2021-03-11 BrimbleThursday, March 11, 2021 at 12:43:41 Pacific Standard Time Page 1 of 2 Subject:Coral Mountain Surf Resort - Concerns Date:Thursday, March 11, 2021 at 11:36:09 AM Pacific Standard Time From:Chris Brimble To:consulEngplanner@laquintaca.gov Dear Nicole Sauviat Criste, Firstly, I want to thank you for the opportunity to provide input on the proposed development - I believe that it is the individuals and the voice of a community in concert with the locaEon, geography, and architecture that truly define what a community is and what it can be. La Quinta is emblemaEc of how good planning, amazing geography, and invested residents can build an incredible community. I am wriEng to ensure we can retain what we have built and conEnue to build. I've been coming to the desert for 25 years - half my life, and decided to invest and make this our home in 2018. AXer searching from Palm Springs to the south end of the valley, we knew that La Quinta delivered exactly the lifestyle we were looking for. Centralized retail/commercial corridors, planned quiet communiEes, hiking, recreaEon, clean, and a true sense of connecEon with our fellow residents, the landscape, the wildlife, and neighboring communiEes. We live just a 2 minute walk from the proposed surfing-centric resort/living development and it's noise polluEon, light polluEon, transient/turnover based occupancy, traffic - and all that comes with it (noise, polluEon, li_er), will have devastaEng short and long-term effects on our enEre community and its reputaEon. Here are just some of my concerns: - Noise PolluEon: music, announcements, mechanicals - Light PolluEon (80' light poles!?!?!?!). KEEP OUR DARK SKIES! - Traffic CongesEon - Traffic PolluEon/Noise/Exhaust - Li_er, Li_er, Li_er - Environmental Impact: Geography, Wildlife - Neighborhood Impact: Commercial Development drives up CRIME, Commercial development welcomes transients/homeless, - 10+ years of construcEon noise, dust - Stripping the character of LQ - Insane water consumpEon/use - Adding surrounding commercial development: means gas staEons and convenience stores (which exacerbate every issue above!) Each week, twice a week, I see the same couple walking Madison between the proposed site and the Fire StaEon - up and down both sides of the street picking up li_er and trash on their own. They have trash picking sEcks and bags. More importantly they have a sense of pride and a commitment to keeping out community clean - it's sad they have to do this at all but the lack of respect for our community and li_er will only worsen with more transient/short-term visitors. I only hope you all see past the appeal of potenEal tax revenues and have the same sense of commitment as the couple I menEon to keeping our community the wonderful place it is. Planning appropriate expansion is criEcal to retaining our appeal and our home. A resort and spa? Fine and welcome. A wave pool, surf resort, skate park, with 80' light poles? A permanent stain on La Quinta. I'm certain Kelly Slater and the developers can find a more suitable locaEon for this type of "resort." The proposed development is out of character with this quiet corner of La Quinta deserves to be respected and treated to preservaEon and properly planned community development. We ask you and your colleagues to reject the proposed development. Page 2 of 2 Thank you, Chris Brimble & Rick Caroto 619.742.1179 La Quinta, CA