2021-08-03 Bighorn Institutertaerf,anrr
rats-r-.rempi iv;eaai-a teen;
In Mahon inn
Gerald R. Ford
;n'dr ht%fdvnr ofrLe l mleaSmaue
PRESIULAT I-. auilZ111 i5
I.tn, rcnce l once i\I. D.
Ernest W. I Jahn
Bob lion and
Charles W. Ienner. D\CM.
Richard C. Me( Itmg
Ale_xandia). Sheldon
Mike Rivkin'
Bighorn Institute
August 3, 2021
Nicole Sauviat Criste
Consulting Planner
City of La Quinta
78-495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253
Via Electronic Mail: consultingplanner@laquintaca.gov
Dear Ms. Sauviat Criste:
We are providing comments for the Draft EIR for Coral Mountain Resort (SCH#
2021020310), as it pertains to the endangered Peninsular bighorn sheep (Ovis Canadensis
nelsonii). We are primarily concerned with the likelihood of bighorn sheep being attracted
to and accessing Coral Mountain Resort as a means of artificial food and water if this project
is built.
nape Stockton- Bighorn Institute has documented 35 known urban -related Peninsular bighorn deaths on or
11iC r'r"°' "` "'""'wl near four La Quinta golf courses (Traditions, SilverRock, PGA West and The Quarry) and
Roland laarhaok. n.v.M.$ Lake Cahuilla since 2012. These bighorn deaths are a result of the sheep being attracted
Irea-r.•_.rrmr» g P g
Kent A. Roberts* down to the grass and water features (i.e., artificial food and water sources). Despite the
n,.r.melo DEIR declaring the project location as non -habitat for bighorn sheep, there is a real potential
Rand% Ii,ndcrx for attracting bighorn sheep from adjacent areas, particularly if and when the required La
Stand nation
"M 1llQuinta fence is constructed and the sheep are pushed back into their natural habitat. As
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Danielle cane such, we strongly recommend this project be fenced prior to construction with fencing
Nicholas J. Coa>sm,lis approved in the Recovery Plan for bighorn in the Peninsular Ranges (i.e, an 8 foot chain-
Sa,ha M I:oder link fence). The City of Rancho Mirage had similar urban -related bighorn issues and in
Roheri N. Ciehhart, M.D. 2002, a 4 %: mile long, 8ft high chain -link fence was built there. It completely eliminated
indict' L. Sande'''" urban -related bighorn deaths and is promoting recovery of this species. We also
�e«e,rrt„. o,r w it recommend no vegetation be planted near the project fence to attract the sheep.
James R. DePorge Finally, we are concerned about the water usage for this project, particularly the wave pool
e.ra, rr"he 1,11'cvol and other water features, We are in the grips of another drought year so it seems
as<seurdr Rlol,,,rr,r
Aimee I h [and irresponsible and unnecessary to build a project so focused on using such a valuable
:m„r(s„ e Dheet„) resource. Wildlife, such as Peninsular bighorn, struggle to have enough availablewater to
Budogm survive during droughts and this project could contribute to the water shortage.
Mark c. iorvensen Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments on this project.
arIza,-aora�ar IV�o t stale hn k
Raid Valdez, Ph.D. Sincerely,
Aesl nfelmostoic t 77ilo„n
J. Craig Williams.
Legal C'nunxa-1 - _ „ /
a s R. DeForge
cutive Director
Research Biologist
P.O. nus 2(a_ •Palm Deaen. Calilimiia 92_'GI-d'_'(2 Tel (7611134(-7334
Email lilrrr lti�hornlnati,uie.org rn irir.niPhnndnuiru,c.or�