2021-03-10 FarleyWednesday, March 10, 2021 at 13:35:18 Pacific Standard Time Page 1 of 1 Subject:Mega-Resort development at Coral Mountain Date:Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 12:53:46 PM Pacific Standard Time From:Mark Farley To:consulHngplanner@laquintaca.gov Hello— I am wriHng to oppose the development of the mega resort at Coral Mountain. I just bought a house in the lovely, quiet community of Trilogy La Quinta. I am appalled to think that a massive resort may be built next door to our development. This mega resort is anHtheHcal to the surrounding area. Many of us bought here to get away from the noise, congesHon and dirty air of Los Angeles and San Diego. Please do not approve such a project. You will be destroying the very reason for living in the desert in the first place. If such a place is needed, please relocate some distance from residenHal communiHes. Thank you, Mark Farley 61403 Topaz Dr La Quinta, CA 92253 858-405-5174 Sent from Mail for Windows 10