2021-03-16 ApothelozTuesday, March 16, 2021 at 13:53:31 Pacific Daylight Time Page 1 of 2 Subject:Proposed Wave Park at Coral Mountain Date:Tuesday, March 16, 2021 at 1:36:42 PM Pacific Daylight Time From:Pascal Apotheloz To:consulFngplanner@laquintaca.gov CC:Apothéloz, Joanne (joanneapo8@gmail.com), Rob Michiels Dear Ms. Sauviat Criste, It has recently come to our aTenFon that the referenced project is being reviewed by the city. We live in the adjacent Coral Mountain Estates development and our property will have a direct line of sight on the proposed wave park from our backyard. We would like to strongly object to this development based on the following elements (all of which are actually described in one way or another in your noFce of preparaFon). Light polluFon. This tract is in one of the last unspoiled areas of La Quinta where total darkness survives and observaFon of the beauFful desert night sky is uncompromised. This project proposes the installaFon of 80 Z high light poles to allow for nigh[me commercial acFvity which will likely completely obliterate the night sky. Since the area where the poles are proposed is already about 20 feet higher in elevaFon, the emiTed light will shine straight into our development. I have always been under the impression that all desert ciFes have specific and strict rules on light polluFon? Traffic polluFon. This tract was meant to be a fairly low density residenFal area (with full golf) and this proposal would create substanFal addiFonal traffic to/from a fledged commercial sports complex, hotel, mulFple restaurants and higher density residenFal housing (up to 600 units?). The hotel, which was originally presented as two story maximum, is now planned as 4-story and will obstruct view of Coral Mountain from preTy much every residence with that view. Traffic on Madison will increase by many hundreds of vehicles. Noise polluFon. The proposed wave equipment generates substanFal noise that will travel far in the desert. The developers admit that the wave operaFon will involve loudspeaker announcement of every wave. Noise polluFon should be invesFgated more vigorously than stated in secFon 4.2.1. Seismic disturbance. The proposed wave equipment by its very nature generates vibraFon (not to menFon the addiFonal seismic disturbance generated by the resulFng wave crashing) which will easily travel long distances in the loose desert soil. Pool and jacuzzi leaks for the neighboring properFes will not be far behind. Seismic disturbance should be invesFgated more vigorously than stated in secFon 4.2.1. Quality of life reducFon. The hours of operaFon of this facility have been insufficiently clarified but there is a disFnct impression the wave operaFon may be started as early as 6 in the morning and go well into the night? This should be considered unacceptable in a once peaceful residenFal area. Thank you for consideraFon of my comments. Sincerely, Pascal Apothéloz Pascal and Joanne Apothéloz 57599 Salida Del Sol La Quinta, CA 92253 Mailing address: Page 2 of 2 805 Quivera Street Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Cell + 1949 878-0804 Email papotheloz@drc-eng.com Pascal R. Apothéloz, P.L.S. | Principal DRC Engineering, Inc. an employee owned company t: 714.685.6860 x 335 | c: 949.878.0804 | papotheloz@drc-eng.com 160 South Old Springs Road Suite 210, Anaheim Hills, CA 92808