2021-07-12 Weizel!"Reply all #Delete $Junk Block
Draft EIR Coral Mountain Resort
%Label: 60 Days Delete (60 days) Expires: Fri 9/10/2021 10:53 AM
Mon 7/12/2021 10:53 AM
** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and
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To: Ms. Nicole Sauviate Criste, Consulting Planner, City of La Quinta
We are sending this email to express our concerns regarding the Draft EIR that was
submitted for Coral Mountain Resort recently.
The document, as currently submitted, is not in keeping with the CEQA 2021 Guidelines, as
specified at: https://www.califep.org/statute_and_guidelines.php .
Most significantly:
-It is too long. The CEQA guidelines stipulate that the document for a project should be no
more than 300 pages.
-It is not "rapidly understood" as required by the CEQA guidelines, again due in part to its
length, but particularly due to redundancy and repetition.
We respectfully request that this DRAFT EIR be retracted and reissued in compliance with
the CEQA 2021 Guidelines. Additionally, the consultants and report preparers should be
required to provide clear and verifiable supporting data for every issue of concern.
Thank you for your consideration of our request.
Dave Wiezel
Bruce Tersiner
58540 Aracena, La Quinta, CA 92253
hnldjw@yahoo.com, tersiner@yahoo.com
DW Dave Wiezel <hnldjw@yahoo.com>&’"()
To: Consulting Planner
Cc: Linda Evans; Robert Radi; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; cdd@la-quinta.org
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