2021-June Coral Mountain Resort Draft EIR - Appendix N - Alternatives Trip Generation Comparison
SCH# 2021020310
Trip Generation Comparison
With VMT Analysis
& Air Quality and GHG Comparison
Appendix N
June 2021
12615‐10 Trip Generation Comparison 5.26.2021.docx
May 26, 2021
Ms. Michelle Witherspoon
MSA Consulting
34200 Bob Hope Drive
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
Dear Ms. Michelle Witherspoon:
Urban Crossroads, Inc. is pleased to submit this summary of trip generation associated with potential
Coral Mountain Specific Plan Project Alternatives. The Five alternatives to the Coral Mountain Specific
Plan include the following:
1. Alternative 1: No Project/No Build
Under the No Project/No Build Alternative (“Alternative 1”), the project would remain in its current
and existing vacant condition. No significant trip generation and consequently air quality or
greenhouse gas emissions are anticipated to occur for this alternative.
2. Alternative 2: No Project/Existing Entitlements
Under the No Project/Existing Entitlements Alternative (“Alternative 2”), the project site would be
developed as designated with the following land use designations as established by the Andalusia at
Coral Mountain Specific Plan (SP 03‐067), as amended, and the La Quinta General Plan land use map.
Under SP 03‐067 the property would develop approximately 8.4 acres of commercial use, 204.2 acres
of low‐density residential uses, and 171.9 acres for golf course use, as indicated in the table below.
Existing Land Use and Zoning Summary
Existing Land Use Existing Zoning Acres
General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial (CN) 8.4
Low Density Residential Low Density Residential (RL) 204.2
Open Space (Recreation) Golf Course (GC) 171.9
Total 384.5 acres
For trip generation purposes, Alternative 2 is estimated based on 750 dwelling units (DU) of low
density residential, 60,000 square feet (sf) commercial retail, and 18‐hole golf course.
Ms. Michelle Witherspoon
MSA Consulting
May 26, 2021
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3. Alternative 3, Reduced Density
Under the Reduced Density Alternative (“Alternative 3”), the project would be reduced by one‐third
of the proposed density of the project. Therefore, this Reduced Density Alternative would develop
400 residential dwelling units, 100 resort/hotel rooms, 38,000 square feet of resort commercial uses,
and 40,000 square feet of neighborhood commercial uses. The Wave Basin and other proposed
recreational amenities would remain part of the project as presently proposed.
For trip generation purposes, the following land uses have been utilized:
331 DU ‐ Single‐Family Detached Residential
69 DU ‐ Multi‐Family Residential
100 Rooms ‐ Resort Hotel
40,000 SF – Commercial Retail
12 Acre ‐ Wave Basin (no change from proposed Project)
10,000 SF ‐ Wave Village
11,000 SF ‐ The Farm
4. Alternative 4, Golf/Resort Hotel
Under the Golf/Resort Hotel Alternative (“Alternative 4”), the project would be developed with a
resort hotel of 150 hotel rooms and associated recreational, restaurant and retail amenities, an 18‐
hole championship golf course that would be open to the public to play on a daily fee basis, and 600
low‐density residential units.
Alternative 4 trip generation is estimated based on 600 dwelling units (DU) of low density residential,
150 room resort hotel, and 18 hole golf course.
5. Alternative 5, The Lake Amenity/No Hotel
Under the Lake Amenity Alternative (“Alternative 5”), the project would be developed with a lake
amenity instead of the wave basin, and would include 750 low‐density residential units and 8.4 acres
of commercial uses at the northeast corner of the property, consistent with the existing entitlements
for the project site. The lake would be approximately 75 acres, and would be used for typical lake
uses, including small electric boats, sailing, kayaking and paddle boarding (but not gas‐powered boats
or recreational watercraft). This alternative would not have the hotel or other Tourist Commercial
uses and would not have the occasional special events that would be associated with the wave basin.
Alternative 5 trip generation is estimated based on 750 dwelling units (DU) of low density residential,
60,000 sf of commercial retail, and 75 acre (AC) lake.
Ms. Michelle Witherspoon
MSA Consulting
May 26, 2021
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12615‐10 Trip Generation Comparison 5.26.2021.docx
In order to compare the traffic characteristics of the proposed Project provided in the Coral Mountain
Specific Plan Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA), October 27, 2020 and the proposed Project Alternatives, trip‐
generation statistics published in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation (10th
Edition, 2017) manual are utilized.
ITE trip generation rates for Single Family Detached Residential (Code 210), Multifamily Housing (Code
220), Resort Hotel (Code 330), and Shopping Center (Code 820) are used. The wave basin is a private
facility. Trip generation rates for the Wave Basin Facility from the San Diego Association of Governments
recreational park (developed) rates appropriately account for this private facility. For the Wave Village
area, ITE land use code 861 (sporting goods store) has been utilized and the Farm area, ITE land use code
495 (recreational community center) has been utilized. Trip generation rates for golf course (Code 430)
has been utilized for Project Alternative uses. For the Lake, ITE 9th edition rates for ITE Code 417 have
been utilized for this private open space amenity.
Table 1 presents the trip generation rates and resulting trip generation summary for the proposed
Project (consistent with the TIA). As shown on Table 1, the proposed Project is anticipated to generate
a net total of 6,994 external trip‐ends per day on a typical weekday with 447 external vehicles per hour
(VPH) during the weekday AM peak hour and 638 external VPH during the weekday PM peak hour.
Project alternative 2 (No Project/Existing Entitlements) is shown on Table 2. The Project alternative is
anticipated to generate a net total of 7,923 external trip‐ends per day on a typical weekday with 589
external vehicles per hour (VPH) during the weekday AM peak hour and 829 external VPH during the
weekday PM peak hour. Due to the increase in trip generation, the total air quality and greenhouse gas
operational emissions would increase (proportional to the increase in daily trips) since the majority of
operational emissions are associated with mobile sources. In addition, this Alternative is anticipated to
have a higher daily VMT and per capita VMT because it generates more daily trips and lacks the
complimentary mix of uses and enhanced connectivity between those uses which reduce per capita
Project alternative 3 (Reduced Density) is shown on Table 3. The Project alternative is anticipated to
generate a net total of 4,600 external trip‐ends per day on a typical weekday with 293 external vehicles
per hour (VPH) during the weekday AM peak hour and 412 external VPH during the weekday PM peak
hour. Due to the decrease in trip generation, the total air quality and greenhouse gas operational
emissions would decrease (proportional to the decrease in daily trips) since the majority of operational
emissions are associated with mobile sources. This Alternative may have a reduced per capita VMT
because the reduced number of homes is presented in a mixed use context, but this reduction cannot
be confirmed or quantified without a full set of VMT model runs, which is beyond the scope of this
Alternatives analysis and the requirements of CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.6(d).
Project alternative 4 (The Golf/Resort Hotel) is shown on Table 4. The Project alternative is anticipated
to generate a net total of 6,799 external trip‐ends per day on a typical weekday with 496 external
Ms. Michelle Witherspoon
MSA Consulting
May 26, 2021
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vehicles per hour (VPH) during the weekday AM peak hour and 664 external VPH during the weekday
PM peak hour. Due to the decrease in trip generation, the total air quality and greenhouse gas
operational emissions would decrease (proportional to the decrease in daily trips) since the majority of
operational emissions are associated with mobile sources. This Alternative is expected to have a higher
total VMT on a per capita basis because this Alternative removes the project’s neighborhood‐serving
commercial uses that would reduce the length of vehicle trips for the residents of this project and the
surrounding communities (who would need to drive further for those commercial amenities under this
Project alternative 5 (The Lake/No Hotel) is shown on Table 5. The Project alternative is anticipated to
generate a net total of 7,911 external trip‐ends per day on a typical weekday with 573 external vehicles
per hour (VPH) during the weekday AM peak hour and 805 external VPH during the weekday PM peak
hour. Due to the increase in trip generation, the total air quality and greenhouse gas operational
emissions would increase (proportional to the increase in daily trips) since the majority of operational
emissions are associated with mobile sources. This Alternative may have a higher total VMT on a daily
and per capita basis because it generates more trips per day and lacks on‐site complementary resort
accommodations, but this increase cannot be confirmed or quantified without a full set of VMT model
runs, which is beyond the scope of this Alternatives analysis and the requirements of CEQA Guidelines
Section 15126.6(d).
Based on the comparison results presented on Table 6, the potential Project land use alternatives are
estimated to generate the following differences when compared to the proposed Project provided in
TIA, AQ, and GHG:
Alternative 1: No Project/No Build
‐ No trips are generated, no air quality or greenhouse gas emissions would occur.
Alternative 2: No Project/Existing Entitlements
‐ 929 more external trip‐ends per day, 142 more AM peak hour external trips, and 191 more
PM peak hour external trips. Due to the increase in trip generation, the total air quality and
greenhouse gas operational emissions would increase (proportional to the increase in daily
trips) since the majority of operational emissions are associated with mobile sources. This
Alternative is also anticipated to have a higher daily VMT and per capita VMT.
Alternative 3: Reduced Density
‐ 2,394 fewer external trip‐ends per day, 154 fewer AM peak hour external trips, and 226
fewer PM peak hour external trips. Due to the decrease in trip generation, the total air
quality and greenhouse gas operational emissions would decrease (proportional to the
Ms. Michelle Witherspoon
MSA Consulting
May 26, 2021
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12615‐10 Trip Generation Comparison 5.26.2021.docx
decrease in daily trips) since the majority of operational emissions are associated with
mobile sources. This Alternative may have a reduced per capita VMT because the reduced
number of homes is presented in a mixed‐use context.
Alternative 4: The Golf/Resort Hotel
‐ 195 fewer external trip‐ends per day, 49 more AM peak hour external trips, and 26 more
PM peak hour external trips. Due to the decrease in trip generation, the total air quality
and greenhouse gas operational emissions would decrease (proportional to the decrease in
daily trips) since the majority of operational emissions are associated with mobile sources.
This Alternative is expected to have a higher total VMT on a per capita basis because it
removes the project’s neighborhood‐serving commercial uses.
Alternative 5: The Lake/No Hotel
‐ 917 more external trip‐ends per day, 126 more AM peak hour external trips, and 167 more
PM peak hour external trips. Due to the increase in trip generation, the total air quality and
greenhouse gas operational emissions would increase (proportional to the increase in daily
trips) since the majority of operational emissions are associated with mobile sources. This
Alternative may have a higher total VMT on a daily and per capita basis because it generates
more trips per day and lacks on‐site complementary resort accommodations.
As shown in Table 6, Alternative 2 (No Project/Existing Entitlements) presents the most intense scenario
for daily and peak hour trip generation and consequently emissions associated with air quality and
greenhouse gases.
If you have any questions, please contact John Kain at (949) 375‐2435 or Haseeb Qureshi (714) 612‐6664.
Respectfully submitted,
John Kain, AICP Haseeb Qureshi
Principal Associate Principal
In Out Total In Out Total
Single Family Detached 210 496 DU 0.19 0.55 0.74 0.62 0.37 0.99 9.44
Multifamily Housing (Low‐Rise) 220 104 DU 0.11 0.35 0.46 0.35 0.21 0.56 7.32
Resort Hotel5
(with bar, restaurant, kitchen, rooftop bar, pool bar & grill, and
spa. Back of house resort operations included)
330 150 RM 0.27 0.10 0.37 0.20 0.27 0.47 7.87
Shopping Center 820 60 TSF 0.58 0.36 0.94 1.83 1.98 3.81 37.75
Wave Basin Facility6
(Back of house wave operations included)‐4 12 AC 1.20 0.80 2.00 2.40 1.60 4.00 50.00
Wave Village (Studio/Retail)7
(with shape studio, surf shop, board room, surf lounge/living
room, surf classroom, fitness pavilion, high performance center,
& beach club)
861 15 TSF 0.27 0.07 0.34 0.97 1.05 2.02 28.75
The Farm (Recreational Area/Clubhouse)8
(with Barn, Greenhouse, Equipment Barn, Tool Shed, Family
Camp, Gym, Outfitters, & Locker Rooms)
495 16 TSF 1.16 0.60 1.76 1.09 1.22 2.31 28.82
In Out Total In Out Total
Single Family Detached 210 496 DU 94 273 367 308 184 492 4,682
Multifamily Housing (Low‐Rise) 220 104 DU 11 36 47 36 22 58 761
Internal to Retail/Resort (14) (26) (40) (50) (38) (88) (771)
91 283 374 294 168 462 4,672
Shopping Center 820 60 TSF 35 22 57 110 119 229 2,265
Pass‐By (25%)(7) (7) (14) (28) (28) (56) (566)
Internal to Residential/Resort (9) (7) (16) (21) (35) (56) (560)
19 8 27 61 56 117 1,139
Resort Hotel 330 150 RM 41 15 56 30 41 71 1,181
Internal to Residential/Retail (17) (14) (31) (23) (28) (51) (612)
Wave Basin Facility ‐4 12 AC 14 10 24 29 19 48 600
Internal to Residential/Retail/Resort (12) (8) (20) (26) (17) (43) (470)
Wave Village 861 15 TSF 3 2 5 16 15 31 431
Internal to Residential/Resort (1) (1) (2) (7) (7) (14) (168)
The Farm 495 16TSF181129181937461
Internal to Residential/Resort (9) (6) (15) (9) (11) (20) (240)
The Farm External Trips 9 5149 817221
216 369 585 547 419 966 10,381
Internal Capture Subtotal (62) (62) (124) (136) (136) (272) (2,821)
Pass‐By (Shopping Center) (7) (7) (14) (28) (28) (56) (566)
147 300 447 383 255 638 6,994
4 Since ITE does not have trip rates for a wave pool facility, similar use based on SANDAG's recreation park (developed) peak hour and daily rates are utilized.
5 Hotel trip rates account for 23.5 tsf of ancillary facilities which include bar, restaurant, kitchen, rooftop bar, pool bar & grill, spa, and back of house resort operations.
6 The Wave Basin Facility trip rates account for pool area and 1.5 tsf of back of house wave operations.
7 Wave Village trip rates account for 15 tsf of ancillary facilities which include shape studio, surf shop, board room, surf lounge/living room, surf classroom,
fitness pavilion, high performance center, & beach club.
8 The Farm trip rates account for 16 tsf of ancillary facilities which include Barn, Greenhouse, Equipment Barn, Tool Shed, Family Camp, Gym, Outfitters, & Locker Rooms.
9 The 1 tsf back of house guardhouse use is accounted for in the Project rates.
F:\UXRjobs\_12600‐13000\12615\Excel\[12615 ‐ TG Comparison.xlsx]TIA
1 Trip Generation Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition (2017).
2 DU = Dwelling Unit; RM = Occupied Room; TSF = Thousand Square Feet
3 Pass‐By Source: Shops at Coral Mountain TIA, prepared by Urban Crossroads, Inc. (November 2009).
Shopping Center External Trips
Resort Hotel External Trips
Wave Basin Facility External Trips
Wave Village External Trips
Project Subtotal
Project Total External Trips
Residential External Trips
Trip Generation Results
Land Use
Code Quantity
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Land Use
Code Quantity
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Trip Generation Rates1,9
In Out Total In Out Total
Single Family Detached 210 750 DU 0.19 0.55 0.74 0.62 0.37 0.99 9.44
Shopping Center 820 60 TSF 0.58 0.36 0.94 1.83 1.98 3.81 37.75
Golf Course 430 18 HOLES 1.39 0.37 1.76 1.54 1.37 2.91 30.38
In Out Total In Out Total
Single Family Detached 210 750 DU 143 413 556 465 278 743 7,080
Internal to Retail/Golf Course (5) (11) (16) (25) (24) (49) (429)
138 402 540 440 254 694 6,651
Shopping Center 820 60 TSF 35 22 57 110 119 229 2,265
Pass‐By (25%)(7) (7) (14) (28) (28) (56) (566)
Internal to Residential/Golf Course (9) (6) (15) (28) (31) (59) (590)
19 9 28 54 60 114 1,109
Golf Course 430 18 HOLES 25 7 32 28 25 53 547
Internal to Residential/Retail (7) (4) (11) (17) (15) (32) (384)
18 3 21111021163
203 442 645 603 422 1,025 9,892
Internal Capture Subtotal (21) (21) (42) (70) (70) (140) (1,403)
Pass‐By (Shopping Center)(7) (7) (14) (28) (28) (56) (566)
175 414 589 505 324 829 7,923
F:\UXRjobs\_12600‐13000\12615\Excel\[12615 ‐ TG Comparison.xlsx]Alt 2
1 Trip Generation Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition (2017).
2 DU = Dwelling Unit; TSF = Thousand Square Feet
Shopping Center External Trips
Golf Course External Trips
Project Subtotal
Project Total External Trips
Residential External Trips
Trip Generation Results
Land Use
Code Quantity
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Land Use
Code Quantity
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Trip Generation Rates1
In Out Total In Out Total
Single Family Detached 210 331 DU 0.19 0.55 0.74 0.62 0.37 0.99 9.44
Multifamily Housing (Low‐Rise) 220 69 DU 0.11 0.35 0.46 0.35 0.21 0.56 7.32
Resort Hotel5
(with bar, restaurant, kitchen, rooftop bar, pool bar & grill, and
spa. Back of house resort operations included)
330 100 RM 0.27 0.10 0.37 0.20 0.27 0.47 7.87
Shopping Center 820 40 TSF 0.58 0.36 0.94 1.83 1.98 3.81 37.75
Wave Basin Facility6
(Back of house wave operations included)‐4 12 AC 1.20 0.80 2.00 2.40 1.60 4.00 50.00
Wave Village (Studio/Retail)7
(with shape studio, surf shop, board room, surf lounge/living
room, surf classroom, fitness pavilion, high performance center,
& beach club)
861 10 TSF 0.27 0.07 0.34 0.97 1.05 2.02 28.75
The Farm (Recreational Area/Clubhouse)8
(with Barn, Greenhouse, Equipment Barn, Tool Shed, Family
Camp, Gym, Outfitters, & Locker Rooms)
495 11 TSF 1.16 0.60 1.76 1.09 1.22 2.31 28.82
In Out Total In Out Total
Single Family Detached 210 331 DU 63 182 245 205 122 327 3,125
Multifamily Housing (Low‐Rise) 220 69DU8 2432241438505
Internal to Retail/Resort (8) (23) (31) (39) (30) (69) (604)
63 183 246 190 106 296 3,026
Shopping Center 820 40 TSF 23 14 37 73 79 152 1,510
Pass‐By (25%)(4) (4) (8) (19) (19) (38) (378)
Internal to Residential/Resort (7) (5) (12) (11) (25) (36) (360)
12 5 17433578772
Resort Hotel 330 100 RM 27 10 37 20 27 47 787
Internal to Residential/Retail (15) (8) (23) (16) (21) (37) (444)
122144 610343
Wave Basin Facility ‐4 12 AC 14 10 24 29 19 48 600
Internal to Residential/Retail/Resort (12) (8) (20) (26) (17) (43) (470)
Wave Village 861 10 TSF 2 2 4 11 10 21 288
Internal to Residential/Resort (1) (1) (2) (5) (5) (10) (120)
The Farm 495 11 TSF 12 8 20 13 12 25 317
Internal to Residential/Resort (6) (4) (10) (7) (6) (13) (156)
The Farm External Trips 6 4106 612161
149 250 399 375 283 658 7,132
Internal Capture Subtotal (49) (49) (98) (104) (104) (208) (2,154)
Pass‐By (Shopping Center) (4) (4) (8) (19) (19) (38) (378)
96 197 293 252 160 412 4,600
4 Since ITE does not have trip rates for a wave pool facility, similar use based on SANDAG's recreation park (developed) peak hour and daily rates are utilized.
5 Hotel trip rates account for 15.7 tsf of ancillary facilities which include bar, restaurant, kitchen, rooftop bar, pool bar & grill, spa, and back of house resort operations.
6 The Wave Basin Facility trip rates account for pool area and 1 tsf of back of house wave operations.
7 Wave Village trip rates account for 10 tsf of ancillary facilities which include shape studio, surf shop, board room, surf lounge/living room, surf classroom,
fitness pavilion, high performance center, & beach club.
8 The Farm trip rates account for 11 tsf of ancillary facilities which include Barn, Greenhouse, Equipment Barn, Tool Shed, Family Camp, Gym, Outfitters, & Locker Rooms.
9 The 1 tsf back of house guardhouse use is accounted for in the Project rates.
F:\UXRjobs\_12600‐13000\12615\Excel\[12615 ‐ TG Comparison.xlsx]Alt 3
1 Trip Generation Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition (2017).
2 DU = Dwelling Unit; RM = Occupied Room; TSF = Thousand Square Feet
3 Pass‐By Source: Shops at Coral Mountain TIA, prepared by Urban Crossroads, Inc. (November 2009).
Shopping Center External Trips
Resort Hotel External Trips
Wave Basin Facility External Trips
Wave Village External Trips
Project Subtotal
Project Total External Trips
Residential External Trips
Trip Generation Results
Land Use
Code Quantity
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Land Use
Code Quantity
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Trip Generation Rates1,9
In Out Total In Out Total
Single Family Detached 210 600 DU 0.19 0.55 0.74 0.62 0.37 0.99 9.44
Resort Hotel5
(with bar, restaurant, kitchen, rooftop bar, pool bar & grill, and
spa. Back of house resort operations included)
330 150 RM 0.27 0.10 0.37 0.20 0.27 0.47 7.87
Golf Course 430 18 HOLES 1.39 0.37 1.76 1.54 1.37 2.91 30.38
In Out Total In Out Total
Single Family Detached 210 600 DU 114 330 444 372 222 594 5,664
Internal to Retail/Resort (3) (9) (12) (9) (8) (17) (149)
111 321 432 363 214 577 5,515
Resort Hotel 330 150 RM 41 15 56 30 41 71 1,181
Internal to Residential/Golf Course (7) (7) (14) (10) (11) (21) (252)
Golf Course 430 18 HOLES 25 7 32 28 25 53 547
Internal to Residential/Resort (8) (2) (10) (8) (8) (16) (192)
17 5 22201737355
180 352 532 430 288 718 7,392
Internal Capture Subtotal (18) (18) (36) (27) (27) (54) (593)
162 334 496 403 261 664 6,799
5 Hotel trip rates account for ancillary facilities which include bar, restaurant, kitchen, rooftop bar, pool bar & grill, spa, and back of house resort operations.
F:\UXRjobs\_12600‐13000\12615\Excel\[12615 ‐ TG Comparison.xlsx]Alt 4
1 Trip Generation Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition (2017).
2 DU = Dwelling Unit; RM = Occupied Room; TSF = Thousand Square Feet
Wave Village External Trips
Project Subtotal
Project Total External Trips
Residential External Trips
Trip Generation Results
Land Use
Code Quantity
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Land Use
Code Quantity
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Trip Generation Rates1,9
In Out Total In Out Total
Single Family Detached 210 750 DU 0.19 0.55 0.74 0.62 0.37 0.99 9.44
Shopping Center 820 60 TSF 0.58 0.36 0.94 1.83 1.98 3.81 37.75
Regional Park (Lake)3 417 75 AC ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐0.09 0.11 0.20 4.57
In Out Total In Out Total
Single Family Detached 210 750 DU 143 413 556 465 278 743 7,080
Internal to Retail/Regonal Park (Lake)(5) (8) (13) (30) (27) (57) (499)
138 405 543 435 251 686 6,581
Shopping Center 820 60 TSF 35 22 57 110 119 229 2,265
Pass‐By (25%)(7) (7) (14) (28) (28) (56) (566)
Internal to Residential/Regonal Park (Lake)(8) (5) (13) (28) (30) (58) (580)
20 10 30 54 61 115 1,119
Regional Park (Lake)417 75 AC ‐‐‐7 8 15 343
Internal to Residential/Retail ‐‐‐(5) (6) (11) (132)
178 435 613 582 405 987 9,688
Internal Capture Subtotal (13) (13) (26) (63) (63) (126) (1,211)
Pass‐By (Shopping Center)(7) (7) (14) (28) (28) (56) (566)
158 415 573 491 314 805 7,911
3 Since the current ITE does not have trip rates for a Regional Park (Lake), ITE 9th edition rates have been uitlized.
F:\UXRjobs\_12600‐13000\12615\Excel\[12615 ‐ TG Comparison.xlsx]Alt 5
1 Trip Generation Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition (2017).
2 DU = Dwelling Unit; TSF = Thousand Square Feet
Shopping Center External Trips
Golf Course External Trips
Project Subtotal
Project Total External Trips
Residential External Trips
Trip Generation Results
Land Use
Code Quantity
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Land Use
Code Quantity
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Trip Generation Rates1
In Out Total In Out Total
147 300 447 383 255 638 6,994
000000 0
‐147 ‐300 ‐447 ‐383 ‐255 ‐638 ‐6,994
147 300 447 383 255 638 6,994
No Project/Existing Entitlements Alternative
‐ 750 DU SFDR, 60 TSF Retail, 18 Hole Golf Course 175 414 589 505 324 829 7,923
28 114 142 122 69 191 929
147 300 447 383 255 638 6,994
96 197 293 252 160 412 4,600
‐51 ‐103 ‐154 ‐131 ‐95 ‐226 ‐2,394
147 300 447 383 255 638 6,994
The Golf/Resort Hotel Alternative
‐ 600 DU SFDR, 150 RM Hotel, 18 Hole Golf Course 162 334 496 403 261 664 6,799
15 34 49 20 6 26 ‐195
147 300 447 383 255 638 6,994
The Lake Amenity/No Hotel Alternative
‐ 750 DU SFDR, 60 TSF Retail, 75 AC Regional Park (Lake)
158 415 573 491 314 805 7,911
11 115 126 108 59 167 917
F:\UXRjobs\_12600‐13000\12615\Excel\[12615 ‐ TG Comparison.xlsx]TG_Comparison
1 DU = Dwelling Unit; RM = Occupied Room; TSF = Thousand Square Feet; AC = Acre;
SFDR = Single Family Detached Residential; MF = Multi Family Residential
Proposed Project (TIA)
‐ 496 DU SFDR, 104 DU MF, 150 RM Hotel, 60 TSF Retail,
12 AC Wave Basin Facility, 15 TSF Wave Village, 16 TSF The Farm
Proposed Project (TIA)
‐ 496 DU SFDR, 104 DU MF, 150 RM Hotel, 60 TSF Retail,
12 AC Wave Basin Facility, 15 TSF Wave Village, 16 TSF The Farm
Proposed Project (TIA)
‐ 496 DU SFDR, 104 DU MF, 150 RM Hotel, 60 TSF Retail,
12 AC Wave Basin Facility, 15 TSF Wave Village, 16 TSF The Farm
Reduced Density
‐ 331 DU SFDR, 69 DU MF, 100 RM Hotel, 40 TSF Retail,
12 AC Wave Basin Facility, 10 TSF Wave Village, 11 TSF The Farm
Alternative 4 Trip Generation Comparison
Proposed Project (TIA)
‐ 496 DU SFDR, 104 DU MF, 150 RM Hotel, 60 TSF Retail,
12 AC Wave Basin Facility, 15 TSF Wave Village, 16 TSF The Farm
Alternative 5 Trip Generation Comparison
Alternative 3 Trip Generation Comparison
No Project/No Build Alternative
Alternative 2 Trip Generation Comparison
Alternative 1 Trip Generation Comparison
Land Use1
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Proposed Project (TIA)
‐ 496 DU SFDR, 104 DU MF, 150 RM Hotel, 60 TSF Retail,
12 AC Wave Basin Facility, 15 TSF Wave Village, 16 TSF The Farm
12615‐10 Trip Generation Comparison
April 12, 2021
Ms. Michelle Witherspoon
MSA Consulting
34200 Bob Hope Drive
Rancho Mirage, CA 92270
Dear Ms. Michelle Witherspoon:
Urban Crossroads, Inc. is pleased to submit this summary of trip generation associated with potential
Coral Mountain Specific Plan Project Alternatives. The Five alternatives to the Coral Mountain Specific
Plan include the following:
1.Alternative 1: No Project/No Build
Under the No Project/No Build Alternative (“Alternative 1”), the project would remain in its current
and existing vacant condition. No significant trip generation and consequently air quality or
greenhouse gas emissions are anticipated to occur for this alternative.
2.Alternative 2: No Project/Existing Entitlements
Under the No Project/Existing Entitlements Alternative (“Alternative 2”), the project site would be
developed as designated with the following land use designations as established by the Andalusia at
Coral Mountain Specific Plan (SP 03‐067), as amended, and the La Quinta General Plan land use map.
Under SP 03‐067 the property would develop approximately 8.4 acres of commercial use, 204.2 acres
of low‐density residential uses, and 171.9 acres for golf course use, as indicated in the table below.
Existing Land Use and Zoning Summary
Existing Land Use Existing Zoning Acres
General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial (CN) 8.4
Low Density Residential Low Density Residential (RL) 204.2
Open Space (Recreation) Golf Course (GC) 171.9
Total 384.5 acres
For trip generation purposes, Alternative 2 is estimated based on 750 dwelling units (DU) of low
density residential, 60,000 square feet (sf) commercial retail, and 18‐hole golf course.
Ms. Michelle Witherspoon
MSA Consulting
April 12, 2021
Page 2
12615‐10 Trip Generation Comparison
3. Alternative 3, Reduced Density
Under the Reduced Density Alternative (“Alternative 3”), the project would be reduced by one‐third
of the proposed density of the project. Therefore, this Reduced Density Alternative would develop
400 residential dwelling units, 100 resort/hotel rooms, 38,000 square feet of resort commercial uses,
and 40,000 square feet of neighborhood commercial uses. The Wave Basin and other proposed
recreational amenities would remain part of the project as presently proposed.
For trip generation purposes, the following land uses have been utilized:
331 DU ‐ Single‐Family Detached Residential
69 DU ‐ Multi‐Family Residential
100 Rooms ‐ Resort Hotel
40,000 SF – Commercial Retail
12 Acre ‐ Wave Basin (no change from proposed Project)
10,000 SF ‐ Wave Village
11,000 SF ‐ The Farm
4. Alternative 4, Golf/Resort Hotel
Under the Golf/Resort Hotel Alternative (“Alternative 4”), the project would be developed with a
resort hotel of 150 hotel rooms and associated recreational, restaurant and retail amenities, an 18‐
hole championship golf course that would be open to the public to play on a daily fee basis, and 600
low‐density residential units.
Alternative 4 trip generation is estimated based on 600 dwelling units (DU) of low density residential,
150 room resort hotel, and 18 hole golf course.
5. Alternative 5, The Lake Amenity/No Hotel
Under the Lake Amenity Alternative (“Alternative 5”), the project would be developed with a lake
amenity instead of the wave basin, and would include 750 low‐density residential units and 8.4 acres
of commercial uses at the northeast corner of the property, consistent with the existing entitlements
for the project site. The lake would be approximately 75 acres, and would be used for typical lake
uses, including small electric boats, sailing, kayaking and paddle boarding (but not gas‐powered boats
or recreational watercraft). This alternative would not have the hotel or other Tourist Commercial
uses and would not have the occasional special events that would be associated with the wave basin.
Alternative 5 trip generation is estimated based on 750 dwelling units (DU) of low density residential,
60,000 sf of commercial retail, and 75 acre (AC) lake.
Ms. Michelle Witherspoon
MSA Consulting
April 12, 2021
Page 3
12615‐10 Trip Generation Comparison
In order to compare the traffic characteristics of the proposed Project provided in the Coral Mountain
Specific Plan Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA), October 27, 2020 and the proposed Project Alternatives, trip‐
generation statistics published in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation (10th
Edition, 2017) manual are utilized.
ITE trip generation rates for Single Family Detached Residential (Code 210), Multifamily Housing (Code
220), Resort Hotel (Code 330), and Shopping Center (Code 820) are used. The wave basin is a private
facility. Trip generation rates for the Wave Basin Facility from the San Diego Association of Governments
recreational park (developed) rates appropriately account for this private facility. For the Wave Village
area, ITE land use code 861 (sporting goods store) has been utilized and the Farm area, ITE land use code
495 (recreational community center) has been utilized. Trip generation rates for golf course (Code 430)
has been utilized for Project Alternative uses. For the Lake, ITE 9th edition rates for ITE Code 417 have
been utilized for this private open space amenity.
Table 1 presents the trip generation rates and resulting trip generation summary for the proposed
Project (consistent with the TIA). As shown on Table 1, the proposed Project is anticipated to generate
a net total of 6,994 external trip‐ends per day on a typical weekday with 447 external vehicles per hour
(VPH) during the weekday AM peak hour and 638 external VPH during the weekday PM peak hour.
Project alternative 2 (No Project/Existing Entitlements) is shown on Table 2. The proposed Project
alternative is anticipated to generate a net total of 7,923 external trip‐ends per day on a typical weekday
with 589 external vehicles per hour (VPH) during the weekday AM peak hour and 829 external VPH
during the weekday PM peak hour. Due to the increase in trip generation, the total air quality and
greenhouse gas operational emissions would increase (proportional to the increase in daily trips) since
the majority of operational emissions are associated with mobile sources.
Project alternative 3 (Reduced Density) is shown on Table 3. The proposed Project alternative is
anticipated to generate a net total of 4,600 external trip‐ends per day on a typical weekday with 293
external vehicles per hour (VPH) during the weekday AM peak hour and 412 external VPH during the
weekday PM peak hour. Due to the decrease in trip generation, the total air quality and greenhouse gas
operational emissions would decrease (proportional to the decrease in daily trips) since the majority of
operational emissions are associated with mobile sources.
Project alternative 4 (The Golf/Resort Hotel) is shown on Table 4. The proposed Project alternative is
anticipated to generate a net total of 6,799 external trip‐ends per day on a typical weekday with 496
external vehicles per hour (VPH) during the weekday AM peak hour and 664 external VPH during the
weekday PM peak hour. Due to the decrease in trip generation, the total air quality and greenhouse gas
operational emissions would decrease (proportional to the decrease in daily trips) since the majority of
operational emissions are associated with mobile sources.
Ms. Michelle Witherspoon
MSA Consulting
April 12, 2021
Page 4
12615‐10 Trip Generation Comparison
Project alternative 5 (The Lake/No Hotel) is shown on Table 5. The proposed Project alternative is
anticipated to generate a net total of 7,911 external trip‐ends per day on a typical weekday with 573
external vehicles per hour (VPH) during the weekday AM peak hour and 805 external VPH during the
weekday PM peak hour. Due to the increase in trip generation, the total air quality and greenhouse gas
operational emissions would increase (proportional to the increase in daily trips) since the majority of
operational emissions are associated with mobile sources.
Based on the comparison results presented on Table 6, the potential Project land use alternatives are
estimated to generate the following differences when compared to the proposed Project provided in
TIA, AQ, and GHG:
Alternative 1: No Project/No Build
‐ No trips are generated, no air quality or greenhouse gas emissions would occur.
Alternative 2: No Project/Existing Entitlements
‐ 929 more external trip‐ends per day, 142 more AM peak hour external trips, and 191 more
PM peak hour external trips. Due to the increase in trip generation, the total air quality and
greenhouse gas operational emissions would increase (proportional to the increase in daily
trips) since the majority of operational emissions are associated with mobile sources. Due
to the decrease in trip generation, the total air quality and greenhouse gas operational
emissions would decrease (proportional to the decrease in daily trips) since the majority of
operational emissions are associated with mobile sources.
Alternative 3: Reduced Density
‐ 2,394 fewer external trip‐ends per day, 154 fewer AM peak hour external trips, and 226
fewer PM peak hour external trips. Due to the decrease in trip generation, the total air
quality and greenhouse gas operational emissions would decrease (proportional to the
decrease in daily trips) since the majority of operational emissions are associated with
mobile sources.
Alternative 4: The Golf/Resort Hotel
‐ 195 fewer external trip‐ends per day, 49 more AM peak hour external trips, and 26 more
PM peak hour external trips. Due to the decrease in trip generation, the total air quality and
greenhouse gas operational emissions would decrease (proportional to the decrease in
daily trips) since the majority of operational emissions are associated with mobile sources.
Ms. Michelle Witherspoon
MSA Consulting
April 12, 2021
Page 5
12615‐10 Trip Generation Comparison
Alternative 5: The Lake/No Hotel
‐ 917 more external trip‐ends per day, 126 more AM peak hour external trips, and 167 more
PM peak hour external trips. Due to the increase in trip generation, the total air quality and
greenhouse gas operational emissions would increase (proportional to the increase in daily
trips) since the majority of operational emissions are associated with mobile sources. Due
to the decrease in trip generation, the total air quality and greenhouse gas operational
emissions would decrease (proportional to the decrease in daily trips) since the majority of
operational emissions are associated with mobile sources.
As shown in Table 6, Alternative 2 (No Project/Existing Entitlements) presents the most conservative
scenario for daily and peak hour trip generation and consequently emissions associated with air quality
and greenhouse gases.
If you have any questions, please contact John Kain at (949) 375‐2435 or Haseeb Qureshi (714) 612‐6664.
Respectfully submitted,
John Kain, AICP Haseeb Qureshi
Principal Associate Principal
In Out Total In Out Total
Single Family Detached 210 496 DU 0.19 0.55 0.74 0.62 0.37 0.99 9.44
Multifamily Housing (Low‐Rise) 220 104 DU 0.11 0.35 0.46 0.35 0.21 0.56 7.32
Resort Hotel5
(with bar, restaurant, kitchen, rooftop bar, pool bar & grill, and
spa. Back of house resort operations included)
330 150 RM 0.27 0.10 0.37 0.20 0.27 0.47 7.87
Shopping Center 820 60 TSF 0.58 0.36 0.94 1.83 1.98 3.81 37.75
Wave Basin Facility6
(Back of house wave operations included)‐4 12 AC 1.20 0.80 2.00 2.40 1.60 4.00 50.00
Wave Village (Studio/Retail)7
(with shape studio, surf shop, board room, surf lounge/living
room, surf classroom, fitness pavilion, high performance center,
& beach club)
861 15 TSF 0.27 0.07 0.34 0.97 1.05 2.02 28.75
The Farm (Recreational Area/Clubhouse)8
(with Barn, Greenhouse, Equipment Barn, Tool Shed, Family
Camp, Gym, Outfitters, & Locker Rooms)
495 16 TSF 1.16 0.60 1.76 1.09 1.22 2.31 28.82
In Out Total In Out Total
Single Family Detached 210 496 DU 94 273 367 308 184 492 4,682
Multifamily Housing (Low‐Rise) 220 104 DU 11 36 47 36 22 58 761
Internal to Retail/Resort (14) (26) (40) (50) (38) (88) (771)
91 283 374 294 168 462 4,672
Shopping Center 820 60 TSF 35 22 57 110 119 229 2,265
Pass‐By (25%)(7) (7) (14) (28) (28) (56) (566)
Internal to Residential/Resort (9) (7) (16) (21) (35) (56) (560)
19 8 27 61 56 117 1,139
Resort Hotel 330 150 RM 41 15 56 30 41 71 1,181
Internal to Residential/Retail (17) (14) (31) (23) (28) (51) (612)
Wave Basin Facility ‐4 12 AC 14 10 24 29 19 48 600
Internal to Residential/Retail/Resort (12) (8) (20) (26) (17) (43) (470)
Wave Village 861 15 TSF 3 2 5 16 15 31 431
Internal to Residential/Resort (1) (1) (2) (7) (7) (14) (168)
The Farm 495 16TSF181129181937461
Internal to Residential/Resort (9) (6) (15) (9) (11) (20) (240)
The Farm External Trips 9 5149 817221
216 369 585 547 419 966 10,381
Internal Capture Subtotal (62) (62) (124) (136) (136) (272) (2,821)
Pass‐By (Shopping Center) (7) (7) (14) (28) (28) (56) (566)
147 300 447 383 255 638 6,994
4 Since ITE does not have trip rates for a wave pool facility, similar use based on SANDAG's recreation park (developed) peak hour and daily rates are utilized.
5 Hotel trip rates account for 23.5 tsf of ancillary facilities which include bar, restaurant, kitchen, rooftop bar, pool bar & grill, spa, and back of house resort operations.
6 The Wave Basin Facility trip rates account for pool area and 1.5 tsf of back of house wave operations.
7 Wave Village trip rates account for 15 tsf of ancillary facilities which include shape studio, surf shop, board room, surf lounge/living room, surf classroom,
fitness pavilion, high performance center, & beach club.
8 The Farm trip rates account for 16 tsf of ancillary facilities which include Barn, Greenhouse, Equipment Barn, Tool Shed, Family Camp, Gym, Outfitters, & Locker Rooms.
9 The 1 tsf back of house guardhouse use is accounted for in the Project rates.
F:\UXRjobs\_12600‐13000\12615\Excel\[12615 ‐ TG Comparison.xlsx]TIA
1 Trip Generation Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition (2017).
2 DU = Dwelling Unit; RM = Occupied Room; TSF = Thousand Square Feet
3 Pass‐By Source: Shops at Coral Mountain TIA, prepared by Urban Crossroads, Inc. (November 2009).
Shopping Center External Trips
Resort Hotel External Trips
Wave Basin Facility External Trips
Wave Village External Trips
Project Subtotal
Project Total External Trips
Residential External Trips
Trip Generation Results
Land Use
Code Quantity
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Land Use
Code Quantity
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Trip Generation Rates1,9
In Out Total In Out Total
Single Family Detached 210 750 DU 0.19 0.55 0.74 0.62 0.37 0.99 9.44
Shopping Center 820 60 TSF 0.58 0.36 0.94 1.83 1.98 3.81 37.75
Golf Course 430 18 HOLES 1.39 0.37 1.76 1.54 1.37 2.91 30.38
In Out Total In Out Total
Single Family Detached 210 750 DU 143 413 556 465 278 743 7,080
Internal to Retail/Golf Course (5) (11) (16) (25) (24) (49) (429)
138 402 540 440 254 694 6,651
Shopping Center 820 60 TSF 35 22 57 110 119 229 2,265
Pass‐By (25%)(7) (7) (14) (28) (28) (56) (566)
Internal to Residential/Golf Course (9) (6) (15) (28) (31) (59) (590)
19 9 28 54 60 114 1,109
Golf Course 430 18 HOLES 25 7 32 28 25 53 547
Internal to Residential/Retail (7) (4) (11) (17) (15) (32) (384)
18 3 21111021163
203 442 645 603 422 1,025 9,892
Internal Capture Subtotal (21) (21) (42) (70) (70) (140) (1,403)
Pass‐By (Shopping Center)(7) (7) (14) (28) (28) (56) (566)
175 414 589 505 324 829 7,923
F:\UXRjobs\_12600‐13000\12615\Excel\[12615 ‐ TG Comparison.xlsx]Alt 2
1 Trip Generation Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition (2017).
2 DU = Dwelling Unit; TSF = Thousand Square Feet
Shopping Center External Trips
Golf Course External Trips
Project Subtotal
Project Total External Trips
Residential External Trips
Trip Generation Results
Land Use
Code Quantity
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Land Use
Code Quantity
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Trip Generation Rates1
In Out Total In Out Total
Single Family Detached 210 331 DU 0.19 0.55 0.74 0.62 0.37 0.99 9.44
Multifamily Housing (Low‐Rise) 220 69 DU 0.11 0.35 0.46 0.35 0.21 0.56 7.32
Resort Hotel5
(with bar, restaurant, kitchen, rooftop bar, pool bar & grill, and
spa. Back of house resort operations included)
330 100 RM 0.27 0.10 0.37 0.20 0.27 0.47 7.87
Shopping Center 820 40 TSF 0.58 0.36 0.94 1.83 1.98 3.81 37.75
Wave Basin Facility6
(Back of house wave operations included)‐4 12 AC 1.20 0.80 2.00 2.40 1.60 4.00 50.00
Wave Village (Studio/Retail)7
(with shape studio, surf shop, board room, surf lounge/living
room, surf classroom, fitness pavilion, high performance center,
& beach club)
861 10 TSF 0.27 0.07 0.34 0.97 1.05 2.02 28.75
The Farm (Recreational Area/Clubhouse)8
(with Barn, Greenhouse, Equipment Barn, Tool Shed, Family
Camp, Gym, Outfitters, & Locker Rooms)
495 11 TSF 1.16 0.60 1.76 1.09 1.22 2.31 28.82
In Out Total In Out Total
Single Family Detached 210 331 DU 63 182 245 205 122 327 3,125
Multifamily Housing (Low‐Rise) 220 69DU8 2432241438505
Internal to Retail/Resort (8) (23) (31) (39) (30) (69) (604)
63 183 246 190 106 296 3,026
Shopping Center 820 40 TSF 23 14 37 73 79 152 1,510
Pass‐By (25%)(4) (4) (8) (19) (19) (38) (378)
Internal to Residential/Resort (7) (5) (12) (11) (25) (36) (360)
12 5 17433578772
Resort Hotel 330 100 RM 27 10 37 20 27 47 787
Internal to Residential/Retail (15) (8) (23) (16) (21) (37) (444)
122144 610343
Wave Basin Facility ‐4 12 AC 14 10 24 29 19 48 600
Internal to Residential/Retail/Resort (12) (8) (20) (26) (17) (43) (470)
Wave Village 861 10 TSF 2 2 4 11 10 21 288
Internal to Residential/Resort (1) (1) (2) (5) (5) (10) (120)
The Farm 495 11 TSF 12 8 20 13 12 25 317
Internal to Residential/Resort (6) (4) (10) (7) (6) (13) (156)
The Farm External Trips 6 4106 612161
149 250 399 375 283 658 7,132
Internal Capture Subtotal (49) (49) (98) (104) (104) (208) (2,154)
Pass‐By (Shopping Center) (4) (4) (8) (19) (19) (38) (378)
96 197 293 252 160 412 4,600
4 Since ITE does not have trip rates for a wave pool facility, similar use based on SANDAG's recreation park (developed) peak hour and daily rates are utilized.
5 Hotel trip rates account for 15.7 tsf of ancillary facilities which include bar, restaurant, kitchen, rooftop bar, pool bar & grill, spa, and back of house resort operations.
6 The Wave Basin Facility trip rates account for pool area and 1 tsf of back of house wave operations.
7 Wave Village trip rates account for 10 tsf of ancillary facilities which include shape studio, surf shop, board room, surf lounge/living room, surf classroom,
fitness pavilion, high performance center, & beach club.
8 The Farm trip rates account for 11 tsf of ancillary facilities which include Barn, Greenhouse, Equipment Barn, Tool Shed, Family Camp, Gym, Outfitters, & Locker Rooms.
9 The 1 tsf back of house guardhouse use is accounted for in the Project rates.
F:\UXRjobs\_12600‐13000\12615\Excel\[12615 ‐ TG Comparison.xlsx]Alt 3
1 Trip Generation Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition (2017).
2 DU = Dwelling Unit; RM = Occupied Room; TSF = Thousand Square Feet
3 Pass‐By Source: Shops at Coral Mountain TIA, prepared by Urban Crossroads, Inc. (November 2009).
Shopping Center External Trips
Resort Hotel External Trips
Wave Basin Facility External Trips
Wave Village External Trips
Project Subtotal
Project Total External Trips
Residential External Trips
Trip Generation Results
Land Use
Code Quantity
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Land Use
Code Quantity
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Trip Generation Rates1,9
In Out Total In Out Total
Single Family Detached 210 600 DU 0.19 0.55 0.74 0.62 0.37 0.99 9.44
Resort Hotel5
(with bar, restaurant, kitchen, rooftop bar, pool bar & grill, and
spa. Back of house resort operations included)
330 150 RM 0.27 0.10 0.37 0.20 0.27 0.47 7.87
Golf Course 430 18 HOLES 1.39 0.37 1.76 1.54 1.37 2.91 30.38
In Out Total In Out Total
Single Family Detached 210 600 DU 114 330 444 372 222 594 5,664
Internal to Retail/Resort (3) (9) (12) (9) (8) (17) (149)
111 321 432 363 214 577 5,515
Resort Hotel 330 150 RM 41 15 56 30 41 71 1,181
Internal to Residential/Golf Course (7) (7) (14) (10) (11) (21) (252)
Golf Course 430 18 HOLES 25 7 32 28 25 53 547
Internal to Residential/Resort (8) (2) (10) (8) (8) (16) (192)
17 5 22201737355
180 352 532 430 288 718 7,392
Internal Capture Subtotal (18) (18) (36) (27) (27) (54) (593)
162 334 496 403 261 664 6,799
5 Hotel trip rates account for ancillary facilities which include bar, restaurant, kitchen, rooftop bar, pool bar & grill, spa, and back of house resort operations.
Z:\Shared\UcJobs\_12600‐13000\_12600\12615_partial\Excel\[12615 ‐ TG Comparison.xlsx]Alt 4
Trip Generation Rates1,9
Land Use
Code Quantity
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Residential External Trips
Trip Generation Results
Land Use
Code Quantity
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Golf Course External Trips
Project Subtotal
Project Total External Trips
1 Trip Generation Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition (2017).
2 DU = Dwelling Unit; RM = Occupied Room; TSF = Thousand Square Feet
In Out Total In Out Total
Single Family Detached 210 750 DU 0.19 0.55 0.74 0.62 0.37 0.99 9.44
Shopping Center 820 60 TSF 0.58 0.36 0.94 1.83 1.98 3.81 37.75
Lake3 417 75 AC ‐‐ ‐‐ ‐‐0.09 0.11 0.20 4.57
In Out Total In Out Total
Single Family Detached 210 750 DU 143 413 556 465 278 743 7,080
Internal to Retail/Lake (5) (8) (13) (30) (27) (57) (499)
138 405 543 435 251 686 6,581
Shopping Center 820 60 TSF 35 22 57 110 119 229 2,265
Pass‐By (25%)(7) (7) (14) (28) (28) (56) (566)
Internal to Residential/Lake (8) (5) (13) (28) (30) (58) (580)
20 10 30 54 61 115 1,119
Lake 417 75 AC ‐‐‐7 8 15 343
Internal to Residential/Retail ‐‐‐(5) (6) (11) (232)
178 435 613 582 405 987 9,688
Internal Capture Subtotal (13) (13) (26) (63) (63) (126) (1,311)
Pass‐By (Shopping Center)(7) (7) (14) (28) (28) (56) (566)
158 415 573 491 314 805 7,811
3 Since the current ITE does not have trip rates for a private open space amenity, ITE 9th edition rates have been uitlized.
Z:\Shared\UcJobs\_12600‐13000\_12600\12615_partial\Excel\[12615 ‐ TG Comparison.xlsx]Alt 5
Trip Generation Rates1
Land Use
Code Quantity
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Residential External Trips
Trip Generation Results
Land Use
Code Quantity
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Shopping Center External Trips
Lake External Trips
Project Subtotal
Project Total External Trips
1 Trip Generation Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation Manual, 10th Edition (2017).
2 DU = Dwelling Unit; TSF = Thousand Square Feet
In Out Total In Out Total
147 300 447 383 255 638 6,994
000000 0
‐147 ‐300 ‐447 ‐383 ‐255 ‐638 ‐6,994
147 300 447 383 255 638 6,994
No Project/Existing Entitlements Alternative
‐ 750 DU SFDR, 60 TSF Retail, 18 Hole Golf Course 175 414 589 505 324 829 7,923
28 114 142 122 69 191 929
147 300 447 383 255 638 6,994
96 197 293 252 160 412 4,600
‐51 ‐103 ‐154 ‐131 ‐95 ‐226 ‐2,394
147 300 447 383 255 638 6,994
The Golf/Resort Hotel Alternative
‐ 600 DU SFDR, 150 RM Hotel, 18 Hole Golf Course 162 334 496 403 261 664 6,799
15 34 49 20 6 26 ‐195
147 300 447 383 255 638 6,994
The Lake Amenity/No Hotel Alternative
‐ 750 DU SFDR, 60 TSF Retail, 75 AC Lake 158 415 573 491 314 805 7,811
11 115 126 108 59 167 817
Z:\Shared\UcJobs\_12600‐13000\_12600\12615_partial\Excel\[12615 ‐ TG Comparison.xlsx]TG_Comparison
Proposed Project (TIA)
‐ 496 DU SFDR, 104 DU MF, 150 RM Hotel, 60 TSF Retail,
12 AC Wave Basin Facility, 15 TSF Wave Village, 16 TSF The Farm
No Project/No Build Alternative
Alternative 2 Trip Generation Comparison
Alternative 1 Trip Generation Comparison
Land Use1
AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour
Alternative 5 Trip Generation Comparison
Alternative 4 Trip Generation Comparison
1 DU = Dwelling Unit; RM = Occupied Room; TSF = Thousand Square Feet; AC = Acre;
SFDR = Single Family Detached Residential; MF = Multi Family Residential
Proposed Project (TIA)
‐ 496 DU SFDR, 104 DU MF, 150 RM Hotel, 60 TSF Retail,
12 AC Wave Basin Facility, 15 TSF Wave Village, 16 TSF The Farm
Proposed Project (TIA)
‐ 496 DU SFDR, 104 DU MF, 150 RM Hotel, 60 TSF Retail,
12 AC Wave Basin Facility, 15 TSF Wave Village, 16 TSF The Farm
Proposed Project (TIA)
‐ 496 DU SFDR, 104 DU MF, 150 RM Hotel, 60 TSF Retail,
12 AC Wave Basin Facility, 15 TSF Wave Village, 16 TSF The Farm
Reduced Density
‐ 331 DU SFDR, 69 DU MF, 100 RM Hotel, 40 TSF Retail,
12 AC Wave Basin Facility, 10 TSF Wave Village, 11 TSF The Farm
Proposed Project (TIA)
‐ 496 DU SFDR, 104 DU MF, 150 RM Hotel, 60 TSF Retail,
12 AC Wave Basin Facility, 15 TSF Wave Village, 16 TSF The Farm
Alternative 3 Trip Generation Comparison