2021-08-03 Clarke CC1 From:Wcl Sent:Monday, August 2, 2021 3:33 PM To:City Clerk Mail Subject:Request to speak in person/public comment: joint meeting City Council/Planning Commission Attachments:City Council presentation W.Clarke Final 08_21.docx  EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening  attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.   Good Afternoon, Monica and Nicole   I respectfully request to speak in person during the joint meeting of City Council and the Planning Commission’s public session tomorrow, Aug 3 @ 7 pm. My written presentation is attached for distribution.   Thank you for your help. Let me know if there is anything else you need.I look forward to meeting you. Best regards, Wendy   Wendy Clarke  La Quinta    Public Comment/non agenda item  Opposition to Coral Mountain Wave rezoning - non agenda item  Written presentation attached, request to speak during public session.  Good afternoon Mayor Evans, Council members, Planning Commission,and staff. Thank you for your service. Mayor, it is good to see you and other familiar faces. My name is Wendy Clarke; My Family has lived full-time in the desert for 34 yrs.; 16 years ago, I moved to Trilogy.   ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________  I am here to speak to the Coral Mountain Wave rezoning request.   Exempt from pass-through property tax $$ due to the agreement with The Thermal Redevelopment Project, this undeveloped land provides little revenue. I trust, you, the current city council, might have negotiated something different. If rezoned, LQ gains TOT and South LQ residents’quality of life is permanently, negatively impacted.  John Gamlin, project president, recently shared that he has managed S.LQ, luxury, low-density residential neighborhoods. The CMWR will not be similar in any way with a massive artificial surf wave, stadium lighting,broadcast system, music, and STVRenters.  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 3, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT WENDY CLARKE PUBLIC COMMENTS ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - OPPOSING THE WAVE PROJECT 2 Beyond the 4 proposed annual events, additional temporary-use permits are likely. Kelly Slater has made public his support of artificial surf waves for The Ultimate Surfer, for Olympic training and competition. LA is the 2028 Summer Olympic host. What will one special event look like? Chaos for 1,000s of residents. Our neighborhoods are not transient or a tourist destination. We intentionally purchased homes away from the commercial corridor. We relax after a busy workday, exercise, retire, enjoy nature, socialize. When we drive down Madison nearing home, there is a sense of calm. We deserve protection of this paradise.     Today, we are environmentally mindful and face a life-threatening drought: lakes reaching historic lows. Supplying 80% of the world, California’s almonds are no longer being planted due to water shortages. We have beenasked to reduce water consumption by 15%. Any governing body approving any project that uses a significant amount of water, is irresponsible.     This Surf Wave will deplete drinking water from our Colorado River supplied Aquifer. NPR reports, “The Colorado River is tapped out.Extremely dry conditions like the region is experiencing in 2021, make clear that the Colorado River is unable to meet all the demands communities in the Western U.S. have placed on it, and it's up to its biggest users to decide who has to rely on it less”.      What are our mutual responsibilities? Everyone reduces water consumption  CVWD transitions remaining golf courses to grey water and denies all nonessential, requests  requiring water sourced from the Colorado River.     The city supports independent studies that evaluate local evaporation rates, actual site noise, and traffic studies post pandemic.     The city observes its General Plan 2035 “Livable community” thatspeaks to “long- term quality of life of its residents”.   It is great to think big; change is inevitable. Meriwether has spent millions, aligning with Kelly Slater and Michael Schwab. It does not justify their project. Please honor S. La Quinta’s established communities and reject The Wave, rezoning request. It will have permanent, quality-of- life consequences for many 1000’s of residents.  Respectfully,   Wendy Clarke  CITY COUNCIL MEETING - AUGUST 3, 2021 - WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS BY RESIDENT WENDY CLARKE PUBLIC COMMENTS ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - OPPOSING THE WAVE PROJECT