2021-06-09 SUPPORT - NEUHOFF!"Reply all #Delete $Junk Block
Coral Mountain Project
%You replied on Wed 6/9/2021 4:07 PM
%Label: 60 Days Delete (60 days) Expires: Sun 8/8/2021 10:32 AM
Wed 6/9/2021 10:32 AM
** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and
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I am both a landowner in La Quinta and member of The Quarry golf club. Originally from
Ohio, I have fallen in love with the desert topography and lifestyle over the past decade.
As I've started to do some development work of my own, I've become familiar with the
Coral Mountain team and project. I believe this project is exactly what the community
needs and is tailored to its location and future members -- I am also a big supporter of
retail and other services on the corner of 58th and Madison.
I'm writing to express my full support of this project and I would look very much forward
to the growth it would bring to the community. I'd be happy to discuss the project or any
questions you may have.
Thank you for considering this wonderful project.
Jameson Neuhoff | Principal
Palm Canyon Development LLC
NJ Neuhoff, Jameson <jhneuhof@gmail.com>&
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