04-3926 (RC) Geotechnical Engineering InvestigationN4 Since 1898 Geotechnical and Environmental Consultants Engineering and Chemical Laboratories GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION PROPOSED WAL-MART STORE LA QUINTA,CALIFORNIA CITY OF LA QUINTA r BUILDING .& SAFETY DEPT., - APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION J,(,1_ n ,5 10CJ DATE % 2doiBY no r For: t' .. 1 Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Mitchell Building 4 701.South Walton Boulevard, Highway 71 , Bentonville, Arkansas 72716-0352 June 29, 1990 as ,&A p 2527 Fresno Street • P.O- Box 1472' 0 9401 West Goshen Avenue Fresno. California 93716 • (209) 268-7021 Visalia. California 93291 • (209) 651-2190 0 1405 Granite lane. Suite S 0 3701 Pegasus Drive. Suite 124' F Modesto. California 95351 • (209) 527-0994 Bakersfield, California 93308 • (805) 393-5088 TL 490-0157-01 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ................ 1.0 INTRODUCTION. ..................... 1 2.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION............... 2 3.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION.. 3.1 Site Description.. 3 3.2 Anticipated Construction .................... 4 4.0 INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURES ......................... 5 4.1 Field Exploration ........................... 5 4.2 Laboratory Testing........................ 7 5.0 FINDINGS AND RESULTS.. 9 t ...................... 5.1 .Soil Profile.. ........,,,, g 5.2 Soil Properties ............................. .9 1 5.3 Groundwater Conditions ...................... 11 6.0 EVALUATION....................................... 11 6.1 Soil Conditions ............................. 11 6.2 Foundations and Slabs-on-Grade............... 12 6.3 Exterior Flatwork.................. 14 6.4� Pavements................................... 15 6.5 Modulus of Subgrade Reaction................ 16 i6.6 Corrosion Protection ........................ 17 7.0 - CONCLUSIONS...................................... 17 ' 8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS.. ................. ............. 19 ' 8.1 Site Preparation ........................... 19 8.2 Engineered Fill ............................. 22 ' 813 Foundations .". ............................... 23 u y. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 I 1 � I 1 1 1 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS TL 490-0157-01 Page 8.4 Frictional Coefficient and Earth Pressures.. 24 8.5 Concrete Slabs -on -Grade ..................... 26 8.6 Asphaltic. Concrete (AC) Pavements........... 27 8.7 Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) Pavements.... 30 8.8 Temporary Excavations ....................... 32 8.9 Utility Trenches ............................ 32 8'.10 Corrosion Protection ......................... 33 9.0 CONSTRUCTION MONITORING.... .................... 33 10.0 DESIGN CONSULTATION .............................. 34 11.0 LIMITATIONS ...................................... s 35 'LIST OF DRAWINGS• Drawing No.. 1 - Site Location Map Drawing No. 2.— Site Plan and Test Boring Locations LIST OF APPENDICES: APPENDIX A - Logs of Borings .............................. A-1 APPENDIX B - Results of Laboratory Tests .................. B-1 APPENDIX C-tGeotechnical Investigation Fact Sheet........ C-1 • 0707 ��.o,?�_ Fresno 'aooesto Visalia Bakersfield r TL 490-0157-01 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION PROPOSED WAL-MART STORE LA QUINTA,-CALIFORNIA 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the results.of a geotechnical engineering investigation for the proposed Wal-Mart store to be located in La Quinta, California. The investigation was initiated per the written authorization of Mr. Gerry Adams with Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. on May 4, 1990. The contents of the report include the purpose of the investigation and the scope of services provided. Background information regarding.the existing site features and anticipated construction are discussed. 'In addition, a description of the investigative procedures used and the subsequent findings obtained are presented. Finally., the report provides an evaluation of the findings, and related conclusions and recommendations. The three report appendices contain the logs of borings (Appendix A), the results of laboratory tests ,(Appendix B), and the geotechnical investigation fact sheet (Appendix C). The investigation was performed during June of 1990 by the Geotechnical Engineering Division of The Twining Laboratories, Inc. (Twining) located in Fresno, California. a�it�u�ting ,�a�o'raToura.�nc. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 490-0157-01 Page 2 2.0 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION The purpose of the investigation was to evaluate the subsurface conditions at the project site and provide geotechnical engineering design parameters and recommendations for use in the project design and preparation of construction specifications. The intent of the investigation was to comply with the geotechnical report. requirements provided by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. A summary of the actions taken during the investigation is outlined as follows: 1. A rough grading plan prepared by, McClellan/Cruz/Gaylord and Associates (Job. No. 89-272, dated March 21, 1990) was reviewed. 2. A site reconnaissance and a subsurface exploration were conducted. 3. Laboratory tests were conducted to determine the physical 1 and engineering properties of the subsurface soils. 4. Mr. Gerry Adams with' Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. was consulted during the investigation. 5. The data obtained from the investigation were evaluated to develop an understanding of the subsurface conditions and engineering properties of the subsoils on which to base conclusions and recommendations for project design _ and preparation of construction specifications relating to foundations, concrete slabs -on -grade, and pavements. 6. Recommendations were developed with regard to type and depth of foundations, soil bearing pressures, earth i pressures, pavement structural sections, and site preparation. ' ' �ltt�wini�rg,�t.Io2aTories.�ru. Fresno. Mooeslo Visalia Bakerslield TL 490-0157--01 Page 3 3.0 BACKGROUND INFORMATION The existing site features and the anticipated construction are summarized in the following subsections. 3.1 Site Description: The 13 acre project site is located in the eastern 1/2 of the northeast 1/4 of Section 30, Township 5 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Baseline and Meridian. The site is also described as the southeastern portion of Assessors Parcel Number 617-02-17. A site location map is presented on Drawing No. 1. The site is bound to the north by the Whitewater Storm Channel; to the east and west by uncultivated and undeveloped desertland; and to the south by State Highway 111 and uncultivated desertland. At the time -of the field investigation, the northern portion of the site, in the area of the proposed Wal-Mart Store, was relatively level with approximately 3 feet of relief. The southern portion of the site, in the area of the proposed parking lot, was characterized by rolling sand dunes that provide relief up to 15 feet. Vegetation at the site consists of scattered desert brush and short grasses and weeds. In addition, several trees were noted near the northern perimeter of the site. Topsoils at the site were relatively loose and appeared to consist of wind blown materials. Unpaved roadways were noted along the northern and eastern perimeters of the site. Also, several utility poles were noted along the eastern edge of the site. The southern embankment of the 4 Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield PROJECT _4:�9-01 57-01 VALLEY �Asjl�jl �16 v ov—d YGO 4 cr z EY, OWL SPRI-S o W any OESERT-, 3 HOT PlINGS _q iL 1-�, '. 6 10S.UA W A f�[NGS sspAtAA ,0 11.,,•' A. te co, NA rlMVAL 4N r— GARNET_ Zcy L % ;EO • ,.r OESEftt SA HAVEN . MILL .( La "o 206. -T A 9THOUgAND SPRING�PA�MS�7o l0L,,oC-1 ;L d cll�• F 14% . -- -4�. - - sl - C" Au Nota/ c Gial =R CATHEDRAL fiT&,. mp j 1 k-o� MIRAGE &VER'S-r2o� Co. IR *ocr AWL 4$ NIT p mrm 4 aCtivre cfv/Ls i Rcrx-Irf, 00 • COUNTRY CLUB e1R. :OR Intd,;.m to A PA N. NES PROJECT SITE*- counfly 04 00t. s A mg# INOJIAN Cwnvv 1WELLS J .A aCOACHE . w. orj J, LA.3 QUINTA ...... .1. CC/urs' % s c c�f a,—"p IIEAr��Lk T-Ec�iri e-, cl2p ERMA ., L IlDrA ATu ell FRIA 18 1 c2 -V ?z"r-PINYON -.05A - -1 -- PINES "s 7z R k7W" is s, AVA MECCA .4 =1 SITE LOCATION MAP E: GATE: PROPOSED WAL—MART STORE S NOTED 6-28790 ADAMS STREET & HIGHWAY Ill DRAMVNBY: LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA MHM �mr I OF 2 The Twining Laboratories, inc. FRESNOIMODES7OfVL9ALIA/BAKERSFIELD TL 490-0157-01 Page 4 storm channel sloped at 4:1, horizontal to vertical, for a vertical distance of about 20 feet to the bottom of the channel. 3.2 Anticipated Construction: Preliminary design details outlined by the geotechnical investigation report requirements provided by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., and as shown on the rough grading plan, indicate that the proposed construction will consist of a•116�418 square foot major structure, a design ted 30,000 square foot expansion area, a 10,244 square foot garden center, and a 3,971 square foot T.S.A. The store super -structure will be a combination of load bearing concrete block walls and steel columns supporting roof loads by means of steel joist girders and steel bar joists: 'A maximum column load, due to severe live loading, of 100 kips is anticipated; however, interior and exterior column loads of 65 and 40 kips,. respectively, are typical. A minimum column spacing of 38 feet is anticipated. Bearing wall loads ranging from between 4 and 6 kips per linear foot, dead -plus -live, are anticipated. Floor slab, loads will range from 100 to 200 pounds per square foot. Total and differential settlements of 1 and 1/2 - inch, respectively, are considered tolerable. The proposed development will include driveways and parking for automobile and heavy ,truck traffic. Equivalent 18 kip axle .loads of 11,279 and 30,697 for a design life of 20 years were recommended for design of "standard duty" and ."heavy duty" pavement sections, respectively,'by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. p��p74 �otaCotlea.�rte. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 490-0157-01 Page 5 The rough grading plan indicates that the proposed building pad will be raised above original site grade with approximately 2 to 3 feet of fill (finish pad elevation of 74 feet). The parking area will be leveled by both cut and fill. We anticipate that soils generated from earthwork operations in the parking area will be used to construct the building pad. 4.0 INVESTIGATIVE PROCEDURES The investigation consisted of a field exploration and a laboratory testing program. The details of the exploration and testing program are summarized in the following subsections. 4.1 Field Exploration: The field exploration consisted of �r drilling test borings, soil sampling, and conducting standard penetration tests. The depth and location of test borings were selected based on the size of the structure type of construction, . r depth of influence of surface loads, subsurface conditions, and the minimum requirements outlined by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc'. r On June 5, 6 and 7, 1990, 22 test borings were drilled to depths of between 10 and 21.5 feet below site grade (FSG). In addition, four .(4) bulk samples of soil were obtained for R -value tests._ The test boring and bulk sample locations are shown on Drawing.No. 2. The test borings were drilled, under the direction r of.-a.Twining staff -engineer, using a Mobile -B-40 drill rigequipped q peed with 6-5/8 inch O.D. hollow stem augers. continuous logs of the soils encountered in the test borings were recorded. The field . a�tt�utinimq �ilotalattee.�ru. Fresno atodesto Visalia Bakersfield � No. ' TL 4,0-0157-01 I _j B-1`a jo -B-10 l _rjr- �_ � B-6 • j'� ' ''r' U ` B-13 IL __y _jy'1 B 17 r -,\.J,B-18 L I _ B-16 B-20 fl � ! �.\ �' • •�1 \�,- \"d' ��\� � •tel. _ I • `� SOIL BORING LOCATION AND NUMBER . R-VALUE LOCATION AND NUMBER SITE PLAN SHOWING SOIL SCALE: NTS OATE: 6128-90 BORING & R-VALUE LOCATIONS DRAWN BY: The Twining PROPOSED WAL-MART STORE A� Oar' LA QUI NTA, CALIFORNIA MHM r NO. DRAMN(} Laboratories, inc. 2.OF 2 FRESNO/MODES70/VISALIA/BMERSFIELD TL 490-0157-01 Page 6 ' soil classification was in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System and consisted of particle size, color, and other distinguishing features of the soil. Standard penetration tests were conducted, and disturbed and undisturbed soil samples 1 were -obtained. i The standard penetration resistance, N -value, is defined as the number of blows required to drive a standard split barrel sampler into the soil. The standard split barrel sampler has a 2 inch O.D. and a 1-3/8 inch I.D. The sampler is driven by a 140 pound weight falling 30 inches. The sampler is lowered to the bottom of the bore hole and set by g drivin it an initial 6 inches. It is then driven an additional 12 inches, and the number of blows 1 -- required to advance the sampler the additional 12 inches is recorded as the standard penetration resistance, N -value. Relatively undisturbed soil samples for laboratorl tests were I obtained by pushing a California modified split barrel ring sampler into the soil. The soil was retained in for brass rings 2.5 ' inches in diameter and 1 inch in height. The lower 6 inch portion r of the samples were placed in close -fitting, plastic, air -tight t containers which were in turn placed in cushioned boxes 'for transRort to the laboratory. Test boring locations were determined by measuring wheel with reference to the northeast corner of the site (survey marker No. 103, RCE 5640) and should be considered accurate to within 10 feet. Elevations of the test borings were not determined as a part of Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield a TL 490-0157-01 Page 7 this investigation. The locations of the test borings are described on the boring logs in Appendix A. The test borings were loosely backfilled with material excavated during the drilling operations. Soil samples obtained were taken to Twining's Fresno laboratory for classification and testing. 4.2 Laboratory Testing: The laboratory testing was programmed to determine the physical and engineering properties of the soils underlying the site. The tests were conducted on disturbed and undisturbed samples representative of the subsurface material. These Included: To Determine: Natural Moisture ..(ASTM D2116) ................ moisture contents representative of field conditions at the time the `sample was taken. Natural Density ............. dry unit weight of sample represen- tative of in-situ or in-place undisturbed condition. Atterberg Limits (ASTM D4318) ...the consistency and "stickiness", as well as the range of moisture contents within which the material is "workable". Grain -size distribution (ASTM D422) ................ Direct Shear (ASTM D3080).. size and distribution of soil particles, i.e. clay, silt, sand, .and gravel. soil shearing strength under varying loads and/or. moisture conditions. For use in foundation design. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersliew j�. r - TL 490-0157-01 Page 8 Consolidation (ASTM D2435).. the amount and rate at which a soil sample compresses when loaded, and the influence of saturation on its behavior. For use in settlement analysis and foundation design. Moisture -density relationship (ASTM D1557)... the optimum (best) moisture content for compacting soil and the maximum dry unit weight (density) for a given compactive effort. R -Value (CA -301)............ the capacity of a subgrade or subbase to support a pavement section designed to carry a specified traffic load. Sulfate content ............. percentage of water-soluble sulfate as (SO.) in soil samples. Used as an indication of the relative degree of sulfate attack on concrete and for selecting the cement type. Chloride content-............ soluble chloride content in soil. 'Used to evaluate the potential attack on encased reinforcing steel. Resistivity ................. the potential of the soil to corrode metal. pH .......................... the acidity or alkalinity of subgrade material. The results of all field and laboratory tests are summarized - on the Table and Plates enclosed in Appendix B. This infor1ation, along with the field observations, was used to prepare the final test boring logs in Appendix A. 11 ,_:;7htauini.ng Q' mum .)=- Fresno Modesto o Visalia Bakersfield TL 490-0157-01 Page 9 5.0 FINDINGS AND RESULTS The findings and results of the field investigation and laboratory testing are summarized in the following subsections. 5.1 Soil Profile: A majority of the subsurface soils encountered consisted of fine grained silty sands with interbedded ' strata, zones, and lenses of sandy silts to a depth of about 21.5 < feet BSG, the maximum depth explored. However, at several test boring locations the silty sands were overlain by sandy silts to depths ranging from about 3 to 15 feet BSG. The foregoing is a general summary of the soil conditions encountered in the test borings drilled for this investigation. r Detailed descriptions of the soils encountered at each test boring 1 are presented on the logs of borings in Appendix A. The j stratification lines shown on the logs represent the approximate boundary between soil types; the actual in --situ transition may be gradual. 5.2 Soil Properties: The silts are medium stiff to hard as .indicated by standard penetration resistance, 17 -values, ranging from 8 to 36 -blows per foot. The natural moisture content of the soils -ranged from 0 to 7 percent, and the dry unit density of the silts ranged from 89 to 105 pounds per cubic foot. A direct shear test performed on one soil sample indicated an angle of internal friction of 26•, with a cohesion of 200 pounds per square foot. The soils exhibit moderate to high compressibility characteristics with the addition of moisture as indicated by two .consolidation 07107a.oP,�. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 490-0157-01 Page 10 tests (about 7.2 to 11..4 percent consolidation under a load of 4.0 kips per square foot). In addition, the soils exhibit a moderate potential to collapse with the addition of moisture (about 2.5 and 4.5 percent collapse under loads of 2 and 1 kip per square foot, respectively). Atterberg limits tests performed on three soil samples indicated that the silts are non -plastic. The silty sands are loose to very dense as indicated by N -- values ranging from 5 to 54 blows per foot.- The natural moisture content of the soils ranged from about 0 to 13 percent, and the dry unit density of the sands ranged from 88 to 106 pounds per cubic foot. A direct shear test -performed on one soil sample indicated an angle of internal friction of 310. The soils exhibit moderate compressibility characteristics with increases in moisture content as indicated by one consolidation test (about 6.3 percent consolidation under a load of 4 kips per square foot). The sands are non -plastic as indicated by the Atterberg limits test.. Tests performed on four bulk soil samplcs indicated R--vul::cs ranging from 56 to 75. Maximum dry density/optimum moisture determinations performed on two soil samples indicated maximum dry densities of 108.1 and 112.0 pounds per cubic foot, wit: -1 optiiiium moisture contents of 10.2 and 10.5 percent, respectively. Chemical tests performed on three near -surface soil samples indicated pH's of 7.8 and, 8.3, minimum resistivities of 1,000, 2,100, and 3,400 ohm -centimeters, and a sulfate content of 0.08 percent by dry c77kc7, u*U7.�a9LW ej.d m. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield R r i TL 490-0157-01 Page 11 weight.- Chlorides were detected at a concentration of 0.008 percent by dry weight. 5.3 Groundwater Conditions: Groundwater was not encountered in any. of the test borings drilled at the time of the field investigation (June 5, 6 and 7, 1990). However, numerous factors influence groundwater level fluctuations, and evaluation of such factors is beyond the scope of this report. 6.0 EVALUATION This section presents the details of the evaluation to develop conclusions and.recommendations for use in the project design and preparation of construction specifications. The evaluation was based upon the subsurface conditions determined from the investigation and our understanding of the proposed construction. 6.1 Soil Conditions: The subsurface soils consist of interbedded strata of medium stiff to hard sandy silts and loose tc very dens, siltysands to the der ,, cxrlo: ed. In (�"neral, these soils are fine grained; have very low natural moisture contents and dry unit wci.ghts, moderate to high porosities Tari ing from about 38 to 48 percent; and exhibit a moderate puteritial to collapse with increases in moisture content.. Although the silts and sands exhibit distinctly different physical properties, their engineering characteristics appear to be quite similar. The silts and sands encountered exhibit the texture and consistency bf alluvial and flood plain sediments. However, given Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakerslield TL 490-0157-01 Page 12 i the results of the field and laboratory investigations, the surface soils resemble that of dune sands, while the engineering properties of the underlying soils more closely resemble that of a loess. Loess and dune sands consist of windblown deposits of fine grained sands and silts that are common in the California desert areas, especially in outwash or flood plain areas" such as where t.. the site is located. Loess type soils are inherently collapsible due to their relatively high porosity (typically 50 to 60 percent) and low natural unit weight. often the cohesion of these types of S soils is imparted by precipitation of soluble compounds, due to I leach from rainfall, that become soft and slake upon saturation. ( Dune sands are not usually collapsible, however, since their l structure is generally loose (N-values of less than 10), they are considered highly compressible under heavy structural loading. 6.2 Foundations and Slabs-on-Grade: The primary geotechnical considerations for this project are: 1) total and differential settlement of foundstions and ilc;r slabs, and Z) pzcper site i. grading and subgrade preparation. Based on the - re�::ul",s cF the _ fi21._' ar.1 larorat3r, 1nveStlgdtlOns, two adverse soil cwldiLioni were idLn'Ii lciI wizt'1 regard. to support of the proposed structure. First, a majority of the soils encountered at the site were relatively dense and exhibit low compressibility characteristics under their natural moisture conditions. However, isolated areas of loose, compressible dune sands and silts were noted in the proposed building area. These aiit�uiiruing �atalou�.e.�i�c. Fresno Modesto Visalia BakersfielO t TL 490-0157-01 Page 13 1 soils appear to be limited in depth; however, in the northern portion of the proposed building pad they extend to depths greater than 10 feet BSG. Given these conditions, we estimate, assuming an allowable bearing pressure of 2,500 pounds per square foot, that the heavily loaded column foundations could settle from 1 to 2 inches, with a maximum differential settlement of 1 inch between adjacent foundations. Second, as discussed above, the subgrade soils exhibit a moderate potential to collapse under the anticipated structural loads with increases in moisture content. Since the subgrade soils 4• are moderate to free draining materials, and the natural moisture content of the soils was relatively low, it is likely that these soils will become inundated over the life of the structure. Structures supported on collapsing soils are likely to settle excessively and unequally once the soils are exposed to moisture I due to runoff, landcr2,244ng c.--:. ' J 1 develops and becomes =rc pronounced as t`.:_ 1:101-ct urc, of tl-.:: soil rises above that formally prevailing at the site. Large and sometimes catastrophic of tr.ajcr sti-uc':ures loca`cd on collapsing soils ruvc been curse~' by the E : app of Wa`�-r defective drains and sumps, broken water pipes, and leaky sewers. Based on our evaluation, we estimate that foundations could settle an additional 1 to 1.5 inches if the subgrade soils were to become ` inundated. o7o7u`�,.�,P�. ' Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 490-0157-01 Page 14 Since the compressibility and. the tendency of soils to collapse decreases with increasing dry density, potential settlement can be reduced if the near -surface soils are densified, ' and steps are taken to provide positive drainage away from the . structure. Given the soil conditions at the site, in our opinion, ! the "best" method to densify the subgrade soils would be by overexcavation and compaction. Assuming a minimum foundation depth of 12 inches, settlement can be'reduced to within tolerab1c limits provided foundations are supported on a minimum of 4 feet of f engineered fill.. Based on the finish floor elevation shown on the site grading plan, this procedure would consist of overexcavating the native subgrade to depths ranging from about 2 to 3 feet, moisture conditioning the soils g to above optimum, and compacting ' the soil as engineered fill. Compacting the soils above optimum, r which is near saturation, would induce the collapse of soluble compounds in the so%.7. dl.�ri..ng cons tr.,c;-r tha n-tr ntlal for 6.3 Exterior Flatwork: In our opinion the extensive earthwork discussed above will not be nccessary Cclo;,r 1i;htl1• leaded exterior fl.a`: ,ori: s_.;c co'__. ,� pc c.. _a: w� influenced by the structural load placed on the soil. Vowever, we recommend that the'upper 12 inches of subgrade soils located below the slabs be scarified and compacted as engineered fill. g In A' addition, the site should be graded so that water from landscaping, runoff, etc., is not allowed to pond adjacent to these structures. • Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 490-0157-01 Page 15 This procedure will reduce, but not eliminate, the potential for rcollapse below the slabs. If the effects of the collapsible soils are to be substantially reduced, additional measures can be taken, such as: 1) increasing the depth of overexcavation and compaction ' below the flatwork, 2) placement of additional reinforcement, and .3) sealing of the concrete surfaces to prevent infiltration of water. 6.4 Pavements: The subgrade soils exhibit good to excellent subgrade support characteristics for both flexible and rigid pavements with R-values ranging from 56 to 75. An R-value of 55 ' was used for design purposes. Traffic indices of 5.5 for the "standard duty" pavement section and 6.0 for the "heavy duty" pavement section were selected based on the traffic loading provided by Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., and Table 7-651.2B of the California Department of Transportation "Highway Design Manual". If traffic loading is antic ^,tc�! to be grc,_`.:.__ '_:`_.., that ass...: tsections are presented in the "Recommendations" section of this report. 1i-.2 tl'.Lckness d,-2sL(3l. i- 21.t.Q.d u.sc-1 i.I . .... ... v.... .. i• a i _ ._.t... Cement. Concrete pavements was based primarily on the Portland I Cement Association Manual titled "Thickn ess Design of Highway and t Street Pavements". In the evaluation, an axle weight of 32 kips, a wheel. spacing of 60 inches, and a tire contact area of 200 square ' inches were assumed. for a typical tractor trailer rig. Also, a Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 490-0157-01 Page 16 i modulus of rupture for concrete of 550 pounds per square inch at 28 days was assumed. For basis of design, a maximum stress ratio of 0.50 was utilized. Using this stress ratio, an unlimited number of repetitions for the traffic loading would be allowable. The evaluation assumes that the wheel load is applied to the interior of the slab unit and does not take into account reinforcing steel or increased concrete thickness at edges and construction joints where the concrete stresses are the highest. As with exterior flatwork, the upper 12 -inches of subgrade soils below pavements should be scarified and compacted as engineered fill to reduce the collapse potential of the soils. In addition, parking areas should be sloped and drainage gradients maintained to carry all surface water off the site. In addition, the.. pavement sections should be isolated from intrusion of irrigation water from landscaped areas. For long term performance, a, should r- __..._,:� acted * 4.t - :.'� ::i'f� 2 of p-iw—n-nt _ irr _i.:.. and to convey it to a storm drain or other drainage facility. 6.5 Modulus of Subar-ide nr�;,ct,nr. Tb..-. n—!,,i'• approximated based on a correlation with R -values presented in the "Thickness Design for Concrete Highway and Street Pavements" manual published by the Portland Cement Association. lot Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakefshetd i TL 490-0157-01 Page 17 Based on this correlation, an R -value of 55 corresponds to a modulus of subgrade reaction of 225 pounds per square inch per inch. 6.6 Corrosion Protection:. The soils are moderate to very corrosive to ferrous alloy pipes as indicated by the resistivity of the soils. Corrosion of concrete due to sulfate attack is not anticipated to be severe based on a sulfate content of 0.08 percent determined for the near surface soils. The ACI Manual of Concrete Practice, Section 201.22-12, recommends using a Type II cement for concrete foundations placed in these soils. 7.0 CONCLUSIONS On the basis of the results of the field and laboratory investigations, we present the -following conclusions. ` 7.1 Based'upon data collected durinc iq our opi .;.o: geotechnical standpoint for the proposed ccnstruction, i' P-cvid--fid t1-- ror^.-r' t l:i::]'i'�7vriii::t:� 1i1t0 tt:�. t,iJ•f�..:. C,i-.:.�.. ja_ 7.2 The subsurface soils consist of interbedded strata of medium stiff to hard sandy silts and loose to very dense, fine grained silty sands to the depths explored. Fresno Modesto Visalia 8akersfiekf TL 490-0157-01 Page 18 7.3 In general, the subgrade soils encountered are fine grained; have very low natural moisture contents and dry unit weights; moderate to high porosities ranging from about 38 to 48.percent; and exhibit a moderate potential to collapse with increases in moisture content. 7.4 Shallow spread footings placed entirely on properly compacted engineered fill can provide adequate support for the proposed structure. 7.5 Maximum total and 'differential settlements for the proposed foundation systems should be 1 inch and 1/2 inch, respectively. 7.6' Interior floor slabs and exterior flatwork should be supported on c.ompacte.-a T.7. Lateral loads may b` r silted by- soil tric ion and by .. '")� •_" •n. j-rr;i 4%'- 11. 7�8 The near -surface soils exhibit good to excellent support •charact'eristics for pavements. 7.9 The near -surface soils are moderate to very corrosive to buried metal objects. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakerslietd a TL 490-0157-01 Page 19 7.10 The soil is slightly alkaline with low chloride and sulfate contents. This condition will not require any special treatment of concrete. 8.0 RECOMMENDATIONS On the basis of the evaluation.. of the field and laboratory i. data and our geotechnical experience on similar projects, we present the following recommendations for your consideration. 8.1 Site Preparation 8:1:1 All topsoil, existing vegetation, organics, and debris should be removed from the project construction area. The general depth of stripping should be approximately Z to 4 inches. The actual depth of stripping should be determined by our firm at the time of ` r building and pavement perimeters.. These rateria 1 will not t engineered fill, however, they may 1. stockpiled and used for landscaping at the owners discretion. ��c�uYminq,��atouea.�nc. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield r TL 490-0157-01 Page 20 8.1.2 Any soft or pliant areas, debris pits, or other subsurface structures encountered during the site preparation should be entirely removed. The resulting excavations should be backfilled as engineered fill. 8.1.3 Foundations and floor slabs for the proposed structure should be supported cn a minimum of 4 feet of -engineered fill. This procedure, given the finish floor elevation shown on the site grading plan, would require that the native (in-situ) soils be overexcavated to a depth of about 2 to 3 feet below existing site grade and compacted as engineered fill. If the native soils are incorporated as engineered or minus 1 percent) prior to ccalpaction. The upper 1Z inches of sU'2gI:aarcL_ to receive pavements should be scarified, moisture conditioned to above optimum, and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent relative compaction. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 490-0157-01 Page 21 i - 8.1.5 All fill placed at the site should be compacted ' as engineered fill. 8.1.6e D velop and maintain site grades which will ' rapidly drain surface and roof runoff away from foundations and floor slabs - both during and 1 after construction. Adjacent exterior finish��a grades should be sloped a minimum of two percent for a distance of at least 10 feet away from the structure to preclude ponding of water adjacent to foundations. 8.1.7 Parking areas, driveways, and exterior flatwork should be sloped and drainage gradients maintained to carry all surface water off the from landscaped ar,_ss. For lorry tex.ii performance a subclr `n systc ^ c , > !.r, cof,stlut-Ced at the landscaping to collect excessive water from i landscaping irrigation and to convey it to a ' storm drain or other drainage facility. • - Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 490-0157-01 Page 22 8.1.8 It is imperative that irrigation be minimized ' in the ,area of the proposed structure. In ' addition, 'roof drains should be connected to J the storm drain system proposed for the shopping center. f 8.2 Fz;gi neered Fill 8.2.1 The on-site soils are predcminantly silts a; --i Iclays. These soils will be suitable for use as fill materialprovided organics and debris Iare removed, and the soils are compacted in (- accordance with Section 8.1.3. Import fill L I soil should be none xpansive and granular in nature with the following requirements. Percent Passing 3 -Inch Sieve 100 ' P 2rcent Pa's No. 4 Sil-_ 5 ) Percent Passing No. 2200 Sieve *R -Value Minimum 55 * For fill placed in pavement areas only I , be approved by Twining. i 1 1 _ Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1! 1 � 1! 1� 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 TL 490-0157-01 Page 23 8.2.2 Engineered fill soil should be placed in lifts approximately 6 inches thick, moisture - conditioned as necessary, and compacted to achieve a dry density of at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM Test Method D1557-78. Additional lifts should not be placed it the previous LA--', did. not meet the required dry density or moisture, or if soil conditions are not stable. 8.3 Foundations 8.3.1 Support structural loads on spread or continuous footings placed in engineered fill. Spread.and continuous footings may be designed for a .maxmum.�allowable soil bearirig�pressu re fone:-tthdxd—f�ot---sSort :f'-� ;.� . r., pet_ ducat. on wind or loads. 8.3.2 The footings should have a minimum depth of 12 inches below rough pad grade or adjacent exterior grade, whichever is lower. Footings should have a minimum width of 12 inches, regardless of load. o7�uo7� ,�.�aat area .o?,u. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield r TL 490-0157-01 Page 24 8.3.3 If soft or loose materials are encountered at the bottom of the footing excavations, they should be removed and replaced with lean concrete. The lean concrete should have a minimum compressive strength of 1,000 pounds per square inch.at 28 days. 8.3.4 A minimum of four rr. rein forcz❑;enL bars, two top and two bottom, should be placed in perimeter bearing wall foundations. 8'.4 Frictional Coefficient and Earth Pressures 8.4.1 A coefficient of friction of 0.20 can be used between the base of the foundations and the supporting soil. A factor of safety of 1.5 8.4. The ulti:;iatc. 1 :;sslve resistan,,:<2 i:i :(' na: TL 490-0157-01 Page 25 should be neglected in determining the passive resistance. 8.4.3 The active -and at -rest pressures of the natural soils may, be assumed to be equal to the pressures developed by a fluid.with a density of 35 and 50 pounds per cubic foot, respectively. These pressures do not include the surcharge effects of hydrostatic pressures, construction equipment, and loads imposed by nearby foundations and roadways. 8.4.4 If foundations. are poured neat against the subgrade soils, the frictional and passive resistance 'of the soil may be combined in determining the total lateral resistance. 8.4.5 The at -rest pressure should be used in determining lateral earth pressures against walls which. are not free to deflect. For walls which are free to deflect (a minimum of 1/2 percent of the wall height), the active earth pressure may be used. ' p7�rtp7rrrin�q „�R�.�iu. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 490-0157-01 ' Page 26 8.5 Concrete Slabs -on -Grade 8.5.1 In areas where interior concrete floor slabs ' are anticipated, the subgrade soils should be prepared in accordance with Section 8.1.3. 8.5.2 The upper 12 inches of subgrade below exterior ' flatwork should be scarified, moisture conditioned to above optimum, and compacted as engineered fill. Engineered fill should extend laterally a minimum of 2 feet on all sides of 1 the slabs. 1 8.5.3 To further reduce the effects of collapsing ' soils on exterior flatwork, additional j measures, such as; 1) increasing the depth of overexcavation and compaction below the slabs, ' 2) placement of act^*'-icenal reinforccm -,t, c;r ` 3 sealing of g the concrete surfaces is ' L suggested. 8.5.4 A minimum of 2 inches of moist concrete sand (ASTM C-33 ) should be placed beneath all slabs - on -grade. An impermeable•membrane should be placed below the sand beneath all interior ' floor slabs where floor coverings are a�uti�,.�,�. ' t Fresno Modesto Visalia 8akerslield TL 490-0157-01 Page 27 anticipated. The membrane should be installed so that there are no holes or uncovered areas ' and in accordance with the manufactures recommendations. All seams should be ' overlapped and sealed so they are vapor tight. Tears or punctures in the membrane should be completely repaired prior to placement of ' concrete. 8.5.5 A modulus of subgrade reaction of 225 pounds per square inch per inch should be used for ' design of floor slabs. ' I 8.6 Asphaltic Concrete (AC) Pavements 8,6.1 The upper 12 inches of subgrade beneath the structural.. section should be scarified, opt.`Jn ::. �_.... ..._ \ content, and compacted to at least 95 percent -of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D1557, ' �'` �.e�vrrmfi�cg °'`,otatatiea.�nc. 1 Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakerslieto TL 490-0157-01 Page 28 8.6.2 The following pavement section is presented based on an R -value of 55 and a Traffic Index. of 5.5 for "Standard Duty" traffic loading. Pavement Component Thickness, Inches Asphaltic Concrete 2,0 Class Z Aggregate Base (95% Relative Compaction) 4.0 Compacted Subgrade (95o Relative Compaction) 12.0 8.6.3 The following pavement section is presented based on an R -value of.55.and a Traffic Index of 6.0 for "Heavy Duty" traffic loading. Pavement Component Thickness. Inches Asphaltic Concrete 3,0 Class 2 Aggregate Baste (95% Relative -Compaction) 11.0 Compacted Subgrade (95% Relative Compaction) 12.0 8.6.4 Before, during or after construction, the earthwork or paving contractor should not be. allowed to flood the baserock section. aju(,,7uin67 ,�i`otuiariee.�nc. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 490-0157-01 ' Page 29 8.6.5 Pavement section design assumes that proper maintenance such as sealing and repair of ' localized distress will be performed on a periodic basis. 8.6.6 If the paved areas are to be used- during ' construction, or the traffic will be greater than anticipated, the pavement sections should E be re-evaluated for the anticipated traffic. 8.6.7 Pavement construction should conform to Sections 26 and 39 of the State of California Standard Specification Requirements. quirements. 8.6.8 The asphalt-concrete should be compacted to an ..f -7 based on a� 50 blow Mar:;I:all naxi,:.un do 1cl� . 8. 6. 9 We. recon. ,,e d that an concrete t design be prepared and approved prior to construction. Fresno Modem Visalia Bakersfield TL 490-0157-01 Page 30 8.7 Portland Cement Concrete (PCC1 Pavements 8.7.1 The following pavement section presents the thickness of PCC required for an axle weight of 32,000 pounds, a loading position in the interior of the slab unit, a tire contact area of 200 square inches, a K -value of 75 pounds ` per cubic inch per inch, and a modulus of rupture of 550 pounds per square inch at 28 _ days for concrete. Pavement Component Thickness, inches Portland Cement Concrete 6..0 Class 2 Aggregate Base (95 %Relative Compaction) 4.0 Compacted Subgrade (95o Relative Compaction) 12.0 8.7.2 Stresses are anticipated to be greater at the edges and construction joints of the pavement section. A thickened edge is recommended on the outside of slabs subjected to wheel loads. 8.7.3 Joint spacing in feet should not exceed twice the slab thickness in inches, e.g., 12 x 12 ft for a 6 -inch slab thickness. Regardless of c7kc,7, -�a9&a&ue4.d=. Fresno Modesto visaFa Bakersfield j�. TL 490-0157-01 Page 31 slab thickness, joint spacing should not exceed 15 feet. 8.7 .4 Lay out joints to form square panels. When this is not practical, rectangular panels can be used if the long dimension is no more than 1.5 times the short. 8.7.5 Control joints should have a depth of at least one-fourth. the slab thickness, e.g. 1 inch for a 4 inch slab. 8.7.6 8.7.8 Isolation (expansion) joints should extend full depth and should be used only to isolate fixed objects abutting or within paved areas. determined by the contractor's equz.pmc.,i. aria procedures. Pavement section design assumes that proper maintenance such as sealing and repair of localized distress will be performed on a periodic basis. ahC7vi4v1 .eaktatouea.,,Piu. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 490-0157-01 Page 32 8.7.9 Pavement construction should conform to Sections 4.0 and 90 of the State of California Standard Specification Requirements. 8.8 Temporary Excavations It is the responsibility of the contractor to provide safe working conditions with respect to excavation slope stability. Temporary excavations should be constructed in accordance with CAL OSHA requirements. 8.9 Utility Trenches 8.9.1 Utility trench backfill placed in or adjacent to building areas and paved exterior slabs should be' compacted to at or near optimum moisture to at least 90 percent relative compaction based on ASTM Test Method D1557-78. When utility trench backfills are deemed nonstructural backfills, as determined by Twining, the surface 2 feet of fill should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction, and fill materials below the surface 2 feet should be compacted to at least 85 percent relative compaction. The contractor should use appropriate equipment and methods to avoid damage to utilities and/or structures Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield v TL 490-0157-01 Page 33 during placement and compaction of the backfill materials.' 8.9.2 Where utility trenches extend from the exterior to the interior limits of the building, lean concrete should be used as backfill material for a distance of 2 feet laterally on each side of the exterior building line to prevent the trench from acting as a conduit for exterior surface water. 8.10 Corrosion Protection Buried metal objects should be protected using either non -corrosive backfill, protective coatings, wrapping, sacrificial anodes, or a combination of these methods in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations based on the moderate to high corrosion potential of the soil. 9.0 CONSTRUCTION MONITORING It is recommended that a representative of Twining observe the excavation,. earthwork, foundation, and pavement phases of work to determine that the subsurface conditions are compatible with those used in the analysis and design. Our firm can conduct the necessary observation and field testing services, and provide results on a timely basis so that action necessary to remedy c77 ,_t&ar e!d .dnC. r Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield 1 TL 490-0157-01 Page 34 indicated deficiencies can be taken in accordance with the plans and specifications. Upon completion of the work, we will provide a written summary of our observations, field testing, and conclusions regarding the conformance of the completed work to the intent of the plans and specifications. This additional service is not, however, part of this current contractual agreement. Our firm will not be responsible for establishing or confirming building or foundations depths or locations. The construction monitoring is an integral part of the investigation. This phase of the work provides Twining -the i_ opportunity to verify the subsurface conditions interpolated from ' f the soil borings and make alternative recommendations if the conditions differ from those anticipated. Thus, if Twining is not I afforded the opportunity to conduct this work then we recommend the firm selected to conduct the field services review this report. After their review the firm should accept, in writing, Iresponsibility for this geotechnical engineering report including the conclusions and recommendations so that they can provide an approval upon completion of the work. 10.0 .DESIGN CONSULTATION It is recommended that Twining be retained to review those portions of the contract drawings and specifications that pertain to earthwork, foundations, and pavements prior to finalization to determine whether they are consistent with our recommendations. Fresno Hodeslo Visalia Bakersfield 1 TL 490-0157-01 Page 35 If our firm is not afforded the opportunity _ pportunit for this review, we claim no liability for the misinterpretation of our conclusions i` and recommendations. 11.0 LIMITATIONS The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based on the information provided regarding the proposed f construction, and the results of the field and laboratory investigation, combined with interpolation of the subsurface conditions between boring locations. The nature and extent of the t t . variations between borings may not become evident until construction. If variations or undesirable conditions are encountered during construction; our firm should'be notified promptly so that these conditions can be reviewed and our recommendations reconsidered where necessary. The unexpected conditions frequently require qu y qu re additional expenditures for proper construction of the project. 1 If thero 0 p p sed construction is relocated or redesigned, or if there is a substantial lapse of time between the submission of our report and the start of work at the. site, or if conditions have l' changed due to natural causes, or construction operations at or adjacent to the site, the conclusions and recommendations contained ' in this report should be considered invalid unless the changes are reviewed and our conclusions and recommendations modified or approved in writing. Such conditions editions may require additional field Ya m a7o7,.o,?,�. Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield 1' TL 490-0157-01 Page 36 , and laboratory investigations to determine if our conclusions and, recommendations are applicable considering the changed conditions or time lapse. This report is a geotechnical engineering investigation only and should not be construed as an environmental audit or study. Our professional services were performed, our findings obtained, and our recommendations prepared in accordance with generally -accepted engineering principles and practices. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties either expressed or implied. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. If you. have any questions regarding this report or if we can be of further assistance, please contact us at your convenience. Sincerely, THE TWIN LABORA IES, INC. �;`'?:�^^•—�;i'- tv- .►n' �.' 1•,ti. v/Cwt?±i:.UiJJ r CE G I �a_ i1'�+,q, r� ii, �. yrs `i' L� Geot nical Engineering Division0P CAU" ^•� iewed by: 0O ESSIp yy oDA Ql Harry D. Moore, RCE RGE EXX D. Vice President/General Manager GHG\HDM\mdr \\\"\ �;�`_ - ; ,• 074o7u*d,.7 .ed.d/X- Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield A-1 TL 490-0157-01 APPENDIX A LOG OF BORING This appendix contains the final .logs of borings. These logs represent our interpretation of the contents of the field logs and the.results of the field and laboratory tests. The boring logs and related information depict subsurface conditions only at these locations and at the particular time designated on the logs. Soil conditions at other locations may differ from conditions occurring at these boring locations. Also, the passage of time may result in changes in the soil conditions at these boring locations. In addition, an explanation of the abbreviations used in the preparation of the logs and a description of the Unified Soil Classification System are provided. n . p[��u�r�ng ��Wzototiea.�nc. Fresno Moclesto Visalia Bakersliel0 LOG OF BORING PROJECT: proposed Walnmart Store La Quinta, California JOB No: iir y7U—U15/-U1 DRILL TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia. hollow stem auger) DRILLED BY: J. Hernandez HOLE No.: B-1 SHEET No. 1 OF 1 LOCATION: See site plan and ren3rks. SSS 6 1 SAND, Silty; loose, slightly moist, fine grained, micas, light brown (SM) SSS 5 1 interbedded clay layer, oxides ISSEI 9 1 2 silt fraction decreasing Bottom nL 9 5 16 I 2 I SSSI 11 1 2 The Twining Laboratories, Inc. Visalia Fresno Modesto Bekeralle/d LOGGED BY: Ansoldt)-an e ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: ---- FT. REMARKS: Boring located approximately 60 feet north �--- and 390 feet west of the northwest corner of the GROUNDWATER: ft. DATE: 90 STARTED: 6/5/90 site. COMPLETED: 6/5/90 GRADATION NGINEERING a a. CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION " ,� `!' z Zv o a o - IL PERCENT T ROPERTIES: - F- x INED EST. TYPE AND o a u>- CO 2¢ o �, p ��i`' LATE NUMBER 4A v+ vs m a � � -j P� F� SILT, Sandy; medium stiff, 8 1 slightly moist, non -plastic, IS1 micas, light gray (NIL) SSS 6 1 SAND, Silty; loose, slightly moist, fine grained, micas, light brown (SM) SSS 5 1 interbedded clay layer, oxides ISSEI 9 1 2 silt fraction decreasing Bottom nL 9 5 16 I 2 I SSSI 11 1 2 The Twining Laboratories, Inc. Visalia Fresno Modesto Bekeralle/d LOG OF BORING PROJECT: Proposed Wal-Mart Store La Quinta, California HOLE No.: B-2 SHEET No. 1 OF i 25 nL The Twining Laboratories, Inc. Visalia Fresno Modesto Batlrallam JOB No:-1-1,`ju-ul5i-U1 LOCATION: See site and remarks. DRILL TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia. hollow stem auger) --plan i DRILLED BY: J- Hernandez LOGGED BY:Ansolabehere ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: --- Fr. REMARKS: Borinq located aooroximately 45 feet south GROUNDWATER: ----_ ft. And 140 w2 t Qf the northeast corner of the6/5/90 DATE: STARTED: site. COMPLETED: 6/5/90 ~ GRADATION NGINEERING z a CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION � �,,, w `_^ z '"U z Wo( J °� u PERCENT T INFO ROPERTIES: x c EST. TYPE AND LATE NUMBER CL _j J r u ;.-o' _¢ �, O ��`' N N m dQ O J J CL _ SILT, Sandy; very stiff, 1 89 slightly moist, non -plastic, micas, olive gray (ML) non- SSS 19 1 plastic 0 56 44 SAND, Silty; medium dense, dry, fine grained, .micap, 5 olive gray (SIA),SS 19 0 10 SSS 5 0 silt fraction decreasing I SSS 8 0 15 silt €racoon increasing SSE 9 2 20 SS 15 2 Bottom of boring 25 nL The Twining Laboratories, Inc. Visalia Fresno Modesto Batlrallam LOG OF BORING PROJECT: Proposed Wal-Mart Store HOLE No.: B-3 La Quinta, California SHEET No. 1 OF 1 ' JOB No: Tb 490-0157-01 LOCATION:_See site plan and remarks. i DRILL TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia. hollow stem auger) ' DRILLED BY: J. Hernandez LOGGED BY: Ansolabehere ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: ---- FT. REMARKS: Boring located approximately 110 feet south GROUNDWATER:--- ft. and 145 feet west of the northeast corner of the GATE: STARTED: 6/5/90 site, COMPLETED: A/5/90 { GRADATION NGINEERING = PERCENT ROPERTIES: CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION w� N ~ W a u INED CL J V) - z o �- _ H x EST. TYPE AND o a a u c _z a Cn �, p �k`' LATE NUMBER SAND, Silty; medium dense, slightly moist, fine grained, SSS�1 1 ' micas, olive gray (SM) occasional silt lenses 3 88 5 SSS 19 1. >f silt fraction increasing ' 10 SSS 11 3 ' 15 SSS 11 1 ! 20 SSS 19 3 ' I Bottcan of boring I 25 The Twining Labor-atories, Inc. ' Visalia Fresno Modesto 8IkIrHb10 _... _. LOG OF BORING PROJECT: proposed Wal-Mart Store HOLE No.: B-4 La Quinta, California SHEET No. 1 OF 1 JOB No: TL 490-0157-01 LOCATION: See site plan and remarks_. DRILL TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia. hollow stem auger) DRILLED BY: J. Hernandez LOGGED BY: Ansolabehere ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: ---- FT. REMARKS: Boring located ar)roximately 220 feet south GROUNDWATER: ---- ft_ and 190 feet west of the northeast corner of the 6/5/90 DATE: STARTED: site. COMPLETED: 6/5/90 ``' } _ ~ GRADATION NGINEERING z ,., �: ,zU a PERCENT ROPERTI ES: CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION N `" z Wo a �, X T INED EST,TYPE AND W r o v > CY z¢ o �, p �iLATE NUMBER CA VV m aw n J J a SIMT, Sandy; hard, slightly t -1 SS 36 1 moss non p ast�c, micas, slightly cemented, lenses, olive gray (ML) _ 3 1 91 stiff ISSSI 14 1 1 very stiff, increasingjSSI 19 2 sand concentration I SAND, Silty; medium dense, SSS 20 1 slightly moist, fine grained; micas, light gray '•(SM) Bottom of boring 10 1 1 3 non- 1 0 1 40 60 Consolidatio Tic Direct shear plates 2 and The Twining Laboratories, Inc. vrs.rr. F..ano AfWa a 881100sthkl LOG OF BORING PROJECT: Proposed trial -Mart Store HOLE No.: B-5 La Quinta, California SHEET No. 1 OF 1 JOB No: TL 490-0157-01 LOCATION: See site Dian and remarks. DRILL TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia. hollow stem auger) DRILLED BY: J. Hernandez LOGGED BY: Ansolabehere ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: --- FT. REMARKS: Borina located aocroximately 310 feet south GROUNDWATER: ---- ft. and 240'feet west of the northeast corner of the DATE: STARTED: 6/5/90 site. COMPLETED: 6/5/90 _ GRADATION NGINE£RING Z U 4 PERCENT ROPERTIES: a.CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION N - z a a ,� T INED EST. TYPE AND �, � W cti co Dc f-- o CD s oU >_ d Q c LATE NUMBER N N m dP O J J d SAND, Silty; medium dense, dry, fine grained, micas, SSS 22 0 olive gray (SM) S SSS 13 2 SILT, Sandy; stiff, slightly mist, non -plastic, olive gray (ML) LRS— 2 105 non- 0 37 63 Consolidatio plastic see plate 5 10 SSS 16 4 SAND, Silty; medium dense, slightly moist, fine to med}um SSS Z0 1 :15 grained, -micas, olive gray (SM) 20 SSE 15 1 Bottom of boring 25 The Twining Laboratories, Inc. Visalia Fresno Afodoslo BskersUNld LOG OF BORING PROJECT: 'Pr000sed wal-yaxt Store La Quinta, California HOLE No.: B-6 SHEET No. 1 OF 1 JOB No: Ti, 490-0157-01 LOCATION: See site planand remarks, DRILL TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia. hollow stem auger) DRILLED BY: J. Hernandez LOGGED BY:Ansolabeher ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: ----- Fr. REMARKS: _5orina located approximately 270 feet south GROUNDWATER: ---- ft. and 330 feet west of the northeast corner of the DATE: STARTED: 6/6/90 site. COMPLETED: 6/6/90 t ccGRADATION ENGINEERING PERCENT ROPERTIES: CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION ``� W a V T INED CL J' z N -'^ z a ` - EST, TYPE AND a -a C) i u cc >. a x ¢ o Q(�, ��`' LATE NUMBER V1 CA N CO dP O J J fL z ('1C Lop (t\ A SAND, Silty; medium dense,. slightly moist, micas, oliveSS 2l 1 gray (SM) 7 SILT, Sandy; stiff, iroist, non -plastic, mica, olive gray (MC,) SAND, Silty; loose, moist, fine to medium grained, mica:, olive gray (SK) 11 Bottom -of boring 13 ( 5 1 13 1 7 10 i 2 The Twining Laboratories, Inc, yisef(e Fresno MOdosto 91tersIM)d -SILT, Sandy; hard, slighfay, non -plastic, mica, light gray (VIL), 5 interbedded clay lease 10 15 20 25 3SI 35 1 non --S 2 93 '0AStic". '�..o 2 is.• 5 A5 1 3 SAND, Silty,-. medium dL-nse. - - slightly moist, fine. ta-- S '23 1 medium grained, mica -p :olive gray (SM) 110 0,14, Bottom of boring The Twinning. Jd ;9f PROJECT: Proposed Wal -Hart B. 7 -La Quinta, California JOB No: TL 490-0157-01CO " C AT I ft: . Sc� Site D14tn a Lnd rL:ira DRILL TYPE- Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia. hollow DRILLED BY: J. Hernandez ------ LOGGED .6-Y, An -96.1 ON .REMARKS,:.. ]Bor ing located. T south and 335 feet. west' of the ujorthrzsit r-ornq-r df A �850­ tTED. the sitp - COMP L 4GAAbATj,0N JAN.tCL P EAC.ENT b P tpt (L CLASSIFICATION AND DEStRIOTIION C3 NED f4*4 LU .0 0 < C3,WU� LAt do a: -SILT, Sandy; hard, slighfay, non -plastic, mica, light gray (VIL), 5 interbedded clay lease 10 15 20 25 3SI 35 1 non --S 2 93 '0AStic". '�..o 2 is.• 5 A5 1 3 SAND, Silty,-. medium dL-nse. - - slightly moist, fine. ta-- S '23 1 medium grained, mica -p :olive gray (SM) 110 0,14, Bottom of boring The Twinning. Jd TL 490-0157-01 Page 32 8.7.9 Pavement construction should conform to Sections 40 and 90 of the State of.California Standard Specification Requirements. 8.8 Temporary Excavations It .is the responsibility of the contractor to provide safe working conditions with respect to excavation slope stability. Temporary excavations should be constructed in accordance with CAL OSHA requirements. k8.9 Utility Trenches ,r F_ 8.9.1 Utility trench backfill placed'in or adjacent' to building areas and paved exterior slabs should -be compacted to at or near optimum moisture to at least. 90 percent relative compaction based on ASTM Test Method D1557-78. When utility trench backfills are deemed nonstructural backfills, as determined by Twining, the surface 2 feet of fill should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction, and fill materials below the Isurface 2 feet should be compacted to at least ` 85 percent relative compaction. The contractor should use appropriate equipment and methods to avoid damage to utilities and/or structures Fresno Mociesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 490-0157-01 Page 33 during placement and compaction of the backfill materials. 8.9.2 Where utility trenches extend from the exterior to the interior limits of the building, lean concrete should be used as backfill material for a distance of 2 feet laterally on each side of the exterior building line to prevent the trench from acting as a conduit for exterior surface water. 8.10 Corrosion Protection Buried metal objects should be protected using either non -corrosive backfill, protective coatings, wrapping, sacrificial anodes, or a combination of these methods in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations based on the moderate to high corrosion potential of the soil. 9.0 CONSTRUCTION MONITORING - It is recommended that a representative of Twining observe the -excavation, earthwork, foundation, and pavement phases of work to determine that the subsurface conditions are compatible with those used in the analysis and design. Our firm can conduct the necessary observation and field testing services, and provide results on a timely basis so that action necessary to remedy Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield TL 490-0157-01 Page 34 indicated deficiencies can be taken in accordance with the plans and specifications. Upon completion of the work, we will provide a written summary of our observations, field testing, and conclusions regarding the conformance of the completed work to the intent of the plans and specifications. This additional service is not, however, part of this current contractual agreement. our firm will not be responsible for establishing or confirming building or foundations depths or locations. The construction monitoring is integral 1. 9 an g part of the investigation. This phase of the work provides Twining "the I opportunity to verify the subsurface conditions interpolated from the soil borings and make alternative recommendations if the conditions differ from those anticipated. Thus, if Twining is not I afforded the opportunity to conduct this work then we recommend the firm selected to conduct the field services review this report. After their review the firm should accept, in writing, responsibility for this geotechnical engineering report including the conclusions and recommendations so that they can provide an approval upon completion of the work. 10.0 DESIGN CONSULTATION It is recommended that Twining be retained to review those portions of the contract drawings and specifications that pertain to earthwork, foundations, and pavements prior to finalization to determine whether they are consistent with our recommendations. Fresno Modeslo Visalia Bakerslieto l TL 490-0157-01 Page 35 �. If our firm is not afforded the opportunity for this review, we claim no liability for the misinterpretation of our conclusions i and recommendations. 11.O.LIMITATIONS The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based on the information provided regarding the proposed construction, and the results of the field and laboratory investigation, combined with interpolation of the subsurface conditions between boring locations. The nature and extent of the variations between borings may not become evident until construction. . If variations or undesirable conditions are encountered during construction, our firm should be notified promptly so that these conditions can be reviewed and our recommendations reconsidered where necessary. The unexpected conditions frequently require additional expenditures for proper construction of the project. If the proposed construction is relocated or redesigned, or f if there is a substantial lapse of time between the submission of our report and the start of work at the site, or if conditions have Schanged due to natural causes, or construction operations at or adjacent to the site, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report should be considered invalid unless the changes are reviewed and our conclusions and recommendations modified or approved in writing. Such conditions g may require additional field Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield i i r TL 490-0157-01 Page 36 and laboratory investigations to determine if our conclusions and recommendations are applicable considering the changed conditions or time lapse. This report is a geotechnical engineering investigation only and should not be construed as an environmental audit or study. Our professional services were performed, our findings obtained, and our recommendations prepared in accordance with generally -accepted engineering principles and practices. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties either expressed or implied. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you. If. you have -any questions regarding this report or if we can be of further assistance, please contact us at your convenience. Sincerely, THE TWIN G LABORA IES INC-',.,,')' , i n\ •` ( - - q G CE , Geot nical Engineering DivisionO' CALI"' iewed by: Q�Of EsSlp,,�y! Harry D. Moore, RCE, RGE Vice President/General Manager GHG\HDM\mdr .74e,77L* icy-eakw�ntlee.dlx- Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield A-1 TL 490-0157-01 APPENDIX A- LOG OF BORING This appendix contains the final logs of borings. These logs represent our interpretation of the contents of the field logs and the results of the field and laboratory tests. The boring logs and related information depict subsurface conditions only at these locations and at the particular time designated on the logs. Soil conditions at other locations may differ from conditions occurring at these boring locations. Also, the pssage of time may result in changes in the soil conditions at these boring locations. In addition, an explanation of the abbreviations used in the preparation of the logs and a description of the Unified Soil Classification System are provided. 0 r Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield LOG OF BORING PROJECT: Proposed WalnMart Store HOLE No : B-1 La Quinta, California SHEET No. 1 OF 1 JOB No: TL 490-0157-01 LOCATION: See site plan and remarks. r DRILL TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia. hollow stem auger) l DRILLED BY: J. Hernandez LOGGED BY: Ansolabehere ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: ---- FI: REMARKS: Boring located approximately 60 feet north GROUNDWATER: ---- ft, and 390 feet west cf thenorthwest corner of the 6/5/90 site. DATE: STARTED: COMPLETED: 6/5/90 i _ GRADATION NGINEERING " w z v u a PERCENT ROPERTIES: a CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION � � `!' z o a x_RET INED EST,TYPE AND CL 0 X o cc s W r a X ¢ c i� LATE NUMBER SILT, Sandy; medium stiff, SSS 8 1 CC 5 c �10 1 l :15 1' i 20 1 � ! 25 1 slightly moist, non -plastic, micas, light gray (ML) SSS 6 1 SAND, Silty; loose, slightly moist, fine grained, micas, light brown (SM) S 5 1 interbedded clay layer, oxides ISSd 9 1 2 silt fraction decreasing Bottom 9 1 5 16 1 2 i SSS 111 2 The Twining Laborator-ies, Inc. Visalia Fresno Aladasla Bakersfield LOG OF BORING PROJECT: Proposed Wal start Store HOLE No.: 5-2 La Quinta, California SHEET No. 1 OF 1 JOB No: `L 490-0157-01 LOCATION: See site plan and renarks.j i DRILL TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia. hollow stem auger) DRILLED BY: J. Hernandez LOGGED BY: A''-solabehere ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: --- F; REMARKS: Borin located aooroximately 45 feet south GROUNDWATER: ----_ ft. and tanPPt to sr o the northeast corner of the DATE: STARTED: 6/5/90 _ site. COMPLETED: 6/5/90 Uj -i } _ ~ GRADATION NGINEERING W z U J u PERCENT ROPERTIES: a CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION u N N Z o a x T INED EST,TYPE AND X, p F`' W o a -1 > aVI a ¢ o LATE NUMBER N m &P O H 6. — P SILT, Sandy; very stiff, -- 1 89 slightly moist, non -plastic, micas, olive gray (NIT,) SSS 19 1 non 0 56 44 SAND, Silty; medium dense, plastic dry, fine grained, .mica, olive gray (SM) SSIC 19 0 SSS 5 0 silt fraction decreasing SSS 8 0 silt fraction increasing . ISSS1 9 1 2 I SSSI 15 1 2 Bottom of boring j I e The Twining Labor-atories, Inc. V1sN1. Fresno Xodesto ea...a.0 LOG OF BORING PROJECT: Proposed Wal -mart Store HOLE No.: B-3 La Quinta, California SHEET No. 1 OF 1 JOB No: TL 490-0157-01 LOCATION: See site plan and remarks. DRILL TYPE: Mobile 8-40 (6.5" dia. hollow stem auger) DRILLED BY: J. Hernandez LOGGED BY:Ansolabehere ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: ---- FT. REMARKS: Boring located approximately 110 feet south GROUNDWATER: --- Et. and 1_;5 feet west of the northeast corner of the DATE: STARTED: 6/5/90 _site. COMPLETED: 6/5/9_ cc GRADATION NGINEERING i- w U -' a PERCENT ROPERTIES: CL CLASSIFICATION AND_ DESCRIPTION N `^ �u a -z o -f- - �x INED EST,TYPE AND n a 00 J u Cf._� a a o \, p5`1 LATE NUMBER N N m d? 4MJ J d� SAND, Silty; medium dense, slightly moist fine grained � l� 1 5 micas, olive gray (SM) occasional silt lenses t silt fraction increasing Bottom of boring I-iL — 1 3 1 88 19 1 1 11 3 19 1 3 The Twining Laboratories, Inc. y1se11e Fresno Modesto BekersHeAd LOG OF BORING PROJECT: Proposed wal-mart Store HOLE No.: SHEET No. B-4 1 OF 1 La Quinta, California JOB No: TL 490-0157-01 LOCATION: See site plan and remarks. DRILL TYPE: Mobile 8-40 (6.5" dia. hollow stem auger) DRILLED BY: J. Hernandez LOGGED BY: Ansolabehere ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: ---- Fl; REMARKS: Boring located approximately 220 feet south GROUNDWATER:- ft_ and 190 feet west of the northeast corner of the DATE: STARTED: 6/5/90~ COMPLETED: 6/5/90 rite ``' } GRADATION NGINEERING �a. ►— w L' U -j n VSIFICATION PERCENT ROPERTIES..—. ANO DESCRIPTION ��; `_^ z o a n - XINED EST,TYPE ANO ¢ a s v a s ¢ c°' LATE NUMBER v v, aq dpc _j _J a SILT, Sandy; hard, slightly t 1 - SS 36 1 i r' moss non p asttc, micas, slightly cemented, lenses, olive gray (ML) 3 91 non- 0 40 60 Consolidatio; pla tic Direct shear stiff SSS 14 1 see plates 2 and 3 very stiff , increasing SSS 19 2 sand concentration SAND, Silty; medium dense, SSE 20 1 slightly moist, fine grained; micas, light gray (SM) SSE 10 1 Bottan of boring The Twining Laboratories, Inc. YlssUs Fresno Modesto Bsksraftid LOG OF BORING PROJECT: proposed tgal-Mart Store HOLE No.: B-5 La Quinta, California SHEET No. 1 OF 1 JOB No: TL 490-0157-01 LOCATION: See site Dlan and remarks. DRILL TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia. hollow stem auger) DRILLED BY. J. Hernandez LOGGED BY: Ansolabehere ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: --- FT. REMARKS: —Boring located awroximately 310 feet south GROUNDWATER: --- ft. and 240 feet west of the northeast corner of the DATE: STARTED: 6/5/90 site. COMPLETED: 6/5/90 _ GRADATION NGINEERING 3fr. „ W U a 4 PERCENT ROPERTIES: CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION -1 v t^ ; Z c o ,� T INED EST,TYP£ AND �' �� \���' drx Co a s " �' = J z LATE NUMBER N N m dP O J J d P SAND, Silty; medium dense, dry, fine grained, micas, SS 22 0 olive gray (SM) 5 SSS 13 2 SMT, Sandy; stiff, slightly moist, non -plastic, olive gray NO LIRS-- 2 105 non- 0 37 63 Consolidatio plastic see plate 5 10 SSS 16 4 ` SAND, Silty; medium dense, slightly moist, fine to coed}um SSS 20 1 `'15 grained,- micas, olive gray (SM) I 20 S 15 1 Bottom of boring 25 The Twining Laboratories, Inc, if Vlsalla Fresno Modosfo Bskarstksld LOG OF BORING PROJECT: Proposed Walzyart Store La Quinta, California HOLE No.: B-6 SHEET No. 1 OF 1 ' JOB No: TL 490-0157-01 LOCATION: See site plan and remarks. DRILL TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia. hollow stem auger) DRILLED BY: J. Hernandez LOGGED BY:AnsolabeherELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: ---- FT. REMARKS: Bor'na located approxinetely approximately270 feet south GROUNDWATER: ---- ft. and 330 feet west of the northeast corner of the I DAT 6/6/90 5 �10 ' 20 I 1 ' 25 E. STARTED: site. COMPLETED: 6/6/90 _ GRADATION NGINEERING W r W " v -•' ~ a PERCENT ROPERT I ES : a CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION � `_^ z c a X T INED EST.TYPE AND a X i- o >. a ¢ o Q(J�'�O p �k`' LATE NUMBER N N m d2 0 J J d Z (Q+ P� (k SAND, Silty; medium dense,. slightly moist, micas, olive SS 211 1 gray (SM) SILT, Sandy; stiff, moist, SS 13 5 non -plastic, mica, olive gray (MG) 13 1 7 SAND, Silty; loose, moist, SSS 10 2 fine to m_ciium grained, mica, olive gray (SM) Bottom of boring ifThe Twining Laboratories, Inc. vi"114 Fresno Afodealo GoAree Md LOG OF BORING PROJECT: Proposed wal-:Mart Store La Quinta, California HOLE Na.: B-7 SHEET No. 1 OF 1 JOB No: TL 490-0157-01 LOCATIOft: See site plan and remarks. DRILL TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia. hollow stem auger) DRILLED BY: J- Hernandez LOGGED BY:Ansolabehere ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: ----- FT. REMARKS: Boring located approximately 960 feet GROUNDWATER: —` south and 335 feet west of the northeast corner of DATE: STARTED: 6/6/90 the sitP. COMPLETED: 6/6/90 ri. _ GRAPNEDEST, NGINEERING m,Z �+V -' ~° PERROPERTIES: a CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION ��; "'� z a v Ta. - z o- - ti x TYPE AND HN ¢ o �,LATE NUMBER z SILT, Sandy; hard, slightly SSS 35 1 moist, non --plastic, mica, light gray (ML)I I interbedded clay Tense SAND, Silty; medium dense, slightly moist, fine to medium grained, mica, olive gray (SM) Bottom of — 2 93 non- I p 0 1 27 173 lastic .18.1 S 15 1 3 23 1 1 BMW The Twining Laboratories, Inc. VISSUS frosno Uod4wa Baku2uww LOG OF BORING PROJECT: Proposed Wal-Mart Store HOLE No.: b-6 slightly cemented slit lenses, SSSI 8 ! 0 very dense I loose to medium dense, fine to coarse Bottom of boring 54 0 1 9 1 2 15 0 15 1 2 The Twining Laboratories, Inc. V138114 Fresno Modesto 8skersfhod La Quinta, California SHEET No. 1 OF 1 JOB No: TL 490-0157-01 LOCATION: See site plan and remarks__ DRILL TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia. hollow stem auger) DRILLED BY: J'. Hernandez LOGGED BY: Ansolabehere ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: ---- Fr. REMARKS: Boring located approximately 50 feet south GROUNDWATER: ---- ft. and 685 feet west of the northeast corner of the DATE: STARTED: 6/6/90 site. COMPLETED: 6/6/90 r` cc z GRADATION NGINEERING W W 4 a V PERCENT ROPERTI ES a CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION Z �.,� N F-- — z da -- Q — F x T INED EST. TYPE AND o¢ a J a d J Z LATE NUMBER totn in m I OV c -J -J a— P F SAND, Silty; loose, dry, fine grained, mica, olive gray (SM) -- 0 95 slightly cemented slit lenses, SSSI 8 ! 0 very dense I loose to medium dense, fine to coarse Bottom of boring 54 0 1 9 1 2 15 0 15 1 2 The Twining Laboratories, Inc. V138114 Fresno Modesto 8skersfhod ffr� 1 LOG OF BORING PROJECT: ed Proposed Wal-Mart Store HOLE No.: B-9 La Quinta, California SHEET No. 1 OF 1 .JOB No: TL 490-0157-01 LOCATION: See site plan and remarks.. DRILL TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia. hollow stem auger) DRILLED BY: J. Hernandez LOGGED BY: Ansolabehere ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: ---- FT REMARKS: aporoximately 10 feet north GROUNDWATER:_ ZZZa--` ft, and 425 feet west of the northeast corner of the DATE: STARTED: 6/6/90 site. COMPLETED: 6/6/90 GRADATION NGINEERING 3 r,� W U -' a- PERCENT PROPERTIES: w- CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION �� �' z o a x TAINED EST. TYPE AND O 4 J Y" >- a < Z �O ��. LATE NUMBER v► Vl� m SAND, Silty; medium dense, slightly moist fine SS 19 2 , grain , micas, olive gray (SM) interbedded silt zones, oxides 5 10 ( 25 i SILT, Sandy; medium stiff, moist, non -plastic, olive gray (ML) 20 1 3 8 1 0 9 1 8i 7 interbedded clayey SSE 11 8 Bottom of boring The Twining Laboratories, Inc. Visalia F►esno Modesto BskersN!!d LOG OF BORING 15 sand concentration increasing SSE 14 3 } 10 silt fraction increasing l fine to medium grained, dry SSE 9 0 15 i SSS 17 0 i 20 . Bottom of boring 1 25 The Twining Laboratories, Inc. Ylsatla Fresno Modesto BakenM/d PROJECT: proposed Wal -+tart Store HOLE No.: B-10 La Quinta, California SHEET No. 1 OF 1 JOB No: TL 490-0157-01 LOCATION: See site plan and remarks. DRILL TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia, hollow stem auger) DRILLED BY: J. Hernandez LOGGED BY:Ansolabehere ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: --- Fr. REMARKS: 13oring located aDoroximately 105 feet south GROUNDWATER: --- ft, 1 and 470 feet west of the northeast corner of the DATE: STARTED: 6/6/90 _ _site. COMPLETED: 6/6/90 { J h _ GRADATION NGINEERING 3 r. '� ►- W `� z V -� - v PERCENT ROPERT I ES : CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION „ '_^ z a a ,� TAINED EST. TYPE AND �. �p W a a v a_ J z LATE NUMBER Vf V► m dP n J J ti — Q' \��i`' SAND, Silty; medium dense,L PC — 0 94 no•- 0 69 31 onsolidatio slightly moist, mica, olive plastic • gray (ML) Direct shear SSS 10 1 � 8ee�pol9tes 15 sand concentration increasing SSE 14 3 } 10 silt fraction increasing l fine to medium grained, dry SSE 9 0 15 i SSS 17 0 i 20 . Bottom of boring 1 25 The Twining Laboratories, Inc. Ylsatla Fresno Modesto BakenM/d LOG OF BORING PROJECT: proposed Wal -mart Store HOLE No.: B-11 La Quinta, California SHEET No. 1 OF 1 JOB No: TL 490-0157-01 LOCATION: See site plan and remarks - emarks_DRILL OR ILLTYPE: Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia. hollow, stem auger) DRILLED BY: J. Hernandez LOGGED BY:Ansolabehere ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: ---- FT. REMARKS: Boring located approximately 215 feet sou GROUNDWATER: ---- ft. and 520 feet west of the northeast corner of the 6/6/90 DATE: STARTED: site. COMPLETED: 6/6/90 _ > _ �- GRADATION ENGINEERING 7t7L " �- z P W U. n PERCENT PROPERTIES: CL SIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION N `_^ c ° ,� T INED EST.TYPE ANO �, �Q 5,' W cc a a X (j >_ CY ZZ < Z PLATE NUMBER. SAND, Silty; dense, slightly moist, fine grained, mica, SSS 47 1 olive gray (SM) 5 SSS 21 0 non- 0 72 28 plastic 10 fine to medium grained, &SE 19 0 dry f 15 SS 14 0 20 SSS 27 0 Bottom of boring 25 The Twining Laboratories, Inc. VlWalla Frewo Modesto 8akerstlefd * LOG OF BORING PROJECT: proposed Waln%lart Store HOLE No.: B-12 La Quinta, California SHEET No. 1 OF 1 JOB No: TL 490-0157-01 LOCATION: See site plan and _remarks. DRILL TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia. hollow stem auger) DRILLED BY: J. Hernandez LOGGED BY:Ansolabehere ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: --- FT. REMARKS: Boring located approximately 125 feet GROUNDWATER: --- ft. _south and RS faPt +pct of aha nnrthP.,,;t cnrnPr nF DATE: STARTED: 6/6/90 -the aite- COMPLETED: 6/6/90 uj z _ _ r _ ~ GRADATION NGINEERING " LL U a u PERCENT ROPERTIES: CL CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION � � �„ "_' z Q ° TAINED EST*TYPE AND O s o� r a I— x Q a LATE NUMBER �, p �k`' N Vf co d`P l� J J d ? Q� `\ SAND, Silty; dense, slightly -- 3 106 moist, fine grained, mica, olive gray (SM) SSS 40 2 �5 f ` SSS 21 4 I10 SILT, Sandy; very stiff, moist, non -plastic, mica, olive gray (ML) SSE 17 1 SAND, Silty; medium dense, slightly moist, fine to 15 meditun grained, micas, olive gray (SM) ^ SSE 22 1 20 Bottom of boring I 25 The Twininn Labnr+atnris_ /n�-_ Visalia fiasno Afodasfo 04*4fa/lald I LOG OF BORING PROJECT: Proposed Wal -{Hart Store HOLE No.: La 2uinta, California SHEET No. 1 OF 1 , JOB No: TL 490-0157-01 LOCATION: See site plan and remsrks. DRILL TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia. hollow stem aucer) DRILLED 8Y: J- Hernandez LOGGED BY: Ansolabehere ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: --- FT. REMARKS: Borinq located approximately 290 feet ' ft. GROUNDWATER:- south and 105 feet west of the northeast corner of DATE: STARTED: 6/6/90 — the site. COMPLETED: 6/6/90 Uj = _ GRADATION NGINEERING = W v J 4 PERCENT ROPERTIES: CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION "jV INED z a s ti x T EST,TYPE AND ��, LIP �S`' Q J a ¢ c LATE NUMBER N N® dV O _X J J - Z \ SAND, Silty; medium dense, slightly moist, fine grained, SSS 25 1 micas, olive gray (SM) 15 10 - I. 15 _ Bottom of boring_ 20 25. 21 1 12 1 3 23 1 1 The Twining L ahora tories, Inc. Vlsaus Fresno Modesto Bakersfield MENOWN LOG OF BORING PROJECT: Proposed Wal-Mart Store La Quinta, California HOLE No.: B-14 SHEET No. 1 OF 1 JOB No: li, 47u-uioi-ul LOCATION: See site plan and remrks_ DRILL TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia. hollow stem auger) DRILLED BY: J. Hernandez LOGGED BY: Ansolabehere ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: ---- FT. REMARKS: Boring located ao roximstely 380 feet g4u GROUNDWATER: ---- sou and 140 feet west of the northeast corner of DATE: STARTED: 6/6/90 t-hA Site. COMPLETED: 6/6/90 W Cc: ►- -, } _ GRADATION NGINEERING z ►- .. ,uj ZU -' °L PERCENT ROPERTIES: a CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION � - � `^ z o T INFO ES T, TYPE AND a CL Cc ¢ a J u d s x ¢ n��`'PLATE NUMBER N N N Q] cc SAND, Silty; loose, moist, SS 4 6 • fine grained, mica, olive gray 5 10 15 20 25 slightly cemented silt lenses, slightly moist 7 1 1 9§© 7, 1 13 Bottom of boring The Twining Laboratories, Inc. if Visalia Fresno Modesto 8eker3lNld SAND, Silty; loose, slightly moist, fine grained, micas, olive gray (SK) 5 r silt fraction increasing 10 Bottom of boring . 15 ' 120 I. 1 ■ 25 9 1 1 12 1 '2 The Twining Laboratories, Inc. 00110110101 Y1saus Fresno Modesto Bakersfield mi LOG OF BORING PROJECT: Proposed Wal-Mart Store HOLE No.: B-15 La Quinta, California SHEET No. 1 OF JOB No: TL 490-0157-01 —1 LOCATION: See site Plan and reparks DRILL TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia. hollow stern auger) DRILLED BY: J. Hernandez LOGGED BY:Ansolabehere ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: ---- FT. REMARKS:Kin located aooroximately 385 feet south GROUNDWATER: ---- ft_ and 645 feet west of the northeast corner of the6/7/90 DATE: STARTED: COMPLETED: 6/7/90 't Lf.a r .. > _ GRADATION NGINEERING a CLASSIFICATION U AND DESCRIPTION��; '_^ z o a -' Q � n PERCENT ROPERTI ES : INED CLAn of x EST. TYPE AND 0 a 0 � >- a _ ¢ o �,Le��,`' LATE NUMBER N N m d? rJ J C. Z �\ SAND, Silty; loose, slightly moist, fine grained, micas, olive gray (SK) 5 r silt fraction increasing 10 Bottom of boring . 15 ' 120 I. 1 ■ 25 9 1 1 12 1 '2 The Twining Laboratories, Inc. 00110110101 Y1saus Fresno Modesto Bakersfield mi I LOG Of BORING PROJECT: proposed Wal4lart Store HOLE No.: B-16 La Quinta, California SHEET No. 1 OF 1 JOB No: TL 490-0157-01 LOCATION: See site clan and reMrks. DRILL TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia. hollow stem auger) DRILLED BY: J. Hernandez LOGGED BY:Ansolabehere ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: ---- FT. REMARKS: Boring located approximately 550 feet _ GROUNDWATER: --- Vit_ south and 710 feet west of the northeast corner of DATE: STARTED: 6/7/90 the site. COMPLETED: 6/7/90 t CC"' =� } _ }— GRADATION NGtNEERING _ �� � W -' a PERCENT ROPERTIES: n~ CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION w � �„ `_A i c a o x T INED EST, TYPE AND �, p Q°' o • ca i 1•- o x u >. a_ Q o LATE NUMBER N N to dP O _� J J d Z Q� �` SAND, Silty; loose, slightly i moist, fine grained, micas, olive gray (SM) 5 ri 20 1 25 interbedded silt layers and lenses Bottom of boring The Twining Laboratories, Inc, Vlsells Fresno Modesto Be4erslleld LOG OF BORING PROJECT:. proposed Wal-i�iart Store HOLE No.: B-17 SHEET No. } OF 1 La Quinta, California JOB No: TL 490-0157-01 LOCATION: See site plan and remarks. DRILL TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia. hollow stem auger) DRILLED BY: J. Hernandez LOGGED BY: Ansolabehere ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: ---- FI: REMARKS: Boring located approximately 435 feet south GROUNDWATER: ---- ft. DATE: STARTED: 6/7/90 and 510 feet west of the northeast corner of the COMPLETED: 6/7/90 d J _ GRADATION NGINEERING " W v+v a PERCENT ROPERTIES: a CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION N `^ Z o a. ~ ,� TAINED EST.TYPE AND �. p ��' � 0 'o a X ¢} I— C) a te ry r c� ¢o LATE NUMBER NN N m o �' � d Z P� SAND, Silty; loose, slightly moist, micas, olive gray (SM) 5 SSS 7 1 SILT, Sandy; stiff, slightly moist, non -plastic, micas, olive SSS 12 1 10 gray (ML) Bottan of boring 15 20 25 The Twining Lnhnnainr•iPc 1"r- - --- Fresno Modesto Sakersheld It LOG OF BORING PROJECT: Proposed Wal-Mart Store HOLE No.: 8-18 , La Quinta, California SHEET No. 1 OF 1 JOB No: TL 490-0157-01 LOCATION: See site Dlan and remarks. DRILL TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia. hollow stem auger) DRILLED BY: 3- Hernandez LOGGED BY:Ansolabehere ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: ---- FT. REMARKS: _Boring located a proximately 500 feet south GROUNDWATER: ---- ft - and 175 fppt wpqt of the corner of the DATE: STARTED: 6/7/90 site. _ COMPLETED: 6/7/90 _ GRADATION NGINEERING i F W U J a PERCENT ROPERTIES: a CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION W a o ca I—x TAINED EST. TYPE AND —z H o n. ►- o Z u > a¢ o �, p �,`' LATE NUMBER Ln CL ae o SAND, Silty; loose, slightly moist, micas, olive gray (SM) interbedded silt lenses and layers Bottcan of boring i --15 20 I 1� • E 25 The Twining Laboratories, Inc. v1saUa Fresno Modesto Bakas!lakl LOG OF BORING PROJECT: Proposed Wal -+tart Store HOLE No.: B-19 La Quinta, California ` SHEET No. Z OF 1 JOB No: TL 490-0157-01 LOCATION: See site plan and remarks. DRILL TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6,5" dia. hollow stem auger) DRILLED BY: J. Hernandez LOGGED BY: Ansolabehe.re ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: ---- FT REMARKS: Boring located approximately 635 feet sou GROUNDWATER: --- ft. DATE: STARTED: 6/7/90 � and 430 feet west of the northeast corner of the site. COMPLETED: 6/7/90 W >- _ GRADATION ENGINEERING �ROPERT Icc _ ,,, ,� ,;, U a PERCENT I ES : a. CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION "' �� �+ `^ �' - '?a c" - -,� T INED EST.TYPE AND �, ap W 00 : 4 J s u a a X ¢ Z LATE NUMBER vs v► m a e n J J a- P `��`' SAND, Silty; medium dense, dry, fine grained, micas, olive gray (SM) interbedded silt lenses 5 SSS 13 0 10 SSE 30 0 Bottom of boring 15 zo 25 �r The Twining Laboratories, Inc. ndw�Vlt&lb Fresno Af0desto Bskuslleld 9 LOG OF BORING PROJECT: proposed Wal-Mart Store HOLE No.: B-20 La Quinta, California SHEET No. 1 OF 1 JOB No: TL 490-0157-01 + LOCATION: See site clan and rerarks DRILL TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia. hollow stem auger) DRILLED BY: J- Hernandez LOGGED BY: Ansolabehere ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: ---- F7 REMARKS: Boring located aooroximately 570 feet south GROUNDWATER: ft_ and 235 feet west of the northeast corner of the DATE: STARTED: 6/7/90 site. COMPLETED: 6/7/90 cc r _ GRADATION NGINEERING w v -' ~ PERCENT ROPERTIES: w CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION a - � - Z o a x T INEO EST,TYPE AND o ►- o = r 'a z ¢4`' PLATE NUMBER vi rai► m dp o 7j :;I a SAND, Silty; loose, slightly mist, fine grained, olive gray (SM) SILT, Sandy; stiff, slightly moist, non -plastic, micas, olive gray (ILII,) clayey lenses Bottcrn of boring The Twining Laboratories, Inc. if VI2411. frauro Modulo 61k*rilhld LOG OF BORING PROJECT: Proposed Wal-Mart Store HOLE No.: B-21 La Quinta, California SHEET No. 1 OF 1 JOB No: TL 490-0157-01 LOCATION: See site Dian and remarks.) DRILL TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia. hollow stem auger) DRILLED BY: J. Hernandez LOGGED BY: Ansolabehere ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: ---- Fr --- REMARKS: Bor' located ap roximately 700 feet south GROUNDWATER: ---- ft. and 295 feet west of the northeast corner of the DATE: STARTED: 6/7/90 site. COMPLETED: 6/7/90 "' } _ GRADATION NGINEERING If ^. w U PERCENT ROPERT I ES : ►- CLASSIFICATION'AND DESCRIPTION 2 `� z c a — TAINED EST.TYPE AND o ¢ ate. o X a J z �,LIP `�' LATE NUMBER .n vs m as c -J a — � SAND, Silty; medium dense, dry, fine grained, mica, olive gray (SM) I� S S1 it 0 SILT, Sandy; very.stiff, dry, non -plastic, mica, olive gray (ML) 10 18 1 0 t`- Bottom of boring I 15 20 I 25 The Twining Laboratories Inc. Visalia Fresno Modesto Betenlleld LOG OF BORING PROJECT: Proposed tial-nMart Store HOLE No.: B-22 La Quinta, California SHEET No. 1 OF 1 JOB No: TL 490-0157-01 LOCATION: See site plan and remarks. DRILL TYPE: Mobile B-40 (6.5" dia. hollow stem auger) DRILLED BY: J. Hernandez LOGGED BY:Ansolabeher ELEVATION: TOP OF HOLE: ---- FT. REMARKS: Boring located approximately 790 feet GROUNDWATER: ---- ft. south and 355 feet west of the northeast corner of DATE: STARTED: 6/7/90 COMPLETED: 6/7/90 the site. "' } _ GRADATION NGINEERING PERCENT ROPERTIES: CLASSIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION _j z `" zuJ � xT INED EST,TYPE AND %, �`' o iL In a a �� J Z LATE NUMBER N N O] dP J J (L — Q' SAND, Silty; loose, slightly 07 moist, fine grained, micas, olive gray (SM) 5 interbedded silt layers and lenses 10 Bottom of boring I 115 i I20 25 The Twining Laboratories, Inc. Visalia Fresno Modesto I8akers/hld ' A-2 TL 490-0157-01 LOGS OF BORINGS EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS ' An explanation of the abbreviations used in the preparation of logs is as follows: SSS (SPT) - Standard penetration resistance tests -- results recorded as the number of blows of a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches required to drive a 2 inch O.D. split sample spoon the second and third 6 inch increments of an 18 ' inch distance. LRS - Split barrel ring sampler 2.5 inch I.D. for taking undisturbed samples. Sack (SK) or Bag - Sample of disturbed soil placed in canvas ' sack or plastic bag 4 1 ' �.0 ILL��i%�/1j('/(.Q JJuf/VrL.CI(1{LCO. iii. • Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield 1 1 1 1 1 1 � f 1� 11 11 1, MAJOR DIVISIONS I SYMBOLSI TYPICAL, NAMES (n -. GRAVELS G W UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM F�COH�ESIVE SOILS GRANULAR SOILS Description We gravels or gravel -sand mixtures , liIIle or no (Ines J y O 2.2 N ( More GP Poorly graded grovels or gravel -sand mixtures , little or no fines (n than 1/2 of GM Silty grovels , gravel' -sand -silt mixtures 0 0 coarse traction �. N no. 4 sieve size) medium dense 11 - 30 GC Clayey grovels, grovel -sand -clay mixtures Z \ a o 31 - 50 t N SQNDS — S W well -graded sands or gravelly sands , little or no fines W tn Q: °' < A (More than 1/2 of S P Poorly graded sands Or gravelly sands , little Or no fines S M Silty sands , sand -silt mixtures v ` coarse fraction < • no. 4 sieve size ) S C Clayey sands , sand -clay mixtures below 0.074 In M L Inorganic silts and very fine sands , rock flour , silty or clays _j SILTS B CLAYS fine sands or clayey silts with slight plasticity o'"'_' to � � CL inorganic Plasticity medium clays Of low to p Y , 9ravellY cloys, O LL < 50 sandy clays , silty clays , lean clays p tat Z- 0L Organic Organic silts and organicsilty clays Of -low plasticity Ir CO 0 - a SILTS M H inorganic silts , micaceous or diotomaceous fine sandy or silty soils , elastic sills z o` c Zv 8 CLAYS - CH Inorganic clays Of high 4 plasticity fat clays C_ LL > 50 0 H h plasticity Organic clays of medium to hi g Y .organic silty clay , organic silts HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS Pt Peal and other highly organic soils UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM F�COH�ESIVE SOILS GRANULAR SOILS Description slows/ft. Description Blows/ft. very soft < 2 very loose < 5 soft 2 - 4 loose 5 - 10 medium (firm) 5 - 8 medium dense 11 - 30 1 stiff 9 - 15 dense 31 - 50 Very stilt 16 - 30 very dense > S0 hs;rd > 30 no. 4 to no. 10 4.76 to 2.00 CONSISTENCY CLASSIFICATION 'V L0 30 40 50 60 ro 80 g0 100 LIaUlO LIMIT PLASTICITY -CHART CLASSIFICATION RANGE OF GRAIN SIZES U.S. Standard Grain Size Sieve Size in Millimeters Boulders above 12" _- above 305 Cobbles I 12" to 3" 305 l0 76.2 Gravel 3" to no. 4 '76.2 to'4.76 coarse (c) 3' to 3/4" 76.2 to 19.1 tine (f) 3/4" to no. 4 19.1 to 4.76 Sand no. 4 to no. 200 4.76 to 0.074 coarse (C) no. 4 to no. 10 4.76 to 2.00 medium (m) no. 10 to no. 40 2.00 +4 0.420 fine (f) no. 40 to no. 200 0.420 to o.or4 Silt a Clay below no. 200 1 below 0.074 GRAIN SIZE CLASSIFICATION 0 B-1 TL 490-0157-01 APPENDIX B RESULTS OF LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS ' This appendix contains a summary of the results of the field and laboratory tests. In addition, the individual results of grain size distribution, direct shear, consolidation and R -value tests are presented on the enclosed plates. } 1 1 f 1 . Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield r r r �s r■�t t� rr r Nit Boring Number B-1 B-2 B-3 THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. SUM14ARY OF FIELD AND LABORATORY TEST RESULTS PROD ECT: proposed Wal-Mart Store La Quinta, California TL 490-0157-01 f C r - Atterberg a O -A a+ O CQ T :J 0 0 H1 04 ,, y Sj v H N Gradation Depth in Feet Classification v 0. =h o " 0 a V) -H a �1 Percent Retained Gravel Sand Silt: -Clay via A G 1.5 - 3.0 SILT, Sandy 8 1 Resistivity- 2,100 ohm/an 3.0 -- 4.5 SAND, Silty 6 1 6.5 - 6.0 SAND, Silty 5 1 8.0 - 9.5 SAND, Silty 9 2 13.5 - 15.0 SAND, Silty 9 5 15.0 - 16.5 SAND, Silty 16 2 20.0 - 21.5 SAND, Silty 11 2 1.5 - 3.0 SILT, Sandy -- 1 89 3.0 - 4.5 SAND, Silty 19 1 non -plastic 0 56 -44- 5.0 - 6.5 SAND, Silty 19 0 10.0 - 11.5 SAND, Silty 5 0 11.5 - 13.0 SAND, Silty 8 0 15.0 - 16.5 SAND, Silty 9 2 20.0 - 21.5 SAND, Silty 15, 2 1.5 - 3.0 SAND, Silty 11 1 f C r - :J •r. THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. SUMMARY OF FIELD AND LABORATORY TEST RESULTS PROJECT: Proposed Wal-Mart Store La Quinta, California TL 490•-0157-01 Atterberg 88 4.5 - 6.0 SAND, Silty a o- 1 10.0 - 11.5 SAND, Silty 11 3 •ri o - 16.5 SAND, Silty 11 1 .� 20.0 - 21.5 SAND, Silty 19 u o a) B-4 1.5 - 3.0 SILT, Sandy 36 1 3.0 - 4.5 SILT, r3 tu, s. u a 3 non -plastic U p� Gradation c. r c C Sandy 14 1 3oring o s LN l W aj -rt aJ a •1+0 aJ ai 1 Percent Retained U •^� V •% U u _ lumber Depth in Feet Classification not r -t o o •r�i a ,1 M '-` Gravel Sand Silt -•Clay V - r4 :7 > - Sandy 13 2 8.0 - 9.5 SILT, Sandy -- 2 non -plastic I 0 37 -63- 105 5,6 9.5 - 11.0 SILT, Sandy 16 4 15.0 - 16.5 SAND, Silty 20 1 88 4.5 - 6.0 SAND, Silty 19 1 10.0 - 11.5 SAND, Silty 11 3 15.0 - 16.5 SAND, Silty 11 1 20.0 - 21.5 SAND, Silty 19 3 B-4 1.5 - 3.0 SILT, Sandy 36 1 3.0 - 4.5 SILT, Sandy — 3 non -plastic 0 40 -60- 91 260 200 2,3,,1 10.0 - 11.5 SILT, Sandy 14 1 15.0 - 16.5 SAND, Silty 20 1 20.0 - 21.5 SAND, Silty 10 1 B-5 1.5 - 3.0 SAND, Silty 22 0 pH = 8.3; Resistivity = 3,400 ohm/cm 5.0 - 6.5 SILT, Sandy 13 2 8.0 - 9.5 SILT, Sandy -- 2 non -plastic I 0 37 -63- 105 5,6 9.5 - 11.0 SILT, Sandy 16 4 15.0 - 16.5 SAND, Silty 20 1 y,._ THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. SUMMARY OF FIELD AND LABORATORY TEST RESUL'T'S PROJ CCT: Proposed Wal -tart Store La Quanta, California TL 490-0157-01 ' B-5 20.0 - 21.5 SAND, Atterberg B-6 1.5 - 3.0 SAND, Silty 5.0 - 6.5 SAND, � o u ee - 13.0 SILT, Sandy 15.0 - 16.5 SILT, Sandy 20.0 ,q O SAND, Silty B-7 1.5 - 3.0 - Sandy 3.0 - 4.5 SILT, Sandy 6.5 - 41 0 w Ole 10.0 - 11.5 SILT, n 15.0 - i 16.5 SAND, Silty 20.0 - ffl i. ►. u Silty U - Gradation3oring G7 L. - Percent Retainedlumber Depth in Feet Classification ooi Lzu� ri � e ~' GPL4 Sand Silt- Cla ''"' 14 CL. 14ravel B-5 20.0 - 21.5 SAND, Silty B-6 1.5 - 3.0 SAND, Silty 5.0 - 6.5 SAND, Silty 11.5 - 13.0 SILT, Sandy 15.0 - 16.5 SILT, Sandy 20.0 - 21.5 SAND, Silty B-7 1.5 - 3.0 SILT, Sandy 3.0 - 4.5 SILT, Sandy 6.5 - 8.0 SILT, Sandy 10.0 - 11.5 SILT, Sandy 15.0 - i 16.5 SAND, Silty 20.0 - 21.5 SAND, Silty B-8 1.5 - 3.0 SAND, Silty 3.0 - 4.5 SAND, Silty - 15 1 21 1 21 1 13 5 13 7 10 2 35 1 -- 2 non -plastic 18 5 15 3 23 1 10 0 -- 0 8 0 0 27 -73- 93 pH = 7.8; Resistivity = 1,000 ohm/cm Sulfates = 0.08 Chlorides = .008 95 7 THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. SUMMARY OF FIELD AND LABORATORY TEST RESULTS PROJECT: Proposers Wal-Mart Store • La Quinta, California TL 490-0157-01 B-8 5.0 - 6.5 SAND, Atterberg _ 0 x o N H - 11.5 -SAND, » 9 2 11.5 - 13.0 SAND, Silty 15 0 rl O - 20.0 SAND, r 15 - B-9 1.5 - 3.0 SAND, a.+ o ai 2 4.5 - 6.0 SAND, Silty 20 3 10.0 - 11.5 SAND, Silty o a 'a 11.5 -- 13.0 Gradation Silty 9 1 15.0 - 16.5 3oring c a .2. m 21.5 Percent Retained Sandy .. ,. J .B-10 1.5 - 3.0 lumber Depth in Feet Classification a ,-� o o Ti ,4 ra 4.5 Gravel Sand Silt Clay Silty 10 8.5 - 10.0 SAND, Silty 14 3 13.5 - 1n r 15.0 .fin n SAND, .... ..� , U C'' c B-8 5.0 - 6.5 SAND, Silty 54 0 C - 10.0 - 11.5 -SAND, Silty 9 2 11.5 - 13.0 SAND, Silty 15 0 18.5 - 20.0 SAND, Silty 15 2 B-9 1.5 - 3.0 SAND, Silty 19 2 4.5 - 6.0 SAND, Silty 20 3 10.0 - 11.5 SAND, Silty 8 0 11.5 -- 13.0 SAND, Silty 9 1 15.0 - 16.5 SILT, Sandy 8 7 20.0 - 21.5 SILT, Sandy 11 8 .B-10 1.5 - 3.0 SAND, Silty -- 0 non -plastic 0 69 -31- 94 8,9,10 3.0 - 4.5 SAND, Silty 10 1 8.5 - 10.0 SAND, Silty 14 3 13.5 - 1n r 15.0 .fin n SAND, .... ..� Silty .. • 9 ... 0 ,. . - r� r rr rr rir� r� �r �r �■�. �w r� r� � r r � rs � r ..._-' THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. SUMMARY OF FIELD AND LABORATORY TEST RESULT'S PROJECT: Proposed Wal-Mart Store La Quinta, California TL 490-0157-01 B-12 B-13 R-14 1.5 - 3.0 SAND, Atterberg 5.0 -. 6.5 SAND, r, 10.0 - 11.5 SAND, a 15.0 - 16.5 SAND, Silty 20.0 - _ SAND, Silty 1.5 - o w SAND, Silty 3.0 - 4.5 SAND, Silty 8.5 - 10.0 SILT, •rl O 13.5 - 15.0 SAND, Silty 18.5 - J SAND, Silty 1.5 - 3.0 SAND, aJ O 0 6.5 SAND, Silty 10.0 - 11.5 SAND, _ 15.0 - 16.5 SAND, Silty 0 a � ,� Gradation coring o 0 a �; d •,I ro• 4 Percent Retained lumber Depth in Feet Classification a r-4 00 rj rj a H Gravel Sand Silt --Clay ^o .ri a. A c U _ B-12 B-13 R-14 1.5 - 3.0 SAND, Silty 5.0 -. 6.5 SAND, Silty 10.0 - 11.5 SAND, Silty 15.0 - 16.5 SAND, Silty 20.0 - 21.5 SAND, Silty 1.5 - 3.0 SAND, Silty 3.0 - 4.5 SAND, Silty 8.5 - 10.0 SILT, Sandy 13.5 - 15.0 SAND, Silty 18.5 - 20.0 SAND, Silty 1.5 - 3.0 SAND, Silty 5.0 - 6.5 SAND, Silty 10.0 - 11.5 SAND, Silty 15.0 - 16.5 SAND, Silty 47 1 21 0 non -plastic 19 0 14 0 27 0 -- 3 40 2 21 4 17 1 22 1 25 1 21 1 12 3 23 1 0 72 -28- 106 ' 11 THE TWINING LABORATORIES, INC. SUM94ARY OF FIELD AND LABORATORY TEST RESULTS PROJECT: Proposed Wal-Mart Store 1A Quinta, California TL 490-0157-01 4 B-14 5.0 - 6.5 Atterberg Silty 7 1 10.0 - 11.5- SAND, a 8 2 15.0 - 16.5 - Silty 7 13 O w pf - 6.5 SAND, T 9 1 10.0 - 11.5 .rl O Silty 12 2 B-17 5.0 - v SAND, Silty 7 1 N O dPQ SILT, 8Q 12 1 ; B-19 5.0 - = O SAND, Silty 13 0 10.0 - .H SAND, . Gradation 30 c = > -r-. u 6.5 3oring ►� VJ ai N •N ai y 4i 10.0 - 11.5 U •— ) ., . U 0 R-1 0.5-- 4) c M c Silty V) •H Percent Retained 0.5 - 2.0 = _ r; lumber Depth in Feet Classification 4) -•1 0 0 Cr .4 � r Cravel Sand Silt --Clay ;-1 '-4 � •' = " = _ A. as r: c) ,a .a a .a a. Y . a _ _;, o r L. J s _ B-14 5.0 - 6.5 SAND, Silty 7 1 10.0 - 11.5- SAND, Silty 8 2 15.0 - 16.5 SAND, Silty 7 13 B-15 5.0 - 6.5 SAND, Silty 9 1 10.0 - 11.5 SAND, Silty 12 2 B-17 5.0 - 6.5 SAND, Silty 7 1 10.0 - 11.5 SILT, SANDY 12 1 ; B-19 5.0 - 6.5 SAND, Silty 13 0 10.0 - 11.5 SAND, Silty 30 0 B-21 5.0 - 6.5 SAND, Silty 11 0 10.0 - 11.5 SILT, Sandy 18 0 R-1 0.5-- 2.0 SAND, Silty R-2 0.5 - 2.0 SAND, Silty Maximum dry density = 108.1 pcf Optimum moisture = 10.2% 66 12 56 13,14 THE TWINING.LABORATORIES, INC. SUMMARY OF FIELD AND LABORATORY TEST RESUL'T'S PROJECT: Proposed Wal-Mart Store La Quinta, California TL 440-0157-01 R-3 0.5 - 2.0 SAND, Silty 75 15 .R-4 0,5 - 2.0 SAND, Silty Maximus dry density = 112.0 pcf Optimum, moisture, -. 10.5% Y 56 16,17 4 R-5 0.5 - 2.0 SAND, Silty Atterberg x 0- .,{ 0 c7 r. C O to u r- '� Gradation. G c .. o , > w 3oring = c rt c a .; Cr 9 �; H Percent Retained �� ;! % t; i Vumber Depth in Feet Classification 4) r-4 0 o • 1 •r, 'q -,i Gravel Sand Silt --Clay r 0„ c '� u c v S i r. R-3 0.5 - 2.0 SAND, Silty 75 15 .R-4 0,5 - 2.0 SAND, Silty Maximus dry density = 112.0 pcf Optimum, moisture, -. 10.5% Y 56 16,17 4 R-5 0.5 - 2.0 SAND, Silty 1)ro jecL No. TL 490-0157-01 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION 11YDROMEI'ER ANALYSIS SIEVE ANALYSIS Time Readings I U.S. Standard Series I Clear Square 0i)cninns 95HR45MN 7HR ISAfH 608AW ]*MIN A Y .uuc .005 .009 OIAMETER of FARTICLE in MILUMETEAS 4.76 9.32 19.1 38.1 Ni.2 127 152 CLAY (PlaS00 TO SILT (Non -Plastic) ' A N D G R A V E L F'TNE mculum COAR_;E FINE COARSE. COI3fiLl? BORING NO. B - 2 DEPTH 1.51-3.0' CLASSIFICATION SAND, SILTY ff PLATE N0. 1 �D �®PELq ®®� .uuc .005 .009 OIAMETER of FARTICLE in MILUMETEAS 4.76 9.32 19.1 38.1 Ni.2 127 152 CLAY (PlaS00 TO SILT (Non -Plastic) ' A N D G R A V E L F'TNE mculum COAR_;E FINE COARSE. COI3fiLl? BORING NO. B - 2 DEPTH 1.51-3.0' CLASSIFICATION SAND, SILTY ff PLATE N0. 1 CONSOLIDATION TEST Boring No. B -4 Initial Dry Unit Wei-nt 88.9 ocf !)e�th 3.0'-4.5' Final Dn? Unit :"ei-ht 92.2 ncf Classification SILT, SANDY Initial Moisture 3.$ c Final Moisture 34.6 c- 0 (. 1 FT v: 1 f v: y 2 F I I 3 � I 4 I I H s cw�.`' 6 i a. c I I F C, 8 I I f I i U _ I . I I I I II 0.1 0.3 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 30 `formal Pressure / ksf. QQ Unsaturated �i Saturated Plate No. 2 Iff CONSOLIDATION TEST Boring No. B -5 Initial Dry Unit I eight 82.6 ocf. 'death 8.0' -9 , 5' Final Dn, Unit !'.'ei-ht 82.2 0cf Classification SILT, SANDY Initial Moisture Final Moisture 4.5 c 35.9 0 u; S U 2 ,.] 3 w 0 4 H Z 5 G z 6 C i I n 7 0 Cn 0 8 U 9 10 12 i 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 0.1 0.5 30 Normal Pressure / ksf. 4 Unsaturated Q Saturated Plate No. 5 U z Project No. TL 490-0157-01 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION HYDROMETER 'ANALYSIS SIEVE ANALYSIS CLAY (Plastic) TO SILT (Non -Plastic) l BORING NO. B - 5 DEPTH 8.0'-9.5' ,CLASSIFICATION 'S I LT, SANDY I S A N D ... „n !FINE MEDIUM COARSE Aff PLATE NO. 6 G R A V E L TINE I COARSE NON -PLASTIC COBBLES 0 w 2 4 w W Cr I' CONSOLIDATION TEST Boring No. B-10 Initial Dry Unit Weight 96.6 oc` :)enth 1 .5' -3 .0' Final Drc• Unit '..'eiaat 101 .4 )cf Initial Moisture 1.1 e Classification SAND, SILTY Final Moisture 23.6 a 0 I 1 V-1 L 2 U E;- 3 C4 a IT I c 4 C rz. 0 5 F z all 6 a `C 7 I I 0 z 0 U 0.1 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 20 30 Normal Pressure / ksf QQ Unsaturated Fe -1 Saturated Plate No. 8 ►r 2.0 1 0 RESISTANCE VALUE TEST RESULTS Exudation Pressure (osil 100 90 80 70 60 30 40 W 30 i a 20 10 0 .3 1.0 13 2.0 2.3 COVER THICKNESS by EXPAAGION PRESSURE (1"t) Specimen... ................. 1 2 3 Exudation Pressure, psi ....... 420 240 150 Expansion Dial (.0001")....... 22 10 5 Expansion Pressure ( ps f) ...... 95.26 43.30 21 .65 Resistance Value, "R" 69 64 45 Percent Moisture at Test ...... 13.47 14.51 15.55 Dry Density (pcf ) at Test. . 113.11 112.82 112.70 "R." Value at 300 psi, Exudation Pressure............ 67 "R" Value by Expansion Pressure- T. i. 5.0 Gf 1.5 66 "Tt" Value at Equilibrium...... 66 Samole 'No. R-1 Date: 6-18-90 Sample Location: WAL -MART STORE LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA Project vn.: TL 490-0157-01 Sample Descrintinn: SAND. SILTY ample Depth: 0.5'-2.0' PLATE NO. 12 jff I. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 F� 2.0 RESISTANCE VALUE TEST RESULTS O .9 1.0 13 2.0 2.S COYER THICKNESS by EXPANSION PRESSURE (j"t) Specimen ...................... 1 2 3 Exudation Pressure, psi....... 330 210 80 Expansion Dial (.0001")....... Expansion Pressure (psf)...... Resistance Value, "R" ........ 56 57 ADJ 50 AU Percent Moisture at Test ...... 15.84 17-10 18.99 Dry Density (ncf ) at Test. io8-95 106.59 104.87 "R" Value at 300 psi, Exudation Pressure............ 56 "R" Value by Expansion Pressure- T. I . 5.0 Gf 1 .5 ' ' . "R" Value at Equilibrium...... ---- 3amole No. R-2 Date: 6 -18-90 Sample Location:_ WAL-MART STORE LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA Project *in.: Sample Descri!:t ; in: SAND, SILTY Gamnle Death: 0.5'-2.0' TL 490-0157-01 PLATE NO. 13 too 90 80 70 60 50 40 W a J 70 a 20 10 O S. I Mow Tway VICASIG-56" W I "Sol hills 'T 45s; WOT = amqxrow un"WT40ci 9 1sys .......... pet- ZY T 1 9 .......... pet- 2 RESISTANCE VALUE TEST RESULTS n■■�momi■■�� ■■n■A■n�■®JQn■�v ■�n�im■■■nnmmn�■■■����a•o ■■�■■■■■■■■IWW■■■nom■■■�■■■■■■■■ nn�nn�■�■■�m�n�■n�■ a■��■��■�■■■�■��■n■■■■■■■fin■fin iiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii■�i i�in�ui 3 I.0 Is 2-0 2.3 COVER THICKNESS by Er PA114gN PRESSURE (/ftf) Soecimen. .................... 1 2 3 Exudation Pressure, psi....... 435 300 100 Expansion Dial (.0001")....... Expansion Pressure (-)sf)...... Resistance Value, "R" 80 75 ' 69 Percent Moisture at Test...... 12.77 13.31 14.40 Dry Density (pcf) at Test ..... 119.60 110.64 109.61 "R" Value at 300 psi, Exudation Pressure......... 7S "R" Value by Expansion Pressure- T. I. 5.0 Gf 1.5 _-_- "R" Value at Equilibrium...... Samole No. R-3 Date: 6 _lam Sample Location: WAL-MART STORE LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA Project No.: TL 490-0157-01 Sample Descrirt _:;n SAND, SILTY :_ample Depth: 0.51-2.0' PLATE N0. 15 too 90 BO 70 60 30 40 w J 30 Q > a 20 to 0 2.0 It RESISTANCE VALUE TEST RESULTS cxwwwlP vf"vVrf 1 0611 B70 707 600 = X00 -Y XA 100 �I 3 1.0 1.3 _ 2.0 2.5 COVER THICKNESS sy EXPANSION PRESSURE (/o) Specimen ...................... 1 2 3 Exudation Pressure, psi....... 660 290 250 Exnansion Dial (.0001")....... 22 10 7 Expansion Pressure ( psf) ...... 45.76 43.30 30.31 Resistance Value, "R" ........ 58 ADJ 56 46 Percent Moisture at Test ...... 9.49 10.55 1 1 .08 Dry Density (ncf) at Test..... 118.50 114.78 114.66 "R" Value at 300 psi, Exudation Pressure. 56 "R" Value by Expansion Pressure- T. 1. 5.0 Gf 1 .5 56 "R" Value at Equilibrium...... 56 3amole No. R-4 Date: 6-19-90 '-�-amnle Location: WAL-MART STORE LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA I Project No.:_ TL 490-0157-01 I Sample Descrintinn: SAND. SILTY Sample Deoth: 0.5'-3.01 PLATE NO. 16 00 90 so 'to 60 so 40 W 30 v 20 10 D 0z WIT Sl 2 'ZT OT 2 TIL 016T lQT .&MP Mug viols 70-1919-06P �l do. 0 ................. s es. !iW n 9,03 = einasicou 'MOT 1 A A; .0000! cq 41 ij dS D f 5 MOW IWGT a wisy 0404DC"Aj palf1pow, % 0z WIT Sl 2 'ZT OT 2 Sol M I TIL ................. i I. J Sol M I TL 490-0157-01 APPENDIX C GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION FACT SHEET 0 I 1 I � ' Fresno Modesto Visalia Bakersfield ':cuTE'cI/*[cx|' [xvc';T1cATc0x rxcT Suurr be u,cL".(cu to cxc Ccvc^/ti"icai [w*r:cLg aci^.' nc,m,c ,t; xo x,pc"ui.,_ .mal-MUart Store La Ouizdza, California ([|cy) ���---'---- The Twining Laboratories, Inc. _-__-----'----'--'-------_-__- �``|| :.,n, Silty Sands and Sandy Silts _---''_---_- i"/I|vxcLon ([Lr�Le Oxc): rvo' FxLr vc* [v"J ` C^^v^| v^c~­ |.^",i: ucc ALinwabLe wcc'xc`r�� 2"500 KSF F,c,civ, Footing Bearing Vcyc\` TupsoLL/Sccippin8 ucpci` 2 to 4 inches Undercut xoqu/cnu (circ1../ n^c ro Compaction ncchnd (Circle one): Standard ycoccoc Minimum Compaction orqviccd for Upper 2 to 3 Feet of Site: acce% ' Oucloc Area g2 � Parking Area 95 z nuscc Area 92 Compaction Eqp19menc Type and n,iQhc [omezoesic or vibratory CompaccionTcscs: i Tcsc for Each2,000 3q. Fc' ,ach LAfc --__ uccuccucaL FUl wuzcoum J.i[c T}'ickn,ss inches (xcaswccd loose) subCraac design k "vi"c ~55. S"bgcadc mv.�ulvs for floor slab 4coiGn - 225' . AsyRuLTCOxCsETE ' COMPONENT -------' -------- . ' STAnnxxn, oEav� sTAynA3) HEAVY�cxi,����c� �!.�Sczdc A,piic.-thir)_ 12.0° 12,0" I2'0" 12�O" »:cccial (sCu»e. 5ao'i/shci\. �cc.) 4.6" 4'O" 4.0114'O" *,/n\cLc xxsc-Coocs" ([[ -Ali pi\ca6Le) ---_-__--_ ____----- ---___-__ |'iZvcib/g/k1ndcr Course (It «,pil.cab\c) --- --- w/x N/A ��_-_-_- --_-_--_- ^ . Surface Course 2.0" ' 3.O" 6'D° 6'O" ------__-- nncc: This 1nfornacion should not, be used oepacac'ely from ocher portions of this Soil lnvesciQacino Report. 0 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII iavw=Ivnn � 1 Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: " 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite CI01, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 6534999 Fax: (909) 6534666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 ,Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -CONCRETE ASTM C39 ** CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP A Set No.: 4-6546 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131 A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA • Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area (Sq. Inch) Load (lbs.) Strength Type of (psi) Fracture 7 11/15/2004 6 X 12 28.37 94,000 3,310 Shear 28 12/6/2004 6X 12 28.27 28 12/6/2004 6X 12 28.27 28 H 12/6/2004 6X 12 28.27 Specified Strength: 3,000 PSI Sampled By: GORDON LEWIS .Location: RAMP @ LOADING DOCK/ NORTH MIDDLE HALF Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: D365PAE Ticket No.: 7165096 ' Water added at Site: 7.00 gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 60 min. Remarks: "Distribution:, KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** n Date Sampled: 11/8/2004 Date Received: 11/9/2004 Concrete Temp: 82 °F Ambient Temp: 65 °F Slump: 4.50 in. Tested at:' Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. 1 M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C 101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 6534666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit I, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel:(818)833-8100 Fax:(818)833-0085. Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -CONCRETE ASTM C39 ** CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP Set No.: 4-6546 File No.:� Permit No.: Project No.: 8131 A29 Project Name:. KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area (Sq. Inch) Load (lbs.) Strength (psi) Type of Fracture 7 11/15/2004 6X 12 28.37 94,000 3,310 Shear 28 12/6/2004 6X 12 28.37 117,500 4,140 Cone & Split 28 .12/6/2004 6X 12 28.37 118,000 4,160 Cone & Split 28 H 12/6/2004 6 X 12 28.27 Specified Strength: 3,000 PSI Sampled By: GORDON LEWIS Location: RAMP @ LOADING DOCK/ NORTH MIDDLE HALF Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: D365PAE Ticket No.: 7165096 Water added at Site: 7.00 gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 60 min. Date Sampled: 11/8/2004 Date Received: 11/9/2004 Concrete Temp: 82 °F Ambient Temp: 65 °F Slump: 4.50 in. Tested at: Anaheim Remarks: S6' Submitted, Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT RespectfulMTGL, lnly ly CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** 1 M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer 4150 PSI 28 -day compression test complies with the specified strength. Corporate: 2992 E. Ia Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 653-4666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -CONCRETE ASTM C39 CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP ^ Set No.: 4-6361 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131 A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Sire Actual Area Load (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) Strength (psi) Type of Fracture 7 11/8/2004 6X 12 28.37 121,000 4,270 Shear 28 11/29/2004 6X 12 28.27 28 11/29/2004 6 X 12 28.27 28 H 11/29/2004 6 X 12 28.27 Specified Strength: 3,000 PSI Sampled By: GORDON LEWIS Location: FOOTING @ GRIDLINE B-4.2 Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: D365PAE Ticket No.: 7164486 Water added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 60 min. Remarks: Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** Date Sampled: H/1/2004 Date Received: 11/2/2004 Concrete Temp: 78 OF Ambient Temp: 80 OF Slump: 4.50 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. 1 M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer Corporate: 2992 E. La Pahna Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C 101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 653-4666 Branch: y 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit I, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -CONCRETE ASTM C39 ** CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP A Set No.: 4-6361 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131 A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area (Sq.lnch) Load' (lbs.) Strength (psi) Type of Fracture 7 11/8/2004 6X 12 28.37 121,000 4,270 Shear 28 11/29/2004 6X 12 28.37 156,000 5,500 Cone & Split 28 11/29/2004 6 X 12 28.37 5,710 Shear 28 H 11/29/2004 6 X 12 _[___162,000 28.27 Specified Strength: 3,000 PSI Sampled By: GORDON LEWIS Location: FOOTING @.GRIDLINE B-4.2 Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: D365PAE Ticket No.: 7164486 Water added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 60 min. Remarks: Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** A Date Sampled: 11/1/2004 Date Received: 11/2/2004 Concrete Temp: 78 °F Ambient Temp: 80 "F Slump: 4.50 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer 5600 PSI 28 -day compression test complies with the specified strength: Corporate: 2992 E. Li Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Nominal Size Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 11/5/2004 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 28 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 653-4666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit I, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -GROUT ASTM C1019 ** CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP Set No.: 4-6359 _ File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area Load (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) Strength Type of (psi) Fracture 7 11/5/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.18 23,500 2,560 N/A 28 11/26/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.00 28 11/26/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.00 Specified Strength: 2,000 PSI Sampled By: GORDON LEWIS Location: 5TH GROUT LIFT TOP OF WALL LOADING DOCK Concrete Supplier: Mix No.: 46002 Ticket No.: Water added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 40 min. Remarks Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** Date Sampled: 10/29/2004 Date Received: 11/2/2004 Concrete Temp: 80 °F Ambient Temp: 75 °F Slump: 10.00 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. l } M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer Age (Days) Date Tested Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anahei n, CA 92806 Load (lbs.) Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 11/5/2004 Tel: (858) 537-3999 • Fax: (858) 537-3990 9.18 23,500 2,560 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 ' 3 X 3 X 6 9.58 25,500 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 6534666 N/A 28 1 11/26/2004 1 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 1 27,000 Tel• (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -GROUT ASTM C1019 * * File No.: CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY Permit No.: 78495 CALLE TAMPICO Project No.: 8131 A29 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP " n Set No.: 4-6359 ^ Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area (Sq.Inch) Load (lbs.) Strength (psi) Type of Fracture 7 11/5/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.18 23,500 2,560 N/A 28 11/26/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.58 25,500 2,660 N/A 28 1 11/26/2004 1 3 X 3 X 6 1 9.61 1 27,000 1 2,810 1 N/A Specified Strength: 2,000 PSI Sampled By: GORDON LEWIS Date Sampled: 10/29/2004 Date Received: 11/2/2004 Location: 5TH GROUT LIFT TOP OF WALL LOADING DOCK Concrete Supplier: Concrete Temp: 80 °F . Mix No.: 46002 Ambient Temp: 75 °F Ticket No.: Water'added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Slump: 10.00 in. Cement Type: Mix Time: 40 min. Tested at: Anaheim Remarks Respectfully Submitted; Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT MTGL, Inc. CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer 2740 PSI 28 -day compression test complies with the specified strength. _, Corporate: 2992 E. Li Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Bunch: 14320 Elsworth`Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 6534999 Fax: (909) 6534666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -GROUT ASTM C1019 CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP Set No.: 4-6358 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131 A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age ` (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area (Sq. Inch) Load (lbs.) Strength (psi) Type of Fracture 7 Corporate: 2992 E. Li Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Bunch: 14320 Elsworth`Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 6534999 Fax: (909) 6534666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -GROUT ASTM C1019 CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP Set No.: 4-6358 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131 A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age ` (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area (Sq. Inch) Load (lbs.) Strength (psi) Type of Fracture 7 11/2/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.39 27,500 2,930 N/A 28 11/23/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.64 35,000 3,630 N/A 28 11/23/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.39 33,100 3,520 N/A Specified Strength: 2,000 PSI Sampled By: GORDON LEWIS Location: LOADING DOCK- 4TH GROUT LIFT Concrete Supplier: ASSOCIATED READY MIX Mix No.: 46005 Ticket No.: 3269614 Water added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 60 min. Remarks: Distribution:, KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT 'CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** Date Sampled: 10/26/2004 Date Received: 11/2/2004 Concrete Temp: 79 OF Ambient Temp: 82 OF Slump: 9.50 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. l M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer 3580 PSI 28 -day compression test complies with the specified strength. Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 653-4666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit I, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel:(818)833-8100 Fax:(818)833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -CONCRETE ASTM C39 3 * * CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP Set No.: 4-6255. File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131 A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area Load (Sq.Inch) (Ibs.) Strength Type of (psi) Fracture 7 11/1/2004 6X 12 28.37 75,500 2,660 Cone 28 11/22/2004 6X 12 28.27 28 11/22/2004 6X 12 28.27 28 H 11/22/2004 6 X 12 28.27 c Specified Strength: 3,000 PSI Sampled By: GORDON LEWIS Location: FOOTING @ GRID LINE B-9.5 Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: D365PAE Ticket No.: 7164000 Water added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 50 min. Remarks: Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA OUINTA-BLDG.& SAFETY **LAB COPY** Date Sampled: 10/25/2004 Date Received: 10/27/2004 Concrete Temp: 80 OF Ambient Temp: 88 OF Slump: 5.00 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, . MTGL, Inc. M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer Corporate: 2992 E. Li Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 6534666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -CONCRETE ASTM C39 ** CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP A Set No.: 4-6255 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age `(Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area (Sq. Inch) Load (lbs.) Strength (psi) Type of Fracture 7 11/1/2004 6X 12 28.37 75,500 2,660 Cone 28 11/22/2004 6X 12 .28.37 99,500 3,510 Shear 28 11/22/2004 6X 12 28.37 102,000 3,600 Cone & Split 28 H 11/22/2004 6X 12 28.27 Specified Strength: 3,000 PSI Sampled By: GORDON LEWIS Location: FOOTING @ GRID LINE B-9.5 Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: D365PAE Ticket No.: 7164000 Water added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 50 min. Remarks: Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** A Date Sampled: 10/25/2004 Date Received: 10/27/2004 Concrete Temp: 80 °F Ambient Temp: 88 °F Slump: 5.00 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer 3560 PSI 28 -day compression test complies with the specified strength. Corporate: 2992 E. Li Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806. Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 653-4666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -GROUT ASTM C1019 CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP Set No.: 4-6221 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Sire Actual Area Load, (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) Strength Type of (psi) Fracture 7 10/29/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.55 21,500 2,250 N/A 28 11/19/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.00 28 11/19/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.00 Specified Strength: 2,000 PSI Sampled By: GORDON LEWIS Location: 3RD LIFT WEST OF GRIDLINE 10-J Concrete Supplier: ASSOCIATED READY MIX Mix No.: 46005. Ticket No.: 3267006 Water added at Site: 0.00 gala By Cement Type: Mix Time: 34 min. Remarks: `Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** A Date Sampled: 10/22/2004 Date Received: 10/26/2004 Concrete Temp: 79 OF Ambient Temp: 72 OF Slump: 10.00 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. . 1 M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 CaIToll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 . Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 6534666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -GROUT ASTM C1019 ** CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP Set No.: 4-6221 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131 A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area (Sq.Inch) Load (lbs.)(psi) Strength . Type of Fracture 7 10/29/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.55 21,500 2,250 N/A 28 11/19/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.30 26,800 2,880 N/A 28 1 11/19/2004 1 3 X 3 X 6 1 10.05 1 28,200 1 2,810 1 N/A Specified Strength: 2,000 PSI Sampled By: GORDON LEWIS Location: 3RD LIFT WEST OF GRIDLINE 10-J Concrete Supplier: ASSOCIATED READY MIX Mix No.: 46005 Ticket No:: 3267006 Water added at Site: 0.00 gal By" Cement Type: Mix Time: 34 min. Remarks: Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** Date Sampled: 10/22/2004 Date Received: 10/26/2004 Concrete Temp: 79 °F Ambient Temp: 72 °F Slump: 10.00 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. 1 M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer 2840 PSI 28 -day compression test complies with the specified strength. Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fix: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C 101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 6534666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit I, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8100 F=1819)811-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-MORTAR ASTM C270 CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES-STORE PLANNING DEP -SetNo.: 4-6220---:_��� - _ -_ _�.__._ _ •� File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131 A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area Load (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) Strength Type of (psi) Fracture 7 10/28/2004 2 X 4 3.14 7,500 2,390 Cone 28 11/18/2004 2 X 4 3.14 28 11/18/2004 2 X 4 1 3.14 Specified Strength: 1,800 PSI Sampled By: GORDON LEWIS Location: 3RD LIFT WEST OF GRIDLINE 10-J Concrete Supplier: SPEC. MIX . Mix No.: N/A . Ticket No.. Water added at Site: 0.00 gal By Cement Type: Mix Time: 6 min. Remarks: Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** Date Sampled: 10/21/2004 Date Received: 10/25/2004 Concrete Temp: °F Ambient Temp: 68 °F Slump: in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer 1 41 Corporate: 2992 E. I -a Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 6534666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit I, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8 100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -MORTAR ASTM C270 Date Tested Nominal Size * * Load (lbs.) File No.: Type of Fracture CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 10/28/2004 Permit No.: 3.14 78495 CALLE TAMPICO 2,390 Project No.: 8131A29 LA QUINTA, CA 92,253 2 X 4 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA 3,340 Cone 28 LA QUINTA, CA Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP _ 3.14 10,700 3,410 A Set No.: 4-6220 - Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area (Sq.lnch) Load (lbs.) Strength (psi) Type of Fracture 7 10/28/2004 2 X 4 3.14 7,500 2,390 Cone 28 11/18/2004 2 X 4 3.14 10,500 3,340 Cone 28 11/18/2004 2 X 4 3.14 10,700 3,410 Cone Specified Strength:. 1,800 PSI Sampled By: GORDON LEWIS Location: 3RD LIFT WEST OF GRIDLINE 10-J Concrete Supplier: SPEC. MIX Mix No.: N/A Ticket No.:, Water added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 6 min.. Remarks: Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** Date Sampled: 10/21/2004 Date Received: 10/25/2004 Concrete Temp: °F Ambient Temp: 68 °F Slump: in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. l M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer 3380 PSI 28 -day compression test complies with the specified strength. Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: , 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C 101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 653-4666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel:(818)833-8100 Fax:(818)833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -MORTAR ASTM C270 CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP Set No.: 4-6164 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Sire Actual Area Load (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) Strength Type of (psi) Fracture 7 10/26/2004 2 X 4 3.14 9,400 2,990 Cone 28 11/16/2004 2 X 4 3.14 28 11/16/2004 2 X 4 3.14 Specified Strength: 1,800 PSI Sampled By: GORDON LEWIS Location: WEST OF GRID LINE 10-J/ 14TH COURSE Concrete Supplier: SPEC. MIX Mix No.: Ticket No.: Water added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time:. 5 min. Remarks: Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** Date Sampled: 10/19/2004 Date Received: 10/21/2004 Concrete Temp: °F Ambient Temp: 75 °F Slump: in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. 1 M.B.(Ben) Lo Chief Engineer jpg !' ` ( Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 653-4666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -MORTAR ASTM C270 CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES -STORE PLANNING DEP n Set No.: 4-6164 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131 A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area (Sq.lnch) Load (lbs.)(psi) Strength Type of Fracture 7 10/26/2004 2 X 4 3.14 9,400 2,990 Cone 28 11/16/2004 2 X 4 3.14 12,000 3,820 Cone 28 1 11/16/2004 1 2 X 4 3.14 1 10,400 1 3,310 Cone Specified Strength: 1,800 PSI Sampled By: GORDON LEWIS Location: WEST OF GRID LINE 10-J/ 14TH COURSE Concrete Supplier: SPEC. MIX Mix No.: Ticket No.: Water added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 5 min. Remarks: Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** Date Sampled: 10/19/2004 Date Received: 10/21/2004 Concrete Temp: °F Ambient Temp: 75 °F Slump: in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. l M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer 3560 PSI 28 -day cornpression test complies with the specified strength. e Corporate: 2992 E. La Pahna Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 6534666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 TeL(818)833-8100 Fax:(818)833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-GROUTASTM C1019 * * File No.: CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY " Permit No.: 78495 CALLE TAMPICO Project No.: 8131A29 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP ' Set No.: 4-6149 Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area (Sq.lnch) Load (lbs.)(psi) Strength Type of Fracture 7 10/25/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.64 30,200 3,130 N/A 28 11/15/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.92 37,000 3,730 N/A 28 1 11/15/2004 1 3 X 3 X 6 1 9.72 1 36,000 1 3,700 1 N/A Specified Strength: 2,000 PSI Sampled By: GORDON LEWIS Location: 4' LIFT WEST SIDE OF BLDG SET #1 Concrete Supplier: ASSOCIATED READY MIX Mix No.: 46005 Ticket No.: 3264626 Water added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Cement. Type: Mix Time: 35 min. Remarks: 'Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** Date Sampled: 10/18/2004 Date Received: 10/19/2004 Concrete Temp: 79 °F Ambient Temp: 75 °F Slump: 9.00 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. j M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer 3720 PSI 28 -day compression test complies with the specified strength. Corporate: 2992 E. La Pahna Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch'. 14320 Elsworth Sweet, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 653-4666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -CONCRETE ASTM C39 • 5 CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP Set No.: 4-61-47 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131 A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area (Sq. Inch) Load (lbs.) Strength (psi) Type of Fracture 7 10/25/2004 6X 12 28.37 82,500 2,910 Cone 28 11/15/2004 6X 12 28.37 93,000 3,280 Cone & Split 56 12/13/2004 6X 12 28.27 Specified Strength: 3,000 PSI Sampled By; GORDON LEWIS Location: SLAB ON GRADE WEST SIDE OF BLDG SET# I Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: D365PAE Ticket No.:' 7163526 Water added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 40 min. ' Remarks: Distribution: "KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** Date Sampled: 10/18/2004 Date Received: 10/19/2004 Concrete Temp: 81 °F Ambient Temp: 75 °F Slump: 5.00 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. 1 M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer 3280 PSI 28 -day compression test complies with the specified strength. Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 6534999 Fax: (909) 653-4666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit I, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -CONCRETE ASTM C39 ** CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP A Set No.: 4-6147 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131 A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area Load (Sq.lnch) (lbs.) Strength Type of (psi) Fracture 7 10/25/2004 6 X 12 28.37 82,500 2,910 Cone 28 11/15/2004 6 X 12 28.27 28 11/15/2004 1 6 X 12 28.27 Specified Strength: 4,000 PSI Sampled By: GORDON LEWIS Location: SLAB ON GRADE WEST SIDE OF BLDG SET # I Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: D365PAE Ticket No.: 7163526 Water added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 40 min. Remarks: Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA OUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** n Date Sampled: 10/18/2004 Date Received: 10/19/2004 Concrete Temp: 81 OF Ambient Temp: 75 OF Slump: 5.00 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer Corporate: 2992 E. Ua Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fix: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909)653-4999 Fax: (909) 653-4666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -GROUT ASTM 01019 CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY•. 78495 CALLE TAM PICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP A Set No.: 4-6149 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131 A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area Load (Sq.lnch) (lbs.)(psi) Strength Type of Fracture 7 10/25/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.64 30,200 3,130 N/A 28 11/15/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.00 28 1 11/15/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.00 Specified Strength: 2,000 PSI Sampled By: GORDON LEWIS Location: 4' LIFT WEST SIDE OF BLDG SET #1 Concrete Supplier: ASSOCIATED READY MIX Mix No.: 46005 Ticket No.: 3264626 Water added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 35 min. Remarks: Distribution: ,KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** r n Date Sampled: 10/18/2004 Date Received: 10/19/2004 Concrete Temp: 79 OF Ambient Temp: 75 OF Slump: 9.00 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. 1 M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer Corporate: 2992 E. 1-a Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 6534999 Fax: (909) 653-4666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -CONCRETE ASTM C39 ** CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP A Set No.: 4-6147 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA r Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Sire Actual Area (Sq.lnch) Load (lbs.) Strength (psi) Type of Fracture 7 10/25/2004 6 X 12 28.37 82,500 2,910 Cone 28 11/15/2004 6 X 12 28.37 93,000 3,280 Cone & Split 56 12/13/2004 6 X 12 28.37 122,500 4,320 Cone & Split Specified Strength: 3,000 PSI Sampled By: GORDON LEWIS Location: SLAB ON GRADE WEST SIDE OF.BLDG SET # I Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: D365PAE Ticket No.: 7163526 Water added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 40 min. Remarks: Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA OUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** n Date Sampled: 10/18/2004 Date Received: 10/19/2004 Concrete Temp: 81 °F Ambient Temp: 75 °F Slump: 5.00 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer 3280 PSI 28 -day compression test complies with the specified strength. Corporate: 2992 E. 1-a Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 6534999 Fax: (909) 6534666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit I, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -GROUT ASTM C1019 ** CITY OF LA QUINTA=BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP A Set No.: 4-6155 File No.: Id Permit No.: Project No.: 8131 A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area Load (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) Strength Type of (psi) Fracture 9 10/21/2004 3 X 3 X 6 10.11 32,000 31160 N/A 28 11/9/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.00 28 11/9/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.00 Specified Strength: 2,000 PSI Sampled By: GORDON LEWIS Location: BLDG WALL IN BETWEEN GRIDS J & H AT LOADING DOCK AREA Concrete Supplier: ASSOCIATED READY_ MIX Mix No.: 46005 Ticket No.: 3259929 Water added at Site: 10.00 gal. By CONTRACTOR Cement Type: II/V Mix Time: 30 min. .Remarks: Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA OUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** A Date Sampled: 10/12/2004 Date Received: 10/20/2004 Concrete Temp: 60 °F Ambient Temp: 94 °F Slump: 9.00 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. l M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 653-4666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Reporfof: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-GROUTASTM C1019 ** CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP Set No:: 4-61"55 1pi'm J_~Ay#1 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131 A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area (Sq.lnch) Load (lbs.) Strength (psi) Tv pe of Fracture 9 10/21/2004 3 X 3 X 6 10.11 32,000 3,160 N/A 28 11/9/2004 3 X 3 X 6 10.82 33,500 3,100 N/A 28 11/9/2004 4 X 3 X 6 11.43 33,000 2,890 N/A- , Specified Strength: 2,000 PSI Sampled By: GORDON LEWIS Location: BLDG WALL IN BETWEEN GRIDS J & H AT LOADING DOCK AREA Concrete. Supplier: ASSOCIATED READY MIX Mix No.: 46005 Ticket No.: 3259929 Water. added at Site: 10.00 gal. By CONTRACTOR Cement Type: II/V Mix Time: 30 min. Remarks: 5 Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA OUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** Date Sampled: 10/12/2004 Date Received: 10/20/2004 Concrete Temp: 60 °F Ambient Temp: 94 °F Slump: 9.00 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. 1 M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer 3000 PSI 28 -day compression test complies with the specified strength. Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 6534999 Fax: (909) 653-4666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -MORTAR ASTM C270 CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP A Set No.: 4-5987 _ File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131 A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area Load (Sq. Inch) (lbs.)(psi) Strength Type of Fracture 7 10/18/2004 2 X 4 3.14 8,600 2,740 N/A 28 11/8/2004 2 X 4 3.14 28 11/8/2004 2 X 4 3.14 Specified Strength: 1,800 PSI Sampled By: TED TOSSELL Location: DOCK WALL, FOOTING TO 16' Concrete Supplier: SPEC. MIX Mix No.: TYPES Ticket No.: Water added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Cement Type: 11 Mix Time: min. Remarks:.. Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA OUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** n Date Sampled: 10/11/2004 Date Received: 10/12/2004 Concrete Temp: °F Ambient Temp: °F Slump: in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. l M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer Corporate: 2992 E. la Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel:(714)632-2999 Fax:(714)632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 653-4666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit I, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -MORTAR ASTM C270 CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP Set No.: 4-5987 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131 A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Sire Actual Area (Sq.lnch) Load . (lbs.) Strength (psi) Type of Fracture 7 10/18/2004 2 X 4 3.14 8,600 2,740 N/A 28 11/8/2004 2 X 4 3.14 10,100 3,210 Cone 28 1 11/8/2004 2 X 4 3.14 1 9,400 2,990 1 Cone Specified Strength: 1,800 PSI Sampled By: TED TOSSELL Location: DOCK WALL, FOOTING TO 16' Concrete Supplier: SPEC. MIX Mix No.: TYPES Ticket No.: Water added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Cement Type: Il Mix Time: min. Remarks: Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY ' **LAB COPY** Date Sampled: 10/11/2004 Date Received: 10/12/2004 Concrete Temp: °F Ambient Temp: °F Slump: in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer 3100 PSI 28 -day compression test complies with the specified strength. Corporate: 2992 E. 1-a Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C 101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 6534999 Fax: (909) 6534666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit I, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8 100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -CONCRETE ASTM C39 ** CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP ^- — -- Set�No.: 4-5953` File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131 A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area (Sq. Inch) Load (lbs.) Strength (psi) Type of Fracture 7 10/15/2004 6 X 12 28.37 74,000 2,610 Cone 28 11/5/2004 6 X 12 28.37 104,000 3,670 Cone 28 11/5/2004 6X 12 28.37 110,000 3,880 Cone & Split Specified Strength: 3,000 . PSI Sampled By: PHOENIX FEATHEROCK Location: S/ SIDE OF BLDG GRIDLINE 5 Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: D365PAE Ticket No.: 7162730 Water added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: min. Remarks: Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** Date Sampled: 10/8/2004 Date Received: 10/1 1/2004 Concrete Temp: 98 °F Ambient Temp: 88 °F Slump: 4.00 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. 1 M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer 3780 PSI 28 -day compression test complies with the specified strength. Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 653-4666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -CONCRETE ASTM C39 ** CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131 A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area (Sq. Inch) Load (lbs.) LA QUINTA, CA Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP 10/14/2004 6X 12 28.37 Set No.: 4-5915 3,950 Cone 28 1174/2004 6X 12 28.37 144,000 5,080 Cone 28 11/4/2004 6X 12 1 28.37 143,500 5,060 Shear Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area (Sq. Inch) Load (lbs.) Strength (psi) Type of Fracture 7 10/14/2004 6X 12 28.37 112,000 3,950 Cone 28 1174/2004 6X 12 28.37 144,000 5,080 Cone 28 11/4/2004 6X 12 1 28.37 143,500 5,060 Shear Specified Strength: 4,000 PSI Sampled By: TONY FERRIS Location: CAST IN PLACE WALL @ J -K/ 10-1 1 Concrete Supplier: ASSOCIATED READY MIX Mix No.: 16431 Ticket No.: Water added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Cement Type: 11 Mix Time: min. Remarks: Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** Date Sampled: 10/7/2004 Date Received: 10/8/2004 Concrete Temp: 79 OF Ambient Temp: 89 OF Slump: 4.25 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer 5070 PSI 28 -day compression test complies with the specified strength. Corporate: Branch: Branch: Branch: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 6534666 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -CONCRETE ASTM C39 ** CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY' 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA; CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP A Set No.: 4-5841 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area (Sq. Inch) Load (lbs.) Strength (psi) Type of Fracture 7 10/8/2004 6 X 12 28.37 110,000 3,880 Shear 28 10/29/2004 6X 12 28.37 150,500 5,310 Cone & Split 28 10/29/2004 6 X 12 28.37 150,000 5,290 Shear Specified Strength: 4,000 PSI Sampled By: ALFRED MARCEL Location: RAMP WALL FOOTING N/E Concrete Supplier: ASSOCIATED READY MIX Mix No.: 16431 Ticket No.: 6250925 Water added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: min. Remarks: 'Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** Date Sampled: 10/1/2004 Date Received: 10/4/2004 Concrete Temp: 83 °F Ambient Temp: 75 °F Slump: 4.50 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. l 6 M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer 5300 PSI 28 -day compression test complies with the specified strength. Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Nominal Size Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Type of Fracture Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 28.37 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 653-4666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit I, Sylmar, CA 91342 28 Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -CONCRETE ASTM C39 ** CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP A Set No.: 4-5757 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area (Sq.1nch) Load (lbs.) Strength (psi) Type of Fracture 7 10/4/2004 6X 12 28.37 78,000 2,750 Cone 28 10/25/2004 6X 12 28.37 108,500 3,820 Shear 56 11/22/2004 6X 12 28.37 124,000 4,370 Cone & Split Specified Strength: 4,000 PSI Sampled By: CLIENT Location: EAST SIDE OF S.O.G. 25' NORTH Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: D365PAE Ticket No.: 849112 Water added at Site: 10.00 gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: min. Remarks: Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA OUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** n Date Sampled: 9/27/2004 Date Received: 9/28/2004 Concrete Temp: 88 °F Ambient Temp: 98 °F Slump: 3.75 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. 1 M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer 3820 PSI 28 -day compression test does not comply with the specified strength. Corporate: Branch: Branch: Branch: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 653-4666 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -CONCRETE ASTM C39 ** CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP A Set No.: 4-5757 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131 A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area (Sq.Inch) Load (Ibs.) Strength (psi) Type of Fracture 7 10/4/2004 6X 12 28.37 78,000 2,750 Cone 28 10/25/2004 6X 12 28.37 108,500 3,820 Shear 56 11/22/2004 6 X 12 28.27 Specified Strength: 4,000 PSI Sampled By: CLIENT Location: EAST SIDE OF S.O.G. 25' NORTH Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: D365PAE Ticket No.: 849112 Water added at Site: 10.00 gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: min. Remarks: Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT . CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** Date Sampled: 9/27/2004 Date Received: 9/28/2004 Concrete Temp: 88 °F Ambient Temp: 98 °F Slump: 3.75 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. 1 M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer 3820 PSI 28 -day compression test does not comply with the specified strength. A Corporate: 2992 E. 1-a Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworlh Street, Suite C 101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 653-4666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit I, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel:(818)833-8100 Fax:(818)833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -CONCRETE ASTM C39 ** CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP A Set No.: 4-5639 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131 A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area (Sq. Inch) Load (lbs.) Strength (psi) Type of Fracture 7 9/29/2004 6X 12 28.37 127,500 4,490 Cone 28 10/20/2004 6X 12 28.37 142,500 5,020 Cone & Split 28 10/20/2004 6X 12 28.37 146,000 5,150 Cone & Split 28 H 10/20/2004 6X 12 28.27 Specified Strength: 4,000 PSI Sampled By: GARLAN YETT Location: SLAB ON GRADE AT 4.5 & J.5 Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: D365PAE Ticket No.: 7161 175 Water added at Site: 10.00 gal. By CONTRACTOR Cement Type: II/V Mix Time: 79 min. Remarks: Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** A Date Sampled: 9/22/2004 Date Received: 9/23/2004 Concrete Temp: 86 °F Ambient Temp: 90 °F Slump: 5.00 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. 1 M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer 5080 PSI 28 -day compression test complies with the specified strength. Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave:;`""" : A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 San Diego/Imperial County: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 Inland Emp 14320 Elsw Street, Ste Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 FIELD REPORT Los Angeles/Ventura County: C101 13010 San Fernando Rd., Unit 1 Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: 818.833.8100 Fax: 818.833.0085 TYPE OF WORN VINSPECTOR 0 TEC ICIAN AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) y Jttile-hlmlt (N C�{� C %{ APPROVED PLANS ) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (`) (N) ARCHITECT 'er O tZ v rt1 `L FOR WEEK ENDING' _ V, A � q' PROJECT. NO. 1 ff' ENGINEER l/� REPORT NO. PG OF V CONTRACTORfav (' If v PLAN FILE N0. PERMIT N0. Ott _ a SUB-CON�TAACTOR , C PROJECT NAME P �i soh er o r INSPECTION ADDRESS 7 Lu ADDRESS OF PROJECT a w 7 i REPORnNG REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN,k DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): 4000 P e, Cr o n ci f -e i'f lN�nt''cf iar Yv�l" CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED: 6- - AREA. GRID LINES, PIECES OBSERVED: b�Q/ � f14 C Pock i" # � ��% a m D /041, 0i1 Pit f-ey CGC/1 way /� �Sf 1�✓a-{ DoH r)? qoDYr7iK/r►"► Lz -{ f v 70 c v v J r 4000 Joy i Cv h o -:'t -e I%%4z c em-eiyt � l d �i nGr Q0 C /t 1-4 g" ,n `. RJCTURAL NOTES. DETAIL, OR FIRS USED. i(�I a � f 4 S a h•,d /es �- L o C Cf fi(o� ham► � (.�J � -� d -Cy �r, � // 1e HOP -4 .S,4* REMARKS. INQUDIAG mEErms. y p� n ry'd l AMS T3 —9 a ('ctPPI Zi i/e F.1 111Ati REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY PFR NT PRO IFCT COMPLETION' WEATHER: �UM r'� C /pVdy SAMPLES TAKEN: a TEMPERATURE: 70 TESTS REQUIRED: SITE TIME START: -7jr, B O SITE TIME FINISH: :3; 3o — LUNCH PERIOD: TRAVEL TIME • VERIFIED BY: � I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT GoYd n LPtvlf Print Name It / Or/ 04 Date of Report 15-0 0 94 ( g- ff5— i c c ICBO Certification Number City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 Corporate: fa:- 2992 E. La Palma Ave.; "e: A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 San Diego/Imperial County: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 Inland Emp 14320 Elswo Street, Ste. C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 FIELD REPORT Los AngelesNentura County: 13010 San Fernando Rd., Unit 1 Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: 818.833.8100 Fax: 818.833.0085 TYPE OF WORK SPECTOR ❑TTECHNIICIAN Sfir f v a {� I "✓`(I G/ (dj AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT _0_/ro w r _4- �-� ENGINEER , FOR FOR WEEK ENDING CT. NO _ /P- - d14 9131 A .7- REPORT NO. PG OF CONTRACTOR aV 0yo. PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT NO. SUB -CONTRACTOR / P C / ` 'fyr PROJECT NAME f b� O� T INSPECTION ADDRESS S'O III LuQV) h4q ADDRESS OF PROJECT p' a w ill REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL — REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESER CH REPORT NO. OR TERI TE T REPORTS): . k/ l r -r L: W7 CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED: ` 0/ 1-0 1-O 6 p " l49 lelaCGri`/e AREA, GRID LINES. PIECES OBSERVED: S- 57I ,�3 -- �• 3 ty-PUry-ti �" 1-Q�ab tti��r�a�%,� 4706 reye y -o /�-�►- �-P � t � ! 4�.5" �, 1 w �(�� I yr n ro-cs�-� js STRUCTURAL NOTES, DETAIL, OR RFIS USED: r �, REMARKS. INCLUDING MEETINGS: I r o c p fs /Lr-+ (f^ t PN E / y �Of�la fl C 14/ - e(C/o;- cioslL'as �R�Ctt�G("A� AU/5 �J1• � �- D1�� �2Y'f'ItiCa.iro�,I' di1774r�.v� REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY. PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION: WEATHER: SAMPLES TAKEN: TEMPERATURE: TESTS REOUIRED: ■ SITE TIME START: V LUNCH PERIOD: SITE TIME FINISH: TRAVEL TIME: ec r -3 o VERIFIED BY:6Y� " I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Signature Print Name It / /0 /04 Date of Report Edo?(6 9- k5`- /CC ICBO Certification Number City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 Corporate: �;` San Diego/Imperial County: Inland Empl��Wa Los AngelesNentura County: 2992 E. La Palma 66 12 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G 14320 Elswoht(Street, Ste. C101 13010 San Fernando Rd., Unit 1 Anaheim, CA 92806 San Diego, CA 92121 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: 714.632.2999 Tel: 858.537.3999 Tel: 951.653.4999 Tel: 818.833.8100 Fax: 714.632.2974 Fax: 858.537.3990 Fax: 951.653.4666 Fax: 818.833.0085 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORKf� 0IINSPECTTOOR ❑TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) [/I 1 UYQ 1 J APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT // FOR WEEK ENDING / ` - PROJECT. NO. 0 ENGINEER A A REPORT N0. PG CONTRACTORtoy • keen, C PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT NO. _ CUL (I SUB -CONTRACTOR - � � rfa•+ c�iYldt� PROJECT NAME 1<io s INSPECTION ADDRESS S 9 0 w l I l La �v ti t ADDRESS OF PROJECT 7 8'95-0 l -f 1 1 1 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAI/MTGL SOIL MANUAL — REV fEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): go' N a u/ 1 r -e CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED: 5-0 6u s�t `C AREA, GRID LINES, PIECES OBSERVED: -3 '-T 1,4 4&f -e pQ� ire { t•� 4-�s , t a�� Lch-e /3 - I-, f 15-+,3 b%yt F 1 flit 4411 to % X.21 Y.?- A4 1( Zit*/ ' L ` 13-9.5� r�ti�ut 5-00 . Y Dl, l• 3-�- 3 STR CTURAL NOTES. DETAIL. OR RFIS USED: I I/S 4, f / c r/ 1 . REMARKS. INQUDfAO MEETIM6S: r 1, C1 S P j9/ S or-MifliiiK /?eha,- hg -t u hZq 1e — f 4xv( r�tzt av v ro a bat- Z welarOf YOePQM✓�4 f/ ,f AA A U/ LtgAf rgqe IV�PIGI e;- pal -fn Av rnaft D f, 3 Ce P -f -s a ffacl+y — ih Dyo calf 07( 'P dlH Lt At Ga -e AH /-- td 4,eAt laic art -tri �--5 7 t T6.2 REWORK AS PERCENT OF A L WORK TODAY, PERCENT PROJECT COMPL, RON* 100% Tttve7Wka, WEATHER: SAMPLES TAKEN: TEMPERATURE: TESTS REQUIRED: SITE TIME START: ! iro o SITE TIME FINISH: ' LUNCH PERIOD: TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: '�0 Z L� I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Signature G 0), do Jh Le rte) f Print Name / i / /I / Off• fW17661' -.Ff /CC Date of Report ICBO Certification Number City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 MTG L Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Aveo_,e'. A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 San DiegoAmperial County: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 Inland EmR 14320 ElsWOI Ln Street, Ste. C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 FIELD REPORT Los AngelesNentura County: 13010 San Fernando Rd., Unit 1 Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: 818.833.8100 Fax: 818.833.0085 TYPE OF WORK eINSPECTOR O TECHNICIAN Y%./ / AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) --%,t c (/ rci APPROVED PLANS (Y (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT l� t tZ- r FOR WEEKENDING PROJECT. NO. ll— 05--(g+ Ji3i k2 ENGINEER h� �j REPORT NO. PG OF CONTRACTOR N PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT N . � — 3 i�16 SUB -CONTRACTOR r� PROJECT NAME �o/sr INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAUMTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS 1F THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RF]S, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATMAI C IICFn RV nnMTae Tne riuM zinc ececennu nrnn­.-- ____ SITE TIME START: 7,.'00 SITE TIME FINISH: -3' I LUNCH PERIOD: /�L_ TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: 0L flflflfl I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT - f t / �/ / S00961/, f �,sj5 /C ef Signature Date of Report D ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 MTG� Corporate: n 2992 E. La Palma Ave:, .(e. A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 San Diego/Imperial County: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 Inland Emp 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste. C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 FIELD REPORT Los AngelesNentura County: 13010 San Fernando Rd., Unit 1 Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: 818.833.8100 Fax: 818.833.0085 TYPE OF WORK INSPECTOR ❑ TECHNICIAN , oo CY-, ARCHITECT ENGINEER AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y)(N) APPROVED PLANS (Y (N) FOR WEEK ENDING ! -05 -d 4 REPORT N0. PG SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) PROJECT. NO ! 3! OF CONTRACTOR I V e SUB -CONTRACTOR // ('� 1. - lam-, n C -e INSPECTION ADDRESS H w PLAN FILE N0. PROJECT NAME •,;� l l ADDRESS OF PROJECT '7 J�9��� H& % l ( Lu JPERMIT4 / 9' Q vi�ha REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGI. SOIL MANUAL— REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS 1F THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USE BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): �a L� P51�4-c CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED: 4 IMM FYL [, !PC'rriG IlJ 6t�A't61� AREA. GRID LINES, PIECES OBSERVED: pp/ [ •7 /t01 -e �kc-pp-ei, T�% �O�/y/llS , ZC3YI� Z 4 swj-n a �c s 6� j, 13 - 1, 3 STRUCTURAL NOTES, DETAIL. OR FIRS USED: REMARKS, INCLUDING MEETINGS. REWORK A(CVS' PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY* p Rf FNT PROJECT COMPI FTI11 I WEATHER: JAn SAMPLES TAKEN: TEMPERATURE: to , TESTS REOUIRED: SITE TIME START: : i OU SITE TIME FINISH: Ol] t LUNCH PERIOD: TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: D I DO CER J N•Y THAI 1 HAVIL PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Signature 60)-6%h Ler,✓ls Print Name f� / 01 104 Date of Report 1-00 V6617 IfIf I cc ICBG Certification Number City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 Corporate: ; �) San Diego/Imperial County: Inland Emp� Los AngelesNenlura County: 2992 E. La Palma Ave�_(e. A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G 14320 Elswortn Street, Ste. C101 13010 San Fernando Rd., Unit 1 Anaheim, CA 92806 San Diego, CA 92121 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: 714.632.2999 Tel: 858.537.3999 Tel: 951.653.4999 Tel: 818.833.8100 Fax: 714.632.2974 Fax: 858.537.3990 Fax: 951.653.4666 Fax: 818.833.0085 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK O INSPECTOR O TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) St ' ' (lvef APPROVED PLANS (1(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITEC FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT. NO. �r %1' i os 4I ssl '31 A• act ENGINEER REPORT NO. PG OF CONTRACTOR. PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT NO. -eav ®4- 39a SUB -CONTRACTOR ' PROJECT NAME �� � J {moi, l // INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT s0 �. Ga in -m 7t-ls-o till/I I REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLU E RESEARCH REPORT NO.PR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): %5�- 701 3Y3X Am..1, CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED: / //�� L/INCU�d�► � S0 y/-�/p�/Hy fL7gCI,/h�[' f`-lecti-iC Ok-e l OY lPCf3'vGlPS ' AREA. GRID LINES, PIECES OBSERVED: /� rr� tL I .,,p (_a/%'Ytt�A,T->'(/ /���;� J x•3X ¢ /-FL!5i�Q TO k6 ftok" /:6 l Y U't� 1L.(•1 II a/ s•{O: - f'f i -T(; 1,l "i l)/;, L A./ A]A,:/I tll1 r1_1 -.V /: �. _. 4-. a - 5-, II STRUCTURAL NOTES. DETAIL, OR RFIS USED: / ,�L / 54.2 I II REMARKS. INCLUDING MEETIMGS. WEATHER: SAMPLES TAKEN: TEMPERATURE: TESTS REQUIRED: `� SITE TIME START: _ y ,r OC! SITE TIME FINISH: / <7 , O LUNCH PERIOD: " � TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: C I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Signature Date of Re ort D ICBO Certification Number 6 o re�or L Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 FFf Y:_ ' MTG L r> Corporate: ('—) 2992 E. La Palma Ave�_e. A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 San Diego/Imperial County: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 Inland Emp"__I 14320 Elsw6wi/Street, Ste. C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 FIELD REPORT Los AngelesNentura County: 13010 San Fernando Rd., Unit 1 Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: 818.833.8100 Fax: 818.833.0085 TYPE OF WORK 91TNSPECTOR O TECHNICIAN c ,S -e -el _q I W00 00 AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECTo� Pyr tz ENGINEER , /? v1 -eY FOR WEEK ENDING PRQJECT. NO.� / 0� REPORT N0. PG OF CONTRACTOR r L°o SUBCONTRACTOR`I C� ` 1kI G r J 'fre TRAVEL TIME: PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT NO O¢- 3 ra2lo PROJECT NAME rT� o i s INSPECTION ADDRESS 7F'` 5-v Hiv.x 1(l 6)j// >u ADDRESS OF PROJECT 7 Sv Hwy it 1 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBG FIELD INSPECTION MANUAUMTGL SOIL MANUAL— REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, 1S CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT N0. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): 70 � � 1,436 i CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED: tt� l�Ctl-; i_ � -Pim TO j- t�lP Crt1�U("/rT 5 AREA GRID LINES, PIECES OBSERVED: r %4 >�e P r o ,c j�l S I'vMh,vct/oil - Pyr tla� Ash i� Li Pv �, F/ j� t/ IV ell efIll P I'd q 0 Q c c 19.S5 hock hypl,&/ g 61-13 4yclrrt /5'ril/,v d ion v .p l c a4-jo,. v --e 13 - $-, 3 TRUCTURAL NOTES. DETAIL. OR FIRS USED. REMARKS. INaUOING MEE7IMGS. REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION: WEATHER: TEMPERATURE: SAMPLES TAKEN: TESTS REQUIRED: SITE TIME START: W00 00 SITE TIME FINISH: o LUNCH PERIOD: TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: i" i nmi i nnvc reMOUNALLT UUbtnvtu ALL OF I Ht WUHK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT ain't t t 103 /04 37oc-_1--/6 (,% -a�S /cG Signature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number 6,d f -doh L e ttli y Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Ste. A San DiegoAmperial County: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G Inland Emp►.'� 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste. C101 Los AngelesNentura County: 13010 San Fernando Rd., Unit 1 Anaheim, CA 92806 All San Diego, CA 92121 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: 714.632.2999 Tel: 858.537.3999 Tel: 951.653.4999 Tel: 818.833.8100 Fax: 714.632.2974 Fax: 858.537.3990 Fax: 951.653.4666 Fax: 818.833.0085 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL- REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, 1S CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK NSPECTOR O TECHNICIAN ry j/c4} e e r" ��X AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y ) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT r 0Wj,�Z 4 FOR WEEK ENDING/ �Q J _ ,y `T PROJECT. N0. / A� r ENGINEER 12 REPORT N0. PG OF CONTRACTOR _eIY i , PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT N0. 0¢ SUB•CONT CTOR ri' t' l D c c�n�r,�t PROJECT NAME , Glo INSPECTION ADDRESS ��.. ►li Lis ADDRESS OF PROJECT 179JEO r Luo REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL- REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, 1S CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED: _ In 6—i2 3' /A h4a c! i'�>v fA ch -i c 0v -e^ &V-- AREA. GRID LINES, PIECES OBSERVED: 114 IJrJC PJ.I 0 ­/1ulellil l- �'-f 1 �l/c � A�,1/;$ to STRUCTURAL NOTES. DETAIL. OR FINS USED: / REMARKS. INCLUDING MFFIINGS. j `oNcr�f� ��/r�� l6 cx� rii9y PIfX 7'�J %r: %cic/T — y`�lis 15- %f7�iir/ I� S"2, l��s'rCdbr�irc, 7-4 e #6 J -fiat a, -,e T:> tUel� %r71ytI cGa#j' fol- 4- X' 2- "6 ,� C� l%��'-_(� Di-ocPs'.S' 6 / l9kI 45. Yew Adv-_3'REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION: WEATHER: SAMPLES TAKEN: TEMPERATURE: TESTS REQUIRED: E TIME START: " O0 SITE TIME FINISH: 3 ; 00d CH PERIOD: 1(a2 TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT :. � - �-� l i / 0 4 / 04 Signature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number < 0kd'oh Z_ewi� Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 ilip 1PL___ Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave.; ,,te. A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 San Diego/Imperial County: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 Inland Emp 17) 14320 ElsworTn"Street, Ste. C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 FIELD REPORT Los AngelesNentura County: 13010 San Fernando Rd., Unit 1 Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: 818.833.8100 Fax: 818.833.0085 TYPE OF WORK 1 N.SSP•ECTOR 0 TECHNICIAN _ -tvv I L✓,I 5-/ e -e W (U1,1 ' �k AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITEC . FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT. NO. 5V3 aC, ENGINEE REPORT NO. PG OF CONTRACTOR ay k- PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT NO. - 39a� SUB -CONTRACTOR �. t� ox c re ILL PROJECT NAME 0 INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL— REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, 1S CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): . 7 / b- /'`f 3 & cc %w'41e Pt eAa�- 5I07 svA S• -F f m? CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED:� �Ior1rdz_i `t G /H co/m _� 5-0 A" -ac -4"A' / flee-k,? AREA, GRID LINES, PIECES OBSERVED: 3 �� -t ;n (13- b,aer a Loca+/04 f_4 &elmn t _101-a STRUCTURAL NOTES. DETAIL, OR FINS USED: / �L �4 / REMARKS, INCLUD/NGMFE71MG5: (� ,7 i''►'►l% !f+-eC.1� � P.��iJX�/ � /' /1 � �," /Js7 GG/ -P/ r0 / f't% 1l &ralo, em -C(e4oel 4a/ef ®:.t fir✓ /rrTr�criaHr GoCcl rJh c Z-0ae/r;c Vock r 3 /1 Ct izfb (e REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION: WEATHER: SAMPLES TAKEN: TEMPERATURE: TESTS REOUIREO: SITE TIME START: ' 00 SITE TIME FINISH: 9;00 I� ) LUNCH PERIOD: �� TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: - J� / I UU (:tHI IFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT it 105-104 5-v,?V669-ff/CL Signature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number 0nla, L�W/�S Print Name City / County Certification Number Rey: 7/97 FMITGL Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 FIELD REPORT Branch: 441 W. State Street EI Centro, CA 92243 Toll Free: 877.563.TEST Tel: 760.482.0600 Fax: 760.482.0650 TYPE OF WORK WNSPECTOR y' \'I ❑ TECHNICAN AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y)(N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECTII -4--K FOR WEEK ENDING 10 - � t7 PROJECT NO. l ENGINEER M E 0 G -0- REPORT NO. PG OF CONTRACTOR` ,� , PLAN FILE N0. PERMIT N0. -359(, Qf SUB-CONTRACTOR G CA111 an ph PROJECT NAME ( l r INSPECTION ADDRESS LL -7 Fr9 bo w t t ADDRESS OF PROJECT 711J 5`v hhvj III L u v a4 - REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAIJMTGL SOIL, MANUAL REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FELL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): 01 M f/ s sn]ec jM ►-v `y`yp-e S CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED: �O lr Ali / -r-f Z fru 3 pawlYd AREA, GRID LINES, PIECES OBSERVED: v -t-4 1 c y - -tA 7A -e L ' !r r I h�oVtfi+L an f �d / �► ta4i f l* r -yt 6 11Ny-w1 r/ 1v-e16&- STRUCTURAL NOTES, DETAIL, OR FIRS USED: Lav REMARKS. INCLUDINONEFTINGS.44 / T REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPI ETION• WEATHER: S (✓ M n Y TEMPERATURE: See O SAMPLES TAKEN: TESTS REQUIRED: SITE TIME START: ! SITE TIME FINISH: LUNCH PERIOD: $— TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: o� " I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT J�zi.�s�• �Q (o las / o Signature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number (SO roma, L f W1 S' Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/9i FRITOL Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 �4 f .lv Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 FIELD REPORT Branch: 441 W. State Street EI Centro, CA 92243 Toll Free: 877.563.TEST Tel: 760.482.0600 Fax: 760.482.0650 TYPE OF WORK ITINSPECTOR ❑ TECHNICAN d0h C.Y-fTf AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y)(N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHIT T FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT. NO. ENGINEER ZMF—P EMpk' REPORT NO. PG OF CONTRACTOR ?✓ A f�, Y et PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT 0_ 7a 7 SUB -CONTRA T0� Nl G p yf C irr'r PROJECT NAME , O INSPECTION ADDRESS o /Fw /►t ADDRESS OF PROJECT 7Sg1'0 14!!aI1 t C� Civ n�-k LD I REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIENSPECTION MANUAL/MTG� SOIL, MANUAL REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): 4000 psi Cohcr�f� r .E 'eay y CO TRACTORS EO PMENT/MANPOWER ED: hi -f°H JFl'r/ t It � 1• -o -to AREA, GRID LINES, PIECES OBSERVED: C'omck ekm-en o4o-6n) OD ,l &nom 7- lO 13Z4' - 6-0 7-�v a STRUCTURAL NOTES, DETAIL. OR RFIS USED: GeIh�dkc-em+°Nf 6145 C� C/f'f4/ 6.1/ C/ v A61-r7ort /acen,-em REMARKS. INQUDINQMEEI►M S: M_ ad -e 4 San,akf '%v -PoofInj P Gr�� 6w -e 13'9,f- F/-Irctrl (/I�hrafa►- tyG s i SPli 4 r r0 So%aAf"i014 REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION: WEATHER: SU h N t/ TEMPERATURE: 0 � ` SAMPLES TAKEN: 4 TESTS REQUIRED: SITE TIME START: (Q ZC7 SITE TIME FINISH: -3 ', 3,9 LUNCH PERIOD: "'�� TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: d� I DO CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Signature// Date of Report ICBO Certification Number 6 a Y-dyt G e Gyl f Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev: 7197 Q Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 FIELD REPORT Branch: 441 W. State Street EI Centro, CA 92243 Toll Free: 877.563.TEST Tel: 760.482.0600 Fax: 760.482.0650 TYPE OF WORK 1211NSPECTOR O TECHNICAN mayomvyAPPROVED AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y)(N) SPECS (Y)IN) PLANS M(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT��Y O s � t � FOR WEEK ENDING �_� ^O � T. NO. /4�12 Q / ENGINEER M n k - REPORT NO. PG OF CONTRACTOR aY t- PLAN FILE N0. PERMIT N0. 04— 3512 SUB-CONTRACTOR C7 8 C M PROJECT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS Qr�ILE150w ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL, MANUAL REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): 400-0 i C/?! -C �'P[N C �h 3/ 4C4o-_r Aoolirr✓�s ol CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED: AREA, GRID LINES, PIECES OBSERVED:/ f f I Gc{� — dd5 � fit ad? 3 5-9tmv4-5. STRUCTURAL NOTES, DETAIL, OR RfIS USED: Of t?,L;F i (Z 5_s2. f - ll /sa, 2 - 1315-,2, ;2 - REMARKS, INQUDING MEETINGS: REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETIM WEATHER: P"''+IY Cloody SAMPLES TAKEN: 3 TEMPERATURE: O 1 TESTS REQUIRED: I SITE TIME START: � I 0 SITE TIME FINISH: rO V LUNCH PERIOD: �� TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT 10 1';Z6 / 0.1 500966-7-';�_4 (cc_ Signature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number 601-6101k Z -,0411 -f Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 MTG� Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 FIELD REPORT Branch: 441 W. State Street EI Centro, CA 92243 Toll Free: 877.563.TEST Tel: 760.482.0600 Fax: 760.482.0650 TYPE OF WORK NSPECTOR 0 TECHNICAN v e v ( K AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECTFOR f er Z, Y? 4 WEEK ENDING to -;Lt? - 04 PROJECT. NO. 8-/ 3/ A;q ENGINEER e _ /1Y/11 r REPORT NO. PG OF CONTRACTOR Al, I/�` Y O PLAN FILE N0. PERMIT NO. 3 17 a SUB -CONTRACTOR 1 C i � PROJECT NAME L f 7 ilio INSPECTION ADDRESS 7 (q w l l l L y u ADDRESS OF PROJECT 17? -'?:r0 L4 04,1H fi4, REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL, MANUAL REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDEESEARCH REPORT NO OR MATERIAL TEST REPOR ): 4! W bfs Y,4f i titv-e4v( y� 7 f Zr 1EfPc44-odeT CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT! MANPOWER USED: Z L('0Co/n 5-0 wfulHr2 Macklf P AREA, GRID LINES, PIECES OBSERVED: W 'Q I d f_7�2 3/4 Qv fe (j( Yl o� w l8 �QN f � Of O s proCf.ry 5M jqW l% 701 0� kh M(/.Qt IA Aq r4)ceS 1 6 � w.-Pldt;# X�Yet 42-y jZf JA,Y 18-/ 5s7 S'ovf' 0 Lrh4P 14- A n lacer STRUCTURAL NOTES, DETAIL, OR RFIS USED: REMARKS. INQUDING MfETlNCS: I l f w k4el �fr - P06/o (_:05-%)-oo A 14/ 5� 121, I 4- 60/0, q G d d--Pi-s «r+s fi d o e k rW REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPI ETION• WEATHER: TEMPERATURE: SAMPLES TAKEN: TESTS REQUIRED: SITE TIME START: CrS 30 SITE TIME FINISH: 3 ', 0 59 LUNCH PERIOD: TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT /o lab / a9 rooIcc Signature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number o1�a0oH L � rvl'r Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 MTG� Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 s2 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 FIELD REPORT Branch: 441 W. State Street EI Centro, CA 92243 Toll Free: 877.563.TEST Tel: 760.482.0600 Fax: 760.482.0650 TYPE OF WORK NSPECT R O TECHNICAN 1/t �"v AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y)(N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECFOR w/+ -z, +- WEEK ENDING / O _ �'v PROJECT. NO. 3 ENGINEER 9 REPORT NO. PG OF CONTRACTOR av AoV1 PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT NO. o 4 - 3 90 4 SUB -CONTRACTOR G C asbhr )^r� f Jfr�l PROJECT NAME �►�� INSPECTION ADDRESS _�so �� ►l( ADDRESS OF PROJECT Fy v III Ovihtj REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBG FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL, MANUAL REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USEDA CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): G l h - �5 s? ffiko--rel to w f t fa wo Y �f CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED: AREA, GRID LINES, PIECES OBSERVED: STRUCTURAL NOTES. DETAIL, OR RFIS USED: REMARKS. INQUDIND MfE17MGS: 1?�_ YUhWiik e1- P -- Ni-fY-e 9o/tiS t -y EDweV 7i'1 T14 GvoyA' 91[ b 5'1" o w REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION: WEATHER: �� /� TEMPERATURE: SAMPLES TAKEN: TESTS REOUIRED: i SITE TIME START: o SITE TIME FINISH: 0 0 f�Gy�J% LUNCH PERIOD: TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND? OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT foo /cc 0 04 Signature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number G o }clop 2.,-1yr.S Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 11 MTGL Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 t Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 FIELD REPORT Branch: 441 W. State Street EI Centro, CA 92243 Toll Free: 877.563.TEST Tel: 760.482.0600 Fax: 760.482.0650 TYPE OF WORK INSPECTOR 0 TECHNICAN s-fi'vq (/V Q p AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT PN) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS, WN) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT z FOR WEEK ENDING d- 9-0¢ PROJECT. N $131 Ast ENGINEERREPORT MEP NO. PG OF CONTRACTOR keav Cu C' 1-12 PLAN FILE N0. PERMIT Npp. ©4-- SJ7,;1 6 SUB-CONTWTOO,PROJECT L70C Msv r Z&1' S Pe NAME t �o INSPECTION ADDRESS i 7 So r7 ADDRESS OF PROJECTILI / Sv 4w IN LG Qvin f-4 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUALINITGL SOIL, MANUAL REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): C �/' c Z�� C 1\A 'y o c w f O Y !�, CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED: 5_iw ­eA '00w M AREA. GRID LINES. PIECES OBSERVED: L �To � a Wall P A STRUCTURAL NOTES, DETAIL. OR FIRS USED: Oe 4 Jr I i 11 S . -3 Is' -2, - 3 s s -r / REMARKS. INaUD/N6 MEETINGS: pt � //P/ - CLIal no f If jtrel/@ Centrj- hi;Le o 7,8 Chgowe/ A-ecavSP Q� 1/4rf►ceel V e ba y in C A4 v — S f� 9 g eA__e til Z -1 r -v 010 REWORK AS PERCENT O1Fj ALL TO AY: PERCENT PROJECT Cn_MPLETIM JWORK / WEATHER: /'al+iV 1, /01/ (A y TEMPERATURE: 70' / SAMPLES TAKEN: ©. TESTS REQUIRED: SITE TIME START: 6 11 N SITE TIME FINISH: % O O LUNCH PERIOD: TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: �I I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT /0 l ar / 04 3_ 6 69 Vr4 1 C C SiB ure Date of Report ICBO Certification Number 6 dycdohLe wi f Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave.,.-" e. A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 San Diego/Imperial County: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 Inland Em `. 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste. C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 FIELD REPORT Los Angeles/Ventura County: 13010 San Fernando Rd., Unit 1 Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: 818.833.8100 Fax: 818.833.0085 TYPE OF WORK WNSPECTOR O TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) v r + 11YGt Q Q M rl ARCHITECT APPROVED PLANS ( ) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING n11N)G�j / �t✓ �� ENGINEER FOR WEEK ENDING �_ O PROJECT. � . 31 A q t REPORT NO. PG OF CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT N0. SUB-CONTRAC 0 PROJECT NAME a INSPECTION ADDRESS Asa �w r� ADDRESS OF PROJECT 7��� Hwy i t Ga REPORTIlVG REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL — REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF T'HE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS):, oaa si -I- i / -- C S v 414 CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/MANPOWER USED: AREA, GRID LINES, PIECES OBSERVED: Z -1-;0-r y" �d p o z0aall, Dock �h �o� La f 3 a STRUCTURAL NOTES, DETAIL. OR RFlS USED: pe— I 3 5 REMARKS, INQUD/NGMEET/NGS: Magill 3 yo + Sari„2/ter 40cU-7�/oN C� Sfiti Li �f Locc�ihti hoc !r' J REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY ETION p RrFNT PRn IFrI COMPLETION: WEATHER: J viii Y SAMPLES TAKEN: 3 TEMPERATURE: '7 / Q TESTS REQUIRED: SITE TIME START: 0 SITE TIME FINISH: C70 LUNCH PERIOD: 2' TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DFFIrIFNr.Y AFpnQT Signature C�orAo i, � eee �'s Print Name /0 / fig/ 04 Data of Report 5__001Z69 -a'4 /cc ICBO Certification Number City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 P Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma A4,._4. A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 San Diego/Imperial County: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 Inland EmP�� 14320 Elswdy�� Street, Ste. C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 FIELD REPORT Los AngelesNentura County: 13010 San Fernando Rd., Unit 1 Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: 818.833.8100 Fax: 818.833.0085 TYPE OF WORK NSPECTOR❑TECHNICIAN %vr- veaIII AVAILABLE: APPROVED PLANS SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) ) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT o FOR WEEK ENDINGPROJECT. - -O NO. ! 1 d-ct ENGINEER MEP E REPORT NO. PG OF CONTRACTOR A Corr, PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT NO. 1 o'f- 3 ?a6 SUB -CONTRACTOR l `P PROJECT NAME YI INSPECTION ADDRESS w /it L a C�v�n` ADDRESS OF PROJECT 7 Fcf 5-v Nu / Lu Qvwh REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL — REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, 1S CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): FIP --roles w be41y+ p CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT /MANPOWER USED: L �;?,C O/M a 5-0 6,03 Iye /oil �4 h2d CA l yi,r Flec+ytt QVey% - ik- F(ec!-vaAS AREA, GRID LINES, PIECES OBSERVED: / h/f /G�%_l�� > R x so To 15r,-ih-eay-er ,e iv rl' 14ZS41 6ccVtable . F rlc�if��,u tai l Ti',C 35" ,weam - brli i,9 Giolws �o �- Cro/vA A �o�ht fiykr a c c," l le STRUCTURAL NOTES. DETAIL. OR RFIS USED: REMARKS. IMQUDIMG AU MOS. REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPI FTIOW WEATHER: S ✓ II )i y O TEMPERATURE 7 / O SAMPLES TAKEN: TESTS REQUIRED: SITE TIME START: 3 SITE TIME FINISH: ' 00 LUNCH PERIOD: ' TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: I DO CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT .��,•� to Signature Date of Report ICBG Certification Number Ci' 6 rdlo" L P wl s Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev: W. Corporate: 2992 E. Li Patina Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 653-4666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH-GROUTASTM C1019 ** CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP T Set No.: 4-6358 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area Load (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) Strength Type of (psi) Fracture 7 11/2/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.39 27,500 2,930 N/A 28 11/23/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.00 28 11/23/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.00 Specified Strength: 2,000 PSI Sampled By: GORDON LEWIS Location: LOADING DOCK- 4TH GROUT LIFT Concrete Supplier: ASSOCIATED READY MIX Mix No.: 46005 Ticket No.: 3269614 Water added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: 60 min. Remarks: Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** Date Sampled: 10/26/2004 Date Received: 11/2/2004 Concrete Temp: 79 °F Ambient Temp: 82 °F Slump: 9.50 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. j M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer Corporate: 2992 E. la Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C 101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 653-4666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel:(818)833-8100 Fax:(818)833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -GROUT ASTM C1019 * * File No.: CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY Permit No.: 78495 CALLE TAMPICO Project No.: 8131 A29 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP Set No.: 4-5897 Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area (Sq.lnch) Load (lbs.) Strength (psi) Type of Fracture 7 10/12/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.80 29,700 3,030 N/A 28 11/2/2004 3 X 3 X 6 10.11 31,000 3,070 N/A 28 11/2/2004 1 3 X 3 X 6 1 10.05 1 31,700 1 3,150 1 N/A Specified Strength: 2,000 PSI Sampled By: ELBERT CUNNINGHAM Location: LINE K @ TRASH COMPACTOR DOORS Concrete Supplier: ASSOCIATED READY MIX, Mix No.: 46005 Ticket No.: 3254088 Water added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: min. Remarks:, .Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA OUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** Date Sampled: 10/5/2004 Date Received: 10/7/2004 Concrete Temp: °F Ambient Temp: °F Slump: 10.00 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. l M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer 3110 PSI 287day compression test complies with the specified strength. MTGL Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 yklK, San Diego/imperial Count 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 FIELD REPORT Inland Empire: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: 909.653.4999 Fax: 909.653.4666 TYPE OF WORK VINSPECTOR OTECHNICIAN Q -5*0 h AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) AR HITEC r fiz --- FOR WEEK ENDING f0- PROJECT N0. 5131 Ad- I ENGINEER - Tel -.t REPORT NO. PG OF CONTRACTOR a 1�>r PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT NO. - 3,7a& SUB -CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME s INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAIJMTGL SOIL MANUAL- REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIA1 S U ED BY N TOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIALST RE�PORTS): 000 OJ'/ Cs. vo (/f' c� aec M l k `tYA-r .f M o Y •t -G Y CONTACTORS EQUIPMENT / NPOWER USED: F6 cFrtc I/i ra-fo r Eos dot�ree� �oc�c�f� ill i � ek Pvm A AREA, GRID LINES, MECES OBSERVED: I,v-es+ srd" a LcH-r 10-J Z_04AI6 P -0r STRUCTURAL NOTES, DETAIL, OR RFIS USED: REMARKS. WaUDINO MEETINGS: Made 3 sam,oks loi- 6vow'r C M y "d 2000 Qsl T v REWORK AS PERCENT OF. -ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION: WEATHER: TEMPERATURE: O SAMPLES TAKEN: 3 TESTS REOUIRED: SITE TIME START: 00 SITE TIME FINISH: -3,3-o LUNCH PERIOD: TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: G� I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT rc. /0 /It/ Q4 1_00T66F-?4 !CC ySignature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number C9 0 Ydoh L•,o ,mac f Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97. Corporate: (-R-) 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 San Diego/imperial Coun t 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 FIELD REPORT Inland Empire: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: 909.653.4999 Fax: 909.653.4666 TYPE OF WORK SPECTOR O TECHNICIAN dom CY fta AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHI CT o FOR WEEK ENDING !O PROJECT. NO. 1131 Aoi et ENGINEER REPORT NO. PG OF CONTRACTOR Abea Y 60tr- PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT N0. 1 04- 3 & SUBCONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME INSPECTION AD SS fj ADDRESS OF PROJECT 7 S -a 111 Qv�nttt REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUALIMTGL SOIL MANUAL— REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECT'OR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BYCONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO.0�1 MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): �- X00 p S 1 0o11C4 CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED: 3_rneA,ovh',e —r AREA, GRID LINES, PIECES OBSERVED: W,p C.s+ of Jo -d Dock as -rot - STRUCTURAL NOTES, DETAIL, OR RFIS USED: F rah c►-� f-� %�, Pyifi� WO, kl- //�� .a rfrlt-e S 1• I REMARKS, imauvimaMEEINGS., Davv-ed a'09y-orlmaallt -1000 P5t Cu n ci-e -f v 115e �ir 4 o : re,hto rcP�rnf ro a/aA ej eoh cre4{. REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION: WEATHER: C (/01,dy TEMPERATURE: 7 j� O SAMPLES TAKEN: 3 TESTS REQUIRED: SITE TIME START: 7;00 SITE TIME FINISH: 00 LUNCH PERIOD: TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: 47Gz I DO CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Sipnatu�jzz4x G o rAn 1-'e ty/ Is Print Name 10 / 18'/l94 Date of Report soo 1'G6 ,?-,fk ICC ICBO Certification Number City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 Corporate: 03 - 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 San Diego/imperial Coun ^:` 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 FIELD REPORT Inland Empire: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: 909.653.4999 Fax: 909.653.4666 TYPE OF WORK WNSPECTOR OTECHNICIAN {-e AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLA (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT le ZIj FOR WEEK ENDINGPROJECT. '0- �� NO. Trill Ad -5 ENGINEER — n'v REPORT NO. PG OF CONTRACTOR Mule v PLAN FILE ND. PERMIT NO. 04-3 SUB -CONTRACTOR -PROJECT r -e NAME o INSPECTION ADDRESS S0 N w III L� � ADDRESS OF PROJECT 7 5'0 Awl Iii 6-k. Qv ,; REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL — REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECT'OR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRAC OR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL ST REPORTS): �ovk 1/t 101L 4 L CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED: / nn f0Y, tt, fi GQS poklyveJ wyliey AREA, GRID LINES, PIECES OBSERVED: t[n n Wt� � 7 Scr ,J�/ Lop f rc, 4 e- s 'ff e I (n 1 < fi� a o l C! �U»7 Al _r <TvJ L�.� CA -89(A -7,I) STRUCTURAL NOTES, DETAIL. OR RAS USED: l._�h,_l x/ s s I - Se Me wr c/ fo o y� ?l l u REMARKS, INCLUDING MEETINGS: (vel d -et -s cuts alto ck-ed �+ 1, oki old kyek 61 -e C v t 46ase /A e - vl n td G I ikock ro, S O ICY .5-40P e/tls Y-ey LLLed Jlon TC p�;���� REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION: WEATHER: d i G y TEMPERATURE: 75- o / SAMPLES TAKEN: TESTS REQUIRED: SITE TIME START: V00 SITE TIME FINISH: ;00 LUNCH PERIOD: $ TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS. AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT j0 , 1 l o 5-00966 - K /CC Signature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Gore�o►, Lipwfs Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 IFMTGL 4,; Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 San Diego/imperial County 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 FIELD REPORT Inland Empire: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: 909.653.4999 Fax: 909.653.4666 TYPE OF WORK SPECTOR O TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) MaYo"ky APPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITEC FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT. NO. -P r o ENGINEER L REPORT NO. PG OF CONTRACTOR hi Fav ov - PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT NO. o -39a(o SUB-CONTRACTORPROJECT //� G 13C. JV4 q_rD if r NAME r4 01-f INSPECTION ADDRESS l!f4i ADDRESS OF PROJECT 5-v Lu ;, fA o W, f2 v REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL — REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRA TOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO.OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): Z (�/Vly spec MIS �vn-e -� IVlor-l�tr ni �H -Po ►-t.� M -e A -f -V S � 6 - % � o X y T/h� pSOh Ye�-" ') � CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED:6 �OL✓Y �n ��/Y �✓ QS ►'`�� /y 1 �� py AREA, GRID LINES, PIECES OBSERVED: IF 0-� LiH-r /o- J Luadna, Pock Gyre S'+ .s1dr c o v rs Ps a,� ov-t I s t ��" 1 15.2.2 S�tr tc r s o K� �t ALL, �r, s -g IIP d/DO kl-eIS '� `T rr D Gt CP K I`l l- Ca) E X /.'fluff e *1(/ S V5'-Fd - p�� STRUCTURAL NOTES, DETAIL, OR FINS USED: Lq0 JC�,p�t, � I I�� FOO -j -I H t, SP C f fON 1%r-lt , I I /Sd, 2 4- -T A-e-fcA,P.r oh Gt7.e % Dr4w d 13Z5-.2,2_ REMARKS, INQUTNC mwrrmt. Made .3 hior-kak So wte4s - L 0Caf/-V*A is .Covf yr -r o vY 1,7 1- L, At- 4 ' -0-k rfi Urd M,71 cerf-s -lo;- s t< I @ 4on f #I 131A A c� _H 144Vf Yo 11- re Pt Vel pVw-yo)-fit ?vr crk-h_ �;d S�o9 - %ri !n-/ 4:1, REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION: WEATHER: (i /0 (" y SAMPLES TAKEN: TEMPERATURE: 747 O TESTS REQUIRED: SITE TIME START: `� 30 SITE TIME FINISH: DO LUNCH PERIOD: / �' r TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: `� 44 z I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT /0 /N / 04 S70 L9 9669 r4 Icc Signature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Goy-yax LPw►f' Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 r Corporate: 4- 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 San Diego/imperial County. 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 FIELD REPORT Inland Empire: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: 909.653.4999 Fax: 909.653.4666 TYPE OF WORK PfNSPECTOR ❑ TECHNICIAN O N V AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS LY) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECTel- ow zv FOR WEEK ENDING - -o4+ PROJECT N0. $/ 31 ENGINEER / REPORT NO. PG OF CONTRACTOR av ve PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT NO. 1 04-- 39atd SUBCONTRACTOR & i+ PROJECT NAME LO/—r INSPECTADDRESS '7716-0 La vim -Fr ADDRESS OF PROJECT ?'q s0 Za Qv/ h 4,L REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL — REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIAL USED BY CONTRACTOF) (INCLUDE RESEARCH JPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): . i-po PC P M (opt CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED: wm ca l f le c+rl`c AREA, GRID LINES, PIECES OB_SyyRVED: hl -ell 51 Y o -r C-rrw Lines l0—i e LoaaiiMg Pock - L.ay,yy eA4C/r 'qAj L/ :�fi S /¢ - Gr0!/'� (�y @ -t-kif A"a — ils-4 E4-c-oic- viii-alor -FOr Cyn S��/�afro� STRUCTURAL NOTES. DETAIL, OR RFIS USED: Lap SC �i �o�v l� I)/Sa , �o v tr„ y Sec fro �+ 1�o c k !1 Js'a . ;L 4-s1rP�I�>°.S % !b-{-� � 1 13/ 5."7-,0- REMARKS, INGLUDlNG MFET/NUS: p,tvl o W'30 work dti evAt/�vld -- Im gYoc efS' 0coV-f I -I n u 4 10 c k rib /-t A 121115`f REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION: WEATHER: Ram- SAMPLES TAKEN: � O TEMPERATURE: 70 TESTS REQUIRED: SITE TIME START: 7 /,oma SITE TIME FINISH: ,a ,oe LUNCH PERIOD: TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT 10 ,a4 , b,{ 5009(069-8'4 /cc Signature Data of Report ICBO Certification Number GOro%x L•p wcF Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 _h4�ri Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 San Diego/Imperial Coun `''"' 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 FIELD REPORT Inland Empire: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: 909.653.4999 Fax: 909.653.4666 TYPE OF WORK D INSPECTOR J. ,J❑ TECHNICIAN i�vc vw S't"e e1% W l 0(4 AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT r o , L .r- pwrk FOR WEEKENDING -;L2-0Q- PROJECT N0. 8131 A ENGINEER A6 aP REPORT NO. PG OF CONTRACTOR A� PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT NO. a --37a� SUB -CONTRACTOR t -, r r f ff -e( h 5 PROJECT NAME o S INSPECTION ADDRESS 14- 7 6-0 III L a vit u ADDRESS OF PROJECT Hk/y III 1_'7 o ver - fia _hlvy REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUALIMTGL SOIL MANUAL — REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL. OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT 0.OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): j lJyac�1's S/Vil4Gc/ 7101k CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED: - iYlll C4 rN" AREA. GRID LINES, PIECES OBSERVED: 114 r a p r Ili.. 3 X 3 Alt,i le 5,01"711 s vppo kt Cap 6yt d L/Ae 6-2 STRUCTURAL NOTES. DETAIL. OR RFIS USEL: REMARKS. INCLUDING Mff"NGS. j?,ec ij1n/ F Pn-gowal o:f appoer/ ry-Fakrri ca¢oI_ a llac1w6( ' 41-fld el- c-erfis d)h Pile e REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION: WEATHER: RC Q /J TEMPERATURE: -70 SAMPLES TAKEN: -$ TESTS REQUIRED: SITE TIME START: 7 � 0 0 SITE TIME FINISH: 0 0 LUNCH PERIOD: TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY:_��" I DO CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT 10 / 10 1 o4 Soa96 69 -fir /CC Signature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number G o rdoh L e was Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 [MTq Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 FIELD REPORT Branch: 441 W. State Street EI Centro, CA 92243 Toll Free: 877.563.TEST Tel: 760.482.0600 Fax: 760.482.0650 TYPE OF WORK ZASPECTOR 0 TECHNICAN AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y)(N) SPECS (Y)(N) . Q f o 17 r APPROVED PLANSOY (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT t° V -i- FOR WEEK ENDING_ PROJEC . NO. i ENGINEER G ` AA to EK REPORT NO. PG OF 1— 1 six. eu14 CONTRACTOR o r PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT N0. o -- 3 6 SUBCONTRACTOR CPROJECT NAME I INSPECTION ADDRESS/I ADDRESS OF PROJECT lit � SD W /ILI v� N REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAIJMTGL SOIL, MANUAL REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIIAALLS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS)): t� m 1i ,, 50ec M 11G' 'ry1 I mok tak .1ae Pf 1 ,A r -e -Pm ng. t�' iCYyX Y S li"pfoti y CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED: � I -hark Gas Port'-ekfdTzairr;- 11 AREA GRID LINES, PIECES SERVED: 514 114 to') Laa.d A Doc k Ga y r C My s S` L �axv 57" powdls )-,f `t 0►C• Q E xts-trkg CM 1/, Wall' - 041V a -4 l� ',P,+-ef ,V X 5- , e.p:d& -1" &LeS daf' r AcL *tt1C-froi4 s jj`` STRUCTURAL NOTES, DETAIL, OR RFIS USED: L Gip / /� / L .S C(y�d(/ 11Z oZ • ( REMARKS, INQUDIND MEETINGS: tVlade_ 3' Mor -ha k 5aftylr --t Zoca-bvA' 3 k Z -A c'-e,st o 10 -e-) L.I'm -e in still :� dowel d 4" o, c o r o lK P �f � � t 5/+ C� � SI L c/�� 5 � / 115; //�� j� �Gi �1 / �PDXV 3,14 %Tl1 tfi ea0 4 Altl Zoo ,4-7,3 1 placyT Tor C.ol kc4oh- s 4 ZS 4, A-7.2 c cc,ejo7?Pe REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION: WEATHER: C IO vdy SAMPLES TAKEN: 3 TEMPERATURE: TESTS REQUIRED: SITE TIME START: �C? 30 SITE TIME FINISH: ` 60 �Alf LUNCH PERIOD: (�— TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: 100 CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT l0 / ol , o,4 �'o o t'6 � �- Ff- / c _ Signature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Gor AD& L'ew s Print Name City / CountyCer ideation Number Corporate: fir. San Diego/imperial Count} 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Suite A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G Anaheim, CA 92806 San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 714.632.2999 Tel: 858.537.3999 FITrX Fax: 714.632.2974 Fax: 858.537.3990 FIELD REPORT Inland Empire: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: 909.653.4999 Fax: 909.653.4666 TYPE OF WORKNSPECTOR ❑ TECHNICIAN :tTI AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS ( (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT � zi -4--PVA FOR WEEK ENDING to -47 PROJECT NO. ENGINEER is �►,P�S REPORT NO. PG OF CONTRACTORa h � � Y PLAN FILE N0. PERMIT N0. _ `AT SUB -CONTRACTOR C C( PROJECT NAME // f ho INSPECTION ADDRESS 211 O w -,qJr ADDRESS OF PROJECT Sa 4w l 1 l La (Vv/N REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): 701? plwf57-Y ' lM A w CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED: �C (.f'SO �' L i �'f / �rll S• if/ >°IGf ! k6 il') O C �i IW�-! AREA, GRID LINES, PIECES OBSERVED: 1 3,Y 3 x 44 4kigh- f'oV .56-M1 t s v PP2r -e @ G Y 1 Lta �e 6- D eer & �'a 1'l 1Z STRUCTURAL NOTES, DETAIL, OR RFIS USED: Cep/ S 6 i,2 REMARKS, IN(YUDlND 11ffE1/MDS: dv-e Vej, s C Pro o a F1% �b1-ekw1-f ,o di-# + �x� tlLe -e-( saw,'f s Z- -P a h tkat was Aoii, fi/ 4-e11f -W toe 0 P r - Co/ 4-- fick wellee/ Adc/ 4!l 3 koof oph.lvtj -' Pyff /fin f� eye tw/c) D/e'c-,eS REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION: WEATHER: TEMPERATURE: \ SAMPLES TAKEN: TESTS REOUIRED: SITE TIME START: 1 30 j ' SITE TIME FINISH: LUNCH PERIOD: �� I TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: / N I DO CERTIFY THAT 1 HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS. AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT 1z zk1eXA-X 10 /011 / 0,4 5W 14 6 q- 911' /CC Signature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number G ordok- Leeve s Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 10/06/2004 20:35 7608439438 CUNNINGHAMS PAGE 01 U Cprporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 U Sen Diego/imperial County: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax. 858.537.3990 FIELD REPORT Inland Empire: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: 909.653.4999 Fax: 909.653:4666 TYPE OF WORK 0 TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (T) (N) SPECS (Y) (Ni APPROVED PLANS (N) APPW4M SHOP DRAWNG m (N) ARCHITEC FOR WEEK ENDING T. NO. ENGUEE REPORT NO. F OF CONTRACTOR PIAN TILE NO. PERMIT N0, gOB,CONTRAC INSPECTION NOReSt PROJECT NAME 1 ADDRESS OF PROJECT "MRTTNG R6QUIitVWE?Ts: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAUhTiOi- SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND ILSTS IF THERE IS NON-CONFORMWG WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISS)NG MTRS, AND RFIS. STC., FDL- OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFYCMNCY, YOURS ORA PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S. IS CORRECTED. SO NO'T'E ON THE ORIGINAL DEFIaCENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S R8PORTS. MATHWILS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESE A(M REPORT No. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT I MANPOWER USED: AREA, GRID LINES, PIECES 08SERVEO: \ 4%1 AIL41�=— W. YA STRUCTURAL NOTES. DETAIL. OR RFIS USED: REMARKS. NIQUfreFY All7AMBi WEAnWR: .140-t-- SAMPLES TAKEN: y --i- TEMPERATURE: T7 N TESTS REQUIRED: SITE TWE STMT: `i/ Jf SITE TIME FINISH: LUNCH PERIOD: TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIEO BY: `/✓S �J 100 CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY 085ERVEO ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH TME SOIL INVES?IGAMON RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND, LE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT 41W9-- P2 Signature Date of Repo no Ceridli=v" Number PEMt NamCIpI / County Comicadw NumMr Rw; 7/97 10/06/2004 20:35 7608439438 CUNNINGHAMS PAGE 02 I Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 U Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tet 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORK MBPECTOR Q TEC►NICAN ARGKTECT �- AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (n (fe A "wm PANS fwkw 8PEC9 (x,111 APPAOM MW DRAM (T) (N) FaR wax vatof W. ,2. evalim Mv ch REPORT ►10. P8 CONTRACTOR .. PLAN FILE NO. POMT _ i�%c�"Q,-� PRo,►ECT NAME WAPECTAD IONDRESS ADDRESS OF 6 I RBPO)ICA'f;NG MUMMENTS: (CBO FIELD INSPBMON MANUALA GL Sol[ , MANUAL REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON-CONPORMJNG WORK AT 7W END OF THIS WORK DAX OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A MRCiENCY REPORT W*" A DE nCIENCY. YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPPCPOR'S, IS CORRE:CTF.D. SO NUM ON 711E ORIGINAL. DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEeK'S REPORTS. LUTERIA S USED tY CONTRACTOR (WLWE RESEARCH REPORT NO, OR MATERIA( TEST REPORT$): CONIAACTM EOUIPUM / MANPQW USED: AKk Baro LINES. PIECES MRAYEO �c STRUCTURAL NOTES. DETAIL. OR RFIS USED: 5. 4 &N S 1r1A41M. A ftXJAI w Agrimm WEATHER: C �L'7� TEMPStATUFM `� 7 SAMPLES TAKEN: TESTS REOUu1ED: SITE TIME START: '�U-� �Z �_ SITE TWAE FINISH: s LUNCH PERIOD: TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: � %`� G (0 1 I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL NIVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS. AND /AR THE APPROVED PLANS. SPECIFICATIONS AND (CABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEACIFNCY REPORT nate of PAPOrt f 1CB0 Gtwwad" Nu116e1, u w /LI r rJq Plitt www CRY / C"V Cstdll edw Numb( Rev: 71Y7 10/06/2004 20:35 7608439438 CUNNINGHAMS PAGE 03 I Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave.. Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road. Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 FIELD REPORT TYPE Of wOA K O TEC►N" AVAILABLE: SOIL REFdTT (Y) (N) WROOED PLAP4 (N) PM pq m A "Mw M"Na (y) (N) ARCHITECT FOR MIEEK Ewm TRAVEL THEE: PROECT. IK). ETIGINEHIREPORT 1 Na. OF CONTIIAGTOR PI W FILE NO. PFiSMR W. LV�I ( PROJECT NOME I NSPECTIMI ADDRESS ADORM OF "ALM 1 -ij REPORTING MUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL44M SOIL, MANUAL REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF nMRIB IS NON -CONFORMING, WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC, ML OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY. YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DERCH24CY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MIITERMLS UBED BY CONTRACTOR (MUOE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS►: -9-006 CONTRACTORS CGUIP W / MAw0w5R USEQ AREA. ORAD LINES. PIECES OOSERM! d �N . I , r k2 06 STRUCTURAL NOTES. MAL, OR "IS USED: REWRIB, ratwMY 1�1511Qfi REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: REBQENT PROJECT COMPLEaft WEATHER:OT— TpIPERATURE �[� Z . SAFAPLES TAKEN: TESTS REOUMED: SITE TIME START: T -'O O Saf TW FINISH_ 2-' C 0 — b �J LUNCH PERIOD: TRAVEL THEE: VERIFIED BY: I DO CERTIFY THAT i HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATK)NS. AND / Oa THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHEAWTSE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT SWC Ode of Report KBO Caftmi n Number r y` C' Print Name CIV / Cour#4 CoW"tIOn Nurnber Rew 1191 AIF Corporate: Branch: �'sf 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Suite A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G Anaheim, CA 92806 San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 714.632.2999 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 714.632.2974 Fax: 858.537.3990 FIELD REPORT Branch: 441 W. State Street EI Centro, CA 92243 Toll Free: 877.563.TEST Tel: 760.482.0600 Fax: 760.482.0650 TYPE OF WORK p TECHNICAN AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y)(N) SPECS (Y)(N) rNNSPECTOR Q o I't / APPROVED PLANS (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT ne r FOR WEEK ENDINGO PROJECT NO. O ' / ENGINEER REPORT NO. PG OF 11 CONTRACTOR j LeakQ / /F o � PLAN FILE N0. PERMIT N0. SUBCONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME-kht7 / / INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL, MANUAL REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): o(go S't / rVnl/7 0 4.A-1 V 1 l&ra-a AREA, GRID LINES, PIECES OBSERVED: - (s v� V 146 o � Ly a // i,e S fi 5 -(YO /� o-Py t r% / Gf �r _el D - c� _ L 0aof, -h D ock 115'ea/,/Pt C4kTC V h a6k 40V Gylt SOl (�GflDk - 31-d GP -0 V- - G(rf "4- STRUCTURAL NOTES. DETAIL. OR FINS USED: 0-f Aa 0/f Itl 5-2- t t/sa- - t,3 /s.z. 2 - REMARKS. REMARKS, lMC1UDIMG AFEEIINGS: t ,t l G /y�¢a� �/3 .�'Cim.rJlPS' rd Y �ylioy � Gp0xy # 121VW `_3' 2 (r Dk Cyln--'T% to ex(st/16 cl m ll/ 14,16111 t•If/ /^/ r / liP� �LL J✓(AJ» �V X S i�'��td�ri�n f ^� �r'E'4hP� void/ey 01, WEATHER: J vhf) y SAMPLES TAKEN: 3 TEMPERATURE: �a° TESTS REDUIRED: 3 SITE TIME START: 7,"0 O SITE TIME FINISH: 3 % Oa LUNCH PERIOD: TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: ✓ I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT C /0 / .za, 04 Soo�66Q—v�,4 Icc Signature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number _ (--7o)-doh. Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 E (11 q'5f_0R Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 ,e Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 FIELD REPORT Branch: 441 W. State Street EI Centro, CA 92243 Toll Free: 877.563.TEST Tel: 760.482.0600 Fax: 760.482.0650 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL, MANUAL REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FELL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INC9DE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MAUAL TE T RE W a m r / fi'vb-e 5hee % Ar 7 o I,P" w tl��h� roti CONTRACT�+S EQUIPMENT/ MANPOYJER US / L (QRS eow?Y�P= Lri��Clia� 04dCA Iv r orft SITE TIME START: 7 ('0 0 LUNCH PERIOD: SITE TIME FINISH: 3 i 00 TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: /5�/4,- I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Signature a r610K L.e w/ s Print Name Date of Report 500q(0'/'? -pr /CC ICBO Certification Number City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 9 MTG� Corporate:_ 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Ste. A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 San Diego/Imperial County: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 Inland Emil, .� 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste. C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 FIELD REPORT Los AngelesNentura County: 13010 San Fernando Rd., Unit 1 Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: 818.833.8100 Fax: 818.833.0085 TYPE OF WORK ,XMSPECTOR O TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) APPROVED PLAN Y (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING( N) ARCHITECT FOR WEEK ENDING PROJECT. NO. ENGINEER REPORT NO. PG OF CONT CTOR Z— PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT NO. SUB -CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME INSPECTION ADDRESS %£"iSO /K /// 6AQ i ',vi �A - ADDRESS OF PROJECT -A/-nc - REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGi. SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RRS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT / MANPOWER USED: AREA. GRID LINES, PIECES OBSERVED: / - 0� OF AOR,et?)r /5' of &�00 STRUCTURAL NOTES. DETAIL. OR FINS SEG: . G.//9S Ai eA.: 1 �✓ DIA L0:7 1-2& i l%l;r l or 1,14 11 R MARKS, WaUDING M117INGS: et A7'f> �i�-+P�`�i� i r•� �tcpre�/� i./ec= 4� e "i ! �/izi n.i1 A v�.•';� �i'i r.= REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPI ETION• WEATHER: TEMPERATURE: SAMPLES TAKEN: / J O TESTS REQUIRED: e/ /, SITE TIME START: -^^ _ SITE TIME FINISH: LUNCH PERIOD: TRAVEL TIME: 4— VERIFIED BY: I UU t,tHlll-Y I Hat I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROV D PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT /0 Signature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 MTGL Corporate: ( D. 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Ste. A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 Inland Empire.._ 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste. C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 FIELD REPORT Los Angeles/Ventura County: 13010 San Fernando Rd., Unit 1 Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: 818.833.8100 Fax: 818.833.0085 TYPE OF WORK INSPECTOR O TECHNICIAN ns g,• Ih AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCH TECT Vj FOR WEEK ENDING (G -1(0 P CT N, . ENGINEER . ML4�t— l N C'S REPORT NO. PG 0 �T CONTRACTOR _ 11 PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT NO. SUB -CONTRACTOR P - ECT NAME 'O H LS INSPECTION ADDRESS ` ! A U T ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MT0. SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): S rvl K6 Al SC T Z 2 tiL— -c> xy CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED: QA4AN GRfw AREA, GRID LINES, PIECES OBSERVED: 3S -r L_r FT- 61YLY D OLlI eLS' STRUCTURAL NOTES, DETAIL. OR RFIS USED: REMARKS, INCLUDING MEE11NGS., � Civty w LSI LOW L(',PT fl/�r?T12� 6, CC--) v i"S C S L A ; D z ms's ve"rfCl--> e-ec-,, D (Y4 S z C. )S 72 C-7 bar- MUV/C,C S C" D Z -c-® S- -T w14 -It spm K c u -T Zti 9--70X Y A ii wof K 1A eC_e-r4 A 1bLc- REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMP) ETIOM WEATHER: SAMPLES TAKEN: TEMPERATURE: �U' 1 B i TESTS REQUIRED: SITE TIME START: 7 Arvi SITE TIME FINISH: LUNCH PERIOD: TRAVEL TIME: :L � � �� VERIFIED BY: I DO CERTIFY T AT I HAVE PERSON LY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE PROVED PLANS, §PECIFICATND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT /0//_5 /GL4 o�7�3 •Si azure Date of Report ICBO Certification Number ;d bkN Name 6X OL/ J'&4' 14 c/ City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 Inland Empire: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: 909.653.4999 Fax: 909.653.4666 SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) PROJECT. NO.- . - i -A PG / OF �­7 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL — REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS 1F THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): 11 F0 n v G _A4 n c,1,_ ONTRACTORS EOUIPMENT // MANPO USED: ' Wffo AREA, GRID LINES. PIECES OBSERV : f/ Corporate: San Diego/Imperial County: 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Suite A 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G Anaheim, CA 92806 San Diego, CA 92121 D K f/ ` 714.632.2999 Tel: 858.537.3999 ®Tel: Fax: 714.632.2974 Fax: 858.537.3990 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF WORKINSPECTOR ❑ TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) / 1 APPROVED PLANS CON) ARCHITECT FOR WEEK EN I G ENGINEER REPORT 90. ,p V CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO. SUB -CONTRACTOR PROJECT NAME G INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDR SS OF PROJECT Inland Empire: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: 909.653.4999 Fax: 909.653.4666 SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) PROJECT. NO.- . - i -A PG / OF �­7 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL — REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS 1F THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): 11 F0 n v G _A4 n c,1,_ ONTRACTORS EOUIPMENT // MANPO USED: ' Wffo AREA, GRID LINES. PIECES OBSERV : f/ STRUCTURAL NOTES, DETAIL. OR RFIS USED: 6 REMARKS, INaUG/NG MEETIAW. G D K f/ ` iF 6 c° o c zo . ' _ &AS10 WEATHER:G &SAMPLES TEMPERATURE:h / r' 1-140 YG� © �P TAKEN:QI�(i TESTS REQUIRED: u 01 SITE TIME START: _ sj SITE TIME FINISH: LUNCH PERIOD: TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND AP (CABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Signature T—' Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C 101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 6534999 Fax: (909) 6534666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel:(818)833-8100 Fax:(818)833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -CONCRETE ASTM C39 CITY OF LA UINTA-BLDG_&_SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP ,^ Set No.: 4-59! 5- 5 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area Load (Sq.lnch) (lbs.) Strength Type of (psi) Fracture 7 10/14/2004 6X 12 28.37 112,000 3,950 Cone 28 11/4/2004 6X 12 28.27 28 11/4/2004 6X 12 28.27 Specified Strength: 4,000 PSI' Sampled By: TONY FERRIS Location: CAST IN PLACE WALL @ J -K/ 10-11 Concrete Supplier: ASSOCIATED READY MIX Mix No.: 16431 Ticket No.: Water added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Cement Type: 11 Mix Time: min. Remarks: 4 Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** Date Sampled: 10/7/2004 Date Received: 10/8/2004 Concrete Temp: 79 OF Ambient Temp: 89 OF Slump: 4.25 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. i M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C 101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 653-4666 ALA Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 _.u.._,, Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of:. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -CONCRETE ASTM C39 CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP :._-_Set-No:-4-5953 File No.: Permit No.: Project No.: 8131A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE=LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area Load (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) Strength Type of (psi) Fracture 7 10/15/2004 6 X 12 28.37 74,000 2,610 Cone 28 11/5/2004 6 X 12 28.27 28 1 11/5/2004 1 6X 12 1 28.27 Specified Strength: 3,000 ' PSI Sampled By: PHOENIX FEATHEROCK Location: S/ SIDE OF BLDG GRIDLINE 5 Concrete. Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: D365PAE Ticket No.: 7162730 Water added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: min. Remarks: Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** Date Sampled: 10/8/2004 Date Received: 10/11/2004 Concrete Temp: 98 °F Ambient Temp: 88 °F Slump: 4.00 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer Oct.11. 2004 6:24AM n Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave__ Ste.. A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.6322999 Fax 914.6322974 San Diego/Imperial County: 7313 Carroll Read, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537,3990 n No.2966 P. 2/2 Inland Empi.,_,, Lm AngekwVentura Courtly: 14320 ELsworth Street, Ste. C101 13010 San Fernando Rd-, hail 1 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: 951.653-4999 ?e1:818.833.8100 Fax: 951..653.4668 rax 818.833.0085 FIELD REPORT TYPE OF W()W AINS17MOR 01ECIViaAB AVAILA9lF wt Amu M (N1 AP ROM RAMS M (K) W*= M (N) ABPW4W WW DRAWING (r) IN) AACHITECT FOR wmc PFG J %r c3c f- ..o o • PRWW NO r) 3/ 2�1 SONEER R)PtMIn Pe OF COTRACTOR e e Y• OWE PLAN RLE No. PMW NM we cvrLTTiACTOR PTIp.D;CT NAME Kahts IIts iCTroa ADDAM. r �Qc�s-p-j-�•w.l ill �3 (,Crrc � � ADD= or PAM -a ? 1st RMIkiTNC REQUI) MM. ICBG FTELD M31PF=M MANt1Ai.WQL SOUL MANUAL— RE MW FFZVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IFTFIFRE IS NON-COWORUNG WORK AT THE END OF TM WORK DAY. OR MISSING MTRS, ARID RFIS, ETC., FILL our ANL) ATTACH A 1) +Xfl r1CY REPORT WHCN A DERC WNCY. YOURS ORA PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S. IS CORRECTED, SU NOT -t, ON Ti it ORI(; I ML nig-10fiNCY RE POU AND SOHNI 'A M -Y WITH YQ(IK W VK'J RPPUM. MTqPLS Usw ffrCONTRAiCTOR (INCIUOE RFPORrNO. ORMATERIAL TEST REPORiS): C3 .SQ ha a 004 r' Y °Iu'°J`'t�s 1 s� inucPldEl:r trsfD: B• o C C r ti<c lei ARMS QdQ LINES. DOSlavEDc if o � G SIAUVURAL ROM. DETAIL OR RRS u ltd 'lic cc ' RaAAlucs, irQUPWQAET70Y6fi ro:O d erS% — Z�0 0 REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL W -08K 19DAY, PERCENT PROJECT COMPLELION: WLERNHEMR:ION worm suvus DKEW 17i44 ffq ° TEM. REOUYU'D; SQE TIM START` SITE TIM FINISH. _ LUNCH PERIOD' TRMVFL TIME: VERIFIED Hr 100 CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY 05Sa; M ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS Wows COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENOATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING COflE� UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Q -y - /_/,O `3 IV �If Signature Osco of ftopurt JOW Certillado Number pI ptinr Name City / Couaty Ca ficaticn Number ItBv: 7197 7,J I.Ljrj;i -fiG f rA27 fafa '1�fT •�• T. -- •PUJ 111 J ... -- - — I.YW -I Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 6534666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-00085, '- i_A tJij9,�iq Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -CONCRETE ASTM C39 OCT 19 R01 CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY 78495 CALLE TAMPICO LA,QUINTA, CA 92253 Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP A Set No.: 4-5841 �(JILD vci AIV1) S/ File No.: ET' Permit No.: + 7 Project No.: 8131 A29 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area Load (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) Strength Type of (psi) Fracture 7 10/8/2004 6X 12 28.37 110,000 3,880 Shear 28 10/29/2004 6X 12 28.27 28 10/29/2004 6X 12 28.27 Specified Strength: 4,000 PSI Sampled By: ALFRED MARCEL Location: RAMP WALL FOOTING N/E Concrete Supplier: ASSOCIATED READY MIX Mix No.: 16431 Ticket No.: 6250925 Water added at Site: 0.00, gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: min. Remarks: Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** Date Sampled: 10/1/2004 Date Received: 10/4/2004 Concrete Temp: 83 °F Ambient Temp: 75 °F Slump: 4.50 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer Specified Strength: 2,000 PSI Sampled By: ELBERT CUNNINGHAM Location: LINE K @ TRASH COMPACTOR DOORS Concrete Supplier: ASSOCIATED READY MIX Mix No.: 46005 'Ticket No.: 3254088 Water added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: min. Remarks: Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA OUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB CORY** Date Sampled: 10/5/2004 Date Received: 10/7/2004 Concrete Temp: °F Ambient Temp: °F Slump: 10.00 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite CI01, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 6534666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8 100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -GROUT ASTM C1019 * * File No.: " CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY Permit No.: 78495 CALLE TAMPICO Project No.: 8131A29 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP Set No.: 4-5897 A Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) (psi) Fracture 7 10/12/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.80 29,700 3,030 N/A 28 11/2/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.00 28 11/2/2004 3 X 3 X 6 9.00 Specified Strength: 2,000 PSI Sampled By: ELBERT CUNNINGHAM Location: LINE K @ TRASH COMPACTOR DOORS Concrete Supplier: ASSOCIATED READY MIX Mix No.: 46005 'Ticket No.: 3254088 Water added at Site: 0.00 gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: min. Remarks: Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA OUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB CORY** Date Sampled: 10/5/2004 Date Received: 10/7/2004 Concrete Temp: °F Ambient Temp: °F Slump: 10.00 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer ATty- -Roy international t Conference of Building Officials GORDON A LEWIS CERTIFIED. SPECIAL INSPECTOR UBC STRUCTURAL STEEL/WELDING 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE The individual named hereon is CERTIFIED in the category shown, having been so certif led pursuant to successful completion of the prescribed written requirements. Expiration date: Septe 29, 20 5 No. 5009669-85 IW valid UnIeSs signed 13y certificate holder. r ICBG certification attests to competent knowledge of codes and standards. { I' Applicable experience should be verified by local jurisdictions. International Conference of Building Officials GORDON A LEWIS j CERTIFIED REINFORCED CONCRETE SPECIAL INSPECTOR - ASSOCIATE The Individual tamed hereon is CERTIFIED in the cauyory shown, having been so cerdfled pursuant to successful completion of the presoibed wrhtee examination and ACI requkements. i Exphdon due: July 24, 2005 No. 5009669-48 }� Not vIdunless sigdted by certificate holder. i Certffkadon attests to competent knowledge of codes and standards. Applicable experience shoukl be vera fed by local jurisQktiil)m 409 dAq `' International Conference of Building Officials GORDON A LEWIS CERTIFIED SPECIAL INSPECTOR STRUCTURAL STEL/WELDING 2000 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE The individual named hereon Is CERTIFIED in the Category shown, having been so certified pursuantto successful completion of the prescribed written requirements. Expiration date: September. 29, 2 OS No. 5009669 -SS 4IAM Lk - Not valid u less signed 15V certificate holder. ICBG certification attests to competent knowledge of codes and standards. Applicable experience should be verified by local jurisdictions. �1. dnorautxn. Gordon A Lewis ; Structural Masonry Special Inspector 2000 International Building Code The individual named hereon is CERTIFIED in the category shown, having been so certified pursuant to successful completion of the prescribed written requirements. Expiration date: November 15, 2006 No. 5009669-84 ��.t�; Not alid u ess sigridd by certificate holder. ICC certification attests to competent knowledge of codes and standards. PEN t MTG Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Suite A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 San Diego/Imperial County 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 FIELD REPORT Inland Empire: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: 909.653.4999 Fax: 909.653.4666 TYPE OF WORK 9INSPECTOR ❑ TECHNICIAN t✓ L �c� CSE T� F'Gc Etc AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y)(N) SPECS (Y)(N) PPROVED PLANS (Y) (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT Kc tai TZ + FC v T%y ,g�CW . FOR WEEKENDING I v �d �� `i PROJECT. NO. �'j 3 i,4�Z ENGINEER n� � N C, REPORT N0. PG l OF CONTRACTOR N &,4n CAL L -GTL -.-.ice' PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT NO `l (� �� 7 SUB -CONTRACTOR 7 .mac PROJECT NAME KOHL- INSPECTION ADDRESS ADDRESS OF PROJECT .7995-0 Jt/ G. K -� ti 1 � A �' � i REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL- REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS. ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR`S, IS CORRECTED. SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): Co PS S r�r+!_ C%L . :73 A c;. v eI D 5 CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED: GU&6r �'I 4A ._ Vi13 t�A7-oe :ri)Vi 5 111 c '?--ccc_% AREA. GRID LINES. PIECES OBSERVED: if!"'r _5&'6 VE --J'./ PF�3,q-rN f z-,4c(—:f N ur OF fiA/,,/P V41L- FUS riv �� kle 1 I-tj :W&5 j GcK'/L,'55/_C o SLP C STRUCTURAL WOTES. DETAIL. OR RFIS USED: 5 L • / S I REMARKS, INCLUDING MEETINGS: i ^l4-,0 E F 3 gyt_e'A) L CA' (' 'ZO `i REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION* WEATHER: %/%V/V, y SAMPLES TAKEN: S L'`- 7- Q TESTS REQUIRED: TEMPERATURE: Ts - SITE TIME START: 45 , 4g — SITE TIME FINISH:.�_i-%1 LUNCH PERIOD: TRAVEL TIME: VERIFIED BY: I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APP ABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT !p / i / 04 5 I 7 / & /-/-E—�r '$ Signature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City I County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 MTGL: n Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Ste. A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632-2999 Fax: 714.632,2974 San Diego/imperial County: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite 6 San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 n Inland EMPL._:: 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste- C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 11" IL- to Los AngelesNentura County: 13010 San Fernando Rd., Unit 1 Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: 818.833.8100 Fax: 818.833.0085 SITE TIME.START. �Q/� SITE TIME FINISH: 6 O LUNCH PERIOD: TRAVEL TIME: _-_ _._ . -.. VERIFIED BY: l�Q� I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Ig n Signature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number - Print N Crry I County Cartiticatlon Number . Rev: 7/97 Ed Wd2:1::0T b00Z zZ -daS 'ON XUJ : WOaid IF Iwo me IB7IG r V R f r y In 1 TYPE Of 36INSPECTOR C) TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE: 801L REPORT M (N) SPECS (Y) (N)0 APPROVED PLANS (Y) IN) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING M IN) ARCHITECT FOR WEEK ENDINGPRWECT. NO. I0-- 1-u 4 o 2 ENGINEER REPORT NO. PG OF CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT No. 01-! 9 9-46 SUB -CONTRACTOR PRWECTNAME \ �/ lS INSPECTION ADDRESS .l8 1rJ p y q(,i $ ADDRESS OF PROJECT �Y� 9 0 w :� t I 1 a tL4 R)FP(0 INC, kPQ> MF-M'1?,WM_ J(:RO FIF.1-D IINSPf:(T10N VIANUAIJWfPGC SOIL MAaNUAL—RL--vl W PRrV HH)$ KF:PUKIS AND LIST$ U-- THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE E,14'D O.F T" F WORK OAY, OR MISSING MM. AND RFLS, ETC., f t1-1..OUT AN 1) ATTACH A DEFICIENCY R I; K)Kl' WHEN A DEFICIENCY. YOURS ORA PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S. IS CORRI;CTF0, %0 NOT2 ON 'rrlt ORIGINAL UEFICEENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCHRT N OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): © v i rt S ie ori ',b�H s 1'L �� Cn- C` C CTDR EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER U ED: ' 4000 110s,i AREA.6RID LINES, PIECf S OBBERV ; r in Lr c CIa�L4i ``� ((tt toYl n tkBuL O� S4Y y?t oC cm(' `� [D''aG�:+trte�lnlelo_ a i C== v Crej < Y efr 1 on . d o e s �. �, �tt�uJs 6 . t' o STRUCTURAL NOTES DETAIL. OR RFIS USED: iIt .1 r 1 'Tt- L64c� ����,pi �D tN iA(���bt Y1 oV�Te; a,�b Vleles cart Lute e 1ef'�.lf�� �A ;DM�O�!' ��Qo�l �r AKS, INLiUD1NQ INL-fT1XD.R �� (� ( ( L InkagL°ofUPSI la e- ��^nE' YP1y(ffjPirid C�e1 1r,aoa � _�t1PVov,ed ADL�< cw,� it ��e b%kftd Ina I W._U112 REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION' WEATTIER: C [Ea)r 5CL"V SAMPLES TAXER 3 TEMPERATURE Y v 1 6: 0 0 TESTS REQUIRED: SITE TIME.START. �Q/� SITE TIME FINISH: 6 O LUNCH PERIOD: TRAVEL TIME: _-_ _._ . -.. VERIFIED BY: l�Q� I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Ig n Signature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number - Print N Crry I County Cartiticatlon Number . Rev: 7/97 Ed Wd2:1::0T b00Z zZ -daS 'ON XUJ : WOaid Specified Strength: 4,000 PSI Sampled By: GARLAN YETI Location: SLAB ON GRADE AT 4.5 & J.5 Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: D365PAE Ticket No.: 7161 175 Water added at Site: 10.00 gal. By CONTRACTOR Cement Type: II/V Mix Time: 79 min. Remarks:, Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG &.SAFETY **LAB COPY** Date Sampled: 9/22/2004 Date Received: 9/23/2004 Concrete Temp: 86 °F Ambient Temp: 90 °F Slump: 5.00 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. . l M.B..(Ben) Lo Chief Engineer Corporate: . 2992 E. La Pahna.Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Br,nch: 14320 Elsworth Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 6534999 Fax: (909) 653-4666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit 1, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: (818) 833-8100 Fax: (818) 833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -CONCRETE ASTM C39 * * File No.: CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY Permit No.: 78495 CALLE TAMPICO Project No.: 8131 A29 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP A Set No.: 4-5639 A Age Date Nominal Actual Area Load Strength Type of (Days) Tested Size (Sq.lnch) (lbs.) (psi) Fracture 7 9/29/2004 6X 12 28.37 127,500 4,490 Cone 28 10/20/2004 6X 12 28.27 28 10/20/2004 6 X 12 28.27 '28H 10/20/2004 6X 12 28.27 Specified Strength: 4,000 PSI Sampled By: GARLAN YETI Location: SLAB ON GRADE AT 4.5 & J.5 Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: D365PAE Ticket No.: 7161 175 Water added at Site: 10.00 gal. By CONTRACTOR Cement Type: II/V Mix Time: 79 min. Remarks:, Distribution: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG &.SAFETY **LAB COPY** Date Sampled: 9/22/2004 Date Received: 9/23/2004 Concrete Temp: 86 °F Ambient Temp: 90 °F Slump: 5.00 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. . l M.B..(Ben) Lo Chief Engineer Corporate: 2992 E. I -a Pahna Avenue, Suite A, Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: (714) 632-2999 Fax: (714) 632-2974 Branch: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G, San Diego, CA 92121 k Tel: (858) 537-3999 Fax: (858) 537-3990 Branch: 14320 Elswon, Street, Suite C101, Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: (909) 653-4999 Fax: (909) 653-4666 Branch: 13010 San Fernando Road, Unit I, Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel:(818)833-8100 Fax:(818)833-0085 Report of: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH -CONCRETE ASTM C39 * * File No.: CITY OF LA QUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY Permit No.: 78495 CALLE TAMPICO Project No.: 8131A29 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Project Name: KOHL'S STORE -LA QUINTA LA QUINTA, CA Client: KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEP Set No.: 4-5757 Age (Days) Date Tested Nominal Size Actual Area Load (Sq. Inch) (lbs.) Strength Type of (psi) Fracture 7 10/4/2004 6 X 12 28.37 78,000 21750 Cone 28 -81 10/25/2004 6 X 12 28.27 2 10/25/2004 6X 12 28.27 Specified Strength: 4;000 PSI Sampled By: CLIENT Location: EAST SIDE OF S.O.G. 25' NORTH Concrete Supplier: SUPERIOR READY MIX Mix No.: D365PAE Ticket No.: 849112 Water added at Site: 10.00 gal. By Cement Type: Mix Time: min. Remarks: Distribution:. KOHL'S DEPT. STORES- STORE PLANNING DEPT CITY OF LA OUINTA-BLDG & SAFETY **LAB COPY** Date Sampled: 9/27/2004 Date Received: 9/28/2004 Concrete Temp: 88 °F Ambient Temp: 98 "F Slump: 3.75 in. Tested at: Anaheim Respectfully Submitted, MTGL, Inc. 1 M.B. (Ben) Lo Chief Engineer Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Ste Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 San Diego/Imperial County: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 Inland Empire: , 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste. C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 FIELD REPORT Los AngelesNentura County: 13010 San Fernando Rd., Unit 1 Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: 818.833.8100 Fax: 818.833.0085 TYPE OF WORK VfINSPECTOR O TECHNICIAN AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED PLANS ifn (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT PC ail c_t �:v i "TZ a 'R -OY L. FOR WEEK ENDING l i`' •-i - c I PROJECT. NO. 61`31 12"Zq ENGINEER i►• -\\I Lor (f G-ic\1 kLS REPORT NO. PG OF ¢ r CONTRACTOR PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT NO. SUB -CONTRACTOR O, Y11 _ Imo, i3. L, PROJECT NAME K•'o kLS INSPECTION ADDRESS 7 SO 1-11 &H'\k.'A I I I L A CLQ I N1 12�,L-- ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL - REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS 1F THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC.. FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): 5i;2 i'r56 iJ S -i --r r �k& 'I IL--' c ELX.`i 5C T Z -L Alt 1 MSV-r.l Sy �L -77-)J-i, % Y PC- c l CONTRACTORS EOUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED: G 13 C I -I )VI\ L i^� '•• ' Q 1''�l L kIL, C AREA. GRID LINES, PIECES OBSERVED: f� i?J G` C- L �lL f , 11 i f3 t 'v� I� iaCL 14t :L 1 U J, �= C'l: y,.`j DC:VV`PL 5 1>C. '77,- gi�_ `l, C` l L< t>\i'I` i> I S Z 1 L t Iii e 0-,04 _c STRUCTURAL NOTES. DETAIL, OR RFIS USED: z1 cti 'S 2, 2 - REMARKS, REMARKS. INCLUDING MEERAIGS. t # '-t DG(R; L S S C`x r ►. `i %z DC �c i' 1A cL - 1 `< C V•i -3& > S;✓UU S.r i Fti ��r ;1-� = r�, a��. T �A' / 3/�i C3 flc�l c� YI i"e a ' ".20 "Ory -:-L7'_ LV' .3 / L4 h'c, LL L REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY' PERCENT PROJECT COMPLETION* WEATHER: �'`� / �S'v \;`'( SAMPLES TAKEN: Y , 6 � TEMPERATURE: C-7 (. TESTS REQUIRED: y '' L' SITE TIME START:' SITE TIME FINISH: LUNCH PERIOD: �� TRAVEL TIME: S �•� } VERIFIED BY: I DO CEA IFY THAT t HAVE JIERSONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND t/� THE APPROVE 'TANS, SPEC ATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT Alt, _Z JAIam;. ! Signature ' Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 i Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Ste. A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 San Diego/Imperial County: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 Inland Empire, 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste. C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 FIELD REPORT Los AngelesNentura County: 13010 San Fernando Rd., Unit 1 Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: 818.833.8100 Fax: 818.833.0085 TYPE OF WORK ". SPECTOR C TECHNICIAN rr�4& j1U R y AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y)(N) SPECS (Y)(N) APPROVED PLANSftN) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT P kKcV-V l TZ T T15, 11- FOR WEEK ENDING 1 C PROJECT. NO. ENGINEER -i-` 2 }4- C= 1=(- TG -P —IN N LQ L -I i IK C3 REPORT NO. PG OF Z c CONTRACTOR -r--�� : 1/ IL l� C V1,L C C_' PLAN FILE NO. PERMIT NO. SUB -CONTRACTOR C-.13.0 PROJECT NAME KLA vLS INSPECTION ADDRESS So I-ItCI1w Y I I L LA C► J ffVTrk ADDRESS OF PROJECT REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAUMTGL SOIL MANUAL — REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, IS CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED: _ PO A � [_ e'er. Ll! C t— � % I t I 0" S AREA. GRID LINES. PIECES OBSERVED: STRUCTURAL NOTES. DETAIL. OR RFIS USED: PC&A SL- - R(_; -F[ -!Z 7 c) D C -`Tia LS LI REMARKS. INCLUDING MEETINGS: 57, " C:1MsV,. -P.'d rtj Vic, k -r, . wc,r V. REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY: PERCENT PROJECT lCOMPI FTIOM WEATHER: CL L f)I— Le 731Y -G`1)/ SAMPLES TAKEN: TEMPERATURE: h? /D (7/6 r TESTS REQUIRED: Uj SITE TIME START: L SITE TIME FINISH: LUNCH PERIOD:..,; V� TRAVEL TIME: 1. S Lh • LvI�J VERIFIED BY: I DO CERTIFY THAT I HAVE PERSONABLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS, AND / OR THE APPROVED PLANS„SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT li 1,Gk�U3Z�-�y -� LLC YSignature Date of Report y ICBO Certification Number ='SS f- /_'\_. L_v 7IIN 11ts- 0�_I \ N 'T A. Print Name City/ County Certification Number Rev: 7/97 MTGLI Corporate: 2992 E. La Palma Ave., Ste. A Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel: 714.632.2999 Fax: 714.632.2974 San Diego/Imperial County: 7313 Carroll Road, Suite G San Diego, CA 92121 Tel: 858.537.3999 Fax: 858.537.3990 Inland Empire. 14320 Elsworth Street, Ste. C101 Moreno Valley, CA 92553 Tel: 951.653.4999 Fax: 951.653.4666 FIELD REPORT Los AngelesNentura County: 13010 San Fernando Rd., Unit 1 Sylmar, CA 91342 Tel: 818.833.8100 Fax: 818.833.0085 TYPE OF WORK / S4NSPECTOR O TECHNICIAN R1 ALS C- �r'J AVAILABLE: SOIL REPORT (Y) (N) SPECS (Y) (N) APPROVED PLAN (N) APPROVED SHOP DRAWING (Y) (N) ARCHITECT �►TZ- ' 'UTI, FOR WEEK ENDING l c- Z_ 4 712 PROJECT. N0. ill A 2 c ENGINEER/� ^ T7`It0f- L�-AIkL S REPORT NO. PG OF CONTRACTORPLAN IVL-`A - CAL �C�I`2.� FILE N0. PERMIT N0. � `'ISI 1 c— SUB-CONTRACTOR G : FS .C. j/14 kS�) PROJECT NAME Uc)4C5 . INSPECTION ADDRESS 7 5 c /-116HWAV it l LIQ, wj, ti ADDRESS OF PROJECT 11 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: ICBO FIELD INSPECTION MANUAL/MTGL SOIL MANUAL — REVIEW PREVIOUS REPORTS AND LISTS IF THERE IS NON -CONFORMING WORK AT THE END OF THE WORK DAY, OR MISSING MTRS, AND RFIS, ETC., FILL OUT AND ATTACH A DEFICIENCY REPORT WHEN A DEFICIENCY, YOURS OR A PREVIOUS INSPECTOR'S, 1S CORRECTED, SO NOTE ON THE ORIGINAL DEFICIENCY REPORT AND SUBMIT A COPY WITH YOUR WEEK'S REPORTS. MATERIALS USED BY CONTRACTOR (INCLUDE RESEARCH REPORT NO. OR MATERIAL TEST REPORTS): CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT/ MANPOWER USED: IVi rk/-I cr'(�7 v,./ AREA. GRID LINES. PIECES OBSERVED: X' Li►vc. 1?�.c:ti L(_�IE L - FI STRUCTURAL NOTES. DETAIL. OR RFIS USED: REMARKS. INCLUDING MEETINGS: 1 = Z 1 13 L.c C. i/. `I G `X L Z/ `' 6&?J (kJ F: it i IJ A It W0VK 0LDU(= LAS REWORK AS PERCENT OF ALL WORK TODAY* PERCENT PROJECT COMP) FTIM WEATHER: SAMPLES TAKEN: TEMPERATURE: TESTS REQUIRED: SITE TIME START: SITE TIME FINISH: Z LUNCH/ RIOD: TRAVEL TIME: kc; -;LL eti , v rel VERIFIED BY:� I DO CER IFY THAT I HAVE P54 ONALLY OBSERVED ALL OF THE WORK LISTED ABOVE AND THAT THIS WORK COMPLIES WITH THE SOIL INVESTIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS. AND / 0 THE APPROVED P S, SPECIFICATIONS AND APPLICABLE SECTION OF THE BUILDING CODE, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED IN THE DEFICIENCY REPORT CT Z 17 Signature Date of Report ICBO Certification Number Print Name City / County Certification Number Rev: 7/97