2021-07-09 SUPPORT - LAU!"Reply all #Delete $Junk Block
Coral Mountain Resort
%You replied on Fri 7/9/2021 3:25 PM
%Label: 60 Days Delete (60 days) Expires: Tue 9/7/2021 2:37 PM
Fri 7/9/2021 2:37 PM
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Good ACernoon,
I am wri;ng to you to express my support for the Coral Mountain resort development planned for
your city.
As an owner and operator of many manufactured home communi;es (for over 3 decades)
throughout California, I have seen many development plans. The Coral Mountain design stands out. I
am intrigued and impressed by the property characteris;cs, as well as the aesthe;c quali;es of the
proposal. The use of the open spaces afforded by your city is desirable, and the care taken to be
thoughMul and conserva;ve with the local natural resources is impressive.
I hope you too find this to be a posi;ve and beneficial plan, and when the ;me comes, strongly
consider its approval.
Clinton Lau
President / Owner
Les Frame Management
1635 Aviation Blvd.
Redondo Beach, CA 90278
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Thank you.
CL Clinton Lau <clint@lfmgmt.com>&’"()
To: Consulting Planner
Cc: The Lauhouse <lauhouse1@gmail.com>
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1 of 1 7/9/21, 3:26 PM