2021-02-27 Charles Ltr.Sunday, February 28, 2021 at 14:54:13 Pacific Standard Time Page 1 of 2 Subject:"Coral mountain resort" Date:Saturday, February 27, 2021 at 1:36:00 PM Pacific Standard Time From:mike charles To:consulCngplanner@laquintaca.gov ABachments:GarreK Simon.pdf To: Nicole Sauviat Criste: Nicole, hope you are doing well. I have taken the Cme to review the dvd sent in the mail. Thank you for providing this. I would like to provide some comments. Please find enclosed my original leKer sent to the city in regards to the “wave park” development. Subsequently, I have met with the developer, namely GarreK Simon, CM Wave Development LLC and parCcipated in his presentaCon to residents of Andalusia some Cme ago. As the process moves forward my concerns, as a close resident, conCnue to be the following: Height of the Hotel. We were told the height would not exceed 25 feet, 2 stories. The ground elevaCon at the hotel locaCon is higher than Madison ave thus making the hotel appear higher. I hope that this can be examined and hotel height minimized to reflect a true 25 feet. The intent is to preserve the natural beauty and observaCon from surrounding residences of the Santa Rosa Mountains. I did not see any affirmaCon to the hotel height in the dvd. That the Hotel color will blend into the mountain landscape. Andalusia has used a dull brown for its clubhouse bldgings which meets that need. That mature trees will be placed in front of the hotel so as to minimize its presence. That night lighCng will be minimal so as to not disrupt exisCng and new residences. That noise limitaCons in evening hours will be created and enforced. I did see requests for 80 foot towers to accommodate light for evening use of the wave park. That was not included in GarreKs presentaCon and therefore concerned about the gathered groups reacCon that received his presentaCon. I would most likely not support 80 foot towers for two reasons. Height of towers interfering with the Santa Rosa Mountain scenic backdrop, especially since Coral Mountain has a lower height to observe. This mountain backdrop that many of us enjoy daily. Secondly, the observance of evening flood lights. A carnival, circus or racetrack comes to mind beKer placed away from the mountain. To light the wave will be approximately 2600 feet. Thats a long light up landing strip. I did not see their request for a 50 foot high safety tower which was part of GarreKs presentaCon. 1 tower, 50 feet tall. Not 80 foot tall broadcast lights. BoKom line this is a commercial development, with some residences coming into a space that was forecast to be residenCal and a second golf course. Many of us bought our homes with that knowledge in tact unCl the sale of this property. Thank your for the consideraCon for these concerns. Mike Charles 81343 Andalusia, La Quinta, CA 92253 mgacharles@yahoo.com cell: 253-381-4565 Garrett Simon CM Wave Development LLC Mr Simon: My name is Mike Charles and I live at 81343 Andalusia. We have lived there for 61/2 years now. Prior to that we lived at PGA West for 12 years. We picked both locations because we are golfers but more importantly we adore the Santa Rosa mountains and their glory. Trilogy, The Quarry, and Andalusia, all close to the Wave Park proposed development share these pristine views. As well, Lions gate and additionally smaller developments. I believe that all would agree that at some day development would come to these acres in front of Coral mtn. As for me, when we bought our current house it was clearly stated that Drummond Corp would be building an additional golf course and additional housing on said property. Life was good. So now there is a proposal to build a wave park, hotel, and additional housing. I took the time to understand the wave park phenomenon. Still don’t understand why the Coachella valley needs four of them. I visited the city of La Quinta and received maps and have had discussions with them in regards to the proposed project and specifically the height of the hotel. As a potential new neighbor in a very small community in this sub-area of La Quinta you can enter the space with a welcoming awareness to sensitivity and appreciate the pristine views or ignore why people have chosen to reside here and take an ag- gressive direction to suit your own needs. As this process is still very young, I wanted to provide some input to you specifical- ly in regards to the hotel and its height. The current proposal asks for a 40ft height. Elevation mapping shows an increased ground height at the building site as com- pared to Madison street of 14ft. That puts the hotel height at 54ft above the street height. The closeness of a 54ft hotel to the base of the Santa Rosas is making many residents very disturbed to put it politely. It will change the Western view permanently and not in a good way. It is my desire by bringing this to your attention to alleviate a lot of public hearing squabble, petition and cost to you in the upcoming process. While still in the development stage please appreciate the value of the view to exi- sting residents by considering the following: lower the height of the proposed hotel, detail the structure with exterior siding that blends into the mountains, ie Andalusia clubhouse, plant mature palm trees and other trees in front of the structure to mask its appearance. In closing, each day more area residents are becoming aware of this proposal. Most are vehemently opposed to the project. I know development will occur, it just needs to be a good fit so as to preserve the beauty of the backdrop. Respectfully submitted, Mike Charles