2021-03-30 CasillasTuesday, March 30, 2021 at 15:16:07 Pacific Daylight Time
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Subject:The Wave At Coral Mountain
Date:Tuesday, March 30, 2021 at 3:06:33 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From:guillermo casillas
To:ConsulBng Planner
There are so many reasons for not going through with The Project. Most Neighbors are not happy. There needs to be
an organized list as to who will speak .
Those who actually live next to the Project should be allowed to go 1st .
Specifically, Mrs Lisa Castro as she has lived on 60th Avenue for 30 years.
I’m not in favor of further development without concessions from the Developer and The City of La Quinta.
- Infrastructure Concerns
- Sewage , Electricity , Internet, DomesBc Water, etc.
- Excessive Traffic on 60th Ave. from Service Workers
- No Service Entrance on 60th Ave.
I reserve the right to add more concerns before the
April 2nd Deadline
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