2021-05-30 OPPOSED - WONG!"Reply all #Delete $Junk Block
Coral Mountain
%Label: 60 Days Delete (60 days) Expires: Thu 7/29/2021 11:35 AM
Sun 5/30/2021 11:35 AM
** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and
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Linda Evans, Mayor May 30, 2021
Robert Radi, Mayor Pro Tem
Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Council Member
John Pena, Council Member
Steve Sanchez, Council Member
Dear La Quinta City Council Members,
Wave Pools planned for the Coachella Valley are projects that may portend an alternate
revenue generation and cater to a newer, younger demographic out of necessity but the
current state of our climate demands that a closer look be undertaken.
The headlines below also portend alternate potentials, ones that may mean serious
restrictions in the near future for both freshwater and power. While responsible management
allows us to enjoy well stocked aquifers now, it only highlights that prudent conservation is
our only course.
The logic of choosing Coral Mountain to construct a Wave Pool is questionable: there are
thousands of pre-existing homes and its placement would definitely disrupt the peace and
tranquility many of us moved here for. Were no other sites considered? Again, we, the La
Quinta Residents for Responsible Development are in alignment in keeping the area fully
residential as it was zoned for, so build homes and limited commercial but no half-mile pool
or additional golf courses.
April 17, 2021, AP: “US west prepares for possible 1st water shortage declaration.”
April 19, 2021, Desert Sun: “Tiny Borrego Springs agrees to huge water cuts to guarantee
its survival.”
April 20, 2021, Curbed: Climate-Change related lawsuit nixes huge California development.”
DW Derek Wong <derekwong745@yahoo.com>&’"()
To: Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; Steve Sanchez; John Pena; rrad@laquintaca.gov
Cc: Consulting Planner
Mail - Consulting Planner - Outlook https://outlook.office.com/mail/deeplink?popoutv2=1&version=202105...
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