2021-08-06 RoyFriday, August 6, 2021 at 13:36:25 Pacific Daylight Time Page 1 of 2 Subject:Re: Coral Mountain Resort DEIR Date:Friday, August 6, 2021 at 1:35:16 PM Pacific Daylight Time From:FRANCINE Roy To:ConsulFng Planner Hi, I am making a correction to my letter. I erroneously referenced the IID ... I meant the Coachella Valley Water District. Sorry about that. Francine Roy On 08/06/2021 12:54 PM ConsulFng Planner <consulFngplanner@laquintaca.gov> wrote: Ms. Roy, Thank you for your comments. Nicole Sauviat Criste ConsulFng Planner City of La Quinta From: FRANCINE Roy <fmroy@comcast.net> Sent: Friday, August 6, 2021 11:01 AM To: ConsulFng Planner <ConsulFngPlanner@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Coral Mountain Resort DEIR ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and cauFon when opening aYachments, clicking links or responding to requests for informaFon. ** Dear Planning Commission, I am writing this letter to you because I am in a state of shock.... Why would you even CONSIDER changing the current zoning to allow a project Page 2 of 2 that goes against ALL COMMON SENSE? The residents who purchased homes near this project site BELIEVED that the "worst case scenario" they would ever have to deal with was what the current zoning allows: "LOW-DENSITY residential use, as well as a golf course and some commercial use." The proposed change to allow "tourist commercial" zoning violates the 2035 general plan for La Quinta. So, tell me, what was the point of spending all of the time, money and effort to come up with the 2035 general plan if you were going to be tempted to go against that plan when a project came along that dangled a couple of million dollars of tax revenue in front of you that doesn't make any sense on MANY levels! We all choose to live here because we enjoy the night sky, the quiet, the nature, the landscape, the small amount of traffic we have, etc. But, the reality of climate change is that we are all very concerned about how long we will have drinking water available to us. The IID has asked us all to conserve water and I know I am doing my share to USE LESS than their recommended amount. This wave park will require 18,000,000 gallons of DRINKING WATER JUST TO FILL IT UP. This does not include "topping it off" every day because of evaporation loss. This does not sound like "conserving water" to me. Since I moved here, I have been reading about the issues with Short Term Rentals. This project is planning on making all 600 homes available as Short Term Rentals!!!! How can you justify allowing this? At the very least, 600 homes does not sound like "low density" to me!. What this beautiful parcel of land needs is a developer who wants to put in some beautiful energy efficient homes, some hiking and biking trails that WE CAN ALL ENJOY, maybe a beautiful park with drought tolerant natural landscaping (no golf course .... there are already too many golf courses that are using up water resources) and a small commercial area where there could be a market, a cafe, a restaurant, etc. for the residents that live in that part of La Quinta since it's a drive just to get groceries. Please, please realize that this developer is "slick." He seems to have an answer for everything. The project doesn't make sense for our community nor do I think it even makes sense for him but that's a different discussion ... Last but not least, I'm very confident that the City of La Quinta would be "featured" on the CBS Evening News if this project is approved. I can hear it now ... "City of La Quinta approves a private wave park project in the midst of a historical drought and climate change!" Do we really need that kind of negative publicity??? I'd rather we be admired for spearheading energy-efficient projects and protecting our decreasing natural resources. Page 3 of 2 This is not the right place nor the right time for this project. Respectfully, Francine Roy 80028 Silver Sage Lane La Quinta, CA 92253