2021-07-06 FleuryCORAL MT. RESORT DEIR
Bobbie Fleury <bobbie@fleury.tv>
Tue 7/6/2021 8 :26 AM
To: Consulting Planner <ConsultingPlanner@laquintaca.gov>
Cc: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov>; Robert Radi <Rradi@laquintaca.gov>; John Pena
<jpena@laquintaca.gov>; Steve Sanchez <ssanchez@laquintaca.gov>; Kathleen Fitzpatrick
<kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov>; Danny Castro <dcastro@laquintaca.gov>; Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov>
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Hello Nicole, Mayor Evans, and Council Members Radi, Sanchez,
Fitzpatrick, and Pena, Mr. Castro, and Ms. Flores,
Contrary to what some may believe, I am not anti-development concerning
the Coral Mt. Resort. In fact, I have no issues with this parcel of land
being approved for homes, a hotel and restaurant,
hiking and biking trails, and perhaps even have the developer throw in a
9 hole putt-putt course for fun - on fake grass!
However, I am extremely opposed to the current request for a zoning
change to accommodate what amounts to an amusement park for
out-of-towners in the middle of residential communities,
and especially a park whose main feature is an 18 million gallon water
guzzling ditch that will continuously be draining our fresh water from
the aquifer due to evaporation in our hot, dry, climate.
I also have to wonder if anyone at Meriwether realizes that the water in
the wave pool will be uncomfortably hot for about 4 months out of the
year and therefore not much fun to surf in.
It's why many don't use their pools in the summer.
According to the recently released draft EIR, most of what is planned
for the site won't have any "significant" impact on the surrounding
environment. That's like saying someone is "slightly" pregnant!
The developer - Meriwether Co. - hired the people who did the DEIR. Are
we supposed to believe that their report is totally OBJECTIVE?
The developer continues to cite that the wave won't use more water than
a golf course, while ignoring the fact that more and more courses have
now gone to non-potable water, something that cannot be done with the
surf park. For our City Council to approve the rezoning so this can
proceed is unconscionable especially in light of La Quinta's own land
and water use guidelines. Just like Slater did in Lemoore, where the
wave park is in the middle of empty land, that's where this should go -
and not in our desert where water use is of critical importance.
Considering that California is back into a drought situation, if the
developer has a conscious, or any inkling of being environmentally
sensitive, they should pull back their request for the wave portion of
their plans.
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And I would hope, that when it comes before you for a vote, your answer
will be "no."
Thank you for your consideration.
Bobbie Fleury
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