2021-08-06 Jensen!"Reply all #Delete $Junk Block Coral Mountain Resort DEIR %Label: 60 Days Delete (60 days) Expires: Tue 10/5/2021 2:32 AM Fri 8/6/2021 2:32 AM ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and cau;on when opening a=achments, clicking links or responding to requests for informa;on. ** Attn: Nicole Sauviat Criste Consulting Planner City of La Quinta It is with great dismay I begin this letter in response to the DEIR on the proposed Coral Mountain Resort. I really don't know where to begin.  The DEIR is way too long for the La Quinta average citizen to read which I believe is by design. There are so very many things wrong about this project but when speaking specifically about the DEIR, I am seeing way too many statements of the impact in any given category being unknown or only being projected based on years old data. The drought situation alone should be enough to stop this project. Farmers will not have enough water to grow food in CA.  This translates to hunger, unemployment, and a tanked economy.  Why approve a project that will leave a hole in the ground when there is no water to be had?  Will LQ residents need to conserve and thirst, not bathe, so we can have a recreational wave park? Everything is wrong about this proposed project, everything. From water waste to increased noise to a horrendous number of STVRs, which are already a huge problem for La Quinta, this project cannot go forward. What about the 2035 La Quinta report, written and approved by the Mayor and Council, that states good use of valuable resources as a prime goal? This project would not comply with any good use of resources, especially water. Sincerely, Carol Jensen La Quinta Homeowner J J <lqtampico@yahoo.com>&’"() To: Consulting Planner ) Mail - Consulting Planner - Outlook https://outlook.office.com/mail/deeplink?popoutv2=1&version=202107... 1 of 1 8/6/21, 8:00 AM