sands, poorly graded sand and silty mixtures Clayey sands, poorly graded sand and clay mixtures Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, sandy silt and clayey -silt sand mixtures with a slight plasticity Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays lean clays. Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatommaceous fine sandy or silty soils elastic silts Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays Organic clays of medium to high plasticity Peat and other highly organic soils * * * E Q F A U L T * Version 3.00 ' DETERMINISTIC ESTIMATION OF PEAK ACCELERATION FROM DIGITIZED FAULTS ' JOB NUMBER: 00-1821 DATE: 09-12-2001 JOB NAME: Tosco La Quinta CALCULATION NAME: Test Run Analysis FAULT -DATA -FILE NAME: CDMGFLTE.DAT SITE COORDINATES: SITE LATITUDE: 33.7156 SITE LONGITUDE: 116.2955 SEARCH RADIUS: . 50 mi ATTENUATION RELATION: 10) Bozorgnia Campbell Niazi (1999) Hor..-Holocene Soil -Cor. UNCERTAINTY (M=Median, S=Sigma): M Number of Sigmas: 0.0 DISTANCE MEASURE: cdist SCOND: 0 Basement Depth: 5.00 km Campbell SSR: 0 Campbell SHR: 0 COMPUTE PEAK HORIZONTAL ACCELERATION FAULT -DATA FILE USED: CDMGFLTE.DAT MINIMUM DEPTH VALUE (km): 3.0 --------------- EQFAULT SUMMARY ----------------------------- DETERMINISTIC SITE PARAMETERS ----------------------------- Page 1 --------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- I (ESTIMATED MAX. EARTHQUAKE EVENT APPROXIMATE I ------------------------------- - ABBREVIATED I DISTANCE I MAXIMUM I PEAK JEST. SITE FAULT NAME 1 mi (km) (EARTHQUAKE( SITE (INTENSITY I I MAG.(Mw) I ACCEL. g 1MOD.MERC. SAN ANDREAS - Coachella 1 5.8( 9.4)1 7.1 I 0.375 1 IX SAN ANDREAS,- Southern 1 5.8( 9.4)1 7.4 J 0.410 J X BURNT MTN. 1 16.7( 26.8)1 6.4 1 0.111 J VII EUREKA PEAK 1 17.6( 28.4)1 6.4 1 0.105 I VII SAN ANDREAS - San Bernardino 1 17.8( 28.7)1 7.3 I 0.184 I VIII SAN JACINTO-ANZA 1 21.4( 34.5)1 7.2 1 0.145 1 VIII SAN JACINTO-COYOTE CREEK I 21.7( 35.0)1 6.8 1 0.110 1 VII PINTO MOUNTAIN 1 29.3( 47.1)1 7.0 1 0.093 I VII EMERSON So. - COPPER MTN. 1 31.3( 50.3)1 6.9 1 0.081 1 VII LANDERS 1 31.8( 51.1)1 7.3 1 0.105 1 VII PISGAH-BULLION MTN.-MESQUITE LK J 33.6( 54.1)1 7.1 1 0.086 1 VII SAN JACINTO-SAN JACINTO VALLEY 1 35.8( 57.6)1 6.9 1 0.071 1 VI SAN JACINTO - BORREGO I" 36.2( 58.2)1 6.6 1 0.057 1 VI NORTH FRONTAL FAULT ZONE (East) .1 37.3( 60.1)1 6.7 1 0.083 1 VII EARTHQUAKE VALLEY 1 40.5( 65.1)1 6.5 1 0.047 1 VI BRAWLEY SEISMIC ZONE 1 42.4( 68.2)1 6.4 1 0.042 1 VI ' JOHNSON VALLEY (Northern) 1 42.6( 68.5)1 6.7 1 0.051 1 VI ELSINORE-JULIAN 1 43.6( 70.2)1 7.1 1 0.066 I VI CALICO - HIDALGO 1 44.5( 71.6)1 7.1 I 0.065 I VI ELSINORE-TEMECULA 1 47.5( 76.4)1 6.8 1- 0.049 1 VI LENWOOD-LOCKHART-OLD WOMAN SPRGSI 48.3( 77.7)1 7.3 1 0.068 1 VI NORTH FRONTAL FAULT ZONE (West) 1 49.1( 79.0)1 7.0 1 0.077 I VII ELMORE RANCH. 1 .49.8( 80.1)1 6.6 1 0.041 I V -END OF SEARCH- 23 FAULTS FOUND WITHIN THE SPECIFIED SEARCH RADIUS. THE SAN ANDREAS - Coachella FAULT IS CLOSEST TO THE SITE. IT IS ABOUT 5.8 MILES (9.4 km) AWAY. LARGEST MAXIMUM -EARTHQUAKE SITE ACCELERATION: 0.4102 g PROBABILITY OF EXCEEDANCE -BOZ. ET AL.(1999)HOR HS COR 1 _. 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Acceleration (g) 100 90 80 70 01 0 .% 60 ca ° 50 a a� U m 40 (D U X UJ 30 20 10 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Acceleration (g) 1000 100 RETURN PERIOD vs. ACCELERATION BOZ. ET AL.(1999)HOR HS COR 1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Acceleration (g) "CALIFORNIA FAULT MAP Tosco La Quinta 1100 1000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 �.; 200 100 0 -100 -400 -300 t -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 t CALIFORNIA FAULT MAP Tosco La Quinta -50 TE t �� \ zuu 250 300 350 400 450 y �� . =::� { EARTHWORK AND GRADING GUIDELINES ► t:. A. These guidelines present general procedures and requirements for earthwork. and grading, including preparation of areas to be filled, placement of fill, installation of sub -drains and excavations. The recommendations contained in the geotechnicalreport are part of the earthwork and grading guidelines and would supersede the provisions contained hereafter in the case of conflict. Evaluation performed by the consultant during the course of grading may result in new recommendations which could supersede these guidelines or the recommendations contained in the geotechnical report. B. The contractor is responsible for the satisfactory completion of all earthwork in accordance with provisions of the.project plans and specifications. The project soil engineer and engineering geologist (geotechnical consultant) or their representatives should -provide observation and testing services, and geotechnical consultation during the duration of the project. II. EARTHWORK OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING A. Geotechnical Consultant Prior to the commencement of grading, a qualified geotechnical consultant (soil 'engineer and engineering geologist) should be employed for the purpose of observing earthwork procedures and testing the fills for conformance with the recommendations of the geotechnical report, the approved grading plans, and applicable grading codes and ordinances. The geotechnical consultant should provide testing and observation so that determination may be made that the work is being accomplished as specified. It is the responsibility of the contractor to assist the consultants and keep them appraised of anticipated work schedules and changes, so theat they may schedule their personnel accordingly. All clean -outs, prepared ground to receive fill, key excavations, and sub - drains should be observed and documented by the project engineering geologist and/or soil engineer prior to placing any fill. It is the contractor's responsibility to notify the engineering geologist and soil engineer when such areas are ready for observation. • B. Laboratory and Field Tests Maximum dry density tests to determine the degree.of compaction should be -+ performed in accordance with AmericanStandard Testing Materials test method ASTM designation D-1557. Random field compaction tests should be performed in with method ASTM designations D-1556-82, D-2937 or D- 2922 & D-3017, at intervals of approximately two (2) feet of fill height or every 1000 cubic yards of fill placed. These criteria would vary depending on the soil conditions and the size of the project. The location and frequency of testing would be at the discretion of the geotechnical consultant. C. Contractor's Responsibiliy All clearing, site preparation, and earthwork performed on the project should be conducted by the contractor, with observation by geotechnical consultants and staged approval by the governing agencies. It is the contractor's responsibility to prepare the ground surface to receive the fill, to the satisfaction of the soil engineer: And to place, spread, moisture condition, mix and compact the fill in accordance with the recommendations of the soil engineer. The contractor should also remove all major non -earth material considered unsatisfactory by the soil engineer. It is the sole responsibility of the contractor to provide adequate equipment and methods to accomplish the earthwork in accordance with applicable grading guidelines, codes or agency ordinances, and approved grading pians. Sufficient watering apparatus and compaction. equipment should be provided by the contractor with due consideration for the fill material, rate of placement, and climatic conditions. If, the opinion of the geotechnical consultant, unsatisfactory conditions such as questionable weather, excessive oversized rock, or deleterious material, insufficient support equipment, etc.; are resulting in a quality of work that is not acceptable, the consultant will inform the contractor, and the contractor is expected to rectify the conditions, and if necessary, stop work until'conditions are satisfactory. During construction, the contractor shall properly grade all surfaces to maintain good drainage and prevent ponding of water. The contractor shall take remedial measures to control surface water and to prevent erosion of graded areas until such time as permanent drainage and erosion control measures have been installed. A. All major vegetation, including brush, trees, thick grasses, organic debris, and other deleterious material should be removed and disposed of off-site. These removals must be concluded prior to placing fill. Existing fill, soil, alluvium, colluvium, or rock materials determined by the soil engineer or engineering geologist as being unsuitable in-place should be removed prior to fill -:� placement. Depending upon the soil conditions, these materials may be reused as compacted fill. Any - materials incorporated as part of the compacted fills should be approved by the soil engineer. B. Any underground structures such as cesspools, cisterns, mining shags, tunnels, septic tanks, wells, pipelines, or other structures not located prior to grading are to be removed or treated in a manner recommended by the soil engineer. Soft, dry, spongy, highly fractured, or otherwise unsuitable ground extending to such a depth that surface processing cannot adequately improve the condition should be over excavated down to firm ground and approved by the soil engineer before compaction and filling operations continue. Over excavated and processed soils which have been properly mixed and moisture - conditioned should be recompacted to the minimum relative compaction as specified in these guidelines. C. Existing ground which is determined to be satisfactory for support of the fills should be scarified to a minimum depth of six (6) inches or as directed by the soil engineer. After the scarified ground is brought to optimum moisture or greater and mixed, the materials should be compacted as specified herein. If the scarified zone is greater than 6 inches in depth, it may be necessary to remove the excess and place the material in lifts restricted to about six (6) inches in compacted thickness. D. Existing ground which is not satisfactory to support compacted fill should be over excavated as required in the geotechnical report or by the on-site soils engineering geologist. 'Scarification, dicing, or other acceptable form of mixing should continue until'.the soils are broken down and free of large lumps or clods, until the working surface is reasonably uniform. and free from ruts, hollows, hummocks, or other uneven features which would inhibit compaction as described in Item III, C, above. E. Where fills are to be placed on ground with slopes steeper than 5:1 (horizontal to. vertical), the ground should be stepped or benched. The lowest bench, which will act as a key, should be a minimum of 15 feet wide and should be at least two (2) feet deep into firm material, and approved by the soil engineer and/or engineering geologist. In fill over cut slope conditions the recommended minimum width of the lowest bench or key is also 15 feet with the key founded on firm material, ans designated by the Geotechnical Consultant. As a general rule, unless specifically recommended otherwise by the Soil Engineer, the minimum width of fill keys should be approximately equal to one-half (1/2) the height of the slope. - 4 F. Standard benching is generally four feet (minimum) vertically, exposing firm, acceptable material. Benching may be used to remove unsuitable materials, although it is understood that the vertical height of the bench may exceed four feet. Pre -stripping may be considered for unsuitable materials in excess of four feet in thickness. G. All areas to receive fill, including processed areas, removal areas, and toe of fill benches should. be observed and approved by the soil engineer .and/or engineering geologist prior to placement of fill. Fills may then be properly placed and compacted until design grades are attained. IV. COMPACTED FILLS.. A. Any earth materials imported or excavated on the property may be utilized in the fill provided that each material has been determined to be suitable by the soil engineer. These materials should be free of roots, tree branches, other organic matter or other deleterious materials. All unsuitable materials should . be, removed from the fill as directed by the soil engineer. Soils of poor gradation, undesirable expansion potential, or substandard strength characteristics may be designated by the consultant as unsuitable and may require blending with other soils to serve as a satisfactory fill material. B. Fill materials derived from benching operations should be dispersed throughout the fill area and blended with other bedrock -derived material. Benching operations should not result in the benched material being placed only within a single equipment width away from the fill/bedrock contact. C. Oversized materials defined as rock or other irreducible materials with a • maximum dimension greater than 12 inches should not be buried or placed in fills unless the location of materials and disposal methods are specifically approve by the soil engineer. Oversized material should be taken off-site or placed in accordance with recommendations of the soil engineer in areas designated as suitable for rock disposal. Oversized material should not be placed within 10 feet vertically of finish .grade or within 20 feet horizontally of slope faces. To facilitate trenching, rock should not be placed within the range of foundation excavations,. future utilities, or underground construction unless specifically approved by the soil engineer and/or the developers representative. D If import material is required for grading, representative samples of the material to be utilized as compacted fill should be analyzed in the laboratory by the soil engineer to determine its physical properties. If any material other than that previously tested is encountered during grading, an appropriate analysis of this material should be conducted by the soil engineer as soon as possible. E. Approved fill material should be placed in areas prepared to receive fill in near -horizontal layers that when compacted should not exceed six (6) inches in thickness. The soil engineer may approve thicker lifts if testing indicates the grading procedures are such that adequate compaction is being achieved with lifts of greater thickness. Each layer should be spread evenly and blended to attain uniformity of material and moisture suitable for compaction. F. Fill layers at a moisture content less thanoptimum should be watered and mixed, and wet fill layers should be aerated by scarification or should be blended with drier material. Moisture conditioning, blending, and mixing of the fill layers should continue until the fill materials have a uniform moisture content at or above optimum moisture. G. After each layer has been evenly- spread, moisture -conditioned and mixed, it should be uniformly compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of maximum density as determined by ASTM test designation, D 1557-78, or as otherwise recommended by the soil engineer. Compaction equipment should be adequately sized and should be specifically designed for soil compaction or of proven reliability to efficiently achieve the specified degree of compaction. Where tests indicate that the density of any layer of fill, or portion thereof, is below the required density and/or moisture content has been. attained. No .additional fill shall be placed in an area until the last placed lift of till has been tested and found to meet the density and moisture requirements, and is approved by the soil engineer. H1. Compaction of slopes should be accomplished by over -building a minimum of three (3) feet horizontally, and 'subsequently trimming back to the design slope configuration. Testing shall be performed as the fill is elevated to evaluated compaction as the fill core is being developed. Special efforts may be necessary to attain the specified compaction in the fill slope zone. Final_slope shaping should be performed by trimming and removing loose materials with appropriate equipment. A final determination of fill slope compaction should be based on observation and/or testing of the finished slope face. Where compacted fill slopes are :j designed steeper than 2:1, specific material types, a higher minim= relative compaction, and special grading procedures, may be recommended. I. If an alternative to over -building and cutting back the compacted fill slopes is selected, then special effort should be mad to achieve the required compaction in the outer 10 feet of each lift of fill by undertaking the following: Ia. An extra piece of equipment consisting of a heavy short-shanked sheepsfoot should be used to roll (horizontal) parallel to the slopes continuously as fill is placed: 'The sheepsfoot roller should also be used to roll perpendicular to the slopes, and extend out over the slope to provide adequate compaction to the face of the slope. Ib. Loose fill should not be spilled out over the face of the slope as each lift is compacted. Any loose fill spilled over a previously completed slope face should be trimmed off or be subject to re -rolling. Ic. Field compaction tests will be made in the outer (horizontal) two (2) to eight (8) feet of the slope at appropriate vertical intervals, subsequent to compaction operations. Id. After completion of the slope, the slope face should be shaped with a small tractor and then re -rolled with a sheepsfoot to achieve compaction to near the slope face. Subsequent to testing to verify compaction, the slopes should be grid -rolled to achieve. cornpacr;n., to the slope face. Final testing should be used to confirm compaction after grid rolling. Ie. Where testing indicates less than adequate compaction, the contractor will be responsible to 'rip; water, mix and recompact the slope materials as necessary to achieve compaction. Additional testing should be performed to verify compaction. If. Erosion control and drainage devices should be designed by the project civil engineer in compliance with the ordinances of the controlling governmental agencies, and/or in accordance with the recommendations of the soil engineer or engineering geologist. V. SUB -DRAIN INSTA ,I,ATinN A. Sub -drains should be installed in approved ground in accordance with the approximate alignment and details indicated by the geotechnical consultant. Sub -drain locations or materials should not be changed or modified without approval of the geotechnical consultant. The soil engineer and/or engineering geologist may recommend and direct changes in sub -drain line, grade and drain material in the field, pending exposed conditions. The location of constructed sub -drains should be recorded by the project civil engineer. VI.: EXCAVATIONS A. Excavations and cut slopes should be examined during grading by the engineering geologist and/or geotechnical engineer. If directed by the engineer geologist, further excavations or over -excavation and refilling of cut areas should be performed and/or remedial grading of cut slopes should be performed. When fill over cut slopes . are to be graded, unless otherwise approved, the cut portion of the slope should be observed by the engineer geologist prior to placement of materials for construction of the fill portion of the slope. B. The engineer geologist should observe all cut slopes and should be notified by the contractor when cut slopes are started. If, during the course 'of grading, unforeseen adverse or potentially adverse geologic conditions are encountered, the engineering geologist and soil engineer should investigate, evaluate and make recommendations to treat these problems. The need for cut slope buttressing or stabilizing; should be based on in -grading evaluations by the engineering geologist, whether anticipated previously or not... Unless otherwise specified in soil and -geological reports, no cut slopes should be excavated higher or steeper than that allowed by the ordinances of controlling governmental agencies. Additionally, short-term stability of temporary cut slopes or temporary excavation is the contractors responsibility. E. Erosion control and drainage devices should be designed by the project civil engineer and should be constructed in compliance with the ordinances of the controlling governmental agencies, and/or in accordance with the recommendations of the soil engineer or engineering geologist. C. D. If, during the course 'of grading, unforeseen adverse or potentially adverse geologic conditions are encountered, the engineering geologist and soil engineer should investigate, evaluate and make recommendations to treat these problems. The need for cut slope buttressing or stabilizing; should be based on in -grading evaluations by the engineering geologist, whether anticipated previously or not... Unless otherwise specified in soil and -geological reports, no cut slopes should be excavated higher or steeper than that allowed by the ordinances of controlling governmental agencies. Additionally, short-term stability of temporary cut slopes or temporary excavation is the contractors responsibility. E. Erosion control and drainage devices should be designed by the project civil engineer and should be constructed in compliance with the ordinances of the controlling governmental agencies, and/or in accordance with the recommendations of the soil engineer or engineering geologist. s, VII. COMPLETION A. Observation, testing and consultation by the geotechnical consultant should be conducted during the grading operations in order to state an opinion that all cut and filled areas are graded in accordance with the approved project specifications. B. After completion of grading and after the soil engineer and engineering geologist have finished their observations of the work, final reports should be submitted subject to review by the controlling governmental agencies. No further excavation or filling should be undertaken without prior notification of the soil engineer and/or engineering geologist. C. All finished.cut and fill slopes should be protected from erosion and/or be planted in accordance with the project specifications and/or as recommended ` by a° landscape architect. Such protection and/or, planning should be undertaken as soon as practical after completion of grading. TYPICAL RETAINING WALL DRAINAGE DETAIL RETAINING WALL WTERPROOFING AS NOTED IN THE ATTACHED FIGURE c FINISHED GRADE COMPACTED _ _ _=1F APPLICABLE= = _ _- SOIL BACKFILL, COMPACTED TO 90 PERCENT RELATIVE COMPACTION PER ASTM 01557 _MIN . ja .1.6� M N _ _- FILTER FABRIC ENVELOPE (MIRAFI 140N OR APPROVED a r EQUIVALENT) 1-1/2" CLEAN GRAVEL 1' MIN. _ 4•• '(MIN) DIAMETER PERFORATED •. _ _ PVC PIPE (SCHEDULE 40 OR • _ _ = EQUIVALENT) WITH PERFORATIONS ORIENTED DOWN AS DEPICTED � — MINIMUM 1 PERCENT GRADIENT TO- SUITABLE OUTLET 3" MIN. WALL FOOTING —/ \_­* COMPETENT BEDROCK OR MATERIAL AS EVALUATED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT NOT TO SCALE ANTHONY -TAYLOR CONSULTANTS ii�r� � I�� MN i �•N���r��IrN � I �� � /- M Nr/, � i� .,Z WIi •rA•. Y Yi1� �I F N\ wIV ��N YMW� MIw ItM IIF.. IMI IMNN YM Y�.I�y IN•�MrM1 . -� HL' fwnI., t-