2020-02-29 OPPOSED - MARTIN1
Cheri Flores
From:Teresa Thompson
Sent:Sunday, March 1, 2020 9:39 AM
To:Teresa Thompson
Cc:Jon McMillen; Danny Castro; Cheri Flores
Subject:COMMENTS: Andalusia Development - MARTIN
For your information/use and for the record.
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>
Date: March 1, 2020 at 9:18:00 AM PST
To: Donald Martin <docmarty12@yahoo.com>
Cc: Jon McMillen <jmcmillen@laquintaca.gov>, Teresa Thompson <Tthompson@laquintaca.gov>, Linda
Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>
Subject: Re: Andalusia Development
Don -
Thank you for your very thorough assessment of the proposed project. There are still several hurdles to
overcome before it reaches Council for consideration.
I have included our City Manager on this to include it for the record, as well as share it with out Planning
Commission members and City Council Members.
Thank you.
Linda Evans | Mayor
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico | La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. 760.777.7030
C: 760.899.3279
E: levans@laquintaca.gov
On Feb 29, 2020, at 4:53 PM, Donald Martin <docmarty12@yahoo.com> wrote:
** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper
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information. **
Hello Mayor and City Council Members,
I am writing to express my personal opinion regarding the planned community west of
Madison between 58 and 60 in La Quinta. I am a resident of Trilogy and attended an
informational meeting describing the planned community.
I know that any development of this scope and size will bring in revenue to the city, but at
what cost to nearby residents and wildlife.
1. The development is planned to have a 150 room hotel. The hotels, etc. at SilverRock
have been 10 years in reaching groundbreaking. Does the city need a third hotel in this
area? Is it zoned for a hotel? Why would the city approve such a grandiose undertaking,
while awaiting the construction at SilverRock and seeing the impact and the occupancy
2. The homes are to be sold at cost of 1 to 5 million dollars each. Have these
developers noticed the Griffin Ranch and Andalusia? People are not buying houses in La
Quinta at this cost level.
3. The dust and construction will create numerous problems along Madison and 60
Avenue for many months. You (city council) heard our plea about the landscaping along
60 and have issued a mandate to Sunrise Corporation to landscape their property along
60, due to continuing dust problems to local residents. Thank you. And now, do we need
another dust bowl for properties that will not be built for many years to come.
4. The development company informed us that their property extends to the base of
Coral Mountain. Will there be an Environmental Impact Report? Will the city council
consider the harm done to our Bighorn Sheep. The noise, construction, dust,
encroachment on their breeding grounds could create a regional problem for the sheep
and other native species. Is not Coral Mountain a protected area, the signs around it
indicate that it should not be disturbed.
5. If completed as planned, there will be concerts, and other events creating traffic,
noise, night lighting.
6. The Surf Park--what impact on our aquifers? Our underground water supply is
dwindling and besides the irrigation, home usage, the water park will have an additional
impact on our water supply. Also, the developers plan on operating the facility from 7:00
am to 7:00 pm daily. This means night lighting for part of the year and increased noise
and traffic.
Most of the residents of Trilogy moved here for peace and tranquility in their retirement
years. To paraphrase JFK (liberally). It is the wrong development at the wrong place at
the wrong time!
I fear there will be lawsuits and claims and many upset residents who are counting on
you elected officials to protect our environment from such encroachments.
Thank you for your consideration of this very important issue,
Don Martin
81895 Golden Star Way
La Quinta