0108-293 (ELEC) Geotechnical InvestigationGL OBA L GEO-E/V0//VEEM1JVG, //VC. o2wireless Solutions 8300 Utica Avenue, Suite 245 Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730 Attention: Mr. Arthur Hayes Construction Manager Subject: Geotechnical Investigation Verizon Wireless Site: La Quinta State Highway I I I & Washington Street La Quinta, California References: (See Appendix A) Dear Mr. Hayes: 1. INTRODUCTION a) In accordance with your request, we have conducted a geotechnical investigation for the proposed wireless development at the project location referenced above. b) We understand that the proposed improvements will consist of installation of a new 65- foot high monopalm cellular antenna and a new 12-foot by 20-foot equipment shelter. c) This development will be utilized for wireless transmission and will not be inhabited. d) The project plans, consisting of half size unsigned sheets prepared by Velocitel Inc., were provided to us and generally depict the proposed development and general conditions of the Property. CITY OF LA GUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCT SON U DATE BY 2712 Dow Avenue, Suite B, Tustin California 92780 Office (714) 505-8040 Fax (714) 505-8043 o2wireless Solutions July 16, 2001 Project 1057-04 Page 2 2: SCOPE The scope of services we provided is as follows: a) Preliminary planning and preparation; b) Review of available geotechnical reports and maps pertaining to the property; c) Field exploration consisting of drilling one boring to a depth of 30 feet, using a truck -mounted, 8-inch diameter, hollow -stem auger drill rig; d) Obtaining in -situ and bulk samples for classification and laboratory testing; e) Laboratory testing of selected samples considered representative of site conditioning in order derive relevant engineering properties; f) Geological and engineering analyses of the field and laboratory data; g) Preparation of a final geotechnical report presenting our findings, conclusions and recommendations pertaining to: i) grading; ii) processing of soils; iii) foundation type(s); iv) foundation depths; v) bearing capacity; vi) expansivity; vii) corrosivity; viii) resistivity; ix) sulphate and chloride content and cement type; x) shrinkage factor, subsidence; xi) slabs -on -grade; o2wireless Solutions July 16, 2001 Project 1057-04 Page 3 xii) settlement; xiii) retaining walls (if proposed in the future): • active pressure; • at -rest pressure; • passive resistance; • coefficient of friction; xiv) seismic characteristics; xv) drainage and ground water; xvi) liquefaction. 3. FIELD EXPLORATION The field exploration program is given in Appendix B, which includes the Log of Boring. 4. LABORATORY TESTING A description of the laboratory testing and the results is presented in Appendix C. 5. SITE DESCRIPTION 5.1 Location a) The subject site is located north of Highway 111 approximately midway between Washington Street and Adam Street in the City of La Quinta, California. More specifically, the proposed development area is situated at the northeastern corner of Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) Well Site No. 5712, which is located at the rear of an existing retail center. The CVWD Whitewater Storm Channel exists approximately 50 feet north of the subject site. b) The approximate site location is shown on the Location Map, Figure 1. 5.2 Surface Conditions a) The CVWD well site, which is enclosed by a 5+ foot high masonry block wall and gate, is currently occupied by a 10 foot by 10 foot well house, an above ground storage tank, a transformer and a few sheds. LOCATIONMAP !;. Trailer I s i VEFWLrE �`• 'mil =`�:= �--. 1`TI I ��f�_. � y - •• ". __ 1 \ .. •. irl. tz! } - -= •" '� }y' -"l I` 11 Ell ti. -- 564 •' _ - �l_s S.�q\� . �'.���� ` " » ` �—�� ■ � i �.�•\ • �: ,. ?�k ;; �', j t `+ •III :r� .� -� +�; ,^, — �ti,: rya 6`t7 - :•' pit• r !. •_'i •li". s• AA BASE MAP: USGS 7.5 Minute Topographic Map, N La Quinta Quadrangle, 1980 O 2000 0 2000 4000 R T SCALE FEET State Highway 111 and Washington Street .JIMGLOBAL GEO-ENGINEERING, INC. La Quinta, California GEOLOGIC AND SOILS ENGINEERING TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA Date: July 2001 Figure No: Project No.: 1057-04 1 o2wireless Solutions July 16, 2001 Project 1057-04 Page 4 b) The well site pad is flat, but elevated approximately 1-2 feet above the surrounding adjacent ground surfaces. The topography of the surrounding area is relatively flat with a slight gradient to the southeast. Vegetation within the proposed development area consists of scattered weeds and two palm trees. c) Drainage at the site consists of sheet flow run-off of incident rainfall derived from within the property boundaries and surrounding up -gradient areas. Surface drainage within the site area is predominantly to the southeast toward the Salton Sea. 5.3 Geolo 5.3.1 Regional Geologic Setting The project site is situated within the Peninsular Ranges Geomorphic Province in Southern California. Geologic structures within this province are characterized by a northwest -trending topographic range that terminates directly against the Transverse Ranges to the north. The inland portions of the province include several high mountain ranges, underlain by igneous, metasedimentary, and metavolcanic rock of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic age. The coastal portion is defined by clastic marine and non -marine terraces of the upper Cretaceous, Tertiary, and Quaternary age. Structurally, the province is regarded as an uplifted and westward tilted range, which has been faulted and broken up into several smaller sub -parallel blocks. The Peninsular Ranges province is both bounded and transected by several major fault zones. Principal faults include the San Andreas, San Jacinto, Newport - Inglewood and the Whittier -Elsinore Fault Zones. 5.3.2 Local Geologic Setting In general, the project site area is underlain by recent -aged alluvium. J5.4 Subsurface Conditions 5.4.1 Fill a) Fill soils were encountered in the upper six feet of our drilled excavation. I o2wireless Solutions July 16, 2001 Project 1057-04 Page 5 5.4.2 Alluvium a) Recent -aged alluvial soils, consisting of SAND and Sandy SILT, was encountered below the fill to the maximum explored depth of 30 feet. b) The SAND exposed in our exploration was generally observed to be fine grained, tan to light brown, dry to slightly moist, and loose to medium dense. l c) A thin layer of Sandy SILT, encountered at a depth of 17 feet below I ground surface, was found to be light brown, slightly moist and medium stiff. 5.4.2 Groundwater No groundwater or seepage was encountered in our boring during the course of this investigation. 6. POTENTIAL SEISMIC HAZARDS 6.1 General a) The property is located in the general proximity of several active and potentially active faults, which are typical for sites in the Southern California region. Earthquakes occurring on active faults within a 70-mile radius are capable of generating ground shaking of engineering significance to the proposed construction. b) In Southern California, most of the seismic damage to manmade structures results from ground shaking and, to a lesser degree, from liquefaction and ground rupture caused by earthquakes along active fault zones. In general, the greater the magnitude of the earthquake, the greater the potential damage. o2wdreless Solutions July 16, 2001 Project 1057-04 Page 6 6.2 Ground Surface Rupture The Property is not within an Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zone; however, during historic times, a number of major earthquakes have occurred along active faults in Southern California. The closest active fault is the San Andreas Fault, located at a distance of about 5.4 miles northeast of the project site. Other active faults include the San Jacinto and Landers Faults, located at distances of about 21 and 32 miles, respectively, from the Property. Due to the distance of the closest active fault to the site, ground rupture is not considered a significant hazard at the site. 6.3 Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis a) We performed a deterministic seismic hazard analysis using the computer program EQFAULT, EQSEARCH, and UCSEIS (Blake, 2000). The program computes the peak ground acceleration and the maximum magnitude earthquakes on each of the faults found within a user specified radius. The computation of the peak acceleration is based on the closest distance between the site and each digitized fault and a user specified attenuation relationship. For our analysis, we used a 70-mile radius and the attenuation relationships developed by Boore, et al, (1997). Peak ground acceleration for the Property is 0.43g. b) Figure 2 shows the geographical relationships among the site locations, nearby faults and the epicenters of significant occurrences. Figure 3 gives the seismic parameters affecting the subject site. The project site is not located within any Alquist-Priolo Fault Zone; however, during historic times, a number of major earthquakes have occurred along the active faults in Southern California. From the seismic history of the region and proximity, the San Andreas Fault has the greatest potential for causing earthquake damage related to ground shaking at this site. o L• .a 41 CC ern ,'+ + Op Cd as n 1 rl 0 W i ����°f , 4 a �• + aka+ � � � I '-•� C� [� e7[ rj w 'U r V W di t j] E 2 W a r�Jf r ■ yaom«oL oo ° �E4 W N 0 .�= -- •' - z I ' 9 n `_'T.-'' Sa : L E j m O 2 o ° W O ^ a~ m m.m+O` A?' �. G N m� Q LV 1-H cym O r '� • c i J' {S c w o !^ •• °D E. LZ V] U _ Z DOOM.• d M 0.010 d � O m E Or • - •o Y �n o w c `o - E = Q C y Q W N m m F- u m rn M C n m C m > y U C/J • O O O a p Y mA a0 To % 0 m 3 m Ea r~� _~y 7 aEvd`�aci�gyco�a mmo?m mmP< E -m auW2 >LUSmm E 0: J1QW1 U Wit •� a E a 4 ►-2 Q �� BEd fVl1 / OLL Q `g oma LU /r x zZ W �� it Z 7 a W J _ w g� Y �0 a° m 2- Ej'8 x �p•aje��` "� eft mr 2Y yc myv ' N O m y u a y o y N 0 t L m 0 tee[ G 0 .' 7-. Cf t Gm +� Q w t m m A V C 4P 'cE J d•� F aEB a t; ELw m'a ° O 'em`m W m C O m N V O>. � rn md�c eoE �cT =a°m 'o° E$�= a �_ LL�w yam U� �S�m wFx a� www go` m y � ly W F O z w OM N N N N N fYi 3 ATA� Vl La r� A Pr Z awri a 0 Co 0 W o 0 0 0 0 0 V d Z �wwry�Uypn kA �Ujj N �I z � 4 � w W O� e .y Fw.Ayyyyy���W O,n t ON "1 %DZ d d OO kn � kn W x ewe V1 V] l/�I 3 W o d �¢w J o c zTA� F.7w o C v w W U C 7.1 I r o2wireless Solutions July 16, 2001 Project 1057-04 Page 7 -7. LIQUEFACTION a) Liquefaction is the phenomenon where saturated soils develop high pore water pressures during seismic shaking and behave like a fluid. This phenomenon generally occurs in coastal areas of high seismicity, where ground water is shallow and loose granular soils or hydraulic fill soils subject to liquefaction are present. Liquefaction events may be manifested by formation of sand boils and mud spouts at the ground surface, seepage of water through cracks in the ground and quicksand - like conditions over large areas. For liquefaction to develop loose granular soils below the ground water table need to be present and shaking of sufficient magnitude and duration must occur. When liquefaction does occur, the surface structures may settle in to the ground or tilt excessively or significant settlement of the structures may occur. b) A qualitative evaluation of liquefaction potential was not performed, as part of this study, because no structures for human occupancy are proposed for the subject development and no ground water was encountered within the upper 30 feet of the surface. The potential for liquefaction is considered to be nil. 8. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 8.1 General a) It is our opinion that the site will be suitable for the proposed cellular development from a geotechnical aspect, assuming that our recommendations are incorporated in the project plan designs and specifications, and are implemented during construction. b) We are of the opinion that the monopalm antenna tower can be supported on a drilled cast -in -place caisson and the shelter foundations may be supported on competent fill soils. c) We are also of the opinion that with due and reasonable precautions, the required grading will not endanger adjacent property nor will grading be affected adversely by adjoining property. d) The design recommendations in the report should be reviewed during the grading phase when soil conditions in the excavations become exposed. e) The final grading plans and foundation plans/design loads should be reviewed by the Soil Engineer. I o2wireless Solutions July 16, 2001 Project 1057-04 Rage 8 1 8.2 Gradinn 8.2.1 Processing -of On -Site Soils a) The subgrade soils are not considered adequate as foundation material and should not be overexcavated to a depth of 2 feet below the footings and extending laterally for a distance of 2 foot beyond the edges of the footings. b) Wherever structural fills are to be placed, the upper 6 to 8 inches of the subgrade should, after stripping or overexcavation, first be scarified and reworked. c) The slab -on -grades and pavement should be underlain by at least 12 inches of compacted fill. d) Any loosening of reworked or native material, consequent to the passage of construction traffic, weathering, etc., should be made good prior to further construction. _ 1 e) The depths of overexcavation should be reviewed by the Soil Engineer during construction. Any surface or subsurface obstructions, or any variation of site materials or conditions encountered during grading should be brought immediately to the attention of the Soil Engineer for proper exposure, removal or } processing, as directed. No underground obstructions or facilities 1 should remain in any structural areas. Depressions and/or cavities created as a result of the removal of obstructions should be backfilled properly with suitable materials, and compacted. 8.3 Material Selection a) After the site has been stripped of any debris, vegetation and organic soils, J excavated on -site soils are considered satisfactory for reuse in the construction of on —site fills, with the following provisions: i i) the organic content does not exceed 3 percent by volume; ii) large size rocks greater than 8 inches in diameter should not be incorporated in compacted fill; o2wireless Solutions July 16, 2001 I Project 1057-04 Page 9 iii rocks eater than 4 inches in diameter should not be incorporated in � IP _l compacted fill to within 1 foot of the underside of the footings and I slabs. b) All imported fills, if used, should have very low -to -low expansion potential, should have less than 20 percent passing through #200 sieve, should have plasticity index of less than 15 and should be free of any organic and deleterious matter. 8.4 Compaction Reuirements a) Reworking/compaction shall include moisture-conditioning/drying as needed to bring the soils to slightly above the optimum moisture content. All reworked soils and structural fills should be densified to achieve at least 90 percent relative compaction with reference to laboratory compaction standard. The optimum moisture content and maximum dry density should be determined in the laboratory in accordance with ASTM Test Designation D1557. - 1 b) Fill should be compacted in lifts not exceeding 8 inches (loose). A sufficient J number of field and laboratory compaction tests should be performed during construction to verify minimum compaction requirements. Jetting of trench backfill is not recommended. 8.5 Excavating Conditions a) Excavation of on -site materials will require special considerations and will require standard to heavy-duty earthmoving or trenching equipment. b) Seepage and ground water were not encountered. Dewatering will not be required. 8.6 Shrinka-ge For preliminary earthwork calculations, an average shrinkage factor of 5 to 10 percent is recommended for the subgrade soils (this does not include handling Jlosses). 8.7 Expan sivity a) The expansion potential for existing on -site soils is considered to be Low by observation. Any imported material or doubtful material exposed during grading should be evaluated for expansivity. I I o2wireless Solutions July 16, 2001 Project 1057-04 Page 10 b) The soil expansion potential for specific areas should be determined during the final stages of rough grading. 8.8 Sulphate Content a) The sulphate content of a representative sample of the soil resulted less than 0.2%. This does not typify a high sulphate condition. However, Type V Portland cement is recommended for the construction. b) The fill materials should be tested for their sulphate content during the final stage of rough grading. 8.9 Utility Trenching a) The walls of temporary construction trenches in fill should stand nearly vertical, with only minor sloughing, provided the total depth does not exceed 4 feet (approximately). Shoring of excavation walls or flattening of slopes may be required, if greater depths are necessary. b) Trenches should be located so as not to impair the bearing capacity or to cause settlement under foundations. As a guide, trenches should be clear of a 45-degree plane, extending outward and downward from the edge of foundations. ` c) Existing soils may be utilized for trenching backfill, provided they are free of organic materials. d) All work associated with trench shoring must conform to the state and federal safety codes. 8.10 Surface Drainage Provisions J Positive surface gradients should be provided adjacent to the buildings to direct surface water run-off away from structural foundations and to suitable discharge facilities. J I o2wireless Solutions July 16, 2001 Project 1057-04 Page 11 8.11 Grading Control 1 All grading and earthwork should be performed under the observation of a Soil Engineer in order to achieve proper subgrade preparation, selection of satisfactory materials, placement and compaction of all structural fill and installation of piles. Sufficient notification prior to stripping and earthwork construction is essential to make certain that the work will be adequately observed and tested. 8.12 Slab -on -Grade l a) Concrete floor slabs may be founded on the reworked existing soils or compacted fill. The subgrade should be proof -rolled just prior to construction to provide a firm, unyielding surface, especially if the surface has been loosened by the passage of construction traffic. b) If a floor covering that would be critically affected by moisture is to be used, a plastic vapor barrier is recommended. This sheeting should be covered with two inches of SAND. c) It is recommended that #3 bars on 18-inch center, both ways, be provided as minimum reinforcement in slabs -on -grade. Joints should be provided and slabs should be at least 4 inches thick. d) Use a modulus of subgrade reaction of 150 lb/in3- e) The FFL should be at least 6 inches above highest adjacent grade. 8.13 Spread Foundations The proposed structures can be founded on shallow spread footings. The criteria presented as follows should be adopted: 8.13.1 Dimensions/Embedment Depths Number of Stories Minimum Width Minimum Footing Minimum Embedment (floors supported) (ft.) Thickness Below Lowest Adjacent (in.) Finished Surface (ft.) 1 1.0 6 1.5 o2wireless Solutions July 16, 2001 I Project 1057-04 Page 12 8.13.2 Allowable Bearing Ca aci Embedment Depth (ft.) Allowable Bearing Capacity (Ib/A ) 1.5 1,800 (Notes: I • These values may be increased by one-third in the case of short -duration loads, such as induced by wind or seismic forces. • At least 2x#4 bars should be provided in wall footings, one on top and one at the bottom. • In the event that footings are founded in structural fills consisting of imported materials, the allowable bearing capacities will depend on the type 1 of these materials, and should be re-evaluated. • Bearing capacities should be re-evaluated when loads have been obtained and footings sized during the preliminary design. • Planter areas should not be sited adjacent to walls. • Footing excavations should be observed by the Soil Engineer. • It should be insured that the embedment depths do not become reduced or adversely affected by erosion, softening, planting, digging, etc. 8.13.3 Settlements Total and differential settlements under spread footings are expected to be within tolerable limits and are not expected to exceed'/4 and''/z inches, respectively. 8.14 Deep Foundations a) It is anticipated that the monopole will be supported on a deepened foundation system consisting of a cast —in -place caisson pile, founded into competent native soils. It is estimated that the minimum diameter of the caisson will be 36-inches. o2wireless Solutions July 16, 2001 Project 1057-04 Page 13 b) Caving of the exploratory boring did occur during the subsurface exploration. Special provisions should be taken into account during the drilling process of the caisson to mitigate the effects of caving. c) If required, specific pile dimensions, recommendations and other construction related procedures will be provided when design loads have been finalized by others. 8.15 Lateral Pressures a) The following lateral pressures are recommended for the design of retaining structures. Pressure (lb/ft2/ft depth) Lateral Force Soil Profile Unrestrained Rigidly Supported Wall Wall Active Pressure Level 38 - At -Rest Pressure Level - 65 Passive Resistance Level 300 - (ignore upper 1.5 ft.) b) Friction coefficient: 0.35 (includes a Factor of Safety of 1.5). c) These values apply to the existing soil, and to compacted backfill generated from in -situ material. Imported material should be evaluated separately. It is recommended that where feasible, imported granular backfill be utilized, for a width equal to approximately one -quarter the wall height, and not less than 1.5 feet. d) Backfill should be placed under engineering control. e) Subdrains should be provided behind retaining walls. I o2wireless Solutions July 16, 2001 Project 1057-04 Page 14 8.16 Seismic Coefficient For seismic analysis of the proposed regeneration project in accordance with the seismic provisions of UBC 1997, we recommend the following: ITEM VALUE REFERENCE Soil Profile Type Sd UBC Table 16J Seismic Source Type A UBC Table 16U Near Source Factor-Na 1.1 UBC Table 16S Near Source Factor-N 1.3 UBC Table 16T Seismic Coefficient -Ca 0.46 UBC Table 16Q Seismic Coefficient-C 0.83 UBC Table 16R Peak Ground Acceleration 0.43g EQFAULT (Blake 1999) 8.17 Soil Corrosivity a) Sulfate and chloride tests were performed on one sample of the near -surface materials. The results of the tests indicate water-soluble sulfate content of 0.052% and chlorides of 0.031 %, suggesting that sulfate and chloride attack hazard is low for the near -surface soils. Type V cement and a water to cement ratio of 0.5 would be appropriate for design of the concrete slab -on - grade. b) The minimum electrical resistivity of the near -surface soils is less than 200 ohm -cm. To evaluate the corrosion potential of near -surface soils, we used the following correlation between electrical resistivity and corrosion potential: Electrical Resistivity. ohm -cm Corrosion Potential Less than 1,000 Severe J 1,000 to 2,000 Corrosive 2,000 to 10,000 Moderate Greater than 10,000 Mild lc) Based on these data, it is our opinion that general onsite near -surface soils have a severely corrosive potential for buried metal. This potential should be considered in the design of any underground metal utilities. Sulfate and corrosivity test results are presented in Appendix C. o2wireless Solutions July 16, 2001 Project 1057-04 Page 15 1 9. LIMITATIONS a) Soils and bedrock over an area show variations in geological structure, type, strength and other properties from what can be observed, sampled and tested from specimens -� extracted from necessarily limited exploratory borings. Therefore, there are natural limitations inherent in making geologic and soil engineering studies and analyses. Our findings, interpretations, analyses and recommendations are based on observation, laboratory data and our professional experience; and the projections we make are professional judgments conforming to the usual standards of the profession. No other warranty is herein expressed or implied. b) In the event that during construction, conditions are exposed which are significantly different from those described in this report, they should be brought to the attention of the Soil Engineer. The opportunity to be of service is sincerely appreciated. If you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance, please call. Very truly yours, GLOBAL GEO-ENGINEERING, KA1r, Mohan B. pasani Principal Geotechnical E RGE 2301 (Exp. March 31, 2003) -A MBU/KBY:kby/dd JEnclosures: Location Map References Field Exploration Unified Soils Classification System Boring Location Plan Log of Boring Laboratory Testing J c eevin B. Youn Principal Geologist RG 7225 (Exp. October 31, 2003) - Figure 1 - Appendix A - Appendix B Figure B-1 Figure B-2 Figure B-3 - Appendix C Project 1057-04 APPENDIX A References 1. Blake, T. F., 1989, (Updated 2000) "EQFAULT: A Computer Program for the Deterministic Prediction of Peak Horizontal Acceleration from Digitized California Fault, " User Manual and Program; 2. Blake, T. F., 1989, (Updated 1999) "EQSEARCH.• A Computer Program for the Estimation of Peak Horizontal Acceleration from California Historical Earthquake Catalogs, " User Manual and Program; 3. Blake, T.F., 1999, UBCSEIS, 2000, "A Computer Program for the Estimation of Uniform Building Code Coefficients Using 3-D Fault Sources ", User Manual and Program, 53p; 4. Boore, D.M., Joyner, W.B., and Fumal, T.E., 1997, "Equations for the Estimating Horizontal Response Spectra and Peak Acceleration from Western North American Earthquakes: A Summary of Recent Work": Seismological Research Letters, Vol. 68, No. 1, pp. 128-153; 5. California Department of Water Resources, July 1964, "Coachella Valley Investigation", Bulletin No. 108; 6. Greensfelder, Roger W., 1974, `Maximum Credible Rock Acceleration from Earthquakes in California": California Division of Mines and Geology, M. S. 23, (explanation 12 pages); 7. United States Geological Survey, 1980, 7.5-Minute Topographic Map, La Quinta Quadrangle. Project 1057-04 • APPENDIX B Field Exploration a) The site was explored on June 29, 2001 utilizing an 8-inch diameter truck -mounted, B-53 hollow stem auger drill rig, to excavate one boring to a maximum depth of 30 feet below the l existing ground surface. The boring was subsequently backfilled. J b) The soils encountered in the boring was logged and sampled by our Engineering Geologist. The soils were classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System described in Figure B-1. The approximate location of the boring is shown on the Boring Location Plan, Figure B-2. The Log of Boring for this investigation is presented in Figure B-3. The log, as presented, is based on the field log, modified as required from the results of the laboratory tests. Driven ring and bulk samples were obtained from the excavations for laboratory inspection and testing. The depths at which the samples were obtained are indicated on the logs. c) The number of blows of the hammer during sampling was recorded, together with the depth of penetration, the driving weight and the height of fall. The blows required per foot of penetration for given samples are indicated on the logs. These blow counts provide a ] measure of the density and consistency of the soil. d) No groundwater or seepage was encountered within the drilled boring. e) Minor caving did occur as indicated on the log. UNIFIED SOILS CLASSIFICATION (ASTM D-2487) PRIMARY DIVISION GROUP SYMBOL I SECONDARY DIVISIONS w Clean GW Well graded gravels, gravel -sand mixture, little or no fines W N N .N L m > w `—N° '°—°,' Gravels (<5% ones) GP Poorly graded gravels or gravel -sand mixtures, little or no fines `0 _ ! m a i r o v .. c a) 2 .o c Gravel with GM Silty gravels, gravel -sand -silt mixture. Non -plastic fines. LUE'w Z - C7`o°i�� g - Fines o o `� GC Clayey gravels, gravel -sand -clay mixtures. Plastic fines m O L ` m m w c Clean Sands SW Well -graded gravels, gravel -sand mixtures, little or no fines. rwn L - -- aD 0 E2 �' r > m m o .? (<5% fines) SP Poorly graded sands or gravelly sands, little or no fines. < 21 OU `—° Z L U U 0 N o o ca E Sands with SM Silty sands, sand -silt mixtures. Non -Plastic fines. Fines SC Clayey sands, sand -clay mixtures. Plastic fines. o t- ¢ ML Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, silty or clayey fine N Z U) = sands or clayey silts, with slight plasticity U) •F U5 rn } o CL Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy O > � U 5 w clays, silt clays, lean clays. OL Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity. � N'� E u �oLU C3J � co — Z ° N H 0_ MH Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty L o Q } ¢ Lb soils, elastic silts. CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays CO co w rn o w < Z _1U o�� LL o E OH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, organic silts. 0 Highly Organic Soils PT Peat and other highly organic soils. CLASSIFICATION BASED ON FIELD TESTS Clays and Silts . PENETRATION RESISTANCE (PR) 'Numbers of blows of 140 lb hammer Sands and Gravels Consistency Blows/foot' Strength— falling 30 inches to drive a 2-inch O.D. (1 3/8 in, I.D.) Split Barrel sampler (ASTM-1568 Standard Penetration Test) Relative Density Blows/foot Very Soft 0-2 0-'/2 Very loose 0-4 Soft 2-4 '/.--'/z Loose 4-10 Firm 4-8 '/r1 "Unconfined Compressive strength in Medium Dense 10-30 Stiff 8-15 J 1-2 tons/sq. ft Read from pocket Dense 30-50 Very Stiff 15-30 2-4 penetrometer Very Dense Over 50 Hard Over 30 Over 4 CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA BASED ON LAB TESTS 60 GW and SW — C.= D6o/D,o greater than 4 for GW and 6 for SW; C°= (D30) 2/D,ox D6o between 1 and 3 so x 30 GP and SP — Clean gravel or sand not meeting requirement for GW and SW Z30' a 20 GM and SM — Atterberg limit below "A" line or P.I. less than 4 10 GC and SC — Atterberg limit above "A" line P.I. greater than 7 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 CLASSIFICATION OF EARTH MATERIAL IS BASED ON FIELD INSPECTION Liquid Limit AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED TO IMPLY LABORATORY ANALYSIS Plasticity chart for laboratory UNLESS SO STATED. Classification of Fine-grained soils Fines (Silty or Clay) Fine Sand Medium Sand Coarse Sand Fine Gravel Coarse Gravel Cobbles Boulders Sieve Sizes 200 40 10 4 3/." 3" 10" State Highway 111 and Washington Street GEO-ENG/NEERING, INC. La Quinta, California Date: July 2001 Figure No.: GEOLOGIC AND SOILS ENGINEERING, qMGLOBAL TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA , Project No.: 1057-04 B-1 BORING L O CA TION PLAN ICE TAM Flo o C �•�t �i C • ` \ r � Dk .� Dasmc ACCESS 1 : ti -, 7; ■ CATES s. Aa7fF CwE - 1 1•�'ti� ,. +•. ':. o.� A _ Wit•-••'".---«•.•. ...-_-••_ .•__ _ l 1= .�� "�7` ...Y•,•\1 j�: f �•�'S• p t MOND== 6"-0- INOE N.I. G1TE , :. � �,�5.';�' .`ti l4 ■ `. \-� � ="�• PROPOSED 0' CPS ARIENIA EOGTION �1 : '►. F , ./• G PROPOSED SSrU S' TYPR'x OF Z. (TO K f -• B-1 YNNTAWED By rEnIIRq �:a; _ ?a --EIST.G mG. Cm - -�� f VAT" UME - a -PROPOSED a'-0 X TO MATCH ErS -vnoPpsED ,� - t r :f • � 514w TO R, I • �• '--PROPOSED 20' .�' AREA EW-IQSCD � � • SLWP �,pCK x .� = U.C. PROPOSED 65'-0" mC , •. xANTENNAS wOUNTED Q -i y "I�Lv.x.P `' I \J4 � J .�',• /E/ ROPO%E TO S+STCm AT EA M'8E WIMiAp1E0 BY T KEY N I3 1 O Boring Location, showing total depth R 30' 30 0 30 60 T H SCALE FEET State Highway 111 and Washington Street GLOBAL GE I -ENGINEERING, INC. La Quinta, California Date: July 2001 GEOLOGIC AND SOILS ENGINEERING TUSTIN, CALIFORNIA Figure No: Project No.: 1057-04 B-2 GLO@AL GEO-ENG/NEER/NG, INC. GEOLOGIC! SOWS ENG-L,iCS}L,CwLIIOLIfA Highway 111 and Washington La Quinta, California Project No. 1057-04 LOG OF TEST PIT B-1 Date June 29, 2001 Logged By KBY Total Depth of Boring . 30 feet Diameter of Boring 8" Drilling Company Glodich Drilling Drilling Rig : B-53 HSA Drilling Method Hollow Stem Auger Sampling Method : Ring Hammer Weight (lbs.) : 140 lbs. Hammer Drop (in.) :30 in. Depth to Groundwater : None Encountered Elevation : -75 feet N °' L T rn y Depth a)_ n E E a o o 3 r v DESCRIPTION Feet in U) o �� o m O D 0 0 Silty SAND/SAND: fine-grained, tan to light brown, dry to slightly Bulk moist, medium dense Ring 1.9 103.6 30 SM/SP 5 Ring 1.8 82.8 67 FILL j SAND: fine-grained, tan to light brown, dry, loose to medium dense ® Ring N/R N/R 18 10 ® Ring 66 99.1 12 SP 15— ® Ring 5.5 849 13 20 ® Ring 1.0 90.2 21 25 30 II Ring I N/R I N/R 1 25 ML Sandy SILT: light brown, slightly moist, medium stiff SAND: fine-grained, light brown, dry to slightly moist, medium dense SP ALLUVIUM Bottom of Boring at 30 feet Notes: 1) Caving to 25 feet 2) No Seepage or Groundwater Encountered 3) Boring backfilled and capped with AC patch 4) N/R - No Recovery Figure B-3 Project 1057-04 APPENDIX C Laboratory Testing Pro4ram The laboratory testing program was directed towards providing quantitative data relating to the relevant engineering properties of the soils. Samples representative of those obtained in the field were tested as described below. a) Moisture -Density Moisture -density information usually provides a gross indication of soil consistency. Local variations at the time of the investigation can be delineated, and a correlation obtained between soils found on this site and nearby sites. The dry unit weights and field moisture contents were determined for selected samples. The results are shown on the Log of Boring. b) Compaction A representative soil samples was tested in the laboratory to determine the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content, using the ASTM D1557 compaction test method. This test procedure requires 25 blows of a 10-pound hammer falling a height of 18 inches on each of five layers, in a 1/30 cubic foot cylinder. The results of the test are presented below: Sample Depth Soil Optimum Moisture Maximum Boring No. (ft.) Description Content o Dry Density ( /o) (Ib/ft� B-1 0-3 Silty SAND/SAND 10.0 120.0 Appendix C Project 1057-04 Page 19 c) Direct Shear Direct shear tests were conducted on relatively undisturbed samples, using a direct shear machine at a constant rate of strain. Variable normal or confining loads are applied vertically and the soil shear strengths are obtained at these loads. The angle of internal friction and the cohesion are then evaluated. The samples were tasted at saturated moisture contents. The test results are shown in terms of the Coulomb shear strength parameters, as shown below: Angle of FF Sample Depth Soil Coulomb Internal Peak/ Boring No. (ft.) Description Cohesion (lb/ft') Friction (o Residual B-1 11 SAND 200 29 Peak 100 28 Residual d) Sulfate Content A representative soil sample was analyzed for their sulphate content in accordance with California Test Method CA417. The results are given below: Boring No. Sample Depth Soil Sulphate Content (ft.) Description /o B-1 0-3 Silty SAND/SAND 0.052 Appendix C Project 1057-04 Page 20 e) Chloride Content A representative soil sample was analyzed for chloride content in accordance with California Test Method CA422. The results are given below: Boring No. Sample Depth Soil Chloride Content (ft.) Description B-1 0-3 Silty SAND/SAND 0.031 f) Resistivity A representative soil sample was analyzed in accordance with California Test Method CA643 to determine the minimum resistivity. The result is provided below: Boring No. Sample Depth Soil Minimum Resistivity (ft.) Description (Ohm -cm) B-1 0-3 Silty SAND/SAND <200