2020-03-01 OPPOSED - GOODMAN1 Cheri Flores From:Teresa Thompson Sent:Monday, March 2, 2020 11:16 AM To:Teresa Thompson Cc:Jon McMillen; Danny Castro; Cheri Flores Subject:COMMENT-OPPOSED: Surf Park Development - GOODMAN For your information/use and for the record. Teresa Thompson | Management Specialist City Manager’s Office City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico | La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760.777.7030 www.laquintaca.gov www.playinlaquinta.com From: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov> Sent: Sunday, March 1, 2020 11:04 AM To: Diane Goodman <dgisgood@yahoo.com> Cc: Jon McMillen <jmcmillen@laquintaca.gov>; Teresa Thompson <Tthompson@laquintaca.gov>; Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Re: Surf Park Development Diane - Thank you for your feedback and input on the proposed project at Coral Mountain. This project still requires extensive review by the Planning Commission before a recommendation to the City Council can be made. I have copied our City Manager on this response in order to file your input into the record and so he can share your information with the Planning Commissioners and other City Council members. Thank you. The linked image cannot be displayed. The file may have been moved, renamed, or deleted. Verify that the link points to the correct file and location. Linda Evans | Mayor City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico | La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760.777.7030 C: 760.899.3279 E: levans@laquintaca.gov www.laquintaca.gov www.playinlaquinta.com On Mar 1, 2020, at 10:25 AM, Diane Goodman <dgisgood@yahoo.com> wrote: ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** 2 3/1/2020 Honorable Mayor, City Council Members and Planning Commission Subject: Surf Park at Coral Mountain The reason for my email is to express opposition to the rezoning of the Surf Park . My husband and I purchased 6 years ago and were very careful in researching surrounding zoning as we did not want to be anywhere near the Festival fields. Just because a developer comes in with 30 million dollars to change the entire landscape of a beautiful and peaceful area is just wrong to the many people that have purchased. The Surf Resort has not been tested so close to residential areas. In reviewing the Surf Ranch in Lemoore CA , a project build by Kelly Slater, it is in the middle of agricultural fields. The turbine machine that operates the waves is load and it is masked by loud music. The traffic is also a major concern as the only two roads to the park would be Madison and Monroe. What happens when they have the 5 events a year with as many as 2500 people and we are trying to access our communities and do our daily chores.? We can avoid Coachella and Stagecoach as there are alternative routes. One last comment, Coral Mountain is a beautiful and serene attraction with many natural habitat calling this their home. This will be a plight in the area, I don’t care how high class they try to make it. We are many who oppose and we will be bringing our concerns to City Hall. We are not opposed to progress, but this Surf Park should not even be considered in LaQuinta. Also, I should add there are other surf parks in the Coachella Valley either approved or being considered. I don't see how they all can co-exist. Thank you for your comments. Cordially yours, Diane Goodman Ron Trudel 60697 Juniper Lane Trilogy