2021-08-03 SwopeWednesday, August 4, 2021 at 12:47:01 Pacific Daylight Time Page 1 of 1 Subject:Coral Mountain Resort DEIR Date:Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at 5:25:23 PM Pacific Daylight Time From:Thomas E Swope Jr To:consulGngplanner@laquintaca.gov Hello, My name is Thomas Swope Jr, and I live in Cathedral city CA. I do realize that I am not a La Quinta resident, but I wanted to write to you, or someone and express my concerns about building a wave park in our desert. Our desert is always in a constant state of drought, and that situaGon is most likely never going to change. We all are dependent on our aquifer for our drinking water, and or other water needs, and I really think that filling a wave pool with my, and everyone else’s DRINKING WATER!! Is a really bad and stupid idea. How exactly do you jusGfy asking everyone to conserve as much water as possible, and then you allow a wave pool to be built that will consume millions of gallons of water to full, and to keep full. I honestly can’t believe that this project is being entertained by your city council. The answer should be elementary to each and every one of you. WE DON’T HAVE THE WATER FOR SUCH A PROJECT, so the answer should be NO!! Please, for every residents sake in our or valley, do the right thing and DO NOT allow this project to move forward. It’s a form of waste that we all cannot afford. Thank you for taking the Gme to read my le‘er.