2021-07-28 Woodfin!"Reply all #Delete $Junk Block EIR: Coral Mountain Surf and Wave Amusement Park Development %Label: 60 Days Delete (60 days) Expires: Sun 9/26/2021 4:19 PM Wed 7/28/2021 4:19 PM ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and cau;on when opening a=achments, clicking links or responding to requests for informa;on. ** July 28, 2021 To City of La Quinta Government Leaders and Planning Department It frightens me to think that there may be a zoning change from residential to commercial that would allow a Wave Machine/Amusement Park Development below the Coral Mountains in La Quinta. This Surf and Wave ride would use millions of gallons of fresh drinking water to fill and refresh the ride in a time of catastrophic drought here in California.  The massive amounts of treatment chemicals needed and continual refill of this pool will destroy the ecology of the site. How could we even be considering such a monster project that would use our precious fresh drinking water and tax an already overburdened electrical grid that would be needed to operate the wave action.   If this project is approved, it would send the signal that water conservation is no longer needed.  That the drought is nothing but fake news spewed by a corrupt government.  Is this the message you want to send? As an aside, his project also shows extreme disrespect for our residential community by blocking the walking path at the base of the Coral Mountains.  The developer representative has emphasized multiple times that they will block this path from neighbors to use; to be used only by their privileged, rich guests......even though the US Bureau of Land Management currently welcomes hikers by multiple signs permanently posted on the pathway. So many of us in La Quinta enjoy this quiet, peaceful walk each day.  How can you possibly allow public space to be handed over to private interests.  This shows the out of state Developer just doesn't care about being a good neighbor.   Please Mayor Evans, I beg you, don't turn this quiet neighborhood into a noisy, traffic congested, water wasting theme park.  It is truly the wrong development, in the wrong place and at the wrong time.  Do not support a change of zoning.   Thank you. Sincerely,  Duncan Woodfin 60482 Desert Shadows Dr La Quinta, CA 92253 442 400 3524 DW Duncan Woodfin <hawaii4dunc@yahoo.com>&’"() To: Linda Evans ) Mail - Consulting Planner - Outlook https://outlook.office.com/mail/deeplink?popoutv2=1&version=202107... 1 of 1 7/28/21, 4:44 PM