2021-07-15 StrattonTuesday, July 27, 2021 at 15:30:09 Pacific Daylight Time Page 1 of 2 Subject:"Coral Mountain Resort DEIR" Date:Thursday, July 15, 2021 at 10:51:34 AM Pacific Daylight Time From:SSTRATTON@dc.rr.com To:'ConsulLngplanner@laquintaca.gov' CC:'levans@laquintaca.gov', 'rradi@laquintaca.gov', 'kfitzpatrick@laquintaca.gov', 'jpena@laquintaca.gov', 'ssanchez@laquintaca.gov' WATER SUPPLIES: Please take into serious consideraLon the Mega Drought that the Western US is experiencing. I do not believe that the reports on water available from our aquifer accurately address the water sources to replenish our aquifer to keep it at safe levels for the foreseeable future. I am a resident of Trilogy La Quinta and a California naLve. The drought is severely impacLng farmers and ranchers here and the western US. One newspaper arLcle in Oregon highlights forward thinking errors. "It was predicted that Prineville Reservoir would fill. It was predicted there would be natural flow for us with our water right in the Crooked River. It was predicted there would be natural flow for us in the Deschutes (river). NONE OF THOSE THINGS HAPPENED." - Marty Richards, board chair for North Unit, said the drought condiLons this spring and summer forced the irrigaLon district to reevaluate its water supplies." Farmers/ranchers are losing their water supplies. The Wickiup Reservoir will be empty by August 18. My point being, why are we relying on the Colorado River without quesLon for our precious water supply here in the desert. "The Colorado River is drying up faster than federal officials can keep tract. Mandatory water cuts are looming. PlummeLng reservoir levels at Mead and Powell solidify Arizona cutbacks next year and near-future threats to all Compact states from Colorado to California" (source: The Colorado Sun) LIGHT POLUTION: Every morning and evening I sit outside and enjoy the beauLful Coral Mountain and it's changing colors at sunrise and sunset. Seventeen 80 foot tall light towers will permanently ruin everyone's views of the Coral Mountain. STVR's: The city of La Quinta has suspended permits for STVR's in residenLal zones. The impact of 600 STVR's will impact the surrounding communiLes far more that allowing them in residenLal zones. ZONING CHANGE: This area is not appropriate for Tourist Zoning. Having special events will cause more traffic, noise, rowdy parLes at the STVR's. This will turn 58th and 60th and Madison into major traffic arteries. We already have car races on 60th and cars doing doughnuts at the corner of Madison and 60th. Look at the Lre marks! Was this in a report? This will only encourage more traffic problems. To call this project a PRIVATE COMMUNITY is a joke. Only a small amount of lots, roughly 24, are private. 24 private homes vs 600 STVR's? That proporLon makes absolutely no sense. The few private lots are just a way to make the whole project look private. It's a PUBLIC VENUE!! This enLre project is totally irresponsible. This is California with 700+ miles of coastline. A surfing venue does not belong in the desert! This would be a permanent disrupLon to our quiet life in the desert, ruin our views, destroy our quiet evenings, just so promoters and surfers can make money on Special Events. Page 2 of 2