2021-07-01 DaileySurf park
KRISTINA DAILEY <kristinam_dailey2018@aol.com>
Thu 7/1/2021 8:08 AM
To: Consulting Planner <ConsultingPlanner@laquintaca.gov>
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Dear Nicole and the LQ planning commission,
This email is being written in opposition to the proposed surf park at Coral Mountain. It truly
dismays me how money hungry and dollar driven this counsel has become. Have you read any of
the latest articles in the Desert Sun about the water crisis in the west ? Research Lake Powell and
the Glen Canyon Damn. I was there recently. The damn is one to two years away from being
declared a “ dry” damn. If that happens not only will our water supplies for the Colorado River
and the states that depend upon it be depleted but our electrical grid will be compromised as
The proposed water park will depend on under ground water tables and supposedly will use less
water then a golf course which is also the LAST thing this desert community needs. Build your
homes if you must but do it responsibly and sustainably. Why would anyone in their right mind
want to purchase a 2.5 million dollar home next to a surf club especially if there are no member
benefits included ?
The Coral Mountain area is a beautiful, pristine and sacred area of this valley. Let’s treat it as
such and be more responsible in our choices for the future.
Kristina M. Dailey
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