2021-03-10 BaconWednesday, March 10, 2021 at 15:07:21 Pacific Standard Time Page 1 of 1 Subject:A"n Ms. Nicole Suviat Criste; RE: proposed wave park at Coral Mountain Date:Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 3:03:07 PM Pacific Standard Time From:bacon@srt.com To:consulLngplanner@laquintaca.gov Dear Ms. Criste: My husband and I join our voices to the other residents of Andalusia Country Club who have expressed concern over the noise, light, and traffic polluLon that will be created if the proposed wave park at Madison and 58th Street goes forward. We invested in a reLrement home at Andalusia, in large part, because the community is small and quiet and remote. The added traffic, not to menLon the visibility of the proposed Wavepark structure and lights from our very serene backyard view, will detract significantly from the tranquility of our locaLon. Thank you for considering our objecLon and comments. Please add us to the list to receive Wavepark updates. Sincerely, Cathy Bacon Bruce & Cathy Bacon 81259 Andalusia La Quinta, CA 92253