2021-08-06 Callimanis 3 Section 4.6 Geology and Soils A full study must be completed on this site due to the fact that the surf lagoon has a still water level that is as much as 9 ft (2.75 m) deep in the center. 9 ft of water weighs 562 pounds per square foot (psf), which is a very heavy load (a uniform freeway load is only 250 psf, as comparison). The load will fluctuate with the wave and will cause a dynamic loading. A geotechnical engineer needs to provide an analysis to determine the potential impact of this loading on the soil at this site. The site is located in relatively close proximity of potentially active seismic faults and pressures due to seismic forces. The geotechnical engineer needs to address equivalent fluid pressure for lateral seismic forces at this site, and to be added to the geology and soils discussion. Meriwether has discussed that they recorded the Kelly Slater wave pool in Lemoore for seismic information and found no impact. This is not what is required here at the Wave Basin site in La Quinta. An independent geotechnical engineer, who has not worked with Meriwether in the past and has been vetted by us, must provide the information requested above that is required to be included in the EIR due to this location, not Lemoore. Alena Callimanis 81469 Rustic Canyon Drive La Quinta, CA 92253 919 606-6164 acallimanis@gmail.com