2021-08-02 OPPOSED - CASIER!"Reply all #Delete $Junk Block
Surf Park
%You replied on Mon 8/2/2021 9:21 AM
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Sun 8/1/2021 7:21 PM
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We have lived in the Coachella Valley for 30+ years and we seriously object to the proposed
surf park project. With California and other states facing dire shortages of water, it seems
inconceivable that our precious local water would be tapped for such a frivolous use, not to
mention the large number of expensive homes and hotel that would also use and likely not
conserve our water.
We have converted our yard to a desert yard at our own expense. We have solar panels.
And we conserve water by doing only full loads of laundry, full dishwashers, and not flushing
toilets each time. We participate in Flex Alerts. Why are we being asked to “sacrifice” when
outsiders come in and freely use our resources for their profitable gain?
The money and land would be better used for local affordable housing and not as a part-
time playground for the wealthy.
Karen and Bryan Casier
73175 Deer Grass Drive
Palm Desert, CA. 92260
KC Karen Casier <bassetsrgr8@me.com>&’"()
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