2021-03-28 EadonSunday, March 28, 2021 at 10:49:48 Pacific Daylight Time Page 1 of 1 Subject:Coral Mountain Resort Project Date:Sunday, March 28, 2021 at 10:47:39 AM Pacific Daylight Time From:CAROLYN EADON To:ConsulKngPlanner@laquintaca.gov Good AQernoon, I wish to be added as a person of interest for the Coral Mountain Resort Development. I have many concerns about whether this project is appropriate to be placed in an area of exisKng residenKal communiKes. My issues are not with the development of single family homes proposed for the property that are in keeping with the current neighborhoods but with the placement of a commercial enterprise that with generate noise,lighKng issues, and increased traffic that are NOT in keeping with the established area surrounding this property. We have as residents of the area received a le[er from the developer outlining their understanding of the process and the Kmeline for concerned ciKzens to have input into the process. I would appreciate receiving from the City of La Quinta an outline of the process and dates for input as required by code of the City. In conclusion, I also request to be included in the March 30 virtual meeKng that the city is hosKng on the EIR scope. AQer that presentaKon I reserve the right to add any addiKonal comments or concerns regarding the proposed Coral Mountain Resort to be included in the official record. Enclosed is my contact informaKon for addiKon to the public record as a person of interest on the proposed Coral Mountain Resort Project by Meriwether Companies in the City of La Quinta, California. Thank you, Carolyn Eadon 58162 Aracena La Quinta, Ca 92253 ceadon@mac.com 206-909-8357 Sent from my iPad