2021-03-27 GatesSaturday, March 27, 2021 at 16:04:26 Pacific Daylight Time Page 1 of 2 Subject:Wave Park Development at Coral Mountain Date:Saturday, March 27, 2021 at 2:25:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time From:Randy Gates To:ConsulGngPlanner@laquintaca.gov Dear Ms. Criste, My name is Randy Gates and I am a home owner at Andalusia Country Club and have been for 3 years. Prior to moving to Andalusia I was a homeowner at La Quinta Country Club for 3 years, which is located on the corners of Washington and Eisenhower. My Wife Amy and I chose to move to Andalusia from La Quinta Country Club quite frankly because the noise from the traffic was non-stop and unbearable. Constant cars and motorcycles racing, car crashes, ambulance and police sirens blaring nearly every day. The aVracGon to Andalusia was clear to us. A peaceful and quiet community where we can live and play golf without all the noise polluGon, light polluGon, traffic and crime. The fact that Andalusia is a 15-20 minute drive to get to town for shopping and restraunts doesn’t bother us at all, in fact its a bonus. When we purchased our home at Andalusia, we were told that more homes and a second golf course was planned right where the now proposed Wave Park is supposed to be going. Thats when the Drummond family owned the property. Then the property was sold to the Sunrise Company, and all of a sudden things changed. The Sunrise Company sold the porGon of the property off that was to be a development into a similar desert homes and a second golf course, and now we end up with this modern Disneyland Wave Park right in our backyard. Please understand I was a developer for over 40 years, so I am not against development. But we are not in support of this proposed Wave Park as it is planned now. First off, the Wave Park sits in elevaGon some 20’ higher than the Andalusia property. Then they are proposing 80’ tall light standards which means the lights will be a total of 100’ above my property and completely wreck my view of the Coral Mountains. I want to be very clear on this issue, I do not want any nigh]me acGviGes at the Wave Park if it is approved by the city. Once the sun goes down, we need to maintain a quiet and peaceful atmosphere at all Gmes. We are not in favor of any parGes, special events as they will only bring noise, and crime to our neighborhood. We also have now been told that there will be loud speakers, and short term rentals too. This is also a bad idea. Yesterday the residence of Andalusia received an email leVer from the developer staGng that the proposed Water Park would “Benefit the surrounding community”. We respecbully disagree. Further, the leVer states “the project will complement the area immediate area around their property”, and “we cannot negaGvely impact neighboring communiGes”. Seriously, I cannot think of any good that can come from a 3 or 4 story hotel, short term rentals, loud speakers, 100’ tall lights and having big parGes, huge “Coachella type” events and tons of new traffic problems. We appreciate the opportunity to provide iniGal feedback on the Wave Park Project in advance of the EIR. We hope and pray that the city will listen to all the concerns of the Andalusia residence and I for one sincerely hope that the city of La Quinta not approve there enGre project as its been submiVed. This is very important to me and my family, as we moved to Andalusia for peace and quiet and we hope the city of La Quinta will protect the rights of the residences that live here. Thank you for your consideraGon. Kind Regards, Randy & Amy Gates Page 2 of 2 59355 Seville La Quinta, CA 92253 rfgates@me.com 714 904-8910