2021-04-02 Callimanis 2Friday, April 2, 2021 at 11:46:06 Pacific Daylight Time Page 1 of 1 Subject:Alena Callimanis Public Comments on Noise issues for the EIR Date:Friday, April 2, 2021 at 11:18:25 AM Pacific Daylight Time From:Alena Callimanis To:ConsulHng Planner CC:Cheri Flores Thank you again for the opportunity to comment for the EIR draJ. For the sound analysis for this project, the EIR must consider noise echoing off Coral Mountain from the wave generaHon machine and the wave itself, plus all crowd, loud speaker, as well as traffic noise. The wave pool and the wave generaHon power unit and equipment are very close to the base of the mountain as shown in the NOP. Any professional analysis must simulate the wave sounds as well as the wave machinery sounds at the locaHon where the wave pool is closest to the mountain. And please consider the number of Hmes per hour these waves are generated. It is not once. It can be up to 15 Hmes an hour. It is slated to be happening 7AM to 10PM. If not measured this way, noise results cannot be considered as valid. Contrary to the developer’s claims, especially with the echoing, all the developments surrounding Coral Mountain, including the Quarry, will be impacted, as well as wildlife like the Big Horn Sheep. (We in Trilogy can hear the bullet sounds that echo from the Police firing range behind Lake Cahuilla). In addiHon, while Meriwether states that Lisa Castro’s house is 870 feet from the Wave Pool, the roadway into the heart of the Commercial Tourist area is right along Ms. Castro’s house. Having the roadway and all the delivery truck traffic plus access to the pool, casita and hotel parking, and crowd noise, the impact of that sound is immeasurable to her. Please reference NOP exhibit 5 to see how this development abuts to Ms. Castro’s property. Ms. Castro has lived there for 30 years and it is incredible that the developer has no regard for Lisa’s rights as a homeowner. The noise she will suffer goes totally against any noise ordinance by the City of La Quinta. Measurements should also be done at her property line for noise and light polluHon and addressed in the EIR. In addiHon, traffic noise generated by the hotel and the STVR casita guests will impact all the developments as well. I would say at least 2000 cars on a regular basis - 150 hotel rooms - say 50 cars or more for the restaurant and bar - cars for short term renters and the support staff - restaurant, grounds, management company and maintenance crew for the hotel and pool, and long term construcHon workers. On special event days not only would you have addiHonal aaendees but there would also be cars and trucks for the television crew and seaHng for the addiHonal people. How will this all be measured and taken into account for the EIR? Thank you for your consideraHon of these significant issues. Sincerely, Alena Callimanis 81469 RusHc Canyon Dr La Quinta, CA 92253 919 606-6164