2021-04-02 BeghouSaturday, April 3, 2021 at 11:31:08 Pacific Daylight Time
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Subject:Opposi&on to Proposed Zoning Change of Coral Mountain Tract
Date:Friday, April 2, 2021 at 4:34:58 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From:Beth Beghou
CC:Eric Beghou, bbeghou@mac.com
ACachments:Coral Mountain Resort - Opposi&on to Proposed Zoning Change - Beth and Eric Beghou 4-2-
Ms. Criste,
AQached please find a document that includes the following text below regarding our opposi&on to the
proposed zoning change for the Coral Mountain tract of land across from Andalusia. I am including both
forms for your convenience. Thank you for your aQen&on.
Beth Beghou
Ms. Nicole Sauviat Criste
Consul&ng Planner, City of La Quinta
78-495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253
RE: Opposi&on to Proposed Zoning Change for Coral Mountain Resort
Dear Ms. Criste,
As 13-year homeowners at Andalusia in La Quinta, we strongly oppose the proposed zoning change to
Commercial for the Coral Mountain land across from us as we feel it will forever nega&vely change this
beau&ful part of the desert that we, and so many people, call home.
The developers described the overall objec&ve to “create an upscale private resort community.” A‘er having
studied the February 2021 No&ce of Prepara&on, we feel like this will not at all resemble the beau&ful
upscale private communi&es that surround it. The developer is asking for 31% of this land to be zoned
“Tourist Commercial” (121 of 386 acres). Phase One of the development will consist of a wave machine
aQrac&on, a 150-person hotel, 104 casita unit rentals, and what looks like approximately 25 residences.
There is also a public restaurant and shopping planned, and as hoped by the developer, numerous annual
events to draw in more public to the area.
This type of tourist commercial development is not in line with any of the surrounding communi&es here in
this part of the desert, the gem of La Quinta. We understand that the developer hopes to sell individual
homes in future phases; we know from experience at Andalusia the real estate market cannot be counted
on. Even if all of the planned individual homes are sold, and the balance is slightly &pped towards individual
home owners, by allowing short-term rentals managed by the commercial owners, the land will not feel like a
“private resort community,” instead, one where there are hundreds of non-residents going in and out of the
development on a daily basis.
At the center of our opposi&on, of course, is the aQrac&on being built on this commercial tourist land, the
surf-wave machine. We are extremely concerned about this as an aQrac&on, and feel very strongly that at a
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minimum it should not be allowed to run a‘er sunset. Basic science shows that sound travels much farther
at night than during the day, as soundwaves bend downwards towards the cooler ground. In addi&on, the 80
foot lights that are to reflect on the wave machine will undoubtedly further add light pollu&on to the
beau&ful coral mountain and dull our beau&ful starry black night skies.
We are in strong opposi&on of this development as currently planned. We ask you to study development
plans very closely and consider the character of this part of the desert and how it will be impacted by this
tourist development, especially considering our noise and light pollu&on, and the short-term traffic that will
change the characteris&cs of our community. We specifically are asking you to:
- Not approve the Tourist Commercial part of the zoning request
o Enforce the goal of a “private resort community,” with private homes priori&zed, only allowing
monthly rentals like our Andalusia community, and see if there is appe&te for the 496
planned private homes to support the surf wave
- Not allow the possibility of evening hour surfing, with no installa&on of 80’ lights next to Coral
o Our community does not have evening golf, and we have strict limita&ons as to what can be lit
up at night, and want similar restric&ons for our neighbors
- Make sure all EIR studies regarding light and sound impact are done at mul&ple &mes of the day,
including late evening, as the evening impact is significantly different from the day&me impact.
Thank you for your considera&on and for reading our serious concerns regarding this development. Please let
us know if you have any ques&ons or would like further input.
Beth & Eric Beghou
58-265 Carmona
81-537 Ronda (new home we are building)
La Quinta, CA 92253
Cell phones:
847-910-6583 Beth
847-833-3134 Eric