2021-07-11 Charles!"Reply all #Delete $Junk Block
Draft EIR Wavepark
%Label: 60 Days Delete (60 days) Expires: Thu 9/9/2021 8:39 PM
Sun 7/11/2021 8:39 PM
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Please make MSA redo the Draft EIR so we can all understand what is being said as it
pertains to the Wavepark proposal. Personally, I have spent hours trying to come to some
understanding of what is being said or referenced. I simple cannot understand their
research or early conclusions. I have given up as well as many others who have sought out
help for same reason. The general public has a right to understand this document. The
city has a similar obligation per Ca statute to make this document readable and
understandable to the average resident. I personally have asked two land use attorneys for
help in the matter and they have reached the same conclusion.
If the goal by MSA is to complicate and confuse the general public then they have
succeeded. In order to move forward this document needs to be understood.
Unbelievable that this even needs to be brought forward.
Mike Charles
81343 Andalusia
La Quinta, Ca 92253
cell: 253-381-4565
MC mike charles <mgacharles@yahoo.com>&’"()
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