2021-07-26 OPPOSED - KAINMonday, July 26, 2021 at 09:14:41 Pacific Daylight Time
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Subject:The Wave Comments: Re-sending Weekly Wave No. 2 July 18, 2021-" It’s all in the Details"
Date:Monday, July 26, 2021 at 9:00:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From:Monika Radeva
To:Cheri Flores, Nicole Criste
AFachments:image001.png, image002.jpg, image003.jpg, image004.jpg, image005.jpg, image006.jpg
Good morning Cheri and Nicole, please see comments below re: The Wave forwarded
by the Mayor for the project file.
Please let me know if there is anything else I need to do. Thank you.
Monika Radeva, CMC | City Clerk
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253
Tel: (760) 777-7035
From: Evans, Linda <Linda.Evans@tenethealth.com>
Sent: Monday, July 26, 2021 8:59 AM
To: Monika Radeva <mradeva@laquintaca.gov>
Cc: Jon McMillen <jmcmillen@laquintaca.gov>; Teresa Thompson <Tthompson@laquintaca.gov>
Subject: FW: Re-sending Weekly Wave No. 2 July 18, 2021-" It’s all in the Details"
** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and cau[on when
opening a]achments, clicking links or responding to requests for informa[on. **
To add to the WAVE BASIN comments – Quarry.
Linda Evans
Chief Strategy Officer – Community Advocacy
Desert Regional Medical Center
Hi-Desert Medical Center
JFK Memorial Hospital
DRMC: 760.323.6621
JFK: 760.775.8414
Cell: 760.899.3279
Desert Care Network
Email: linda.evans@tenethealth.com
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From: Bob [mailto:bob.kain1@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, July 24, 2021 3:32 PM
To: Evans, Linda
Subject: Fwd: Re-sending Weekly Wave No. 2 July 18, 2021-" It’s all in the Details"
Hey Linda - see below -you probably get these emails.
My home is at the east end of The Quarry - probably about 500 yds from the end of the proposed Wave. If
the email below is even close to accurate it sounds pre]y bad! We love being out there because of the
peace and quiet and the beau[ful star lit evenings. If I had any idea a hotel and a wave park would be built
next to us I never would have bought a home at our loca[on. I am sure you are hearing this a lot. I hope it
doesn’t happen! When we bought our home this land was zoned for residen[al and golf like the rest of the
area that surrounds this piece of land. Seems a bit unfair to change the zoning so drama[cally.
Thanks for reading!
Sent from my iPad
Begin forwarded message:
From: Kathy Weiss <kathy@crystalspringsranch.co>
Date: July 24, 2021 at 5:03:10 PM EDT
Subject: Re-sending Weekly Wave No. 2 July 18, 2021-" It’s all in the Details"
Hello Fellow Quarry Members,
Sorry, this is late in sending out.
Please read to bo]om for email, website, and Pe[[on click-on.
New News
-Recently said by the developer :
*Wave hours of opera[on will be from 7 am to 10 pm.( 15 hours every
day ), 365 days a year.
*17 eighty-foot-tall light towers, encircling the 17-acre Wave pool, will be
lit at Dusk and into the night and morning for Wave maintenance.
Addi[onally, during daily Wave opera[on:
* The Train will be running up and down the tracks,
* Minimum of 3 jet skis will be running non-stop,
(Per state law requiring 1 jet ski per 10 surfers. Wave will accommodate
30 surfers at same [me.)
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*Announcer coun[ng down for 30 seconds every 2.5 minutes as next
Wave is every 3 minutes. ,
* Emergency Alarm Blare has no noise decibel restric[on, per State law
for Commercial wave. A second 30-second alarm is needed to announce
ok to resume Wave ac[vity. As developer is gearing the Wave for Novice
Surfer crowd, there could be many emergency alarms blaring throughout
the day.
* Tourist/Commercial zoning does not ask nor require neighborhood input
and considera[on for Special Events and variances. The Number of event
Days, event hours, event noise level (above City Code level), and number
of a]endees- needs approval by ONLY LQ City Council members.
* There are no rental restric[ons with Tourist/Commercial zoning. Every
single bedroom in every single 750 “dwelling unit” lodging could easily
host several lodgers per bedroom for single overnight stays. In addi[on to
the 150- room hotel and the 104 Casitas, the number of bedrooms in the
564 $2.5 million to $5 million homes could easily sleep 10 to 20 lodgers
per night. The Quarry doesn’t have 100 homes built. Imagine more than 7
[mes that amount with people staying and partying right next door.
* Traffic study (done during pandemic when hardly traffic) shows traffic
wait at each stoplight and stop sign will take a minimum of 1 minute for
your turn to go ahead. Developer said to expect that from corner of 50th
and Jefferson to The Quarry. (That corner was as far as Traffic study was
done) Consider how many lights and stop signs you meet from Ralph’s to
the Quarry. Oh yes, add a stop sign on 58th ( west of Madison) for turning
into The Wave.
* All construc[on traffic will use 58th or 60th for entry into site. Not
Madison St.
It is important to realize that Tourist/Commercial zoning allows anything
to happen at Coral Mountain. More and diverse types of events, more
people, more traffic, more noise, longer hours, more Pools, more
buildings, Sound stages for musical acts, more visitor parking, more
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commercial ligh[ng (for safety of its customers). It will be a constant
increase of More, More, and More. Hello Las Vegas Strip!
This Project, as envisioned by developer, is just not compa_ble in a low-
density residen_al golf community neighborhood.
We all came to The Quarry to get away from the hustle and bustle of
traffic, crowds, noise, lights, and to enjoy the serenity and beauty of The
The Wave Opposi[on group asks you to
1. write a le]er to City Council voicing your concerns
2. Sign the Pe[[on
3. Donate to GoFundMe
Deadline is August 6th for leFers and comments to LQ City
Kathy Weiss
Quarry Homeowner & Winter Resident since 2005
nta Residents for Responsible Development (LQRRD) www.saynotothewave.com | WELCOME TO THE WEEKLY WAVE NO. 2 THIS WEEK WE WILL COVER TH
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JULY 18, 2021
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La Quinta Residents for Responsible Development
The Consulting Planner of City of La
Quinta's response to our request for
retraction and replacement of the
current DRAFT Environmental Impact
Report (DEIR)
Information to assist you with your
response to the Consulting Planner
regarding the DEIR in Part 2 - La Quinta
2035 General Plan
Please sign our ONLINE PETITION
HERE and be sure to provide your
comments - this is the best way to make
the City Officials aware of our thoughts
and concerns. There IS strength in
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On July 2, 2021, a letter was sent to the City of La Quinta's Consulting Planner (CP).
We requested that a new DEIR be issued due to the fact that the original was non-
compliant with CEQA guidelines. We felt that the document was too long, poorly
organized, redundant, and contained overly technical language, therefore not allowing
for “rapid understanding” by the average reader.
The City Planner denied our request on July 13, 2021.
On July 13, 2021, a member of LQRRD sent a 2nd letter to the CP and proposed “a
compromise” with the City to allow for easier reading and interpretation of the DEIR by
the public. We asked for some minor editing including an expanded Table of Contents
to include “subsections”, and succinct conclusions to each Section outlining the key
The City Planner denied this second request 3 hours later.
It is evident that the residents who will be impacted the most by this Project have had
their requests for a revised report and an extension summarily dismissed; a very
disappointing response. It would appear that the City is not interested in ensuring
all members of the public easily understand the Draft EIR. We maintain that if we
cannot understand the document easily, then residents will not be inspired to respond,
as they may feel intimidated.
As you organize your thoughts to prepare your response to the DEIR, we ask you to
please consider reading the La Quinta 2035 General Plan. You can find it HERE.
The 2035 Plan states that "…this plan is crafted as the guiding policy document for the
City per the vision expressed by its citizens and established by the City Council.” I-1
We encourage you to read the following components of the Plan, and question the
Plan’s alignment with the DEIR and these topics.
LIVABLE COMMUNITY - Water Resources II-136, Energy Resources II-142
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CHAPTER IV - Environmental Hazards - Noise IV -1 … “The City’s ongoing efforts
to preserve the quality of life for all its residents, present and future, must include the
protection of a quiet noise environment” - IV-15
Next week’s edition of the Weekly Wave will provide you with a framework of
comments to assist you with the development of your response to the Consulting
Planner regarding the DEIR. It will also raise questions on issues that have yet to be
addressed by either the City and/or the Developer - we need germane and substantive
answers from them!
You are reminded that the closing date for any and all comments related to the DEIR
for Coral Mountain Resort is August 6, 2021.
Send your letters to:
You may also send your letters to City Council Members and the Planning Commission
The contact information for City Council Members and the Planning Commission can
be found on the LQRRD website:
The DRAFT EIR is available on City of La Quinta’s website:
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