2021-08-02 B Novak 2Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at 09:34:50 Pacific Daylight Time
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Subject:Opposi&on to DEIR for Coral Mountain Surfamusement Park
Date:Monday, August 2, 2021 at 12:43:29 PM Pacific Daylight Time
To:'Consul&ng Planner'
CC:levans@laquintaca.gov, rradi@laquintaca.gov, kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov,
jpena@laquintaca.gov, ssanchez@laquintaca.gov, cdd@la-quinta.org,
jake.ingrassia@kesq.com, freda.moon@sfgate.com, 'Derek Wong', 'Ramon Baez', 'Diane
Rebryna', 'Kathy Weiss', novak@dominican.edu, 'Chris&na Gamez'
AEachments:DEIR Opposi&on (Aug 2 2021).docx
TO: Ms. Nicole Sauviat Criste & other concerned parties
The current Draft EIR for the Coral Mountain Surfamusement Park must be rejected and Meriweather’s
request for a zoning change be denied.
Bridgett Novak
La Quinta homeowner
P.S. Please add the attached to the documents I already submitted via email on 3/31/2021 and 4/2/2021.
All should be considered part of the Public record and Official opposition to this project and any related
zoning change request.
August 2, 2021
Attention: Ms. Nicole Sauviat Criste,
Consulting Planner
City of La Quinta
RE: The current Draft EIR for the Coral Mountain Surfamusement Park must be rejected
Please add this submission to the documents I already submitted in writing (via email) on
3/31/2021 and 4/2/2021.
I have seen lots of DEIRs and never seen one so devoid of actual measurable data (on which
conclusions are supposed to be drawn). This DEIR i nstead relies on conjecture and vague
statements like “no significant issue”. That is NOT acceptable...and the City Council is NOT
doing its job if it does not toss this document back to Meriweather and its obviously-biased
SERIOUSLY. In this document, I will address 3 of my primary concerns (though I’m concerned
about many others, too).
For the developers to casually claim that their 80-foot light towers will have “directional” lights
pointed towards the water is totally insufficient. A study needs to be conducted with actual water
and a backdrop of a rock-wall mountain (like Coral Mountain) to determine how much deflected
light will bounce off the water and the mountains...and from how far away the light towers, their
bulbs, their direct and diffused light, and their poles will be visible. Our home is deep within
Andalusia and we can see the entire face of Coral Mountain from our backyard. Those light
towers and their bulbs will be visible. That is NOT acceptable and not properly addressed in the
What about other lights throughout the development? There are walking paths, outdoor
dining/entertainment areas, bike paths, homes, a hotel, a restaurant, etc. planned for this project.
All will have outdoor lighting that has to be measured and evaluated.
Are there going to be big screens (aka jumbotrons) showing surfers every day the wave basin is
open and broadcasting big images of entertainers for their special events? Thos e light emissions
will also have to be evaluated.
The ability to see surrounding mountains, palm trees, the sky, and stars at night is a HUGE part
of what makes La Quinta the “gem of the desert”. This is a very serious issue and MUST be
carefully studied in the DEIR and EIR process, NOT just surmised by Meriweather and MSA (or
whoever else they hire to issue “expert” opinions). DEIRs and EIRs are not supposed to be based
on opinions...but on measurable facts. Please do your job and demand this be done properly!
We also believ e the developer is far too cavalier with regard to NOISE concerns. It is really
laughable that the developer points to noise studies that were conducted at Lemoore. As La
Quinta resident Kathy Weiss said during the 3/30/2021 Zoom meeting, “that’s apples an d
oranges”. First of all, Lemoore is surrounded by flat agricultural fields and no residential
developments. They apparently intend to build this wave basin right up against Coral Mountain.
Noises created in that basin will echo off the rock face and rever berate far and wide!!! And what
about the grinding sound of the train-like rail system that moves back and forth or the hydrafoils
that help create the waves? All of this needs to be carefully measured and evaluated for this
particular site!!
And what about the tower where the Public Announcer sits and from where he/she broadcasts
upcoming waves, musical choices, safety warnings, etc.? It will be a public announcement
system with loud speakers!
And what about the jet ski(s)? used to run surfers back to the beginning of the wave experience?
A “Travel & Leisure” article says the basin will accommodate 25 surfers at a time...so there will
have to be multiple jet skis routinely ferrying surfers back & forth. And there will likely be other
jet ski-type devices in the water to rescue people who are injured and to take photographs of the
surfers (since everyone will, no doubt, want a visual memory of their experience...and which will
likely be another way for the developers to make money). The DEIR needs to include
measurements of the PA and jet ski noise...at this particular location.
In addition, this project is in DIRECT OPPOSITION to the City of La Quinta’s current Noise
Ordinances. The City limits construction hours from 6:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Monday thru Friday
and 8:00 A.M to 5:00 P.M. Saturday, and prohibits construction noise on Sundays and Holidays.
This means that this Wavepark/Surfamusement Park project will VIOLATE the current Noise
policies from day one!! To exist as currently planned...it has to be considered a “Special
Event”...and not just for the four times a year they claim they will request...but for every day
they operate! Please be serious about this! What they are proposing is to operate a noisy
Amusement feature 7 days a week, from 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM...in TOTAL violation of the
City’s current regulations. This is another reason why Meriweather’s requested zoning change
from residential to commercial should definitely NOT be allowed!
Will the project’s need for huge amounts of continuous power affect the cost, availability and/or
dependability of electricity, water, gas, Internet and WiFi in surrounding neighborhoods? Will
the current IID facility on Avenue 58 have to be expanded? As local residents, we regularly
receive requests from IID to “restrict usage” and get news about “rolling outages”, which occur
regularly throughout the summer. This project is likely to put huge amounts of additional stress
and draw on our current grid. THIS NEEDS TO BE CAREFULLY MEAS URED...which is
another reason to REJECT THE CURRENT DEIR and deny the zoning change request.