2021-06-21 SmithTuesday, June 22, 2021 at 07:41:23 Pacific Daylight Time
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Subject:Wave Park La Quinta
Date:Monday, June 21, 2021 at 5:49:41 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From:Anne Smith
To:ConsulHng Planner
Dear Nicole Sauviat Criste,
I am wriHng to urge you to please DENY approval of the Wave Park.
We moved here just a year ago because we were impressed by the beauty of La Quinta, and the tranquility of the
neighborhood of Trilogy. We love being able to enjoy the quiet here, and especially enjoy stargazing from our
backyard at night as we have so liUle light polluHon.
The Wave Park, with its constant noise and blaring stadium lights at night, threaten to destroy the very reason we
moved to La Quinta. We are already discussing the possibility of puVng our home on the market because of this
proposed project. We did not move here to live next to an amusement park for the very rich that would destroy the
reason we moved from a high density area. And we do feel it would be terrible for our home value.
Even more important than anything else, though, is the unmistakable, overwhelming evidence of serious
unprecedented drought in the west. It is too scary and serious to ignore. All the lakes and reservoirs in the state are
at disastrously low levels. This proposed man made lake would steal from our drinking water. It's just a ridiculous and
incredibly harmful idea at this Hme in history. The heat and winds will evaporate huge amounts of potable water. I
know that if I voted to approve something like this, I would not be able to sleep at night knowing the harm I'd be
doing to our environment, and endangering people -- farmers, animals -- who desperately need that water for real
life needs.
I have read that 4 wave parks are in various processes of approval in the Coachella Valley. It seems preposterous that
there would be this much demand for this kind of project. And if there is, why put it in an area zoned for residenHal
development? And what will happen if this project is abandoned mid project for lack of funds? What an awful
eyesore will remain. There's only ever been one other water park in the area, and it failed. Four wave parks?!?
Please, please, listen to concerned ciHzens. Listen to your conscience and do the right thing and DO NOT APPROVE
Thank you very much,
Anne and Ron Smith
61120 Topaz Drive
La Quinta CA. 92253