2020-12-01 SUPPORT - GUERRAIn Support of Coral Mountain Development Project Joe Guerra <JGuerra@TurfStar.com> Tue 12/1/2020 11 :54 AM To: Consulting Planner <ConsultingPlanner@laquintaca.gov> ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and cau;on when opening a=achments, clicking links or responding to requests for informa;on. ** To Whom It May Concern, I am in favor of the proposed Meriwether Companies Coral Mountain Development initiative inclusive of the Kelly Slater Wave Basin/Park amenity, I am glad Meriwether selected La Quinta and this specific property for the project. Rarely does a community of any size have the opportunity to add such a high quality development. This is a well conceived project capable of adding much needed quantitative and qualitative value to the City of La Quinta as well as the surrounding desert area. Moreover, the Meriwether organization is first class and possess a strong track record of historical success. This should provide all of us with much confidence with resection to the execution and sustainability of the project. As a resident of La Quinta, I encourage the city to work with Meriwether and  approve this development!   Warm Regards,  Joe Guerra 678 873-6315  79-390 Tom Fazio Lane South La Quinta, CA 92253 Joe Guerra Principal/Owner Turf Star/Western Equipment  (678)873-6315 Jguerra@turfstar.com Sarah Shirley Executive Assistant to Joe Guerra Turf Star, Inc. (678)877-1496 Sarah.Shirley@TurfStar.com   600_dpi_final_combined_logo Toro-ClubCar for Sig www.turfstar.com  Facebook Logo-small  Instagram-small  Twitter-small   You Tube-small     Firefox https://outlook.office365.com/mail/inbox/id/AAQkAGJiMWY1... 1 of 1 12/1/20, 2:02 PM