2021-07-08 Sala!"Reply all #Delete $Junk Block Coral Mountain proposal %Label: 60 Days Delete (60 days) Expires: Mon 9/6/2021 6:46 AM Thu 7/8/2021 6:46 AM ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and cau;on when opening a=achments, clicking links or responding to requests for informa;on. ** I concur with the letter written to the planning committee of the ridiculous length and unfriendly wording in the Coral Mountain proposal.  If the people cannot who are going to be most affected by this  super project are not given a document that can be understood by them, it ought not be written as such.   Don’t make this similar to what the Washington bourgeoisie do and write a book size document filled with legaleze and vote before the document has been decimated and understood by  the proletariats who pay taxes but stand to lose. Ilona Sala L IS Ilona Sala <ilona1sala@gmail.com>&’"() To: Consulting Planner Reply Forward ) Mail - Consulting Planner - Outlook https://outlook.office.com/mail/deeplink?popoutv2=1&version=202106... 1 of 1 7/8/21, 10:37 AM