2021-08-05 LevyThursday, August 5, 2021 at 08:54:38 Pacific Daylight Time
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Subject:Coral Mountain Resort DEIR
Date:Thursday, August 5, 2021 at 8:47:46 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From:Brian Levy
To:Nicole Criste
To: Ms. Nicole Criste
City of La Quinta - Planning Department
This email is from Brian and Gail Levy - we live in Trilogy at Avenue 60 & Madison. We reSred to live here in
2014 to enjoy the beauSful, quiet, and peaceful La Quinta neighborhood in and about Trilogy. We previously
spent many years as part-Sme Palm Springs vacaSoners, and have owned property there since 1979. Having
spent decades vacaSoning in and about Palm Springs, we decided to reSre to live in our beauSful and quiet
La Quinta neighborhood. We are vehemently opposed to the proposed wave park for a number of reasons,
which are summarized below:
1: We are living in a criScal drought situaSon while experiencing increasing wildfires. Water for firefighSng
and sustaining life is in an increasingly short supply. We believe that building a wave park during an
increasing water shortage while experiencing increasing wildfires is irresponsible and self-serving to the
financial interests of a few, rather than the greater good of the La Quinta community;
2: We believe that the addiSonal noise and added traffic will negaSvely impact our residenSal neighborhood
forever. Can our neighborhood tolerate more traffic and noise? Maybe. Is addiSonal traffic and noise from a
commercial resort within our residenSal community a good idea? NO. Residents frequently walk and bike
ride on Madison between Avenue 60 and the fire department. More traffic from the proposed commercial
wave park is not a good idea for this residenSal neighborhood. Further, the proposed size of this wave park
in this specific mountain locaSon is unlike any other in existence, and as a result, reliable and predictable
noise paberns hypothecated in the pending DEIR are extremely speculaSve and therefore unreliable. The
DEIR in and of itself was not well wriben, and the assumpSons uSlized were not clearly spelled out;
3: What if the developers are wrong, and the wave park is not a financial success? What if the project
cannot be financially sustained long term, and the wave park shuts down? What then? What will be led
behind will be a blight on our community, and a regreeul legacy for this city who valued proposed addiSonal
revenue over quality of life for its residents;
4: When we purchased our home in Trilogy, we intended to spend our reSrement living in this community
and enjoying the many benefits that our La Quinta neighborhood has to offer. The approval of the
commercial wave park project will be a permanent change to our residenSal neighborhood and signal to us
that we should no longer conSnue to live in La Quinta because La Quinta no longer values the quality of our
lives and this neighborhood. It is our belief that the only good that can come from the commercial wave park
will be the potenSal financial gain for the developers and investors. This may be a good commercial project
for the investors, but this residenSal neighborhood is the wrong locaSon for a commercial development such
as this wave park.
Given the variables, the misuse of our precious water resources, and the high financial risks associated with
pugng this commercial development in our residenSal neighborhood, when you consider this proposal,
please ask yourselves the following quesSons:
What is the legacy that I want to leave for this community?
What is the downside to the community if the project is approved, goes forward, and then fails to pan out
Does this project represent a wise use and conservaSon of our dwindling water resources?
Is the high risk associated with this venture worth taking for the city and for the La Quinta residents affected
by this proposed commercial project in a residenSal neighborhood?
Thank you for your consideraSon.
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Brian & Gail Levy
81214 Santa Rosa Court
La Quinta, CA 92253