2020-06-24 OPPOSED - WEISSSunday, June 28, 2020 at 12:01:36 Pacific Daylight Time
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Subject:Re: Ques(ons regarding The Wave aka Surf Park aka West Andalusia aka Coral Mountain
Date:Friday, June 26, 2020 at 9:26:29 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From:GarreJ Simon
To:Kathy Weiss
CC:jpena@laquinta.gov, kfitzpatrick@laquinta.gov, rradi@laquinta.gov, ssanchez@laquinta.gov,
Consul(ng Planner
Thank you for taking the (me to send your ques(ons and comments. I will respond to both emails to ensure all
those you contacted are up to speed. As we discussed in detail on our zoom mee(ng on May 27th, music on loud
speakers at the wave is not part of our programming or the vibe we are trying to create. I understand by the mul(ple
ques(ons you outlined below on this topic, this is important to you and we want to make sure you have clarity on
this topic as it seems some confusion remains. As I stated in my presenta(on at the Quarry, we are not reques(ng a
variance from the City for Noise and must ensure there is no nuisance at Coral Mountain for owners and guests, as
well as our neighbors.
As you are aware, we have submiJed a full applica(on with all technical studies to the City of La Quinta, including a
noise study. We are pleased to report the noise study confirms all of our uses meet the noise requirements of the
City of La Quinta. The planner overseeing our applica(on is Nicole Criste, who can be reached at
Consul(ngPlanner@laquintaca.gov to provide the process to obtain the full applica(on. Addi(onal, I am happy to
set up another call with you and any Quarry owners or members to con(nue addressing your concerns.
Please Add Good,
Garrett Simon
On Jun 24, 2020, at 9:35 PM, Kathy Weiss <kathy@crystalspringsranch.co> wrote:
To LQ City Council Members-
I sent this letter to LQ Mayor and Garett Simon. Please read.
Kathy Weiss
Quarry Homeowner and Occupant
Subject: QuesFons regarding The Wave aka Surf Park aka West Andalusia aka Coral Mountain
Garrett Simon, Coral Mt. Project
Mayor ,City of La Quinta
Quarry HOA Board
Kathy Weiss
Quarry Homeowner since 2005.
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Hi Garrett,
Thank you for the update.
1. What type of music will be played over the loudspeakers? As music is
planned to be played from 7 am to 7 pm 365 days a year, this is important.
Are the Surf Ranch & the Wave Pool magazine videos w/ music typically the music
Genre envisioned for this Surf Park? Heavy Metal, Grunge as portrayed in the
Videos and press releases?
2. During the 16 days of Special Events , how will the noise & traffic and fumes
generated by the 1,000’s of spectators, Sportscasters and television crews
be Managed? I read that the Coral Mountain project is not expecting the
need to mitigate any sound.
3. It has been proven that sound travels. The Structure of Coral Mountain
creates an Amphitheater effect. I know this because I have spent 6 months
there on a yearly basis since 2005.
4. How will you make sure The Quarry doesn’t hear artificial (manufactured)
noise emanating from Surf Park/Coral Mt/Andalusia West? If I can hear the
coyote(s) howling from the Valley Floor ,how will the Quarry residents not
hear the constant noise coming from Coral Mountain Surf Park?
5. Do you consider it acceptable that we are subjected to hearing The Wave
Development : The Waves crashing down, the surf genre music 12 hours a
day, 365 days a year?
6. Is it acceptable that we be subjected to Surfers and spectators shouting over
The Waves and Music day in, day out?
7. Is it acceptable that we be subjected to a 20 -year timeline of planned
construction build out noise if it isn’t over La Quinta code decibels?
8. You keep saying that the Coral Mt Homeowners will be living there, and that
Meriwether must make it livable for them. However, The Coral Mountain
Homeowner has a totally different profile than the typical Quarry Golf Course
Zoned Residential Homeowner. The Coral Mt. House occupant will be there
for The Wave, The Surf Culture, the Social Scene, and mixing w/ extreme
sport athletes. The fact that the Coral development is zoned Commercial, not
residential, will attract types of people, but not necessarily homeowner
residents By Petitioning for a change of Use from Residential to Commercial
zoning, which you said is a key nonnegotiable element , will totally change
the of the project, the Homeowners can rent out their homes daily, just like a
hotel. The Coral Mountain Homeowner will not be subjected to La Quinta
Residential zoned rules and regs. The Coral Mt. homes that come with a
daily transferrable Surf Membership(s) to the occupants of the rental home
or hotel room will be perfect for the Weekend Warrior Surfer. These
guests/surfers are not the Residential Homeowners. A Commercial zoned
homeowner/investor has a totally different profile and goal than a typical
Residential zoned Homeowner.
9. At the Quarry, we know our neighbors, we walk our dogs, socialize with the
Gate House and Golf course staff. We converse with our housekeepers,
gardeners, and swimming pool workers. .We are courteous and aware of our
neighbors when entertaining outside. We do not blast music from Sun-up to
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Sunset. We do not use microphones. We do not entertain 100’s, let alone
1,000’s of paying guests and spectators to interfere w/ the Ambiance of the
10. In conclusion, I do not believe he Coral Mountain Project , as planned, is
compatible with our long-established Quarry neighborhood. The Peaceful,
tranquil, and serene neighborhood at The Quarry Is prized and valued by the
Quarry Homeowners & members.
Kathy Weiss
Quarry Homeowner
Kathy Weiss, Owner/Director
Crystal Springs West
66750 Calhoun St, Thermal, CA
Mailing Address:
1609 County Road 112
Carbondale, Co. 81623
Cell- 970-309-7037
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