2021-03-15 DemittMonday, March 15, 2021 at 09:20:42 Pacific Daylight Time
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Subject:Coral Mountain Wave Park
Date:Monday, March 15, 2021 at 8:38:38 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From:Anast DemiD
Ms. Nicole Sauviat Criste
I am wriEng today as an owner of Trilogy La Quinta to voice my opposiEon to the proposed Coral Mountain Wave
Park Resort development. I am a civil engineer and have been in pracEce for 43 years. From a municipal engineering
perspecEve, this project is exactly the wrong type of development at the proposed locaEon insofar as exisEng
infrastructure (roads, sewers, water supply, traffic paDerns, etc)i and residenEal development are concerned. For the
sake of brevity, following is a summary of the reasons for my objecEon to the proposed development.
This will be a private facility not open to anyone other than hotel guests. What benefit is there for the
neighbouring communiEes and their peaceful enjoyment of their homes?
The noise from similar parks has been measured at 85dB. This level of noise 365 days per year is unacceptable
in a historically residenEal porEon of La Quinta.
The proposed development will damage historical geological and historical features such as the fish traps and
ancient Lake Cahuilla.
The resort will accommodate 4800 guests per day. This will have an unreasonable adverse affect on roadways,
traffic and the peaceful enjoyment of our residenEal communiEes.
Water is a scarce commodity in the Coachella Valley. This facility will consume vast amounts of water and
generate wastewater in volumes beyond current treatment facility capacity.
The mulE storey hotels proposed for the site are much taller than all other buildings in La Quinta.
The facility with its loudspeakers and lighEng towers will be akin to having the Indian Wells Tennis Gardens in
the midst of a large number of residenEal communiEes.
The facility will operate unEl 10PM resulEng in noise and light polluEon in an otherwise quiet and peaceful
neighborhood se‘ng.
This type of development is beDer suited adjacent to major roads such as the I10 where exisEng traffic
infrastructure is capable of handling the expect traffic volumes.
The current designaEon for the land parcel is residenEal use. All home owners in adjacent communiEes purchased
their homes with that understanding. It is unacceptable that a large and disrupEve commercial development be
built within a long accepted residenEal porEon of La Quinta.
Thank you for your consideraEon of my concerns.
Anast DemiD
60149 Honeysuckle Street
La Quinta, CA, 92253
Anast DemiD, P.Eng., FEC, FGC (Hon)
Anast DemiD ConsulEng Engineering Ltd.
28 Mahogany Cape SE
Calgary, AB
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