2021-03-16 AmbroseWednesday, March 17, 2021 at 07:56:09 Pacific Daylight Time
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Subject:Site Loca*on of the 18 Million Gallon KS Wave Pool
Date:Tuesday, March 16, 2021 at 11:24:25 PM Pacific Daylight Time
For your review and considera*on:
The noise level of the Wave crashing has been measured at 75 decibels at Kelly Slater Surf Ranch. 75 decibels is
comparable to the sound of cars traveling on a busy interstate highway. With the generators running non-stop.
Addi*onally the mul*ple loca*ons of the wave warning loud speaker system will be blaring every 5 to 6 minutes
while in opera*on every day.
This is excessive noise pollu*on in a residen*al area including a 55 and over development.
Proposed loca*on of the 18 million gallon wave reservoir is in close proximity to both Andalusia and Trilogy near the
corners of Madison and Ave 60. There should be a review of the proposed loca*on. The reservoir loca*on would
make more sense being relocated to the South Western area of the property closer to the Coral Mountains and away
from the residents living in both of these developments. We need to preserve our current noise levels!
Brian Ambrose
81280 Cambria CT
La Quinta
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