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0307-393 (CSCS) Title 24
JUL-25-12003 11:55 11:55 AM TITLE 24 REPORT Title 24 Report for: Retail Buildings One Eleven Ls Quinta Center La Quints, CA 92253 Project Designer: Carl Cox, A.I.A. Architect 81-667 Dr. Carreon Blvd., Suite Al Indio, CA 92201 (760)347-4007 Report Prepared By: M & S Engineering Gerung Engineering 23144 Twin Canyon Drive Grand Terrace, CA 92313-4961 (909) 783-4958 Job Number: 03-181 Date: i Wro Mii by the l arnV h� wed !o perlonn In caluftft is wmnmrbmd In Oft oenlp krm npM. Thb program Ms approval wW is EnaOr aemndm7on to► ue. with Mt v Na Rss*rftl and Nonrsaldsrft 2001 Bu ldtnp WwW Eill*my stsndw&. TNO p "Mrn dewtop" W W"r0Ysolt, LLC (416) 80.7.6800. Env 3.1 8/ ftwoem JOA Numb.. 08.181 Uw MuN»r. &W TABLE OF'CONTENTS Cover Page Table of Contents Nonresidential Performance Title 24 Forms Form ENV -MM Envelope Mandatory Measures Form MECH-MM Mechanical Mandatory Measures HVAC System Heating and Cooling Loads Summary 1 2 3 12 13 15 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft Job Number: 03-181 User Number: 5354 JUL-25-2003 11:55 AM f ERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ADDIR s - One' Eleven La Quinta Center Ls Quints AJ A, Architect lir. z000� 0 Two ' ® NCOIRMIDWMAL-- OF CONSWAMem ® N!w COtlteTm=0N encaas of Gompllence tlats the bWldW State Building Code. This certMcste P. 02 Pad 1_ of 3 PERF -1 10,5806e.n F ..,--....15 ❑ HM ME FJMMWnAL ❑ M RSUMO M OYiaT ROOM ADWWN ❑ ALTMinom ❑ musTiNO+Ammon Id performance specifications needed to comply wish TNfe 24, Paris 1 to a Building uslno fmcerformance cmmnfi■nea eeemmwk It r•nnc O owWwra hereby cwW that the proposed budding deal re in the con on documents p m Ilec this permit applicattion are consent with all other forme and worksheets, ape .am and er calgrlatione submkted with 'mit app wWon. The proposed building as designed nieefa the energy eflfdency requirements of the State Building Code, Title Pots. ❑ ❑ ❑ 1.1 horeby afflrfrt that 1 am e116bis under the prov ons of DMision 3 of the Business and Professions Code to sign than document as the permon responsible for its preparation; and then I am licensed as a dull engineer, mica) engineer, electrical engineer or architect. ❑ ❑ ❑ 2.1 affirm that 1 am eligible under the provisions of Division 3 of the Budnese and Professions Coda Seamon 5537.2 or 8797.8 to sip 1ltta document as the person respcnalbie for tie prepwoon; and that I am a Iloensed contra dw preparing documents for work that I have convac%d to perform. ❑ ❑ ❑ & I affirm that I am eag]WG under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Coda to sign this document because It pertdrm to a structure ar type of work dasaibed as exempt pusuant to Bualnw w and Professions Code Sections 5597, 5598, and 8737.1. (rhese sections of the Business and Professions Code ae printed in full in the Nonresidentiai Manual.) Indicate location on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measures Requi arms _ SIG --Mr. t HTUM COMPLIANCE -7-= Indlcate lac etlon on plana of Note Block for Mandatory Measures Lighting CompDance Not In The Scope OF ra Requl For w I Ilia OULM 111101 rWdWAL UQHf M DE310NE11• NAME I 810 T R. NO. I EA Indicate I*C9d0n on plans of Note Block for Mandatory Measures Required Forms ECH-1, MECH-2 EC -3 PN INVAL F ECKV1DCAL DE31D111 .R . Nmm wnul n me � —_— 3.1 Part 2 of 3 PERF - ANNUAL SOURCE ENERGY USE SUMMARY kBtu/s ft- r Orientation Standard Proposed Compliance Front Elevation ENERGY COMPONENT Design Design Margin (® Branae d _ - Proposed 1,550 Space Heating 4.14 4.14 ' 0.00°"� x� 94.8% Space Cooling 89.74 79.17. 10.58 somrei4e's''Ie.. "` (Southeast) Indoor Fans 34.65 40.72 -6.07 Meowrsre ->E 9 300 Heat Rejection 0.000.00 0.00 as & Rear Elevation Pumps & Misc. 0.00 0.00 0.00 a� 1,510 Domestic Hot Water 21.47 20.87 . 0.60 13.2% Lighting 58.89 58.89 0.00 800 Receptacle .16.93 ohm4 16.93 0.00 °`13 4,660 Process 0.00 0.00 0.00` eon To _ TOTALS: 225.82 o �o zo 3o ao so eo ketu/sgfi•yr ° s, 220.72 5.10 Percent better than Standard: 2.3% ( .2.3% excluding process) Building Orientation Northeast 45 deg Conditioned Floor Area 10,580 sqft. Number of Stories 1 Unconditioned Floor Area 0 sqft. Number of Systems 12 Conditioned Footprint Area 10,540 sqft. Number of Zones 4 Standard Proposed LEEEP Energy & Atmosphere Credit Lighting Power Density 2.000 wisgft. 2.000 wisgft. Savings vs. Title 24 2.44% Prescriptive Env. Heat Loss 1,744 stwh 3,141 Btu/h Energy Performance Credit2 0 Points Prescriptive Env. Heat Gain 207,738 Btulh-F 322,773 Btu/h-F 1. excludes process and receptacle 2. see LEED table 8-c or 8-0 Remarks: a1V11 IIIIIG. VI 1L 1vV I I.JJ. IV I%Y11 VV4C. IVJ.71 J'J 10 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5354 Job Number: 03-181 Page:4 of 18 Orientation Gross Area Glazing Area . Glazing Ratio Front Elevation (Northeast) 1,550 sqft. 1,470 sqft. 94.8% Left Elevation (Southeast) 800 sqft. 300 sqft. 37.5% Rear Elevation Southwest 1,510 sgft. 200 sqft. 13.2% Right Elevation Total . Roof (Northwest) 800 .sqft. sqft. sqft. 330 sgft. 41.2% 2,300 sgft. 49.4% sqft. 0.0% 4,660 10,540 Standard Proposed LEEEP Energy & Atmosphere Credit Lighting Power Density 2.000 wisgft. 2.000 wisgft. Savings vs. Title 24 2.44% Prescriptive Env. Heat Loss 1,744 stwh 3,141 Btu/h Energy Performance Credit2 0 Points Prescriptive Env. Heat Gain 207,738 Btulh-F 322,773 Btu/h-F 1. excludes process and receptacle 2. see LEED table 8-c or 8-0 Remarks: a1V11 IIIIIG. VI 1L 1vV I I.JJ. IV I%Y11 VV4C. IVJ.71 J'J 10 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5354 Job Number: 03-181 Page:4 of 18 PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Part 3 of 3 PERF -1 PROJECT NAME Retail Buildings DATE 7/25/2003 ZONE INFORMATION System Name Zone Name anc Type Occupancy Y YP Floor Area (sgft.) Inst. LPD (W/sf)1 Port. Ctrl. Tailored Proc. LPD Credits LPD Loads (W/sf)1 (W/sf)2 (W/sf) 3 (W/sf) HP4a,4b Zone 4 Retail/Wholesale Sales 1,500 "2.000 HP-3a,3b Zone 3 Retail/Wholesale Sales 1,500 '2.000 HP-2a,21b Zone 2 Retail/Wholesale Sales 1,500 '2.000 HP-1a,1b,1c,1d,1e,1f Zone 1 Retail/Wholesale Sales 6,080 '2.000 Notes: 1. See LTG -1 (items marked with asterisk, see LTG -2 by others) 2. See LTG -3 3. See LTG4 Items above require special documentation EXCEPTIONAL CONDITIONS COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST 71 The local enforcement agency should pay special attention to the items specified in this checklist. These items require special written justification and documentation, and special verification to be used with the performance approach. The local enforcement agency determines the adequacy of the justification, and may reject a building or design that otherwise complies based on the adequacy of the special ication and documentation submitted. of .� I r:e." I The exceptional features listed in this performance approach application have specifically been reviewed. Adequate written justification and documentation for their use have been provided by the applicant. Authorized Signature or Stamp EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5354 Job Number: 03-181 Page:5 of 18 1 (ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE SUMMARY Performance ENV -11 PROJECT NAME Retail Buildings Area U -Fac. Act. Azm. SHGC GlazinqDefaultone Location / Comments 1 Window DATE 7/25/2003 OPAQUE SURFACES 315 0.83 Single Metal Clea 4 2 Window Surface Framing # Type Type Act. Area U -Fac. Azm. Solar Gains Tilt y/N Form 3 Reference Location / Comments 1 Wall Wood 470 0.065 315 90 X R-19 Wall W.19.2x6.16 Zone 4 2 Roof Wood 1.500 0.024 0 0 X R-38 Roof R.38.2x4.24 Zone 4 3 Wall Wood 0 0.065 45 90 X R-19 Wall W.19.24.16 Zone 4 4 Wall Wood 230 0.065 225 90 X R-19 Wall W.19.24.16 Zone 4 5 Door None 20 0.581 225 90 X Hollow Metal Door Zone 4 6 Roof Wood 1,500 0.024 0 0 X R-38 Roof R.38.2x4.24 Zone 3 7 Wall Wood 0 0.065 45 90 X11 I R-19 Wall W.19.24.16 Zone 3 8 Wall Wood 230 0.065 225 90 X11 JR-19Wall W.19.24.16 Zone 3 9 Door lNone 20 1 0.581 225 90 x1l I Hollow Metal Door Zone 3 10 Roof Wood 1,500 0.024 0 0 x1l R-38 Roof R.38.2x4.24 Zone 2 11 Wall Wood 0 0.065 45 90 x I R-19 Wall W.19.24.16 Zone 2 12 Wall Wood 230 0.065 225 90 X I R-19 Wall W.19.24.16 Zone 2 13 Door None 20 0.581 225 90 X I Hollow Metal Door Zone 2 14 Roof Wood 6,040 0.024 0 0 X R-38 Roof R.38.2x4.24 Zone 1 15 Wall Wood 0 0.065 1 315 90 X R-19 Wall W.19.24.16 Zone 1 16 Wall Wood 80 0.065 45 90 X R-19 Wall W.19.24.16 Zone 1 17 Wall Wood 560 0.065 225 90 X R-19 Wall W.19.24.16) Zone 1 18 Wall Wood 500 0.065 135 90 X R-19 Wall W.19.24.16 Zone 1 0.76 10.0 72.0 16.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 6 None 0.76 10.0 72.0 16.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 7 None 0.76 FENESTRATION SURFACES 4.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 8 None Site Assembled Glazing U L,neCK Dox it ewuaing is - iuu,uuu sqn of cFA ana - 1u,uuu sqn vertical glazing then NFRC Certification is required. Follow NFRC 100 -SR Prnraduras anti cuhmit NFRC I nhoi Cortifirato Fnrm # Type Area U -Fac. Act. Azm. SHGC GlazinqDefaultone Location / Comments 1 Window 130 1.190 315 0.83 Single Metal Clea 4 2 Window 250 1.190 45 0.83 Sin le Metal Cleaone 4 3 Window 250 1.190 45 0.83 Sin le Metal Cleaone 3 4 Window 250 1.190 45 0.83 Sin le Metal Cleaone 2 5 Window 200 1.190 315 0.83 Sin le Metal Cleaone 1 6 Window 720 1.190 45 0.83 Single Metal Clear Default Zone 1 7 Window 200 1.190 225 0.83 Single Metal Clear Default Zone 1 8 Window 300 1.190 135 0.83 Single Metal Clear Default Zone 1 EXTERIOR SHADING # Exterior Shade Type SHGC Window Hat. Wd. Overhang Len, Hgt. LExt.RExt,Dist. Left Fin Len, Hgt. Right Fin Dist. Len. H 1 None 0.76 10.0 13.0 4.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 2 None 0.76 10.0 72.0 16.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 3 None 0.76 10.0 72.0 16.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 4 None 0.76 10.0 72.0 16.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 5 1 None 0.76 10.0 72.0 16.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 6 None 0.76 10.0 72.0 16.0 0.1 10.0 10.0 7 None 0.76 10.0 30.0 4.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 8 None 0.76 10.0 30.0 4.0 0.1 4.0 4.0 Initiation Time: 07/25/03 11:55:18 Code:Run Run 1059159318 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5354 Job Number: 03-181 Page:6 of 18 "ERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Performance MECH-1 (PROJECT NAME DATE Retail Buildings 7/25/2003 SYSTEM FEATURES SYSTEM NAME TIME CONTROL SETBACK CONTROL ISOLATION ZONES HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? ELECTRIC HEAT? FAN CONTROL VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT/COOL? HEATING SUPPLY RESET COOLING SUPPLY RESET HEAT REJECTION CONTROL VENTILATION OUTDOOR DAMPER CONTROL ECONOMIZER TYPE DESIGN O.A. CFM MECH-3, COLUMN 1 HEATING EQUIPMENT TYPE HEATING EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY COOLING EQUIPMENT TYPE COOLING EQUIPMENT EFFICIENCY MAKE AND MODEL NUMBER PIPE INSULATION REQUIRED? PIPE/DUCT INSULATION PROTECTED? HEATING DUCT LOCATION R -VALUE COOLING DUCT LOCATION R -VALUE VERIFIED SEALED DUCTS IN CEILING/ROOF SPACE n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Electric Res 99% n/a n/a AO SMITH ELJF-06' Yes Yes n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Programmable Switch Heating & Cooling Required n/a Yes 0.0 kW Constant Volume No No Constant Tem Constant Temp n/a Outside Air Cert. Gravity No Economizer 750 cfm Heat Pum 7.20 HSPF Packaged DX 12.0 SEER / 10.4 EER CARRIER 50JX0485 Yes Yes Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 No Programmable Switch Heating & Cooling Required n/a Yes 0.0 kW Constant Volume No No Constant Tem Constant Temp n/a Outside Air Cert. Gravity No Economizer 750 cfm Heat Pum 7.20 HSPF Packaged DX 12.0 SEER / 10.4 EER CARRIER 50JX0485 Yes Yes Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 No NOTE TO FIELD CODE TABLES: Enter code from table below into columns above. HEAT PUMP THERMOSTAT? Y: Yes N: No TIME CONTROL SETBACK CTRL. ISOLATION ZONES FAN CONTROL ELECTRIC HEAT? S: Prog. Switch O: Occupancy Sensor M: Manual Timer H: Heating C: Cooling B: Both Enter Number of Isolation Zones. I: Inlet Vanes P: Variable Pitch V: VFD O: Other C: Curve VAV MINIMUM POSITION CONTROL? SIMULTANEOUS HEAT / COOL? HEAT AND COOL SUPPLY RESET? VENTILATION OUTDOOR DAMPER ECONOMIZER O.A. CFM HIGH EFFICIENCY? B: Air Balance C: Outside Air Cert. M: Out. Air Measure D: Demand Control N: Natural A: Auto G: Gravity A: Air W: Water N: Not Required EC: Economizer Control See Section Enter Outdoor Air CFM. Note: This shall be no less than Col. H on MECH-3. PIPE INSULATION REQUIRED? PIPE/DUCT INSULATION PROTECTED? SEALED DUCTS IN CEILING/ROOF SPACE Kun initiation I Ime: UI Z5 U3 11:55:18 Run Code: 1059159318 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5354 Job Number: 03-181 Page:7 of 18 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Performance MECH-1 PROJECT NAME DATE Retail Buildings 7/25/2003 SYSTEM FEATURES SYSTEM NAME HP-2a,2b HP-1a,1b,1c,1d,1e,1f NOTE TO FIELD Programmable Switch Programmable Switch Heating & Cooling Required Heating & Cooling Required n/a n/a Yes Yes 0.0 kW 0.0 kW Constant Volume Constant Volume No No No No Constant Temp Constant Tem Constant Temp Constant Temp n/a n/a Outside Air Cert. Outside Air Cert. Gravity Gravity No Economizer No Economizer 750 cfm 3040 cfm Heat Pump Heat Pum 7.20 HSPF 7.20 HSPF Packaged DX Packaged DX 12.0 SEER / 10.4 EER 12.0 SEER / 10.2 EER CARRIER 50JX0485 CARRIER 50JX0605 Yes Yes Yes Yes Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 Ducts in Attic 4.2 No No CODE TABLES: Enter code from table below into columns above. Run Initiation Time: 07/25/03 11:55:18 Run Code: 1059159318 EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5354 Job Number: 03-181 Page:8 of 18 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUMMARY Part 1 of 2 MECH-2 PROJECT NAME Retail Buildings DATE 7/25/2003 CHILLER AND TOWER SUMMARY BOILERU Ennrev Factor I Standhv I ffANK INSUL. System Name Efficiency Tons PUMPS Rated Input Equipment Name Equipment Type Qty. Tot. Qty jGPM O SMITH ELJF-06' BHP Motor Eff. Drive Eff. Pump Control 6 0.95 n/a n/a 0.0 7.20 HSPF 48,000 33,60012.0 SEER / 10.4 EER No Economizer CARRIER 50JX0605 Packaged DX 6 57,000 0.0 7.20 HSPF 60,000 42,00012.0 SEER / 10.2 EER No Economizer BOILERU Ennrev Factor I Standhv I ffANK INSUL. System Name System Type Distribution Type Oty Rated Input Vol. (Gals.) or Recovery Efficiency Loss or Pilot Ext. R -Vat. O SMITH ELJF-06' Storage Elec. Standard 5 5,120 6 0.95 n/a n/a 0.0 7.20 HSPF 48,000 33,60012.0 SEER / 10.4 EER No Economizer CARRIER 50JX0605 Packaged DX 6 57,000 0.0 7.20 HSPF 60,000 42,00012.0 SEER / 10.2 EER No Economizer CENTRAL SYSTEM RATINGS HEATING COOLING System Name System Type Qty. Output Aux. kW Eff. Output Sensible Efficiency Economizer Type CARRIER 50JX0485 Packaged DX 6 45,000 0.0 7.20 HSPF 48,000 33,60012.0 SEER / 10.4 EER No Economizer CARRIER 50JX0605 Packaged DX 6 57,000 0.0 7.20 HSPF 60,000 42,00012.0 SEER / 10.2 EER No Economizer CENTRAL SYSTEM FAN SUMMARY SUPPLY FAN RETURN FAN System Name Fan Type Motor Location CFM BHP Motor Eff. Drive Eff. CFM BHP Motor Eff. Drive Eff. CARRIER 50JX0485 Constant Volume Blow -Through 1,600 0.75 77.0% 100.0% none CARRIER 50JX0605 Constant Volume Blow -Through 2,000 1.00 82.5% 100.0% none Run Initiation Time: 07/25/03 11:55:18 Run Code: 1059159318 EnergyPro 3.1 By Energysoft User Number: 5354 Job Number: 03-181 Page:9 of 18 MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT SUMMARY Part 2 of 2 MECH-2� PROJECT NAME DATE_.__.____ CFM Motor Drive CFM I BHP Eff. Eff. I I Type Output Zone Name Room Name Qty. CFM BHP Motor Eff. Drive Eff. Room Name Qt . CFM BHP Motor Eff. Drive Eff. CFM Motor Drive CFM I BHP Eff. Eff. I I Type Output Run Initiation Time: 07/25/03 11:55:18 Run Code: 1059159318 3.1 By EneravSoft User Number: 5354 Job Number: 03-181 Page:10 of 18 Room Name Qty. CFM BHP Motor Eff. Drive Eff. Room Name Qt . CFM BHP Motor Eff. Drive Eff. Run Initiation Time: 07/25/03 11:55:18 Run Code: 1059159318 3.1 By EneravSoft User Number: 5354 Job Number: 03-181 Page:10 of 18 MECHANICAL VENTILATION MECH-3 (PROJECT NAME DATE Retail Buildings 7/25/2003 MECHANICAL VENTILATION o ©© o a o© o o a o C Minimum Ventilation Rate per Section 121, Table 1-F. E Based on Expected Number of Occupants or at least 50% of Chapter 10 1997 UBC Occupant Density. I Must be greater than or equal to H, or use Transfer Air. Design Outdoor Air includes ventilation from Supply Air System & Room Exhaust Fans. K Must be greater than or equal to (H minus 1), and, for VAV, greater than or equal to (H -J). I EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft . User Number: 5354 Job Number: 03-181 Page: 11 of 18 I AREA BASIS OCCUPANCY BASIS REQ'D O.A. (MAX OF D OR G) DESIGN OUTDOOF AIR CFM VAVTRANS. MIN. RATIO FER AIR ZONE/SYSTEM COND. AREA (SF) CFM PER SF MIN. CFM (B x C) NO. OF PEOPLE CFM PER PERSON MIN. CFM (ExF) Zone 4 1,500 0.25 375 50. 15.0 750 750 750 HP 4a,4b Total 750 750 Zone 3 1,500 0.25 375 50.0 15.0 750 750 750 HP-3a,3b Total 750 750 Zone 2 1,500 0.25 375 50.0 15.0 750 750 750 HP-2a,2b Total 750 750 Zone 1 6,080 0.25 1,520 202. 15.0 3,040 3,040 3,040 HP-1a,1b,1c,1d,1e,1f Total 3,040 3,040 r C Minimum Ventilation Rate per Section 121, Table 1-F. E Based on Expected Number of Occupants or at least 50% of Chapter 10 1997 UBC Occupant Density. I Must be greater than or equal to H, or use Transfer Air. Design Outdoor Air includes ventilation from Supply Air System & Room Exhaust Fans. K Must be greater than or equal to (H minus 1), and, for VAV, greater than or equal to (H -J). I EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft . User Number: 5354 Job Number: 03-181 Page: 11 of 18 I ENVELOPE MANDATORY MEASURES ENV -MM PROJECT NAME DATE 21. Retail Buildings 7/25/2003 DESCRIPTION Designer Enforcement ❑X §118(a) Installed Insulating Material shall have been certified by the manufacturer to comply with the California Quality Standards for insulating material, Title 20, Chapter 4, Article 3. FXJ§ 118(c) All Insulating Materials shall be Installed In compliance with the flame spread rating and smoke density requirements of Sections 2602 and 707 of Title 24, Part 2. XJ §117(a) All Exterior Joints and openings In the building that are observable sources of air leakage shall be caulked, gasketed, weatherstripped or otherwise sealed. § 116(b) Site Constructed Doors, Windows and Skylights shall be caulked between the unit and the building, and shall be weatherstripped (except for unframed glass doors and fire doors). X❑ § 116(a)1 Manufactured Doors and Windows Installed shall have air Infiltration rates not exceeding those shown In Table Number 1-E. of the Standards. Manufactured fenestration products must be labeled for U -value according to NFRC procedures. X] §118(l) Demising Walls in Nonresidential Buildings: The opaque portions of framed demising walls in nonresidential buildings shall have Insulation with an installed R -value of no less than R-11 between framing members. EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5354 Job Number: 03-181 Page: 12 of 18 MECHANICAL MANDATORY MEASURES Part 1 of 2 MEC H -MM . 1. PROJECT NAME DATE Retail Buildings 7/25/2003 DESCRIPTION Designer Enforcement Equipment and Systems Efficiencies ❑X §111 Any appliance for which there Is a California standard established In the Appliance Efficiency Regulations will comply with the applicable standard. F§ 115(a) Fan type central furnaces shall not have a pilot light. FX] § 123 Piping, except that conveying fluids at temperatures between 60 and 105 degrees Fahrenheit, or within HVAC equipment, shall be insulated In accordance with Standards Section 123. X❑ § 124 Air handling duct systems shall be installed and insulated In compliance with Sections 601, 603 and 604 of the Uniform Mechanical Code. Controls § 122(e) Each space conditioning system shall be installed with one of the following: ❑X § 122(e)1A Each space conditioning system serving building types such as offices and manufacturing facilities (and all others not explicitly exempt from the requirements of Section 112 (d)) shall be installed with an automatic time switch with an accessible manual override that allows operation of the system during off -hours for up to 4 hours. The time switch shall be capable of programming different schedules for weekdays and weekends; Incorporate an automatic holiday "shut- off" feature that turns off all loads for at least 24 hours, then resumes the normally scheduled operation; and has program backup capabilities that prevent the loss of the device's program and time setting for at least 10 hours If power Is Interrupted; or ❑ § 122(e)1 B An occupancy sensor to control the operating period of the system; or F§ 122(e)1 C A 4 -hour timer that can be manually operated to control the operating period of the system. ❑ § 122(,)2 Each space conditioning system shall be installed with controls that temporarily restart and temporarily operate the system as required to maintain a setback heating and/or a setup cooling thermostat setpoint. § 122(8) Each space conditioning system serving multiple zones with a combined conditioned floor area more than 25,000 square feet shall be provided with Isolation zones. Each zone: shall not exceed 25,000 square feet; shall be provided with Isolation devices, such as valves or dampers, that allow the supply of heating or cooling to be setback or shut off Independently of other isolation areas; and shall be controlled by a time control device as described above. ® § 122(a&b) Each space conditioning system shall be controlled by an Individual thermostat that responds to temperature within the zone. Where used to control heating, the control shall be adjustable down to 55 degrees F or lower. For cooling, the control shall be adjustable up to 85 degrees F or higher. Where used for both heating and cooling, the control shall be capable of providing a deadband of at least 5 degrees F within which the supply of heating and cooling is shut off or reduced to a minimum. X § 122(c) Thermostats shall have numeric setpoints in degrees Fahrenheit (F) and adjustable setpoint stops accessible only to authorized personnel. 1^1§ 112(b) Heat pumps shall be Installed with controls to prevent electric resistance supplementary heater operation when the heating load can be met by the heat pump alone. EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5354 Job Number: 03-181 Page: 13 of 18 MECHANICAL MANDATORY MEASURES Part 2 of 2 MECH-MM PROJECT NAME � DATE Retail Buildings 7/25/2003 Description Designer Enforcement Ventilation F§ 121(e) Controls shall be provided to allow outside air dampers or devices to be operated at the ventilation rates as specified on these plans. F§ 122(f) Gravity or automatic dampers interlocked and closed on fan shutdown shall be provided on the outside air Intakes and discharges of all space conditioning and exhaust systems. X❑ § 122(f) All gravity ventilating systems shall be provided with automatic or readily accessible manually operated dampers in all openings to the outside, except for combustion air openings. ❑ § 121(f)l Air Balancing: The system shall be balanced In accordance with the National Environmental Balancing Bureau (NEBB) Procedural Standards (1983), or Associated Air Balance Council (AABC) National Standards (1989); or X❑ § 121(02 Outside Air Certification: The system shall provide the minimum outside air as shown on the mechanical drawings, and shall be measured and certified by the installing licensed C-20 mechanical contractor and certified by (1) the design mechanical engineer, (2) the installing licenced C-20 mechanical contractor, or (3) the person with overall responsibility for the design of the ventilation system; or F] § 12103 Outside Air Measurement: The system shall be equipped with a calibrated local or remote device capable of measuring the quantity of outside air on a continuous basis and displaying that quantity on a readily accessible display divice; or ❑ § 121(f)4 Another method approved by the Commission. Service Water Heating Systems ❑ § 113(b)2 If a circulating hot water system Is Installed, It shall have a control capable of automatically turning off the circulating pump(s) when hot water Is not required. ❑ § 113(b)3B Lavatories in restrooms of public facilities shall be equipped with controls to limit the outlet temperature to 110 degrees F. RI § 113(b)3C Lavatories in restrooms of public facilities shall be equipped with one of the following: Outlet devices that limit the flow of hot water to a maximum of 0.5 gallons per minute. Foot actuated control valves, and outlet devices that limit the flow of hot water to a maximum of 0.75 gallons per minute. Proximity sensor actuated control valves; and outlet devices that limit the flow of hot water to a maximum of 0.75 gallons per minute. Self-closing valves, and outlet devices that limit the flow of hot water to a maximum of 2.5 gallons per minute, and 0.25 gallons/cycle (circulating system). Self-closing valves, and outlet devices that limit the flow of hot water to a maximum of 2.5 gallons per minute, and 0.50 gallons/cycle (non -circulating system). Self-closing valves, and outlet devices that limit the flow of hot water to a maximum of 2.5 gallons per minute, and 0.75 gallons/cycle (foot switches and proximity sensor controls). EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number. 5354 Job Number: 03-181 Page: 14 of 18 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Retail Buildings 7/25/2003 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA H P-4a,4b 1,500 SYSTEM LOAD 26.0 of Outside Air 750 cfm 69.5 of 59.3 of 59.3 of COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM I Sensible Latent I CFM I Sensible Total Room Loads 1 5,917 Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation r 750 Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD 58,163 10,000 0 2,908 0 28,831 870 0 2,908 92,837 10,670 69,483 CARRIER 50JX0485 66,128 26,785 59,190 Total Adjusted System Output 66,128 26,785 59,190 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Jul 4 pm Jan 12 am Supply Fan Heating Coil 3200 cfm 76.7 of K Return Air Ducts `i Supply Air Ducts 76.2 of ROOMS 70.0 of DOLING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS Airstream Temperatures at Time of Cooling Peak 111.0 / 77.6 of 83.3 / 69.9 of 83.3 / 69.9 of 63.9 / 62.8 of O Supply Air Ducts Outside Air 750 cfm Supply Fan Cooling Coil 64.8 / 63.1 of 3200 cfm 70.0% R.H. ROOMS 74.9/67.2 of 74.0 / 67.0 of o,.a..-- A:- n....a,. U49 I EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5354 Job Number: 03-181 Page:15 of 18 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Retail Buildings 7/25/2003 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HP-3a,3b 1,500 Number of Systems 2 Heating System Output per System 45,000 Total Output (Btuh) 90,000 Output (Btuh/sqft) 60.0 Cooling System Output per System 48,000 Total Output (Btuh) 96,000 Total Output (Tons) 8.0 Total Output (Btuh/sqft) 64.0 Total Output (sgft/Ton) 187.5'. Air System CFM per System 1,600 Airflow (cfm) 3,200 Airflow (cfm/sgft) 2.13 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 400.0 Outside Air (%) 23.4 Outside Air (cfm/sgft) 0.50 Note: values above given at ARI conditions 26.0 of Outside Air 750 cfm 69.7 of 112.0 / 77.9 of Outside Air 750 cfm 74.7/67.3 of Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM I Sensiblel Latent I CFM I Sensible 4,78 47,165 10,000 3,405 23,416 0 2,358 11171 0 0 750 29,778 64 750 34,845 0 0 2,358 1,171 81,659 10,641 60,603 CARRIER 50JX0485 66,062 26,512 59,190 Total Adjusted System Output 66,062 26,512 59,190 (Adjusted for Peak Design conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Jul 3 pm Jan 12 am ream Temperatures at Time of Heatina Peak) 59.4 of 59.4 of ® 76.8 of r Supply Fan Heating Coil 3200 cfm Rcfi irn Air Ili i^f& 83.4 / 69.9 of 83.4 / 69.9 of 64.0 / 62.9 of Supply Fan Cooling Coil 3200 cfm h Return Air Ducts `S Supply Air Ducts 76.5 of ROOMS 70.0 of Supply Air Ducts 64.7 / 63.2 of 70.3% R.H. ROOMS 74.0/67.1OF EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number: 5354 Job Number: 03-181 Page: 16 of 18 1 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY PROJECT NAME DATE Retail Buildings 7/25/2003 SYSTEM NAME FLOOR AREA HP-2a,2b 1,500 Number of Systems 2 Heating System Output per System 45,000 Total Output (Btuh) 90,000 Output (Btuh/sgft) 60.0 Cooling System Output per System 48,000 Total Output (Btuh) 96,000 Total Output (Tons) 8.0 Total Output (Btuh/sqft) 64.0 Total Output (sgft/Ton) 187.5 Air System CFM per System 1,600 Airflow (cfm) 3,200 Airflow (cfm/sgft) 2.13 Airflow (cfm/Ton) 400.0 Outside Air (%) 23.4 Outside Air (cfm/sgft) 0.50 Note: values above aiven at ARI conditions 26.0 of Outside Air 750 cfm 69.7 of Total Room Loads Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM I Sensiblel Latent CFM I Sensible 81,659 10,641 60,603 CARRIER 50JX0485 66,062 26,512 59,190 Total Adjusted System Output 66,062 26,512 59,190 (Adjusted for Peak Design Conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Jul 3 p] Jan 12 am ream Temoeratures at Time of Heatina Peak) 59.4 of 59.4 of ■ 76.8 of r Supply Fan Heating Coil 3200 cfm Supply Air Ducts 76.5 of ROOMS 70.0 of DOLING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS Airstream Temperatures at Time of Cooling Peak 112.0/77.90F 83.4/69.9OF 83.4/69.9OF 64.0/62.9OF O Supply Air Ducts Outside Air 750 cfm Supply Fan Cooling Coil 64.7 / 63.2 of 3200 cfm 70.3% R.H. ROOMS 74.7/67.3OF 74.0/67.1OF I' h Return Air Ducts `S EnergyPro 3.1 By EnergySoft User Number. 5354 Job Number: 03-181 Page:17 of 18 1