2021-08-04 SUPPORT - NICOLEThursday, August 5, 2021 at 12:49:08 Pacific Daylight Time Page 1 of 2 Subject:RE: support for Coral Mountain project Date:Thursday, August 5, 2021 at 12:28:44 PM Pacific Daylight Time From:Danny Castro To:Mark Nicole ADachments:~WRD0000.jpg, image001.png Mr. Nicole, Thank you for your comments. Danny Castro | Director Design and Development | City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico | La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760.777.7099 E: dcastro@laquintaca.gov www.laquintaca.gov www.playinlaquinta.com From: Mark Nicole <marknicole@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, August 5, 2021 12:03 PM To: Danny Castro <dcastro@laquintaca.gov> Subject: support for Coral Mountain project ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and cauSon when opening aUachments, clicking links or responding to requests for informaSon. ** Good aWernoon, I want to write to you in support of the Coral Mountain project. I believe it will be a great addiSon to the community and encourage you to support the project as well. I know you are busy and thank you in advance for considering! Warm regards, Mark Nicole -- Mark Nicole Senior Trainer Productive Learning, LLC Mobile: 949-525-2299 ProductiveLearning.com Page 2 of 2 To improve my focus and better serve clients, I only check email 3 times a day. If you need immediate assistance, please call me or call the office at 949-234-0625.