2021-05-24 SUPPORT - WEITMAN!"Reply all #Delete $Junk Block
Coral Mountain Wave Basin
%You replied on Mon 5/24/2021 3:55 PM
%Label: 60 Days Delete (60 days) Expires: Fri 7/23/2021 3:51 PM
Mon 5/24/2021 3:51 PM
** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and
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City of LaQuinta Planner;
My name is Brian Weitman and I am currently a landowner building a house at Andalusia Country
Club in La Quinta. One of the main reasons why I chose to buy a home at Andalusia in the city of
LaQuinta was due to the announcement of the plans to build the Coral Mountain Wave Basin. My
parents also have a home in LaQuinta at the Quarry and I have been visi;ng LaQuinta ac;vely for the
past 20 years. I think the addi;on of this new development will greatly enhance the community and
help add to the diversity of the desert with ac;vi;es for the whole family. I have 2 children and both
of them have expressed interests in having a second home in the desert “if they develop Coral
Mountain Wave Basin”. I understand that there are people in the community who are objec;ng to
these new plans and I think this is a classic case of NIMBY without these people being familiar or
educated on what the plans are for Coral Mountain. I have visited the prototype wave in Lemore
California and was impressed by the engineering, design, as well as how quiet the wave was. Most
importantly, I was blown away how cool and fun the experience was to not only see this wave but
also get the opportunity to surf on this wave. It is without a doubt one of the coolest experiences I
have ever had and is so much fun that its impossible to describe in words. As a recent homeowner
in Andalusia I have received some emails from “concerned” community members and I was shocked
and blindsided that the voice of a few people can make this much noise in their objec;ons of this
project. Simply put, I just don’t think they understand the project and furthermore the value it will
bring to our community. The announcement of this project was the catalyst for me to buy land and
build a home in LaQuinta plus I also just joined the Quarry in LaQuinta. What further proof do you
need that this development will a=ract new people to invest and become a part of our community.
Please share my le=er with the other stakeholders in the city so my voice is heard. I am a strong
supporter of this project and I look forward to the day they can break ground!
Brian Weitman
BW Brian Weitman <brian@stc-qst.com>&’"()
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