2021-07-27 Wong!"Reply all #Delete $Junk Block
Coral Mountain
%Label: 60 Days Delete (60 days) Expires: Sat 9/25/2021 12:19 PM
Tue 7/27/2021 12:19 PM
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July 27, 2021
Linda Evans, Mayor
Robert Radi, Mayor Pro Tem
Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Council Member
John Pena, Council Member
Steve Sanchez, Council Member
Nicole Sauviat Criste, Consultant Planner
RE: Coral Mountain
A fundamental shift in how we live our lives is occurring on a magnitude beyond the headlines…the full import of this
catastrophic drought has yet to take effect as it continues to unfold daily. There is no way to determine its duration but it
is said that a full 10 years of solid seasonal rain will be required before we “return to normal.” Repeat: 10 years!
It has been publicized ad nauseam that the reservoirs are at their lowest levels ever, that the Colorado River supply will
cease and that wells throughout the state are being over-pumped, agricultural fields are increasingly fallow, wildlife
decimated, wildfires burning without end and towns left dried and barren…
…and yet, we continue to discuss the building of Wave pools, golf courses, private lagoons and lakes as if there is no
crisis at all. To even consider this project and others like it is irresponsible and borders on deliberate shortsightedness…
with profit as the motivator. Slick marketing that promises an economic paradise with hints of environmental concerns
tossed in for appeasement. I find it foolish and exceedingly hypocritical for the developer to continue touting the benefits
of this playground while ignoring the havoc that encircles us all.
The wealthy can go to any beach in the world for water sports, many La Quinta residents live here full time and to betray
their peace and serenity for this playground is just wrong.
Be responsible citizens, build responsibly, do not rezone Coral Mountain.
Derek Wong
Trilogy, La Quinta
DW Derek Wong <derekwong745@yahoo.com>&’"()
To: Linda Evans; Robert Radi; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Steve Sanchez; Consulting Planner
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