2021-03-24 DevlinWednesday, March 24, 2021 at 09:12:24 Pacific Daylight Time
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Subject:Wave Park
Date:Wednesday, March 24, 2021 at 8:55:55 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From:Rhonda Hertel
To: Ms. Nicole Sauviat Criste
ConsulEng Planner
City of LaQuinta
Dear Ms. Criste,
I have been a golfer most of my adult life. I enjoy golf for many reasons. It is a game of concentraEon and
compeEEon. When I join a golf club, I look at the playability of the course, the beauEful vistas, the serene
sounds of nature and the ameniEes of the club. This is why I am a member at Andalusia. I hope you will
reconsider building a wave park next to Andalusia Country Club. The addiEon of this kind of complex will take
away all of the reasons people choose to join or live in a golf community. A commercial sports complex,
hotel, restaurants and mulEple rentals with 80 foot lighEng and hourly wave noEficaEon will destroy this club
and the surrounding community. The wave noEficaEon and loud speakers can’t help but cause a seismic
disturbance as well. With this kind of facility being open all hours of the day and night, there is no way
golfers or residents will enjoy the kind of serenity that aVracted them to Andalusia in the first place. I am
sure you will agree that this part of California has amazing tourist aVracEons and acEviEes. Is there really a
need to build this kind of facility next to an established golf and residenEal community that brings so many to
this part of the country?
I ask again that you reconsider this project for the sake of Andalusia Country Club and all of the other clubs
Tom Devlin
Sent by:
Rhonda Hertel
Assistant to Tom Devlin
Devlin Enterprises
P.O. Box 782170
Wichita, KS 67278
Phone: (316) 634-1800
Fax No: (316) 634-1809