2021-07-29 BrewerTo: Nicole Sauviat Criste, Planning Consultant, City of La Quinta
From: Martin Brewer
Subject: Coral Mountain Resort DEIR
July 29, 2021
I am submitting the following comments/concerns about the contents of this document.
(1) The DEIR correctly describes the effect of the project on aesthetics as “Significant and
Unavoidable” even after mitigation. I agree with this assessment, and as the report notes, there
will be adverse effects on scenic vistas, “degradation of the visual character or quality of the
site,” and light and glare. Of particular concern to me are the numerous 80’ light poles that will
be on from dusk to 10:00 p.m. There are residential communities very nearby, and this issue
alone should be of great concern to the City.
(2) The report states that there will be a “Less than Significant” impact on energy. With a huge wave
pool making waves on a daily and continuous basis, this conclusion seems ridiculous to me. The
report states that no mitigation is required pursuant to the criterion of “Result in potentially
significant environmental impact due to wasteful, inefficient, or unnecessary consumption of
energy resources, during project construction or operation.” In my judgment, the operation of a
wave pool in the middle of the desert is the epitome of wasting energy.
(3) The report states that Greenhouse Gas emissions will be “Significant and Unavoidable.” The
mitigation recommended is that the “Project Applicant” purchase a large amount of carbon
credits as an offset. I would suggest that a better and more environmentally sound solution
would be denial of the project.
(4) Under “Hydrology and Water Quality,” the report states the project’s impact is “Less than
Significant.” This section includes, “Deletion of Groundwater Supplies…” I do not under stand
how a wave pool that will reportedly use millions of gallons of potable water a year is a “Less
than Significant” issue.
(5) Under noise, the report talks mostly about construction noise, and then states, “The operation
of the Wave Basin and associated machines shall be limited to daytime and evening hours of
7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., compliant with the recreational operational hours allowed by the City
of La Quinta.” This is a “non-answer” answer, as it does not address the actual amount the wave
pool, employee jet skis, any loudspeakers, alarms, music, etc., will make.
(6) The report states the impact of the project on “Transportation” will be “Less than Significant.”
This is a very large development, so it is difficult for me to accept this assessment, but it
certainly does not appear that will be the case during the minimum of four large “Special Events’
per year. The City should look into this in much more detail.
Last, as I understand it, this project would require a change in zoning of the property essentially from
residential to tourist commercial. Given the heavily STVR orientation of the project, its hotel, and its
commercial components, this is entirely incompatible with the surrounding developments and will
forever change the nature of this community. The City should not allow that to occur.
Respectfully submitted,
Martin Brewer
81625 Rustic Canyon Drive
La Quinta 92253
(408) 410-9127