2021-03-21 CooperGerald M. Cooper
Stephanie Bradfield Cooper
March 21, 2021
Nichole Soviet Criste
Consulting Planner
City of La Quinta
78-495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253
Via email: consultingplanner@laquintaca.gov
Dear Ms. Criste;
We own property and have a home under construction at 81-594 Ronda, La Quinta in
the Andalusia East parcel. We have reviewed the Notice of Preparation regarding and
EIR for the Coral Mountain Resort and have a number of issues to bring up regarding
the scope and content of the report.
Our general impression is that this is not a resort, it is an amusement park, and that its
development would be inconsistent with the current neighborhood, and therefore the
EIR must be thorough in exploring this incompatibility.
RE: Section 3.1 Project Objectives
It is on its face ludicrous to assert as project objectives reduction of air emissions and
greenhouse gas emissions; they will increase. And what is “healthful” noise? Coupled
with the “Special Events” of thousands of people per year, all three of these matters
must be carefully and independently explored in the EIR.
RE: Section 4.2.1 Aesthetics
This section needs a very deep dive into two particular areas: the views for the entire
community as well as light pollution. What heights are proposed, and at what heights
are views protected for the surrounding community? How much light, for how long
each day? Will neighbors still be able to see the night sky? What if the 80 foot light
poles are reduced to 50’? 25’? 12’?
RE: Section 4.2.10 Land Use Planning
The Notice says that surrounding neighborhoods will not be impacted. We assert they
will, especially as regards access, and this should be addressed.
RE: Section 4.2.12 Noise
How much noise? The EIR needs to translate the technical findings so that neighbors
can understand how disruptive this may be. Will we now be living with freeway-like
noise? What about the special events - will they create noise? What is “healthful”
RE: Section 4.2.16 Transportation
How much wider will the streets be? Four lanes? Six lanes? Will speed limits increase?
How much noise and pollution will be generated just from more cars? Parking for
special events needs to be addressed, especially if the operators plan to use the
proposed natural open space or streets outside the project.
We hope that the EIR thoroughly addresses all these issues, and that the City will keep
us informed at each step in the process. In that regard, please provide us information
and notices by email at phaniecoop@gmail.com.
Stephanie Bradfield Cooper Gerald M. Cooper
(760) 914-2250 (818) 414-1813
phaniecoop@gmail.com jcoop1944@gmail.com